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Nine adult horses were anesthetized for a nonsurvival abdominal adhesion study. Horses were randomly assigned into two groups to receive endotracheal tube cuff pressures of either 80 cm H2O (Group P80) or 120 cm H2O (Group P120). After intubation (Bivona 30 mm ID), anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane. Horses were ventilated 10 times per minute with a suitable inspiratory pressure to maintain Pe ′CO2 in the 35–40 mm Hg (4.7–6.0 kPa) range. Cuff pressure was continuously monitored with a pressure transducer (TruWave, Baxter) calibrated to the atmospheric pressure and maintained at a constant pressure. Twenty‐five millilitres of methylene blue dye in saline were instilled proximal to the cuff over 5 minutes. The horses were euthanized 123 ± 23 minutes later (mean ± SD). Immediately, the trachea was opened distal to the tip of the endotracheal tube, and the mucosa was observed for evidence of dye leaking past the cuff. The cervical trachea was resected and the lumen exposed by a ventral longitudinal incision. Biopsies (1–2 rings) were obtained at mid‐cuff level and distal to the tip of the endotracheal tube, and placed in formalin for later histologic examinations (H&E stain). Methylene blue stain was not observed distal to the endotracheal tube cuff in any horse. Visual examination of the tracheal mucosa revealed hyperemic or hemorrhagic lesions at the level of cuff contact both ventrally and dorsally. Histologic changes included epithelium damage, submucosal neutrophil infiltrates, and acute submucosal hemorrhages. P80 horses had none or focal to multifocal lesions on the ventral and dorsal aspects of the rings. P120 horses had multifocal to diffuse lesions on all aspects (dorsal, ventral, and lateral). We concluded that the endotracheal tube cuff produced a seal sufficient to prevent leakage at both pressures. Tracheal damages on gross and microscopic examinations were more severe and occurred more frequently at the higher cuff pressure.  相似文献   
Landscape analysis of plant diversity   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Studies to identify gaps in the protection of habitat for speciesof concern have been inconclusive and hampered by single-scale orpoor multi-scale sampling methods, large minimum mapping units(MMU's of 2 ha to 100 ha), limited and subjectively selected fieldobservations, and poor mathematical and ecological models. Weovercome these obstacles with improved multi-scale samplingtechniques, smaller MMU's (< 0.02 ha), an unbiased sampling designbased on double sampling, improved mathematical models includingspecies-area curves corrected for habitat heterogeneity, andgeographic information system-based ecological models. We applythis landscape analysis approach to address resource issues inRocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Specifically, we quantifythe effects of elk grazing on plant diversity, identify areas ofhigh or unique plant diversity needing increased protection, andevaluate the patterns of non-native plant species on thelandscape.Double sampling techniques use satellite imagery,aerial photography, and field data to stratify homogeneous andheterogeneous units and keystone ecosystems (ecosystems thatcontain or support a high number of species or have distinctivespecies compositions). We show how a multi-scale vegetationsampling design, species-area curves, analyses of within- andbetween-vegetation type species overlap, and geographic informationsystem (GIS) models can be used to quantify landscape-scalepatterns of vascular plant diversity in the Park.The new multi-scale vegetation plot techniques quickly differentiated plantspecies differences in paired study sites. Three plots in the OuzelBurn area (burned in 1978) contained 75 plant species, while only17 plant species were found in paired plots outside the burn.Riparian areas contained 109 plant species, compared to just 55species in paired plots in adjacent forests. However, plant speciesrichness patterns inside and outside elk exclosures were morecomplex. One elk exclosure contained more species than its adjacentopen range (52 species inside and 48 species outside). Two elkexclosures contained fewer species inside than outside (105 and 41species inside and 112 and 74 species outside, respectively).However, there was only 26% to 48% overlap (using Jaccard'sCoefficient) of plant species composition inside and outside theexclosures. One elk exclosure had 13% cover of non-indigenousspecies inside the exclosure compared to 4% outside, butnon-indigenous species cover varied by location.We compared plantdiversity patterns from vegetation maps made with 100 ha, 50 ha, 2ha, and 0.02 ha MMU's in the 754 ha Beaver Meadows study area usingfour 0.025 ha and twenty-one 0.1 ha multi-scale vegetation plots.Preliminary data suggested that the 2 ha MMU provided an accurateestimate of the number of plant species (–14%) for a study area,but the number of habitats (polygons) was reduced by 67%, andaspen, a unique and important habitat type, was missed entirely. Wedescribe a hypothesis-driven approach to the design andimplementation of geospatial databases for local resourcemonitoring and ecosystem management.  相似文献   
Discrete discoid or linear areas of increased soft opacity have been observed within the pulmonary parenchyma in thoracic radiographs of dogs and cats. Similar radiographic findings have been described in humans and termed plate‐like atelectasis. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe locations and characteristics of presumed plate‐like atelectasis, presence of concurrent thoracic disease(s), and presence of persistent pulmonary changes on recheck thoracic radiographic studies in a cohort of dogs and cats. Hospital records between 2004 and 2011 were searched and a total of 90 cases were included (75 dogs and 15 cats, 2–17 years of age). Plate‐like atelectasis was most commonly found in left lateral radiographs. Plate‐like atelectasis was observed in the cranial thorax and was oriented in a dorsocranial to ventrocaudal direction in 68 (75%) patients. Plate‐like atelectasis averaged 29.6 ± 14.4 mm in length and 2.6 ± 1.3 mm in width. In 57 of the 90 patients (63%), plate‐like atelectasis was the only abnormality found. Plate‐like atelectasis was present in 7 of 22 cases where follow‐up radiographs were available. Findings from the current study indicated that, while the etiology of plate‐like atelectasis remains unknown, anatomic variations in sublobar pulmonary anatomy might account for pleural areas of atelectasis. The authors propose that the presence of plate‐like atelectasis may represent areas of atelectasis that track along sublobar lung lobe separations, an area of hypoventilation or decreased collateral ventilation, and/or area of decreased localized surfactant deficiency.  相似文献   
Leaves of two subgenera of Panicum differ in photosynthetic physiology and bundle sheath characteristics. Species of the subgenus Eupanicum, like other tropical grasses, had high phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (E.C. activity, had specialized chloroplasts within the parenchyma bundle sheath cells, and lacked phatorespiration. The pattern for the temperate subgenus Dichanthelium was opposite.  相似文献   
Worm-free sheep were fed diets with a high or low protein and iron content and infected with 1,000 F. hepatica metacercariae. The adult fluke burdens of the sheep on each diet were similar, but animals on the poorer plane of nutrition developed an earlier and ultimately more severe anaemia and as a result had to be necropsied earlier. By measuring the attendant changes in blood volume and erythrokinetics, it was found that the underlying cause of the anaemia in all animals was a combination of haemodilution, intra-hepatic and biliary haemorrhage, and its earlier appearance and faster development in the poorer-fed group was a refelection of the earlier onset of these changes in association with a faster rate of fluke migration. The ultimate degree of anaemia was not related to the severity of biliary haemorrhage, but rather to the animals' erythropoietic capacity. This was substantially lower in the sheep maintained on the poorer diet, which unlike their better-fed counterparts, became iron deficient by virtue of their inability to replace from the diet iron lost in the faeces as a result of haemorrhage. It was concluded that this difference was primarily a reflection of the better appetite and hence iron intake of the supplemented sheep, but differences in the efficiency of dietary iron utilization, possibly related to protein intake, may also have been involved.In a further experiment involving sheep infected with 600 metacercariae, there was no evidence of haemodilution. When provided with a diet of high protein and iron content, these animals were able to maintain constant, albeit reduced PCV values in the face of substantial biliary haemorrhage. However, when switched to an inferior diet, the same degree of haemorrhage produced a sharp fall in PCV, suggesting that erythropoiesis was adversely affected by reduced protein and iron intake.  相似文献   
SUMMARY Australia and the USA are major international meat exporting countries. Both countries conduct programs to monitor and survey for antibacterial residues. Australian programs use a urine screening test, whereas the US programs use tissue fluids as the test medium. The development of surveillance programs to provide rapid feedback to producers is a feature of the Australian programs. The programs in each country compare favourably with regard to numbers of animals tested, results and action taken to prevent residues. The results of the Australian programs justify the promotion of a ‘clean food’ image for Australian meat products with respect to antibacterial drugs.  相似文献   
Extradural spinal synovial cysts in nine dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nine dogs presenting for investigation of cervical or thoracolumbar myelopathies were diagnosed with extradural spinal synovial cysts. Degenerative disease affecting the articular facets or intervertebral discs was present on plain spinal radiographs in all cases. Myelography was consistent with dorsolateral, extradural spinal cord compression. Two groups of dogs were identified: (1) young, giant breed dogs with multiple cysts involving one or more levels of the cervical spinal cord; and (2) older, large breed dogs with solitary cysts involving the thoracolumbar spinal cord. The synovial cysts constituted the major compressive lesions in four of the dogs. Analysis of lumbar cerebrospinal fluid demonstrated albuminocytological dissociation, consistent with chronic compressive myelopathy, in six dogs. All dogs underwent decompressive surgery and the diagnosis of synovial cysts was confirmed histologically. The mean follow-up period was 17 months (range four to 36 months). At the time of follow-up, all dogs were fully ambulatory with improved neurological function compared with that at initial presentation.  相似文献   
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