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性别决定是一个分级管理的过程,包括昆虫在内的不同生物具有高度的多样性。在鳞翅目昆虫家蚕中,由W染色体衍生的FempiRNA被鉴定为主要的性别决定因子,它揭示了一个独特的piRNA介导的性别决定途径。然而,家蚕性别决定的综合机制目前尚不清楚。中国科学院昆虫发展与进化生物学研究中心的LI Z等研究发现蚕蛹蛋白BmSiwi是决定家蚕性别的关键,而不是BmAgo3。CRISPR/Cas9介导的BmSiwi的敲除导致发育中性别阻滞和部分雌性性别逆转,而BmAgo3耗竭只影响卵子发生。研究者鉴定了3种组蛋白甲基转移酶(HMTs),它们在BmSiwi突变蛾中显著下调。其中一种HMT是BmAsh2,引起了piRNAs和转座因子(TEs)的失调,支持了它在piRNA信号通路中的作用。更重要的是,研究发现BmAsh2突变导致了性别发育阻滞和部分雌性对雄性的性别逆转,以及性别决定基因Bmdsx和BmMasc的失调。其他两种HMT是BmSETD2和BmEggless,它们的突变并不影响piRNA介导的性别决定。组织学分析和免疫沉淀结果支持BmAsh2和BmSiwi蛋白之间的功能相互作用。试验数据首次提供了证据,证明组蛋白甲基转移酶(HMT)BmAsh2在piRNA介导的蚕蛹性别决定中起关键作用。  相似文献   
Background: The high dependence of intensive ruminant production on soybean meal and the environmental impact of this crop encourage the search for alternative protein-rich feeds. The use of insects seems promising, but the extent of their ruminal protein degradation is largely unknown. This parameter has major influence not only on N utilization efficiency but also on the environmental burden of ruminant farming. In addition, although assessing ruminal N degradation represents a key first step ...  相似文献   
在英国,已用HA、ELISA和电镜检查的方法,鉴别自然发病和实验感染兔的出血病病毒。由于在某些暴发群出现与其它病毒不能区别的不能凝集红细胞的病毒分离株,因此,单独用HA诊断已不尽人意。HI试验证明在英国有一定比例的实验兔和野兔虽无临床表现,但为血清反应阳性。这种情况在欧洲的其他地区也观察到,说明有一种相关的但无致病性的病毒在长期循环。自然产生的抗体对强毒实验攻击提供高度保护。  相似文献   
鹅细小病毒病是小鹅和番鸭(又称瘤头鸭)的高度传染性疾病,它又称为德兹西氏病(Derzsy'sdisease)、鹅流感、鹅瘟或小鹅瘟、鹅肝炎、鹅肠炎、鹅传染性心肌炎或鹅腹水性肝肾炎。这些病名说明这病有多种病理特征。根据受感染小鹅的龄期不同,这病可分为急性,亚急性或慢性三个型。  相似文献   
Mast cell tumors are among the most commonly seen tumors of the skin in dogs and are more highly aggressive than mast cell tumors of other species. Some breeds display a markedly higher incidence of mast cell tumor development than others and appear to have some genetic predisposition. Recently, mutations have been found in canine mast cell tumor tissues and cell lines within the juxtamembrane domain of the protooncogene c-KIT In previous studies utilizing a small number of cases, no association between the presence of a mutation and the breed of dog or grade of the tumor could be identified. An expanded study with a larger sample set was performed to explore this possibility. The juxtamembrane domain of c-KIT was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction from genomic DNA preparations of 88 paraffin-embedded mast cell tumors from selected breeds. Mutations, consisting of duplications and deletions, were found in 12 of the tumors. A significant association was found between the presence of a mutation and a higher grade of tumor but not between breed and grade or between breed and the presence of a mutation.  相似文献   
Background: The use of newly harvested corn in feed causes wet droppings in broilers and increased feed cost which was termed as “new season grain problem”. The present study was conducted to evaluate the proteomic profile of newly harvested corn and the subsequent influence on intestinal microbiol community for broiler chickens.Methods: Newly harvested corn stored for either half a month(HM) or two months(TM) was used, and the pasting properties, total soluble sugars, and proteomic analysis tec...  相似文献   
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