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Atrazine carryover often limits growers to production of atrazine-tolerant crops the year following application, and allows the increase of triazine-tolerant weed species such as Panicum miliaceum L. (wild proso millet). Tiriazine-resistant Brassica napus L. cv. ‘Triton’ (oilseed rape) was tested to characterize the nature of interspecific interference with P. miliaceum. In a greenhouse study, atrazine at 2.2 kg ha?1 depressed oilseed rape fruit (siliqua) number and fruit dry weight, and delayed flowering, but did not significantly affect height or weight of shoots, Oilseed rape fruit weight was reduced at 200 P. miliaceum plants m?2. fruit number and shoot weight were inhibited at 400 weeds m?2. and height was reduced and flowering delayed at 600 weeds m?2. Number and weight of fruits were reduced by one-third after 8 weeks of interference as compared to oilseed rape grown with the weed for 4 weeks. Oilseed rape height was reduced by 29% and shoot weight by 55% by 600 weeds m?2 and 2–2 kg ha?1 atrazine, while fruit number and weight were reduced by 72%. Oilseed rape shoot weight was reduced by 74% by 600 weeds m?2 for 12 weeks of interference, while fruit number and weight were reduced by 85% and 82%. respectively. In a field study, fluazifop reduced early season P. miliaceum cover by 72%, but did not increase oilseed rape cover. Mid-season P. miliaceum shoot weight was decreased by 97% by fluazifop and oilseed rape shoot weight was increased by 34%. P. miliaceum control increased oilseed rape biomass by 38% at 89 days, but biomass of oilseed rape sown at 11.2 kg ha?1 with 2.2 kg atrazine ha?1 was not decreased by P. miliaceum interference at 89 days.  相似文献   
The pathogenicity and taxonomy of 15 isolates of Alternaria spp. from pear and apple were compared. Only isolates from Asian pear ( Pyrus pyrifolia ) from Italy and Korea were virulent on leaves and young fruits of the susceptible Asian pear cv. Nijisseiki. Their conidial morphology was typical of A. gaisen (= A. kikuchiana ). Only isolates of A. mali from USA were virulent on susceptible American apple cvs Indo and Red Gold. No virulence was demonstrated in any isolate/host combination among isolates from stem infections of Asian and European pear ( Pyrus communis ), leaf spots of European apple, and ripe fruit rots of Chinese pear ( Pyrus ussuriensis ), European pear and apple. These non-virulent isolates could be readily distinguished from A. gaisen and A. mali by their pattern of branching of conidial chains, the branching associated with A. alternata sensu stricto being most common among non-virulent isolates. This limited survey implies that A. gaisen is only virulent to Asian pear and the toxigenic form of A. mali to certain American apple cultivars; also that A. gaisen is not established outside eastern Asia or the toxigenic form of A. mali outside eastern Asia and parts of USA.  相似文献   
Four components of partial resistance toPhytophthora infestans were measured after inoculation in the greenhouse and in the field ofSolanum arnezii x hondelmannii, S. berthaultii, S. circaeifolium, S. leptophyes, S. microdontum, S. sparsipilum, S. sucrense andS. vernei, and four hybrid progenies ofS. microdontum withS. tuberosum. The four components were infection efficiency, lesion growth rate, generation time and sporulation capacity. The results were compared with resistance ratings derived from field experiments, and with observations made on the potato cultivars Bintje, Bildstar, Libertas and Pimpernel. Genetic variation for all components was found, while the relative importance of the components of partial resistance appeared to vary between the species. InS. microdontum, generation time, infection efficiency and lesion growth rate, and inS. tuberosum infection efficiency, lesion growth rate and sporulation capacity appeared positively associated, but in other species no such association was found. A strong hypersensitive reaction, the expression of which appeared to depend on environmental conditions, was found inS. microdontum. ForS. berthaultii, infection efficiency appeared to be the main resistance component.Abbreviations ADPC area under the disease progress curve - IE infection efficiency - LGR lesion growth rate - GT generation time - SC sporulation capacity  相似文献   
Spontaneous neuronal activity was recorded from the peripheral nerves of third-instar larvae of strains of Heliothis virescens (F.) obtained directly from cotton fields in the USA. Following a control period the preparations were exposed to increasing concentrations of cis-cypermethrin in a cumulative dose-response assay. A positive response was defined as an increase of at least five-fold in the rate of neuronal activity over that seen during the control period. Up to 35 individuals of each strain were assayed and the responses used to construct a phenotypic profile categorising the individuals from nerve-susceptible to highly nerve-insensitive. An EC50 for the action of cis-cypermethrin was also obtained. There was a positive, significant correlation between non-synergisable resistance to cypermethrin and nerve insensitivity as defined in the neurophysiological assay. It was shown that nerve insensitivity to cypermethrin increased throughout the cotton-growing season.  相似文献   
The virulences of three isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. elaeidis from West Africa were compared with that of a Brazilian isolate. The Brazilian strain was more virulent and caused disease in all oil-palm lines tested, even those which had been selected for resistance to, and were generally unaffected by, African strains. Differential interactions between hosts and isolates of the pathogen could have serious implications for selection of breeding material and for the extension of oil-palm cultivation in South America.  相似文献   
Winter cultivars of wheat, barley, triticale and rye were grown under two contrasting husbandry systems (low and high inputs) at two locations (Woburn and Rothamsted) known to be infested with the take-all fungus. The sandy loam at Woburn is less fertile than the silty clay loam at Rothamsted. Root infection in these crops was assessed in spring and summer.
Rye was least infected by the take-all fungus, wheat the most infected and barley and triticale had intermediate levels of infection. Barley yields were less affected by take-all than those of wheat or triticale, because barley was at a later growth stage by the time severe infection occurred. Yields of wheat and barley responded most to the high-input husbandry on the less fertile soil at Woburn. On the basis of quantity of grain, triticale would appear to be a good substitute for wheat on the less fertile soil when inputs are low, but not where they are high. At Rothamsted, yields of wheat and triticale were similar in both input systems. There was no strong support, at either site, for the contention that triticale could be a useful substitute for barley where low or high inputs are used. A total of 177 isolates of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (the causal fungus of take-all) were obtained from infected roots in these experiments and tested for their pathogenicity on wheat and rye seedlings. These tests revealed a range of pathotypes with varying pathogenicities to wheat and rye, but pathogenicities were not correlated with the host plant from which the fungi were isolated.  相似文献   
Symptoms of severe leaf blight observed on rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis ) at Bangalore, India, were demonstrated to be caused by Rhizoctonia solani (anamorph of Thanatephorus cucumeris ). This is thought to be the first recorded incidence of this pathogen causing disease on rosemary.  相似文献   
Spilocuea oleagina provoque en Crète des dégâts importants sur les cultivars d'olivier Mastoidis et Kalamon. Les fongicides cupriques suivants ont été testés contre la maladie: sulfate de cuivre (BBS 25), oxychlorure de cuivre (Virifix 50), sels cupriques des acides gras et résineux (Tenn Cop 5E) et sulfate ammoniacal de cuivre (Copac E). Deux traitements ont été effectués pendant les périodes critiques pour la Crète (début octobre, fin février) sur des arbres du cv. Kalamon. L'efficacité a étéévaluée par dénombrement des feuilles infectéès et des taches par feuille, sur échantillons prélevés dans la couronne des arbres traités. Pour estimer l'action phytotoxique des fongicides testés, on a ramasséà l'aide d'un filet plastique toutes les feuilles tombées. Les sels cupriques et le sulfate de cuivre ont montré la meilleure efficacitéà l'egard du pathogène. On a constaté de plus, 8 mois après le premier traitement chimique, une chute négligeable des feuilles saines.  相似文献   
The effects of four pesticides (three herbicides, atrazine, paraquat, glyphosate, and an insecticide, carbaryl) on the activity and kinetics of an invertase (from yeast), a urease (from jack bean) and an acid phosphatase (from potato) were investigated. Glyphosate and paraquat showed a marked activation effect on invertase activity. From the dependence of Vmax and Km parameters on pesticide concentrations, a mixed-type activation mechanism was suggested. The kinetic behaviour of urease and acid phosphatase appeared to be uninfluenced by both pesticides. Methanol, used as solvent for both carbaryl and atrazine, inhibited invertase, urease and acid phosphatase with, respectively, competitive, non-competitive and uncompetitive mechanisms. The extent of the inhibition was different, as estimated by the values of the inhibition constant K1. An additional inhibition effect of urease and invertase activities was achieved in the presence of carbaryl, whereas no influence was detected on the activity and kinetics of acid phosphatase. Finally, atrazine was shown to alter the kinetics of the enzymes only at higher concentrations.  相似文献   
Molecular investigation of 16 strains, conventionally identified to be Malassezia pachydermatis, isolated from dogs in Japan was carried out by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and chitin synthase 2 (CHS2) gene sequence analyses. The RAPD band patterns of 13 clinical isolates were identical to that of standard strain of M. pachydermatis (CBS-1879). The other three clinical isolates were different from the standard strain of M. pachydermatis in RAPD patterns, and two of the three isolates were identical. About 620 bp genomic DNA fragments of the CHS2 gene were amplified from the same 16 clinical isolates of M. pachydermatis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. The phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences of CHS2 gene fragments of the 16 clinical isolates revealed that the 13 strains were genetically very close to the standard strain of M. pachydermatis and the other two isolates were genetically close to the standard strain of M. furfur rather than M. pachydermatis. The remaining one isolate was phylogenetically distinct from all the seven Malassezia species reported so far.  相似文献   
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