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The influence of temperature and duration of wet periods on infection of oilseed rape by Alternaria brassicae was studied on detached leaves and pods, leaf disks and intact seedlings. Infections increased with age of leaf and the interaction between temperature and leaf age was highly significant. On older leaves infection was optimal at 25°C. There were many infections also at 15, 20 and 29 C but relatively few infections at 10°C. On pods most infections were observed at 20 C, the highest temperature studied. Infection at each temperature increased progressively with duration of surface wetness. The minimum wet periods for infection of leaves were 3 h at 20–25°C, 4 h at 15°C, 6–9 h at 10 C and 12–24 h at 5 C and for infection of pods, between 6 h and 9 h at 10°C and 6 h (or less) at 15°C and 20 C. On leaves, dry periods interrupting wet periods limited lesion development to that obtained with the initial wet period only; on pods some further infections developed when pods were re-wetted. Dry periods of 3 h and 6 h following the inoculation of pods reduced subsequent infection but there was no further reduction by longer periods of drying to 48 h.  相似文献   
The scabicide, lindane induces oxidative stress and immunological alterations. The present study was undertaken to assess the ameliorative effects of antioxidant supplementation in lindane treated scabies patients. Scabies patients were treated with either 1% lindane or 1% lindane along with antioxidant (Lycored or Vitamin-E). Oxidative stress and immunological parameters were evaluated in blood samples and compared with healthy controls. Lindane caused a significant increase in malonedialdehyde (MDA) levels and decrease in reduced glutathione (GSH) and ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP), which was attenuated by anti-oxidant therapy. The IL-1α levels were significantly enhanced in scabies patients per se and remained unaffected after lindane/anti-oxidant treatment. The TNF-α and nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction levels were not significantly different in all the groups. Topical application of lindane induces significant free radical generation and may cause immunological alterations which can be reversed by antioxidant therapy.  相似文献   
The impact on clubroot severity of growing susceptible canola or mixtures of resistant and susceptible canola genotypes was examined. Bioassays revealed greater clubroot severity and incidence, and reduced plant height, where 100% of a susceptible cultivar had been grown. A higher proportion of susceptible plants within a resistant canola crop increased root hair and secondary infections. Regression analysis of root hair infection and the amount of Plasmodiophora brassicae DNA (as determined by quantitative PCR) revealed strong linear relationships between the two parameters. The linear relationships between root hair infection and P. brassicae DNA were stronger for the resistant cultivar than for the susceptible cultivar when regression analysis was conducted by cultivar over the sampling dates. In conclusion, the cropping of a resistant cultivar reduced clubroot severity, while the presence of susceptible volunteer canola increased inoculum potential. Quantitative PCR was a reliable tool for the quantification of root hair infection.  相似文献   
Data of a pest control business was used to study infestation with the brown, or Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769]) in the City of Magdeburg for the year 1999. Swarms of rats were found to live all over the territory of the city. Blocks of residential buildings erected during G. D. R. times and, more specifically, their basements were noted to be focal sites of infestation with rats. The problem of rats living in the sewerage system of the city turned out to be unresolved. Detailed reference is made to rodenticides and active substances as well as to control strategies. The priority given to economical issues over the application of scientific findings is considered to be the decisive factor which accounts for the needs in the extermination of rats.  相似文献   
Pathogen occurrence was studied in 16099 adult specimens of 10 different bark beetle species, which live associated on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Beetles (mainly Ips typographus L. and Pityogenes chalcographus L.) were collected from 6 different localities in Austria (4 secondary spruce stands and 2 natural forest type stands, 9 sampling plots in total) in elevations between 400m and 1600m. Various viral, protozoan, and fungal pathogens could be diagnosed with a light microscope in the examined beetles. Numerous pathogen species were known from former studies, some pathogens were totally new or could be found in a new host species beside their type host. The most dominant pathogen species were Protozoa, Gregarina cf. typographi, Malamoeba cf. scolyti, and Chytridiopsis cf. typographi. Over the whole investigation period, the highest pathogen diversity with eight pathogen species was found in I. typographus. Differences were observed in the pathogen complex of each beetle species from the different collection sites and in different years of investigation. Several species showed an overlapping in their host range and infected various bark beetle species. Furthermore, pathogen occurrence and prevalence differed in bark beetles from 4 different sampling plots in an area (one locality) within a distance of a few kilometres.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT A simple model has been developed to predict the onset of pseudothecia maturity and seasonal ascospore showers in relation to blackleg disease in canola, caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans. The model considers a combination of two weather factors, daily mean temperature and daily total rainfall, to drive progress of maturity of pseudothecia on the infested canola stubble left from past crops. Each day is categorized as suitable or not suitable for progress of the maturation process. The onset of pseudothecia maturity occurs when approximately 43 suitable days have occurred. Following the onset of maturity, ascospore showers are triggered when daily rainfall exceeds a threshold. The model satisfactorily predicted the timing of the onset of pseudothecia maturity when tested with 3 years of field observations at four locations in Western Australia, which characteristically has a Mediterranean climate. The model also agreed reasonably well with the daily pattern of ascospore release observed in two locations. Sensitivity analysis was performed to show the relative importance of the parameters that describe the onset of pseudothecia maturity.  相似文献   
Attack of tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) leaves by the tea mosquito bugHelopeltis theivora (Hemiptera: Miridae) was positively correlated to temperature and rainfall, and partially to humidity, as determined in 12 varieties during the period 2000–2002. The insect attack was severe during the months of May–September, which had high temperature and rainfall, and led to severe loss of biomass due to curling and drying up of the leaves. The biochemical response of these 12 varieties of tea to attack by the insect was determined with special reference to oxidative enzymes and flavonoid flavor components. Insect attack led to an increase in the activities of the oxidative enzymes peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase. Activities of phenyl alanine ammonia lyase generally decreased as a result of insect attack, which was significant in the United Planters Association of South India (UPASI) varieties. A significant decrease in polyphenols was also obtained in UPASI varieties. HPLC analysis of catechins revealed a decrease in some of the catechins in the infected leaves. Analysis of theaflavins from infusion of healthy andHelopeltis-infested tea leaves revealed no changes. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 19, 2004.  相似文献   
J Wagner  H U Haas  K Hurle 《Weed Research》2002,42(4):280-286
Summary Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of specific alleles (PASA) was adapted as a molecular marker‐based method for the rapid detection of point mutations in Amaranthus retroflexus and Amaranthus rudis leading to ALS inhibitor resistance. Two pairs of primers were designed for the specific amplification of alleles of the ALS gene of susceptible and resistant biotypes. The allele‐specific primer matched the desired allele, but mismatched the different allele at its 3′ end. Differentiation was carried out by comparison of the amplified DNA fragments in gel electrophoresis after PASA‐PCR. In A. rudis, differentiation was possible with one PCR and genomic DNA as probe. A ‘nested’ PCR was necessary for the differentiation of sensitive and resistant A. retroflexus. PASA is useful for the identification of resistant weed biotypes and also as a monitoring tool to map resistance occurrence and distribution. Advantages include the fast and clear separation of those plants with and without mutations at an early stage of development, its easy and consistent performance and quick results compared with existing resistance detection tests. These advantages, when combined with management strategies, enable further activities to reduce herbicide resistance.  相似文献   
Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) poses a high economic risk to sugar beet production due to its potential to greatly reduce yield and quality. For successful integrated management of CLS, rapid and accurate identification of the disease is essential. Diagnosis on the basis of typical visual symptoms is often compromised by the inability to differentiate CLS symptoms from similar symptoms caused by other foliar pathogens of varying significance, or from abiotic stress. An automated detection and classification of CLS and other leaf diseases, enabling a reliable basis for decisions in disease control, would be an alternative to visual as well as molecular and serological methods. This paper presents an algorithm based on a RGB‐image database captured with smartphone cameras for the identification of sugar beet leaf diseases. This tool combines image acquisition and segmentation on the smartphone and advanced image data processing on a server, based on texture features using colour, intensity and gradient values. The diseases are classified using a support vector machine with radial basis function kernel. The algorithm is suitable for binary‐class and multi‐class classification approaches, i.e. the separation between diseased and non‐diseased, and the differentiation among leaf diseases and non‐infected tissue. The classification accuracy for the differentiation of CLS, ramularia leaf spot, phoma leaf spot, beet rust and bacterial blight was 82%, better than that of sugar beet experts classifying diseases from images. However, the technology has not been tested by practitioners. This tool can be adapted to other crops and their diseases and may contribute to improved decision‐making in integrated disease control.  相似文献   
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