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The effects of mono‐species and bi‐species microalgal diets on body length, survival and metamorphosis of auricularia larvae of the California sea cucumber, Parastichopus californicus, were tested in two separate laboratory feeding experiments. The first examined eight single species of microalgae – Chaetoceros calcitrans (Cc), Chaetoceros muelleri (Cm), Dunaliella tertiolecta (Dt), Isochrysis sp. (Tahitian strain: TISO) (Ti), Pavlova lutheri (Pl), Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Pt), Tetraselmis suecica (Ts) and Thallassiosira pseudonana (Tp). The second experiment took the five most effective single species from the first experiment (i.e. Cc, Cm, Dt, Pl and Ti) and presented them in all possible binary combinations. In the first experiment, Cc was determined to be the best diet on the basis of generating a significantly higher metamorphic rate (65.5 ± 4.2%, mean ± SD) than any other species and leading to one of the best survival rates (72.3 ± 7.6%) and greatest body lengths (831.6 ± 5.6 μm at day 14). In the second experiment, diets containing Cc generally produced the highest survival and metamorphic rates and greatest body lengths (except Cc/Cm) of all mixed diets, although no bi‐species treatment was ever significantly superior to a control of Cc alone. Of the various mono‐species and bi‐species diets evaluated for rearing auricularia larvae of P. californicus, Cc (either alone or mixed with other species) is recommended.  相似文献   
The effect of ration on Panopea generosa gonad development was tested over 52 days. Clams were fed Isochrysis sp. and Chaetoceros muelleri (50 : 50 cell count) at rations of 0.8 × 109, 2.4 × 109, 4.0 × 109, 5.6 × 109, 7.2 × 109 and 10.0 × 109 cells clam?1 day?1 (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6, respectively). The highest ration (R6) caused a 25% die‐off within 3 days and was discontinued. Ration did not significantly affect condition index, gonadosomatic index, connective tissue occupation index or oocyte diameter. Clams fed the R5 ration (85% of which spawned from day 26 to 52) were more spent than clams in any other treatment with significantly fewer oocytes mm?2 than those fed the R1, R2 and R3 rations and significantly lower levels of sperm occupation than clams fed any other ration. Spawn percentages were low from day 26 to 52 in R1, R2 and R4 (15, 0 and 0%, respectively). Clams in the R3 treatment had a similar spawn percentage (100% from day 26 to 52) to those in the R5 treatment yet maintained gonads in a more ripened condition with higher levels of gamete occupation, making R3 the most likely ration to maximize gamete output over time.  相似文献   
The decomposition of Pinus radiata (D. Don) stems, coarse woody roots and stumps was studied in Tarawera forest, Bay of Plenty region, North Island, New Zealand. The study examined the residues from two thinning events with 6 and 11 years of decay. Changes in the mass of stems, and density of roots and stumps were used to estimate the decay rate constants using a single exponential model. The decay rate of stems was not significantly related to DBH and averaged 0.1374 year−1 (22 years for 95% mass loss). The decay rate of coarse woody roots was not significantly different to stem decay and averaged 0.1571 year−1 (19 years for 95% mass loss). A large range in stump decay rates was measured and a significantly lower decay constant was observed for stumps (0.1101 year−1, 27 years for 95% mass loss), possibly due to the stumps being kept alive after felling through root grafting and a resistance to decay due to the presence of resin. The concentration of C remaining in stems and stumps increased with mass loss from 52% to 55% C after 11 years of decay. The C concentration in coarse woody roots initially increased but then declined near to the original level of 50% after 11 years of decay. Nitrogen concentrations increased substantially in all components with decay.  相似文献   

Key message

Tree heights in the central Congo Basin are overestimated using best-available height-diameter models. These errors are propagated into the estimation of aboveground biomass and canopy height, causing significant bias when used for calibration of remote sensing products in this region.


Tree height-diameter models are important components of estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) and calibrating remote sensing products in tropical forests.


For a data-poor area of the central Congo Basin, we quantified height-diameter model performance of local, regional and pan-tropical models for their use in estimating AGB and canopy height.


At three old-growth forest sites, we assessed the bias introduced in height estimation by regional and pan-tropical height-diameter models. We developed an optimal local model with site-level randomizations accounted for by using a mixed-effects modeling approach. We quantified the error propagation of modeled heights for estimating AGB and canopy height.


Regional and pan-tropical height-diameter models produced a significant overestimation in tree height, propagating into significant overestimations of AGB and Lorey’s height. The pan-tropical model accounting for climatic drivers performed better than the regional models. We present a local height-diameter model which produced nonsignificant errors for AGB and canopy height estimations at our study area.


The application of general models at our study area introduced bias in tree height estimations and the derived stand-level variables. Improved delimitation of regions in tropical Africa with similar forest structure is needed to produce models fit for calibrating remote sensing products.
Prioritizing new areas for conservation in the Rocky Mountains of North America is important because the current intensity and scale of human development poses an immediate threat to biodiversity. We identified priority areas for avian biodiversity within a 3200-km corridor from Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, US to the Yukon in Canada (the Y2Y region). We applied the conservation planning tool, MARXAN, to summarize 21 avian values. MARXAN minimizes the area delineated, while simultaneously incorporating multiple criteria (species richness representation, spatial clustering) and biodiversity targets into a single mappable solution. We prioritized avian biodiversity ‘hotspots’ at continental and ecoprovincial scales based on: (1) avian species richness; and (2) habitat associations of 20 focal species. At the continental scale, the single best solution represented 19% of the Y2Y region; 29% of this solution overlapped with existing protected areas. In northern Y2Y, large contiguous areas with high avian value were concentrated on the western edge of the continental divide. In southern Y2Y, contiguous areas were smaller and more numerous than in the north. In contrast to the majority of studies prioritizing conservation areas, we explored the effect of varying the extent of the target region by analyzing data at the scale of the entire Y2Y region and for eight ecoprovinces separately. We found that (1) large contiguous patches characterized only three ecoprovinces, while for the remaining ecoprovinces, numerous single scattered habitat patches of varying sizes were required to meet conservation goals; and (2) generally, only a small percentage of sites was already protected within the existing protected areas network. Our results are important for conservation planners and resource managers in the Y2Y region for incorporating areas of high conservation value for birds at regional and ecoprovincial scales during conservation project design and adaptive planning.  相似文献   
A questionnaire was sent to 238 members of local pig discussion groups in the West Midlands region of England to identify farm level factors associated with the occurrence of diarrhoea in grower-finisher pigs. The questions related to the occurrence, diagnosis and aetiology of scour problems on the farm, the prevalence of common porcine diseases on the farm, the classes of pigs, staff employment, source of replacement stock and biosecurity measures, the husbandry techniques such as piglet management, use of medication, movement and mixing of pigs, dung removal and pen preparation between batches of pigs, and the physical resources such as floor type, pen divisions, watering, feeding and dung disposal systems. Replies from 105 producers keeping grower-finisher pigs were included in the analysis, 50.5 per cent of which had had a scour problem at some time in the previous three years. The causes of scour had been identified as colitis (34.3 per cent), swine dysentery (10.5 per cent) or porcine enteropathy (3.8 per cent). There was a significant association between the following factors and the occurrence of diarrhoea in grower-finisher pigs: the use of water medication for weaners (odds ratio = 11.8; P = 0.002), the tail-docking of piglets (odds ratio = 8.6; P = 0.003), the use of a wet feeding system for finishers (odds ratio = 5.9; P = 0.009), finishers housed on partially slatted floors (odds ratio = 3.6; P = 0.044), and the use of an isolation procedure for incoming breeding stock involving exposure to dung (odds ratio = 3.5; P = 0.046). The use of disinfectant in the preparation of pens between batches of pigs appeared to be protective (odds ratio = 0.3; P = 0.046).  相似文献   
Adult green sea urchins Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis were fed three different quantities (0.25, 0.50, 1.00% body weight/d) of a prepared feed during a 12‐wk experiment to determine the effect of food ration on gonad quantity and quality. A diet of kelp, Laminaria longicruris and/or L. digitata, fed at satiation (3% body weight/d) and urchins taken from the wild at the beginning and end of the experiment served as controls. Urchins fed prepared feed or kelp increased their percent gonad yield significantly over the experimental period. Affer 12 wk, individuals fed the prepared diet at 0.50 or 1.00% body weighffd had significantly higher percent gonad yields (mean ± SEM: 23.5 ± 0.6% and 23.4 ± 0.7%, respectively) than urchins fed at 0.25% body weight/d (18.0 ± 1.0%) or control animals given kelp (18.3 ± 0.8%). There was no significant difference in gonad yield between the 0.50 and 1.00% feeding levels. All feeding treatments had significantly higher percent gonad yields than urchins sampled from the wild at the end of the experiment that had recently spawned (2.8 ± 0.5%). There was no significant difference in gonad taste among urchins fed the prepared diet at 0.25% body weight/d, those given kelp, or those collected from the wild at the end of the experiment (good to very good ratings), but all of these treatments had significantly better tasting gonads than urchins given the prepared feed at 0.50 or 1.00% body weight/d (satisfactory ratings). Gonad taste rating of urchins fed a prepared diet was dependent on ration with greater feed amounts leading to worse tasting gonads (linear regression: r2= 0.68, P < 0.01). Gonad color, texture, and firmness did not differ significantly among any of the feed ration treatments or kelp control. Results suggest that the best ration for prepared feed would be 0.50% body weightld since this would optimize gonad yield while minimizing feed costs. Further research on prepared feeds is required to optimize both gonad color and taste.  相似文献   
Post weaning anoestrus can represent a significant source of reproductive inefficiency in pig production. Although many factors such as breed, parity, season and nutrition are known to influence the interval between weaning and remating, the effect of the sow's social environment after weaning is largely unknown. For this experiment six groups of Large White/Landrace cross-bred sows weaned between August 1989 and March 1990 at a mean of 29 days after farrowing were used to investigate the effect of social environment on the onset of oestrus after weaning in the sow. Groups two, three or four sows were exposed in six replicates to the following four treatments: (1) 18 were isolated as controls, (2) 16 were housed next to an anoestrous ovariectomised sow and allowed 10 minutes physical contact with it daily, (3) 15 were housed next to an ovariectomised sow, induced into oestrus by the injection of 1 mg oestradiol benzoate, and allowed 10 minutes physical contact with it daily, and (4) 16 were housed next to a mature boar and allowed 10 minutes physical contact with it daily. Significantly more sows in treatments 3 and 4 showed oestrus within 10 days of weaning (P less than 0.05), and the onset of oestrus was more synchronised in the sows in treatment 3 than in any other treatment (P less than 0.001). The exposure of the weaned sows to an oestrous sow or a boar overcame the extension of the weaning to remating interval which occurred over the summer and in primiparous animals in other treatments.  相似文献   
Streptococcus suis serotypes associated with disease in weaned pigs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Streptococcus suis was recovered from 9 outbreaks of septicaemia and meningitis in weaned pigs between 1979 and 1983. Fifteen isolates from 7 outbreaks were identified as S. suis type 9, and 3 isolates from 2 outbreaks as S. suis type 2. Three further isolates of S. suis type 2 and an isolate of S. suis type 3 were recovered from cases of bronchopneumonia in weaned pigs from 4 other piggeries.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine whether evidence could be obtained of foetal infection with Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo in aborted foetuses collected from dairy farms. Material from 197 abortions occurring over a wide area of Victoria was collected over 3 years. None of 195 foetal kidney cultures or 7 cultures from membranes was positive for leptospiral organisms. Immunogold silver staining for leptospires was performed on sections of kidneys, lungs or heart from 156 foetuses, with negative results. Evidence of transient leptospiral infection in 11 of 123 foetuses was obtained by foetal heart blood serology. Two isolates of L. interrogans serovar hardjo were obtained from the urine of milking cows. These strains were examined by restriction endonuclease analysis and both were shown to be of the genotype Hardjobovis, as have been all Australian isolates studied so far. It appears that foetal infection with serovar hardjo is not associated with any substantial proportion of bovine abortions in Victoria, in contrast to the situation in Northern Ireland. The apparent absence from Victoria of the pathogenic genotype Hardjoprajitno is a possible explanation.  相似文献   
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