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The methods employed and the results achieved in stabilizing an area of about 225 ha dune sand is described. The techniques employed in allowing tree species to become established are mentioned and are illustrated by various plates  相似文献   
The influence of seasonal variation, indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and type of cuttings was examined on induction and growth of adventitious roots in Bambusa nutans Wall. and Bambusa tulda Roxb. Singlenode culm and culm-branch cuttings from the mature culms were provided with immersion treatment for 24 h of either water (control) or 2 mM IBA in four different seasons, i.e., spring (mid February), summer (mid May), rainy (mid July), and winter (mid November) and maintained for two months in the mist chamber at the relative humidity of (70±5)% and the temperature of (30±2)°C. In B. nutans, adventitious rooting occurred in both types of cuttings in all the seasons with the best rooting in the summer season i.e., May (88% in culm cuttings) and the least in winter. On the contrary, adventitious rooting was recorded only in culm cuttings in spring and summer season in B. tulda. IBA treatment significantly enhanced rooting, root number and root length; registering 14 to 17 times improvement over control in the best rooting season. Three factor-interactions (season × cutting type × IBA treatment) were significant for rooting in B. nutans and all characteristics, except sprouting in B. tulda. Thus, single-node culm and culm-branch cuttings in B. nutans and culm cuttings in B. tulda treated with 2 mM IBA during spring (February) to summer (May) season are recommended for their clonal multiplication.  相似文献   
Correct knowledge of disturbance ecology is essential for understanding the characteristic behavior of forest ecosystems and for guiding appropriate management strategies. However, the role of natural disturbances in shaping European mountain forest ecosystems has not been adequately studied, possibly because of the perception that the development of most European forests is primarily shaped by human influences and/or fine-scale gap-phase dynamics.In the present study, we investigate the long-term disturbance history of old protected forest dominated by Norway spruce in the Parangalitsa Reserve, Bulgaria. We used aerial photo interpretation and dendroecological methods to reconstruct the history of wind, insect, and fire disturbances across a topographically complex landscape. Over the past 150 years wind has been the most important disturbance agent in this ecosystem and at least 18% of the forested area shows evidence of high-severity blowdowns. Windthrow patches ranged in size from <1 ha to >10 ha (minimum 0.11 ha, mean 0.16 ha, maximum 10 ha). Although small disturbances were much more frequent, few larger blowdowns accounted for most of the disturbed area. Pure coniferous and single-cohort coniferous forest patches were more affected by blowdowns than mixed coniferous-deciduous and multi-cohort coniferous forest patches. Although bark beetle (Ips typhographus) populations were large enough to cause mortality of some live trees, the populations did not grow to epidemic proportions during recent decades. Fire disturbance was of limited importance in the last 200 years and only two patches (4% of the study area) showed evidence of fire.The present research indicates that wind disturbances have been characteristic of these ecosystems at least over the past decades to centuries. Thus, blowdowns appear integral to the normal function and structure of the Picea-dominated mountain forests in the region and such events, in and of themselves, do not represent unhealthy forest conditions or environmental emergencies. Management strategies that aim to maintain these ecosystems within a natural range of variation should incorporate wind disturbances into the management strategy. The frequency and magnitude of future wind disturbances may be considered within the historical framework described in the current study to assess potential effects of climate change on altered disturbance regimes.  相似文献   
The germination of Casuarina equisetifolia Forst seed lots is low (40–50%) even when freshly collected. This study aimed at upgrading the germination performance by removing non-germinable seeds using petroleum flotation technique. Seeds collected from 19 individual trees in seedling seed orchards in India were assessed using X-ray to determine the proportion of different seed lot fractions. The feasibility of petroleum ether as a separation medium was tested. Morphological characters of floating and sunken seeds were further studied using image analysis technique to examine their effects on the separation efficiency. The X-ray analysis revealed a large quantity of shrivelled, empty and insect-damaged seeds, altogether accounting 50%, which were the causes of low percentage germination of un-graded seed lots (48%). Petroleum flotation resulted in 90% germination in the sunken fraction and 4% in the floating fraction. The separation was distinct for most seed lots, except few seed lots that had relatively low germination in the sunken fractions and more than 10% germination in the floating fractions. As a whole, petroleum flotation appears to be a feasible technique to upgrade the germination of C. equisetifolia seed lots, and its efficacy is influenced by wing surface area, seed density and wing quotient of filled and empty seeds.  相似文献   
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) leaves, collected in different locations of Lithuania were extracted with ethanol and the extracts were tested for their antioxidant activity (AA) by using ABTS(.)(+) decolourisation and DPPH(.) scavenging methods. All extracts were active, with radical scavenging capacity at the used concentrations from 20.5 to 82.5% in DPPH(.) reaction system and from 8.0 to 42.7% in ABTS(.)(+) reaction. The total amount of phenolic compounds in the leaves varied from 4.8 to 12.0 mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE) in 1 g of plant extract. Quercetin glucuronide, quercetin-3-O-glucoside and rutin were identified in the extracts.  相似文献   
The biotopes occupied by pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.)and rebollo oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) in Galicia were characterizedusing different parameters, enabling a comparative analysisof its habitats. Thirty-nine plots of pedunculate oak and 40of rebollo oak were inventoried and 25 ecological parameters(physiographic, climatic and edaphic) were measured to describethe biotopes, along with 14 stand parameters to characterizethe structure and the silviculture of these forests; some ofthem were used in previous works about the autecology of bothspecies. Quercus robur was found to occupy a wider range ofecological habitats and their distribution is oceanic; Q. pyrenaicapresents a more Mediterranean phytoclimatic position. The resultsindicated that the distribution of oak forests in Galicia ismore closely related to physiographic and climatic featuresthan to edaphic, because the nature of the substrates that theyoccupy is similar. Analysis of fragility/aggressiveness betweenboth species and chestnut shows that the aggressiveness of bothoaks, mainly pedunculate, was much higher, except at high altitudes,and in areas with a high mean temperature, where rebollo ismore aggressiveness. Comparison of the two Quercus shows formost of the parameters that Q. robur is the more aggressivespecies.  相似文献   
We compare dry mass (DM) and storage of starch (St) and nitrogen (N) in seedlings of three Mediterranean oaks, two evergreens (Quercus coccifera L. and Q. ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp) and one deciduous (Q. faginea Lam.), across different scenarios of nutrient and water availabilities. Three fertilization (5, 50 and 200 mg of N per plant and growing period) and watering (28–39, 55–71 and 70–85 g H2O 100 g soil ?1 gravimetric soil water) treatments were applied to current-year seedlings between May and October 2002 in two independent experiments. The three species showed a similar response to fertilization, storing nitrogen instead of increasing biomass, in agreement with adaptations to nutrient-poor habitats. However, they differed in their responses to water, reflecting the different water requirements in the field: Q. coccifera, from arid zones, showed no response to water regarding DM and St; Q. faginea, from humid zones, required higher water availability to simultaneously increase growth and storage; while Q. ilex, spanning over most of the water availability range, exhibited a balanced increase of both functions when water increased moderately. In the two evergreen species, N concentration increased with water supply, whereas the reverse occurred in Q. faginea. The latter species favoured growth over storage at moderate water supply (according to its more competitive strategy), although it was the species which accumulated more St and N at the end of the experiments (autumn).  相似文献   
Stable isotopes of nitrogen are potentially a valuable tool for regional assessments of nitrogen saturation because they provide an integrated measure of the past nitrogen cycling history of a site. We measured δ15N of soil and litter, as well as net nitrification potential, at three sites across a nitrate-loss gradient in the White Mountains, New Hampshire to test the hypotheses: (1) that δ15N in soil and litter increase across a spatial gradient of nitrate loss; and (2) that δ15N in soil and litter is elevated when nitrification is elevated. δ15N was found not to vary significantly among the three sites. Patterns of leaf litter and forest floor δ15N, however, were strongly influenced by species composition in individual plots. Beech litter had significantly higher δ15N than yellow birch, sugar maple, and red maple. The conifer-dominated plots had significantly lower δ15N in both the organic soil horizons and in litter than did the hardwood-dominated plots. When we adjusted for spatial heterogeneity in mineral soil δ15N values by using an enrichment factor, δ15Nfoliar − δ15NBs, in place of absolute soil δ15N values, a positive relationship was found with net nitrification for hardwoods. δ15N may also be a useful tool for evaluating species differences in nitrogen cycling and nitrogen uptake. The distinct pattern we observed of decreasing δ15N across the continuum from hardwood-dominated to conifer-dominated sites may suggest that local drivers (for example, nitrification rate) regulate the absolute value of foliar δ15N, while species-driven factors (e.g., timing and type of uptake) control the foliar δ15N value of one species relative to another in the same plot.  相似文献   
Four ligneous species from the tropical forest in the east of Madagascar, with a proven or potentially high economic value, were subject to ‘low-tech’ vegetative propagation tests from stem cuttings. The species concerned were Aphloia theiformis, Ilex mitis, Prunus africana and Ravensara aromatica. The cuttings were three-node segments of stems on which one leaf was retained. All the species proved amenable to rooting. The maximum percentage of rooting ranged from 33% for P. africana to 60% for I. mitis. Rooting success was dependant on the season of cutting (high in the hot season, from October to May, and null in cold season). This study is the first successful attempt at propagating cuttings from Malagasy forest species. This result is of particular importance to P. africana, threatened by destructive exploitation in Madagascar. It goes a step further in the domestication of this species by demonstrating the ability of cutting from 10 year old ortets collected in natural forest to root as it offers the possibility of a reliable and effective method of reintroduction for the species in overexploited zones.  相似文献   
The plant Phyllanthus reticulatus is claimed to have antidiabetic activity in tribal area. To validate the tribal claim, the petroleum ether and ethanolic extracts of leaves of the P. reticulatus were orally tested at 500 and 1000 mg/kg for hypoglycemic effect in alloxan induces diabetic mice. It shows antidiabetic activity at the dose of 1000 mg/kg. The phytochemical screening of the residues revealed the presence of terpenoids glycosides, protein, carbohydrates and absence of alkaloids and steroids.  相似文献   
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