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Obtaining high-quality radiographs of the proximal aspect of equine limbs is difficult because of the large muscles in these regions. The use of scintigraphy may provide further information. Abnormal bone scan findings of the ischial tuberosity or the third trochanter were found in 29 adult horses with obscure hind limb lameness between 1986 and 1996 at the Large Animal Clinic of the University of Bern. Each had abnormal radiopharmaceutical uptake but not all had radiographic changes. Radio-pharmaceutical uptake ratios between the ischial tuberosity and the greater trochanter were calculated. The uptake ratio in a control group of 11 clinically sound horses was lower than in 11 lame horses with subjectively enhanced radiopharmaceutical uptake.  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the clinical, haematological, and serum biochemical effects of two large doses of recombinant equine growth hormone.
Design Duplicated Latin square.
Sample population
Three Thoroughbred and three Standardbred mares aged between 12 and 17 years.
Procedure Two horses were randomly assigned into one of three groups. On each of three successive days, each horse pair received one of two dosages of growth hormone or a saline placebo so that by the end of the experiment all three horse pairs had received both dosages and the saline placebo. Dose rates selected were 50 μg/kg, and 100 μg/kg. A clinical examination was performed and a venous blood sample drawn for a complete blood count and serum biochemical analysis before administration of growth hormone and at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 24 h after injection. Data were analysed by a repeated measures analysis of variance assessing the effects of dose and time.
Results There was an effect of time on a number of clinical, haematological, and serum biochemical variables. There were significant effects of growth hormone on heart rate and serum glucose concentration but values for both variables remained within the reference range.
Conclusion The results of the present study suggest that equine recombinant growth hormone has a wide margin of safety and show that the single administration of up to five times the recommended dose rate has no significant effects on clinical, haematological, or serum biochemical variables.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate nonsurgical management of type II fractures of the distal phalanx in Standardbred horses. DESIGN: Retrospective study of 48 affected horses. RESULTS: Most fractures occurred on the lateral palmar process of the left forelimb or the medial palmar process of the right forelimb; 81% of horses were considered sound enough to return to training and 63% raced. Of those returning to racing, 41% competed in > 10 races, 37% in 2 to 10 races and 22% in only 1 race. There was no difference in performance before and after fracture. Twenty-four of 25 horses had a bar shoe fitted for > 50% of the treatment phase. Of those horses returning to training without a bar shoe, 89% refractured at the same site. Sixty percent of horses returning to training with a bar shoe raced successfully. The total convalescent time, the time rested in a box and the time spelled in a paddock were similar for horses returning to racing and those that did not. The age of the horse had no effect on the ability to return to racing. CONCLUSION: The prognosis for type II fractures of the distal phalanx is guarded. It is advisable to fit a bar shoe on the horse during convalescence. Horses returning to training and racing with a bar shoe appear less likely to refracture the distal phalanx. Those horses that return to racing can perform at a level similar to that prior to fracture.  相似文献   
Two Thoroughbred horses were presented with various clinical signs which included sweating, agitation, muscle twitching and synchronous diaphragmatic flutter. These signs were associated with profound hypocalcaemia. A diagnosis of primary hypoparathyroidism was made on the basis of low serum ionised calcium concentration, hyperphosphataemia and markedly reduced serum immunoreactive parathyroid hormone concentrations in the presence of normal renal function. Treatment with a combination of intravenous calcium and subsequently oral calcium, magnesium and a vitamin D analogue (dihydrotachysterol) for up to 65 days resulted in complete remission of clinical signs. Horse 1 was euthanased 12 months after the initial recognition of signs. Results of necropsy were unremarkable apart from an absence of detectable parathyroid tissue. Horse 2 returned to athletic activities while receiving only maintenance doses of oral calcium carbonate.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects on plasma cortisol concentration of a continuous infusion of a readily available steroid with equipotent glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid effects. PROCEDURE: Plasma cortisol concentrations were measured before and regularly after hydrocortisone sodium succinate was administered as a continuous intravenous infusion over 6 h at 0.32 and 0.65 mg kg-1 h-1 to 12 healthy dogs weighing 12 to 22 kg. RESULTS: The infusion at both does rates produced significant and stable increases in plasma cortisol concentrations. The plateau concentrations produced by the large and small doeses were respectively above and below plasma cortisol concentrations likely to provide adequate glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid activity in stressed dogs with significantly decreased adrenal function. CONCLUSION: This paper presents information regarding the changes in plasma cortisol concentrations in 12 normal dogs given an hydrocortisone sodium succinate infusion at two dose rates. The marked and continuous increase in plasma cortisol concentrations suggests a continuous HSS infusion may be a possible alternative to desoxycorticosterone acetate and dexamethasone in the treatment of acute adrenal dysfunction.  相似文献   
The archaeological site of Quebrada Tacahuay, Peru, dates to 12,700 to 12,500 calibrated years before the present (10,770 to 10,530 carbon-14 years before the present). It contains some of the oldest evidence of maritime-based economic activity in the New World. Recovered materials include a hearth, lithic cutting tools and flakes, and abundant processed marine fauna, primarily seabirds and fish. Sediments below and above the occupation layer were probably generated by El Nino events, indicating that El Nino was active during the Pleistocene as well as during the early and middle Holocene.  相似文献   
Climate-Ocean Variability and Ecosystem Response in the Northeast Pacific   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of climatic variation in regulating marine populations and communities is not well understood. To improve our knowledge, the sign, amplitude, and frequency of climatic and biotic variations should be compared as a necessary first step. It is shown that there have been large interannual and interdecadal sea-surface temperature changes off the West Coast of North America during the past 80 years. Interannual anomalies appear and disappear rather suddenly and synchronously along the entire coastline. The frequency of warm events has increased since 1977. Although extensive, serial, biological observations are often incomplete, it is clear that climate-ocean variations have disturbed and changed our coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

AIMS: To objectively compare measures of bone healing, using computed tomography (CT) in dogs following bilateral tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA), between tibiae treated with and without autogenous cancellous bone grafts.

METHODS: Ten dogs with bilateral cranial cruciate ligament disease requiring surgical stabilisation were prospectively recruited to undergo single-session bilateral TTA, with only one, randomly assigned, tibia receiving bone graft in the osteotomy deficit. Bone healing at the osteotomy site was assessed using CT performed 38–70 days post-operatively. CT images were evaluated using both objective measurements of osseous bridging and subjective evaluation by six radiologists. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare the objective outcomes between the grafted and non-grafted tibiae.

RESULTS: The mean percentage of the osteotomy deficit bridged at the lateral cortex was greater in grafted (77.6, SD 35.2%) compared to non-grafted (63.0, SD 36.5%) tibiae (p=0.001), but did not differ at the medial cortex (p=0.1). The mean minimum callus width was greater in grafted (7.2, SD 3.3 mm) compared to non-grafted (3.6, SD 2.9 mm) tibiae (p<0.001). There was no difference in mean attenuation (measured in Hounsfield units) of the callus between grafted and non-grafted tibiae (p=0.5). The grafted tibia was deemed to have superior bone healing in 50/60 subjective assessments made by radiologists.

CONCLUSIONS: Superior osseous bridging was detected by CT analysis following TTA using autogenous cancellous bone grafts compared with no graft. This was shown by greater bridging percentage at the lateral cortex and formation of a broader callus. Qualitative assessments made by six radiologists also supported the conclusion that bone healing was improved by use of autogenous cancellous bone graft. CT was a useful method for assessing evidence of bone healing following TTA.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These findings justify the application of autogenous cancellous bone graft to augment healing following TTA in dogs.  相似文献   
AIM: To examine stands of bracken fern (Pteridium esculentum) from throughout New Zealand for the presence and concentration of ptaquiloside (Pta), and to compare the presence and/or concentrations of Pta in areas where bovine enzootic haematuria (BEH) and/or acute haemorrhagic syndrome (AHS) has been known to occur with those where BEH/AHS has not been recorded.

METHODS: Stands of bracken fern were sampled from 275 sites throughout New Zealand. Sixty-two stands were from a regional survey predominantly from the Waikato and Coromandel regions, 27 were from a farm in the King Country where BEH/AHS had been investigated previously, and 186 were from a national survey of the North and South Islands. Sampling sites were from a mixture of grazed paddocks, roadsides, and forest and bush areas. Samples comprised whole young fronds, the tops of unfurling young fronds, or, for the Regional Survey, mature green fronds from the previous season. Pta was extracted from the samples, and measured using high-performance liquid chromatography. Information on the occurrence of BEH/AHS at specific locations was obtained from published information and records from animal health laboratories in New Zealand.

RESULTS: The 275 samples contained widely varying concentrations of Pta. In the Farm Survey, concentrations ranged from 280–13,300 (mean 3,800) µg/g (on a dry-weight basis) in the 63% of samples that contained Pta. A high proportion of samples from the Regional and National Surveys covering large areas of the country contained no detectable levels of Pta. The majority (61%) of samples from these two surveys which contained Pta were from areas where BEH/AHS was reported to occur. Combining data from all surveys, in areas with reported BEH/AHS, 42% of samples collected contained Pta, compared with 6% where BEH/AHS was not known to occur.

CONCLUSIONS: Concentrations of Pta in bracken in New Zealand vary greatly, and in a high proportion of stands Pta is not found. A higher incidence of Pta, and some very high concentrations, are found in areas where BEH/AHS was known to occur.  相似文献   
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