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根据GenBank中气肿疽梭菌细胞毒素CctA基因的参考序列,采用PCR方法扩增细胞毒素CctA基因。在将该基因进行克隆和测序后利用生物信息学方法,对细胞毒素CctA蛋白的理化性质、结构功能域、蛋白质二级结构和三级结构及抗原表位等重要参数进行了预测和分析。结果表明:与参考序列(JQ692583)相比,存在3处突变,核苷酸序列的同源性和氨基酸序列的同源性均为99.4%;CctA蛋白的理论等电点为8.00,不存在跨膜区和信号肽序列,二级结构以β-折叠和无规则卷曲为主,主要有4个抗原表位区域。本研究为CctA蛋白功能的深入研究提供了参考,并为气肿疽梭菌单克隆抗体的制备及合成肽疫苗的研发奠定了基础。  相似文献   
车艳妮  刘庆超 《安徽农业科学》2018,(20):229-231,236
《二如亭群芳谱》是我国17世纪初期的一部农学专著,其内容广泛,论述周详,是16世纪以前古代农书的集大成者。以谷类作物为例,探究该书在指导思想、内容体例和语言特色等方面对《齐民要术》的继承和发展,以展示我国宝贵的农业遗产和光辉灿烂的农业文明。  相似文献   
It is well reported in the scientific literature that pastures can have similar net forage accumulation when managed with contrasting structures. However, we hypothesized that the dynamics of forage accumulation in grazed swards is linked to seasonal-environmental conditions. Marandu palisadegrass (Brachiaria brizantha [Hochst. ex A. Rich.] was used as the forage species model. The experimental treatments were four grazing heights (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm) allocated to experimental units according to a randomized complete block design with four replicates and evaluated throughout four contrasting environmental seasons (summer, autumn, winter–early spring and late spring). Under rainy and warm periods, greater net forage accumulation was observed in pastures maintained taller; on the contrary, during the mild and dry periods, net forage accumulation rate reduced as grazing height increased. Such patterns of responses were related to compensations between tiller population density and tissues flows during summer and late spring and the reduced capacity of taller canopies to compensate lower population with greater growth rates during autumn and winter–early spring. Grazed swards changed their patterns of forage growth as they transitioned from favourable to more abiotic stressful conditions, suggesting that seasonal adjustments in grazing intensities are necessary in order to maximize forage production.  相似文献   
本试验旨在探讨不同饲粮粗蛋白质水平下黑水虻蛋白替代豆粕对蛋鸡生产性能、蛋清品质及血清蛋白质代谢指标的影响。采用单因素随机试验设计,选用252只产蛋率相近的33周龄罗曼白蛋鸡,随机分为3组,每组7个重复,每重复12只鸡。各组分别饲喂标准回肠可消化氨基酸(SIDAA)平衡模式下配制的不同粗蛋白质水平(16.50%、14.85%、13.20%)的玉米-豆粕-黑水虻蛋白饲粮,各组黑水虻蛋白与豆粕提供等量的粗蛋白质。预试期2周,正试期12周。结果表明:1)与16.50%组相比,14.85组%和13.20%组的产蛋率和平均日采食量无显著影响(P>0.05),平均蛋重显著降低(P<0.05),料蛋比显著升高(P<0.05);13.20%组的产蛋量显著降低(P<0.05),14.85%组的产蛋量无显著差异(P>0.05)。2)与16.50%组相比,14.85%组的平均蛋重、蛋清重、浓蛋白重、蛋白高度、哈氏单位和蛋清比例均无显著差异(P>0.05);13.20%组的平均蛋重、浓蛋白重、蛋白高度显著降低(P<0.05),蛋清重和哈氏单位呈下降趋势(P=0.0513和P=0.0673)。3)各组血清谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶活性及总蛋白、白蛋白、尿酸含量无显著差异(P>0.05)。16.50%和13.20%饲粮粗蛋白质水平对蛋鸡输卵管膨大部分泌功能有轻微不良影响。由此可见,在SIDAA模式下,以黑水虻蛋白替代豆粕并使饲粮粗蛋白质水平降低至14.85%时对鸡蛋蛋清品质无不良影响。  相似文献   
Improved estimates of nutrient requirements for rice(Oryza sativa L.)in China are essential to optimize fertilization regulation for increasing grain yields and reducing the potential of environmental negative influences,especially under high-yielding intensive systems.A database involving rice grain yields,nutrient concentrations and accumulations collected from on-field station experiments in the literatures published from 2000 to 2013 in China was developed to understand the relationships between grain yields and plant nutrient uptakes,and to quantify nutrient requirements for different yield levels.Considering all data sets,rice grain yield ranged from 1.4 to 15.2t ha-1with the mean value of 7.84t ha-1,and ca.10.4%of yield observations were higher than the yield barrier level of 10 t ha-1.N requirement to produce one ton grain was 21.10 kg for the yield range<4.0t ha-1with a high variation of 45.8%.Except of the yield range<4.0t ha-1,the values of N requirement,firstly increased from 18.78 kg for yield range 4.0-5.5 t ha-1to 20.62 kg for yield range 7.0-8.5 t ha-1,then decreased slightly to 19.67 and19.17 kg for the yield range 8.5-10 and>10 t ha-1,respectively.Phosphorus(P)and potassium(K)requirements showed increasing trends,from 3.51 and 19.87 kg per t grain for<4.0 t ha-1yield range to 4.10 and 21.70 kg for>10.0t ha-1range.In conclusion,nutrient requirement varied with increasement of grain yield,and N,P and K presented various response trends,increasing,declining or stagnating,which would be of great benefit for improving fertilizer strategies.  相似文献   
为明确北方蚁影响下蚁巢及其周围土壤种子库变化特征,以山地草甸中广泛分布的北方蚁为研究对象,探究距蚁巢不同距离、不同深度下土壤种子库的特征,以及土壤环境对种子库物种分布的影响.结果表明:蚁巢中心及周围土壤种子库中共出现28个物种,隶属12科28属,其中禾本科植物居多,蚁巢中心0~10 cm、10~20 cm深度下,土壤中平车前、北疆剪股颖、无芒雀麦、鸭茅、草地早熟禾萌发数量均显著高于其他样点(P<0.05);土壤种子库物种生活型组成以多年生草本植物为主,蚁巢中心0~10 cm、10~20 cm深度下多年生草本植物数量均显著高于其他样点(P<0.05);蚁巢中心0~10 cm、10~20 cm深度土壤种子库种子数量和物种数均显著高于蚁巢周围区域(P<0.05).相同距离下,0~10 cm深度土壤种子库种子数量及物种数均高于10~20 cm深度;蚁巢大小与蚁巢中心土壤种子库种子数量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);随着距离的增加,同深度下土壤种子库丰富度指数、多样性指数、优势度指数、均匀度指数大致呈现出"V"字型变化趋势,并在距蚁巢100 cm处物种多样性指数降至最低;RDA分析表明,土壤速效磷是影响该区土壤种子库分布的主要因子.北方蚁能对周围环境中的种子进行收集与搬运,增加了蚁巢内种子的数量,影响了周围环境中土壤种子库的空间分布,在小尺度范围内进行了种子再分配,改变了土壤种子库内的物种分布.  相似文献   
Arginine is one of the most important amino acids for animals,and participates in the synthesis and metabolism of many nutrients,plays a role in the development and function of the gastrointestinal tract.Intestinal barrier function is one of the most functions for intestine.The article will summarize the effect of arginine on intestinal barrier.It was explicated the influence on inteseinal immunity of Toll-like receptor.This research provided some references for further study of arginine regulation on animal production.  相似文献   
为有效保护园林绿地中的自然天敌,以园林植物刺吸害虫及其天敌为调查对象,采用黄板诱集法,研究了园林绿地刺吸害虫及其天敌时序动态及发生规律。结果表明:绿地中京枫多态毛蚜(Periphyllus diacerivorus)、栾多态毛蚜(P.koelreuteria)、居松长足大蚜(Cinara pinihabitans)和白皮松长足大蚜(C.bungeanae)的发生期早于桃粉大尾蚜(Hyalopterus arundimis),且5种蚜虫种群均在夏季高温和天敌共同作用下崩溃;瓢虫和寄生蜂类天敌对碧桃(Pruns perscial f.duplex)上桃粉大尾蚜及捕食螨对碧桃上山楂叶螨(Tetranychus viennensis)的跟随效应明显,而天敌对其它4种植物上蚜虫无明显跟随效应;施药虽可暂时降低阔叶植物上3种蚜虫的种群数量,却大量杀伤了害虫的天敌,停药后3种蚜虫仍爆发成灾,同时使6月后碧桃上山楂叶螨种群爆发和5月中旬后油松(Pinus tabuliformis)上针叶小爪螨(Oligonychus ununguis)种群数量较多。绿地中瓢虫、草蛉、食蚜蝇和寄生蜂类天敌的发生最高峰均位于5月下旬至6月下旬,除草蛉外,绿地中的瓢虫、食蚜蝇和寄生蜂类天敌在7—8月种群数量均极低。草蛉喜欢在五角枫(Acer mono)上栖息或搜寻寄主。  相似文献   
【目的】揭示影响垂穗披碱草种子萌发时滞的关键因素。【方法】对不同居群野生垂穗披碱草种子的萌发时滞、生理生化特性、内源营养物质含量及其环境因子进行差异比较。【结果】居群P2种子萌发时滞最短,为6.0 d,P8萌发时滞最长,达到47.3 d。居群P5种子千粒重最大,为4.2 g,较千粒重最小居群P6高82.6%(P<0.05)。P8种子的脯氨酸(Pro)含量和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性最高,分别较最低的P1和P4提高了517%和14.2%(P<0.05);P1的丙二醛(MDA)含量最低,较P7降低了34.9%(P<0.05),过氧化物酶(POD)活性和磷(P)含量最高,分别是P5和P4的3倍、4倍(P<0.05);P3的电导率(Ec)值最低,较P6降低了43.1%,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性最大,较P2提高12.8%(P<0.05);P5的可溶性糖和淀粉含量最高,分别较含量最低的P6和P1提高了87%、110%(P<0.05);P4的N含量最高,较P7提高了59.6%(P<0.05);P9的K含量最高,较P4提高了27.2%(P<0.05)。...  相似文献   
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