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高粱作为中国主要的酿造原料之一,在国民经济发展中占据重要地位。高粱炭疽病是高粱的主要病害之一,在整个生育期中均可发病,且在温暖湿润的热带和亚热带栽种地区更易发生和流行,不仅影响植株的正常生长,严重时会引起产量的大幅下降和籽粒品质的劣变。多年来,高粱病理学家和育种家对高粱炭疽病病原菌菌株分离、病害发生流行规律、发生原因、寄主抗性利用和抗炭疽病基因定位等方面进行了广泛的研究,取得了一些进展。这些研究为炭疽病的生化防控以及培育抗炭疽病品种奠定了基础。开展高粱炭疽病研究,发掘更丰富多样的优异抗性种质资源,减少农药使用,不仅可以满足中国高粱产业对天然有机高粱原料的巨大需求,还可以推动高粱生产向高产优质转变。对高粱炭疽病的分布和发病症状、炭疽病病原菌侵染机理、病害发生流行规律及流行原因、抗性资源鉴定和高粱抗炭疽病基因定位的相关研究进展进行了综合分析和论述,以期从分子水平上更好地认识高粱与炭疽病病原菌之间的相互作用,为高粱炭疽病研究提供参考。  相似文献   
为确定金铁锁适宜的种植密度和垄作栽培方式,采用正交设计L16(43),研究沟宽(A)、垄宽(B)、密度(C)对金铁锁产量和质量的影响。结果表明,不同密度和垄作方式对金铁锁产量和质量的影响不同,3个因素对金铁锁根产量影响依次为C、A、B,对质量的影响依次为C、B、A。综合考虑产量和质量,金铁锁最佳垄作栽培方式为沟宽20~30 cm,垄宽60~80 cm,密度8 cm×10 cm或8 cm×15 cm。  相似文献   
为在山区五莲引进推广无花果栽培,本研究依托山东五莲本地历年汇编气象资料及近年气象数据,结合无花果的生物学特性,开展山东五莲无花果栽培气候适宜性分析,并对常见气象灾害及其防御进行探讨,分析五莲主要气候条件对无花果生长的影响。结果表明,对气象灾害采取适当的防范和补救,五莲气候条件基本满足无花果的生长发育。研究为进一步推广五莲县无花果的栽培,防御气象灾害,振兴农村经济提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
利用生物信息学分析法对香蕉MaSULTR3基因家族成员进行全基因组鉴定、蛋白特性分析、分子进化树分析、启动子顺式作用元件分析以及低温胁迫下叶片转录组的FPKM值分析;其后,利用基因组数据结合RT-PCR方法克隆了'天宝蕉'(Musa spp.,AAA Group)组培苗MaSULTR3.1-2基因的ORF序列;最后,利...  相似文献   
陈长春 《落叶果树》2000,32(2):50-51
对4年生幼旺李树进行环剥、环割、半环剥和绞缢,各种处理当年短果枝抽生量、翌年坐果率、果实大小及产量均高于对照,中长枝抽生量、延长枝长度明显低于对照。其中以环割处理的综合效果较好,适宜在生产中推广。  相似文献   
块菌资源多样性及其地理分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
块菌属真菌为地下真菌类的子囊菌 ,通常与林木根系具有共生关系。块菌又是重要的野生食用菌 ,其子囊果含有较高的营养成分 ,商业价值为世人所瞩目。块菌主要分布在北半球的西欧地区 ,全球描述的块菌属真菌在 6 0种以上 ,其中 ,黑孢块菌TubermelanosporumVit tad、白块菌TubermagnatumPico、夏块菌T .aestivumVit tad、勃良第块菌TuberuncinatumChatin等 ,均为重要的商业块菌。被誉为林中“黑钻石”的黑孢块菌 ,是其中价值较高的一种 ,为西欧许多国家最喜爱的食品之一 ;该菌最早发现于法国的P啨rigord省 ,法国、意大利、西班牙为其主产区。我国自 80年代中期以来开展了块菌资源及生态学研究 ,先后发现二十多种块菌 ,其中 ,中国块菌T .sinenseK .TaoetLiu、太原块菌T .taiyuanseLiu、巨孢块菌T .gigantosporumY .Wang、刘氏块菌T .liuiA .S .Xu、西藏块菌T .xizangenseA .S .Xu等为块菌属新种。喜峰块菌TuberhimalayenseZhangetMinter、拟喜峰块菌Tu berpseudohimalayenseMorensetal.等 ,为我国特有的高山块菌 ,西南横断山区及喜马拉雅山系为其主要分布区。我国目前出口欧洲的块菌种类主要是西南出产的印度块菌 ,该菌子囊果与黑孢块菌极其相似。在综合国内外有关文献资料的基础上 ,本文分别列举了分  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate the effect of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (AS-ODN) on the intercellsular adhesion molecule-1(ICAM-1) expression on endothelial cells in hypoxia/reoxygenation(H/R). METHODS: With cultured glomerular vascular endothelial cell in H/R, the positive percentage of ICAM-1 expression was measured by flow cytometry before and after giving AS-ODN. RESULTS: The ICAM-1 expression did not increase on glomerular vascular endothelial cell in 10 hours hypoxia compared to control group, it increased in 6 hours reoxygenation, and decreased by 40.6% after giving AS-OND. CONCLUSION: AS-ODN may decrease the expression of ICAM-1 on endothelial cells in H/R.  相似文献   
AIM: To study the expression and its kinetics of rice phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene encoding into E. coli as the basis of treatment for phenylketouria. METHODS: The phenylalanine ammonia-lyase-1-cDNA(rPAL-1-cDNA) from rice was recombined into E. coli high expression vector pET-28c and transformed into E. coli host strain BL21DE3. Engineering bacteria was then inducted by isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) for 1, 3, 5, 7 hours, in order to obtain high level expression. RESULTS: After induction, the expression level of fusion protein was 21.40%, 30.60%, 35.40%, 35.43% respectively. The fusion protein exhibited a band of 78.6 kD on SDS-PAGE analysis, but was not found in controls.The target protein was mainly existed in the form of inclusion body. CONCLUSION:Rice PAL gene expressing E. coli was established by gentic engineering technique.  相似文献   
AIM and METHODS:To clarify the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the regulation of blood pressure,in the present study, we examined the effect of aminoguanidine (AG), a selective inhibitor of iNOS on the hemodinamical response of Dahl salt-sensitive (DS) and Dahl salt-resistant (DR) rats to low (0.3%) or high (8%) sodium chloride (NaCl) infusion by chronical in vivo hemodynamic experiment, and the effect of NaCl or NaCl plus AG infusion on urinary nitrate (NO3)/nitrite (NO2), the end product of nitric oxide (NO), excretion by Greiss Reaction. Furthermore, NOS activity assay was also carried out to probe the effect of NaCl and AG on calcium-dependent or independent NOS activity in renal tissue. RESULTS:1. High or low NaCl-infused DR rats and low NaCl-infused DS rats have no hemodinamical response to AG, however, the hypertensive effect of high NaCl (8%) infusion on DS rats were greatly amplified by co-infusion of AG. 2. Administration of high NaCl significantly elevated the iNOS activity of renal tissue, and greatly increased urinary NO3/NO2 excretion. CONCLUSION:Inducible NOS is an important modulator of arterial pressure, especially in case of higher blood pressure.  相似文献   
AIM: To study the role and regulation of calcineurin(CaN) in angiotensin II(AngⅡ)-stimulated cardiacmyocyte hypertrophy of rats. METHODS: Using AngⅡ to induce the cultured cardiac myocyte hypertrophy of rats, and investigating the effect of CaN inhibitor on [3H]-leucine incorporation of AngⅡ-stimulated cardiomyocytes and the regulation of various factors on CaN activity in cardiomyocytes.RESULTS: AngⅡ can stimulate the CaN activity in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes in a dose- and time-dependent manner. In cardiac myocytes incubated with 10, 100, 1000 nmol·L-1 of AngⅡ for 12h, the CaN activities increased respectively by 13%,57%(P<0.05) and 228%(P<0.01) compared with that in non-stimulated cardiomyocytes. The CaN activities in AngⅡ-stimulated cardiomyocytes were significantly inhibited by losartan(50 μmol·L-1), H7(50 μmol·L-1)and Fura-2/AM(4 μmol·L-1),while no effect was observed with PD98059(50 μmol·L-1).The [3H]-leucine incorporation in AngⅡ-stimulated cardiomyocytes increased by 46%(P<0.01) compared with that in control group, which was dramatically inhibited by cyclosporin A(0.5~5μg/mL). CONCLUSIONS: Calcineurin, a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase, may play an important role in AngⅡ-induced cardiac myocyte hypertrophy. The activation of CaN may dependent on the sustained increases of [Ca2+]i and be regulated by some protein kinases (such as PKC,etc.).  相似文献   
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