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Summary The chemical composition of waxes was studied in cork planks from three different trees of Spanish Quercus suber at four different stages of the in‐dustrial processing of the first transformation: stripping, first rest, boiling fol‐lowed by open air rest and boiling followed by store-room rest. Waxes were extracted with chloroform (CHCl3) and the extract was submitted to saponification in order to obtain the neutral and acid fractions. The trimethylsilyl derivatives of both fractions were analysed by GC-MS. An important decrease of the total content of waxes -CHCl3 extract-(average values: 10.13 to 4.91%) and of the acid fraction (average values: 2.51 to 0.96%) was observed throughout the industrial processing. Some differences were also found among trees, two of them being richer in total waxes (average, 8.14 and 7.71%) than the other one (average, 4.67%). Concerning the three groups of identified components (fatty acids, fatty alcohols and triterpenes), the contents of the fatty alcohols and acids suffer an important reduction during the first rest (average values: 30.39 to 17.53% and 58.73 to 31.48%, respectively), while after boiling, there is a decrease of the triterpenes concentrations (79.16 to 58.00% -neutral fraction- and 40.23 to 23.20% -acid fraction-), being greater when the second rest is carried out in a store room. Significant differences among trees were only found in the fatty alcohols contents. The neutral fraction was mainly composed by fatty alcohols (all the even members from C18 to C26, with traces of intermediate odd members and some unsaturated groups, C20 and C21) and triterpenes (14 components, among them friedelin, betulin and cerin were identified), and a very small amount of monocarboxylic fatty acids (C16, C18, C22 and C24 members) was also present. The main group of components of the acid fraction was that of fatty acids (saturated even C12–C24 and odd C15, C17, C21 members, accompanied by a great amount of unsaturated terms and some ω-hydroxyacids, 18-hydroxy-9,12-octadecadienoic and 18-hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acids). Four triterpenes, the C20, C24 and C28 alcohols and ferulic acid were also detected in the acid fraction. Some of these individual components of each fraction were also affected by the industrial processing and presented significant differences among the studied trees. Received 12 December 1997  相似文献   
  • ? The combined effect of water stress and light on seedlings of forest species is a key factor to determine the best silvicultural and afforestation practices in the Mediterranean area.
  • ? The aims of this work was (1) to determine the optimal light level for the early development of cork oak seedlings under mild water stress and (2) to test if the combined effect of water stress and light followed the trade-off, the facilitation or the orthogonal hypothesis.
  • ? Shade reduced instantaneous photosynthetic rates and water use efficiency in cork oak. However, seedlings grown under moderate shade (15% of full sunlight) were capable to accumulate similar amount of biomass than those grown under more illuminated environments by increasing their specific leaf area. Absolute differences in net photosynthesis between light treatments were higher in well watered than in water stressed seedlings. However, the impact of both factors on overall growth was orthogonal.
  • ? We concluded that cork oak development is impaired under deep shade (5% of full sunlight) but it can be optimal under moderate shade (15% of full sunlight) even under moderate water stress. Implications of these patterns on regeneration, cultivation and afforestation of cork oak are discussed.
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    Soluble proteins from the latex of Calotropis procera (LP) were investigated in vitro and in vivo for digestibility as the latex has previously been shown to produce considerable toxic effects on animals. The latex is also an important biologically active compound that displays antiinflammatory and antidiarrhea properties. The proteins were digested by the action of trypsin, pepsin or chemotrypsin as revealed by gel filtration and SDS-PAGE analysis. Furthermore, the full LP digestion was easily achieved by protease treatment. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies raised against LP failed to detect cross-reactive molecules in fecal material of experimental rats following 35 consecutive days of LP consumption in water. Similar patterns of electrophoresis were observed for the negligible amounts of protein observed in the fecal extracts of control and test animals. No death or toxic effects were observed among animals. Taken together these results suggest that harmful and toxic effects on animals of the latex from C. procera are present in its rubber and low molecular weight fractions rather than its protein content.  相似文献   
    Insecticidal activity of Vitex mollis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
    Organic extracts from the leaves of Vitex mollis were assessed for their toxic effect on fall armyworm neonate larvae (Spodoptera frugiperda), an important insect pest of corn. The extracts showed insecticidal and insect growth regulatory activity, being CHCl(3)-MeOH (1:1) extract the most active, also found to be toxic in the Artemia salina test.  相似文献   
    Shoot growth and dieback were compared among progenies of nursery-grown seedlings of Nothofagus obliqua belonging to seven progenies of the same provenance (Quila-Quina, Argentina). First-year shoots consisted of one growth unit (GU) and second-year shoots of one or two GUs. The probability of development of two GU was similar for all progenies. Progenies were different in terms of shoot size, terminal bud abscission, the extent of shoot dieback after shoot extension and the node of origin of the relay shoot on the first shoot. Plants with a second-year shoot consisting of two GUs had a thicker stem and more nodes than those with single-GU shoots. The selection of N. obliqua seed trees based on architectural traits suitable for forestry development at specific sites must contemplate variability among progenies and their probabilities of successful development under different conditions.  相似文献   
    A study was conducted to examine the germination requirements of Cedrela odorata, Guaiacum sanctum and Calycophyllum candidissimum seeds, and the effect of light intensity on survival and growth of C. Odorata and G. Sanctum seedlings planted on open, partially-open and beneath the canopy of a dry forest in Nicaragua. The results show that germination of C. Candidissimum seeds was significantly higher in light than darkness at constant temperatures ranging from 20–35oC. Both C. Odorata and G. Sanctum seeds germinated in light and darkness to a varying extent, and the optimal germination temperature was around 20-25oC. Alternating temperature regimes did not improve germination. Survival of G. Sanctum seedlings was 70% beneath the canopy and 80% in the open, and its relative growth rate in collar diameter was 1.88 mm/month in the open and 1.42 mm/month in the understory. Survival was generally poor for C. Odorata, particularly in the understory. We concluded that light is an absolute requirement for the germination of C. Candidissimum seeds while germination of C. Odorata and G. Sanctum seeds are more sensitive to temperature. Owing to its high survival rate on open site, G. Sanctum could serve as a candidate species for reforestation of degraded sites.  相似文献   
    Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) seedlings were exponentially (E) nutrient loaded using incremental increases in fertilizer addition or conventionally (C) fertilized using a constant fertilizer rate during nursery culture. The fertility treatments (mg N plant−1) were control (0), 25E, 100E, and 100C. Subsequently, 1-year-old plants were transplanted under simulated soil fertility gradients in a greenhouse to evaluate effects of nutrient loading and post-transplant fertility on seedling performance. Post-transplant fertility consisted of fertilizing plants at two rates (0 vs. 200 mg N plant−1). A water-soluble fertilizer 20-20-20 was supplied in both nursery and post-transplant experiments. Nutrient loading increased plant N content by 73% in 100E and by 75% in 100C relative to controls, although no significant differences were detected between constant and exponential fertilization regimes at the 100 mg N plant−1 rate. When transplanted, nutrient loading promoted post-transplant root growth relative to shoot, implicating potential to confer competitive advantage to loaded holm oak seedlings after trans-planting. In contrast, post-transplant fertility increased new shoot dry mass by 140% as well as N, P and K content relative to controls. Results suggest that holm oak seedlings can be successfully nutrient loaded in the nursery at higher fertility rates, improving its potential to extend new roots, but alternative fertilization regimes and schedules that better fit nutrient availability to the growth rhythm and conservative strategy of this species must be tested.  相似文献   
    Explaining and predicting nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) owner land management based on social, economic, and environmental factors is an increasingly important issue in policy arenas and academic research on rural development and planning. This study empirically explores and assesses management behavior by NIPF owners by analyzing attributes of landowner profile (age, educational level, primary occupation, engagement in farming, membership of professional groups, training in forestry, availability of market information, and specific knowledge and use of production criteria for timber harvesting). With the aim of predicting outcomes, a multiple regression model was constructed to investigate and quantify the probabilities of and factors influencing the participation of owners in agricultural and forestry associations. In March 2004, 103 resident forest landowners were interviewed about their commitment to and involvement in land management during 1999–2003 in Mariña Oriental, a forest region of Galicia, Northern Spain. Results suggest that professional occupation, particularly farming background, is the main factor affecting, either directly or indirectly, the forest management behavior of NIPF owners in the area. In particular, our logistic regression model for landowner membership of professional groups explained 77.9% of the variability observed in the study population, which suggests that the agricultural background of NIPF owners and their expectations from forests, represented by their future intention to enlarge the forestland base, play an important role in membership. In the region, forestry could be a valuable economic activity but it is not considered as such today. Findings could be used as a guide for design, planning, and implementation of research and policy measures that allow NIPF landowners to promote sustainable forestry for rural development.  相似文献   
  • ? Tree recruitment in Mediterranean savannas is generally hampered, in contrast with the original oak forests where these savannas are derived from. We asked whether this difference in recruitment success can be explained by differential post-dispersal survival. For one year we monitored experimentally cached holm oak acorns in a savanna — forest ecosystem in Central Spain, and recorded cache pilferage, type of pilferer, boar rooting, seedling emergence, seedling survival and the cause of mortality.
  • ? Cache pilferage was significantly lower in savanna (8%) than in forest (21%). However, the higher cache survival was more than offset by lower seedling emergence and, particularly, by nine times higher seedling mortality in savanna, mainly due to desiccation. Wild boar rooting did not differ between experimental caches and controls without acorns, indicating that individual cached acorns do not trigger rooting activity.
  • ? Our results indicate that the difference in post-dispersal survival between savanna and forest is due to lower emergence and, primarily, higher seedling mortality in savanna, not to higher cache pilferage. Absence of safe sites such as shrubs, abundantly present in the forest, may well explain the lack of recruitment in the savanna. Management measures appear necessary for long-term persistence of Mediterranean savannas in general.
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    A new sunflower mutant, CAS-12, was obtained, which has both high palmitic (≈30%) and high oleic acid contents, and also a substantial amount of palmitoleic acid (≈7%). The mutant was selected after X-ray irradiation of dry seeds of the inbred line BSD-2-423, which had normal palmitic (≈3%) and high oleic (≈88%) acid levels. The increase of palmitic and palmitoleic acids occurred at the expense of the oleic acid content, which decreased to around 55% in respect to the original line. Linoleic acid content is always under 5%. Palmitic and palmitoleic acid levels were similar to those of the high palmitic mutant CAS-5 obtained in a previous programme from a low oleic line isogenic to BSD-2-423 using a similar mutagenic treatment. In that previous programme we also selected three high stearic acid mutants using chemical mutagenic treatment on the same sunflower line (RDF-1-532). We attempted to obtain mutants in other lines but were unsuccessful. The isolation of similar mutants in isogenic parental lines illustrates the importance of the genetic background in the development of specific mutants with an altered seed oil fatty acid composition. The oil of this mutant will increase the range of potential uses of sunflower oil. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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