Der 1967 in Seehausen auf sandigem Lehm angelegte Düngungs‐Kombinationsversuch dient der Analyse von Langzeitwirkungen gestaffelter Stallmist‐ und Mineral‐N‐Gaben (0,50,100,150 kg N ha?1 a?1) auf Pflanzen, Boden und Umwelt. Anhand von Meß‐, Bilanz‐ und Simulationswerten wird die Nachhaltigkeit dieser Düngungsvarianten bewertet. Organisch‐mineralische Düngung führte zu Maximalerträgen von über 12t TM ha?1 a?1 und N‐Entzügen bis 200 kg ha?1 a?1. Der N‐Entzug der ungedüngten Variante betrug in den letzten Jahren noch etwa 75 kg ha?1a?1 gegenüber 100 kg ha?1a?1 zu Versuchsbeginn. Die Entwicklung der Boden‐Nt‐Gehalte konnte mit e‐Funktionen beschrieben werden. Mineral‐N allein genügte nicht zum Erhalt der Nt‐Ausgangsvorräte, hierfür waren 55 bis 85 kg Stalldung‐N ha?1 a?1 notwendig. Die Nt‐ und Ct‐Gehalte korrelierten mit zahlreichen Bodenparametern. Hohe Humusgehalte forderten die biologische Aktivität. Die N‐Verluste betrugen <10kg ha?1 a?1 (ungedüngt) bis 120 kg ha?1a?1 (höchstgedüngte Variante). Das N‐Verlustpotential lag bei Stallmistanwendung etwas niedriger als bei gleicher N‐Zufuhr in Mineralform. Je nach Stallmist‐Stufe waren 62 bis 104 kg Mineral‐N ha?1 a?1 erforderlich, um den Energieeinsatz je Produkteinheit zu minimieren. Kombinierte Anwendung organischer und mineralischer Dünger (je 100 kg N ha?1 a?1) führte zu höchsten ökonomischen Leistungen, günstigen Bodeneigenschaften und tolerierbaren Umweltwirkungen. Zieht man alle verwendeten Nachhaltigkeitskriterien in Betracht, ist dieses Düngungssystem den anderen überlegen. 相似文献
Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in leaf extracts of wild type (WT) red clover and a mutant line expressing greatly reduced levels of PPO (LP red clover) has been characterized. Both latent and active forms of PPO were present, with the latent being the predominant form. PPO enzyme and substrate (phaselic acid) levels fluctuated over a growing season and were not correlated. Protease activation of latent PPO was demonstrated; however, the rate was too low to have an immediate effect following extraction. A novel, more rapid PPO activation mechanism by the enzyme's own substrate was identified. Rates of protein breakdown and amino acid release were significantly higher in LP red clover extracts compared with WT extracts, with 20 versus 6% breakdown of total protein and 1.9 versus 0.4 mg/g FW of free amino acids released over 24 h, respectively. Inclusion of ascorbic acid increased the extent of protein breakdown. Free phenol content decreased during a 24 h incubation of WT red clover extracts, whereas protein-bound phenol increased and high molecular weight protein species were formed. Inhibition of proteolysis occurred during wilting and ensilage of WT compared with LP forage (1.9 vs 5 and 17 vs 21 g/kg of DM free amino acids for 24 h wilted forage and 90 day silage, respectively). This study shows that whereas constitutive red clover PPO occurs predominantly in the latent form, this fraction can contribute to reducing protein breakdown in crude extracts and during ensilage. 相似文献
Application of an aroma extract dilution analysis on an aroma distillate prepared from organically grown, raw West-African peanuts (Cameroon) revealed 36 odor-active areas in the flavor dilution (FD) factor range of 1 to 2048. The identification experiments, which were all performed by using the respective reference chemicals, revealed 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine (earthy, pea-like), 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine (bell pepper-like, earthy), and trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal (metallic) with the highest FD factors among the 36 aroma compounds identified. The two last mentioned odorants and another set of 22 further odorants were identified for the first time in raw peanuts. A comparative aroma extract dilution analysis applied on distillates prepared from either the raw peanuts or ground peanut meal roasted in a pan showed 52 odor-active areas in the FD factor range of 8 to 2048 in the roasted nut material. The identification experiments in combination with the FD factors revealed that among them, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline and 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3-(2H)-furanone showed the most significant contribution to the overall aroma, followed by 1-octen-3-one, 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine, (E, E)-2,4-decadienal, and trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal. As a further result, 20 aroma compounds were newly identified in roasted peanuts, such as 2-propionyl-1-pyrroline and 2-acetyltetrahydropyridine (both popcorn-like). In particular, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline and 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2 H)-furanone showed the most pronounced increase after roasting. 相似文献
Several methods are used for the extraction of soil solution. The objective of this study was to find out to what extent the different extraction methods yield complementary or equivalent information. Soil solutions were sampled once at 10 different forest sites in Germany, with 4 sampling points per site, using 5 different extraction methods. Concentrations of the major ions in the 1:2 extracts and the equilibrium soil‐pore solutions (obtained from percolation of field‐fresh soil cores) were generally lower than in desorption solutions, suction‐cup solutions, and saturation extracts. Surprisingly, the latter three methods generally yielded equivalent results. However, possible systematic differences between these methods could have been masked by the high small‐scale spatial variability within the sites. 相似文献
Fractionation and reconstitution techniques were used to study the contribution of endogenous flour lipids to the quality of semisweet (Rich Tea-type) biscuits. Biscuit flour was defatted with chloroform and baked with bakery fat but without endogenous lipid addition. Semisweet biscuits baked from defatted flour were flatter, denser, and harder and showed collapse of gas cells during baking when compared with control biscuits. Defatted flour semisweet doughs exhibited a different rheological behavior from the control samples showing higher storage and loss moduli (G' and G' ' values), that is, high viscoelasticity. Functionality was restored when total nonstarch flour lipids were added back to defatted flour. Both the polar and nonpolar lipid fractions had positive effects in restoring flour quality, but the polar lipid fraction was of greatest benefit. Both fractions were needed for complete restoration of both biscuit quality and dough rheological characteristics. 相似文献
The emission of platinum group elements (PGEs) from automobile catalytic converters has led to rapid increases in Pt, Pd, and Rh concentrations in roadside media. This article represents the first systematic study in Greece to assess PGE levels in road dust and roadside soil and their temporal variation on a seasonal basis over a 12-month period. Road dust and roadside soil samples were analyzed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry following microwave digestion. Concentrations of PGE in all samples were above the average upper crust values and local background levels, with maximum values of 306.4 ng/g Pt, 18.2 ng/g Pd, and 64.6 ng/g Rh in road dust and 225 ng/g Pt, 14.0 ng/g Pd, and 49.5 ng/g Rh in roadside soil. PGE ratios were not consistent with known catalytic converter composition throughout the sampling period reflecting the high emission of Rh from new catalytic converters. Spatial variations were influenced by various factors like driving style, matrix composition, diurnal change in traffic volume, and climatic conditions. With regard to seasonal variations, systematic changes in the temporal distribution of PGE levels were observed and followed a similar pattern between the two matrices. Except PGEs, Pb levels were determined, since it has been a typical indicator of vehicle-derived environmental lead pollution. The data indicate that despite the use of unleaded gasoline, traffic-related sources of Pb that induce levels above the local background have not been eliminated.
Twenty genic- and genomic SSR markers were used to study genetic diversity and geographical differentiation of barley from 29 countries through analysis of a worldwide collection of 304 ICARDA’s barley landraces. Of these, 19 loci were highly polymorphic in the material studied. Based on Nei-distance matrix, Principal Component Analysis (PCoA) and cluster analysis using UPGMA associated with AMOVA the data revealed countries’ grouping within regions. Three distinct germplasm pools were identified in the landraces. The first of these was from Eastern Africa (Eritrea and Ethiopia) and South America (Ecuador, Peru and Chile) suggesting that barley introduced to South America might have originated specifically from East Africa or that they share a common genetic basis for adaptation. The second was the Caucasus (Armenia and Georgia) and the third included the remaining regions of Central Asia, Near East, Northern Africa and Eastern Asia. Genetic diversity of barley subspecies (Six-rowed barley, Two-rowed barley, H. spontaneum C. Koch and H. agriocrithon Åberg) also discriminates them into three groups: cultivated barleys (Six-rowed barley and Two-rowed barley), wild barley H. spontaneum and subspecies H. agriocrithon. These results associated with parsimony analysis demonstrate that H. agriocrithon and H. spontaneum might be distinct and do not support a hybrid origin for H. agriocrithon suggesting further investigation of the basis of more intense sampling of the two subspecies H. spontaneum and H. agriocrithon.相似文献
In plants, zinc is commonly found bound to proteins. In barley (Hordeum vulgare), major storage proteins are alcohol‐soluble prolamins known as hordeins, and some of them have the potential to bind or store zinc. 65Zn overlay and blotting techniques have been widely used for detecting zinc‐binding protein. However, to our knowledge so far this zinc blotting assay has never been applied to detect a prolamin fraction in barley grains. A radioactive zinc (65ZnCl2) blotting technique was optimized to detect zinc‐binding prolamins, followed by development of an easy‐to‐follow nonradioactive colorimetric zinc blotting method with a zinc‐sensing dye, dithizone. Hordeins were extracted from mature barley grain, separated by SDS‐PAGE, blotted on a membrane, renatured, overlaid, and probed with zinc; subsequently, zinc‐binding specificity of certain proteins was detected either by autoradiography or color formation. The dithizone staining method gave similar reproducibility to the radioactive blotting. The detected zinc‐binding protein was identified as B‐hordein by Western blotting. 相似文献