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Genetic exchange is common among bacteria, but its effect on population diversity during ecological differentiation remains controversial. A fundamental question is whether advantageous mutations lead to selection of clonal genomes or, as in sexual eukaryotes, sweep through populations on their own. Here, we show that in two recently diverged populations of ocean bacteria, ecological differentiation has occurred akin to a sexual mechanism: A few genome regions have swept through subpopulations in a habitat-specific manner, accompanied by gradual separation of gene pools as evidenced by increased habitat specificity of the most recent recombinations. These findings reconcile previous, seemingly contradictory empirical observations of the genetic structure of bacterial populations and point to a more unified process of differentiation in bacteria and sexual eukaryotes than previously thought.  相似文献   
The everted gut sac technique has been used to investigate the effect of Vibrio vulnificus on water and electrolyte (Na+, K+, Cl, HCO3 ) transport on the intestine of sea bream (Sparus aurata L.). Both the anterior and the posterior intestine were incubated in a medium containing 108 V. vulnificus cells ml−1 at 25°C for 2 h. The presence of V. vulnificus resulted in a significant reduction (P < 0.05) of water absorption in the anterior intestine, while sodium absorption in the anterior (P < 0.01) and posterior (P < 0.05) intestine was elevated. Chloride absorption was increased, but the changed was not significant, while potassium absorption decreased significantly (P < 0.05), but only in the posterior intestine. Incubation the sea bream intestine with V. vulnificus did not affect carbonate secretion in the anterior segment, whereas high secretion was stimulated in the posterior segment (P < 0.01). Histological evaluations demonstrated damage in the anterior intestine of sea bream that was characterized by the detachment of degenerative enterocytes, alterations in the microvilli, and the presence of a heterogenous cell population, indicating inflammation. Based on our results, we conclude that V. vulnificus caused cell damage to the intestine of sea bream and that the anterior intestine is more susceptible than the posterior part of the intestine. Several hypotheses are suggested to explain our observations, such as the presence of higher numbers of villosities in the anterior intestine than in the posterior one and/or the presence of endogenous bacteria in the posterior intestine which may have a protector role.  相似文献   
The spatial and seasonal variability of the respiratory enzyme succinate dehydrogenase and the protein content were examined in different tissues of fish cultured in three ponds along the effluent gradient of a sewage-fed fish farm. Indian major carp Catla catla (150-230 g) and Labeo rohita (60-190 g) cultured in both the middle and last points of the sewage effluent (stocking pond 1) and (stocking pond 4) and Oreochromis mossambicus (50-160 g), a naturally growing fish of the inlet (facultative pond) and the out let of the sewage effluent (stocking pond 4) were procured every month during the period of January-December, 2005 and were subjected to determination of succinate dehydrogenase activity, total protein, DNA and RNA contents from gill, liver and muscle tissue respectively. The SDH activity of all three test fishes (Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Oreochromis mossambicus) was reduced significantly (ANOVA; P < 0.05) when cultured in SP-4 compared to SP-1 in the case of Catla catla and Labeo rohita and in facultative pond in the case of Oreochromis mossambicus.Conspicuous differences in the SDH activity of fish between the last and first stocking pond or the facultative pond were clearly due to the result of the differences in water quality. There was a direct relationship between SDH activity in gill tissue of any of the fish investigated and ammonia-N concentration of water or water pH. This shows that the respiratory activity of these fishes was strongly affected by the ammonia and pH of water. In other words, this suggests that as the distance from the point source increases, there was a substantial improvement of water quality in the ponds located along the sewage effluent gradient. Evidently, there is a progressive pattern of growth, survival and physiological health of fish and abundance of favorable diversity of food organisms with rich biodiversity.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Susceptibility to scrapie, a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in sheep, is modulated by the genetic make-up of the sheep. Scrapie control policies, based on selecting animals of resistant genotype for breeding, have recently been adopted by the Netherlands and other European countries. Here we assess the effectiveness of a breeding programme based on selecting rams of resistant genotype to obtain outbreak control in classical scrapie-affected sheep flocks under field conditions. In six commercially-run flocks following this breeding strategy, we used genotyping to monitor the genotype distribution, and tonsil biopsies and post-mortem analyses to monitor the occurrence of scrapie infection. The farmers were not informed about the monitoring results until the end of the study period of six years. We used a mathematical model of scrapie transmission to analyze the monitoring data and found that where the breeding scheme was consistently applied, outbreak control was obtained after at most four years. Our results also show that classical scrapie control can be obtained before the frequency of non-resistant animals is reduced to zero in the flock. This suggests that control at the national scale can be obtained without a loss of genetic polymorphisms from any of the sheep breeds.  相似文献   
In this study the starch digestion rates in broiler chickens from 18 samples of 5 commonly used feed grains (sorghum, wheat, maize, barley, triticale) were determined. The methodology to determine starch digestion rates in poultry is detailed herein. Starch digestion rates were not significantly different (P = 0.128) across the 18 feed grains, which reflects the wide variations that were observed within a given feedstuff. Nevertheless, starch digestion rates in broiler chickens offered wheat-based diets were significantly more rapid by 56.0% (0.117 versus 0.075 min−1; P = 0.012) than their sorghum-based counterparts on the basis of a pair-wise comparison. In descending order, the following starch digestion rates were observed: wheat (0.117 min−1), barley (0.104 min−1), triticale (0.093 min−1), maize (0.086 min−1), sorghum (0.075 min−1). The implications of these findings are discussed as they almost certainly have implications for poultry nutrition and the development of reduced crude protein diets for broiler chickens.  相似文献   
Computed tomography (CT) was used to diagnose the cause of lameness in a radiated tortoise (Geochelone radiata) and to determine the extent of shell and skeletal trauma in two snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina). The radiated tortoise's lameness was ultimately attributed to luxation of the right-shoulder joint that was not detected during plain film radiography. Axial and appendicular fractures were identified in one of the snapping turtles that were not detected during plain film radiography. In each patient, the information obtained during CT provided important diagnostic, therapeutic, or prognostic information.  相似文献   
Summary The suitability of blood collected on filter papers in comparison with corresponding conventional serum samples in the diagnosis of bovine anaplasmosis was studied using the complement fixation test, DOT-ELISA, Western immunoblot and rapid card agglutination test. Dried blood on Whatman filter paper no. 1 was eluted in PBS 0·05% Tween 20 giving an initial dilution of 1∶10. The reactivity of the eluted samples in both DOT-ELISA and Western immunoblotting were similar to those obtained with the corresponding straight serum sample dilutions. Filter paper samples gave lower reactivity in the remaining tests when compared with corresponding serum samples. There was no significant difference in the reactivity between the eluates from filter papers stored at temperatures ranging between 15·5 and 24°C and those kept refrigerated. Storage at 15·5 to 24°C did not significantly affect reactivity for up to six months. Eluates from filter papers stored for six months at 15·5 to 24°C continued to give similar reactivity as those from freshly prepared filter papers in both DOT-ELISA and Western blot, and in the rapid card agglutination test. It is concluded that collecting blood on filter papers is a suitable technique for large scale seroepidemiological studies on anaplasmosis and offers many advantages in developing countries where transport and cold chain facilities are a major constraint.
Resumen Se estudió la efectividad de muestras de sangre colectadas en papel filtro, en comparación con las correspondientes muestras convencionales du suero, en el diagnóstico de anaplasmosis bovina, utilizando fijación de complemento, DOT-ELISA, Western, immunoblot y la prueba rápida de la tarjeta. La sangre seca en papel Whatman No 1 fue removida con PBS 0·05% entre 20, dando una dilución inicial de 1∶10. La reactividad de las muestras removidas de papel filtro, en la prueba de DOT-ELISA y Western immunoblotting, fueron similares a la obtenida con la correspondiente muestra de suero. Las muestras de papel filtro reaccionaron menos en las otras pruebas, cuando se compararon con las correspondients muestras du suero. No hubo diferencia significativa en la reactividad entre los lavados del papel filtro guardados a temperaturas entre 15·5 y 24°C y aquellos guardados en refrigeración. El almacenaje entre 15·5 y 24°C, no afectó la reactividad hastas seis meses. Los lavados de papel filtro guardados por seis meses entre 15·5 y 24°C, dieron la misma reactividad como los lavados frescos, en la prueba DOT-ELISA y Western blot, lo mismo que en la prueba de aglutinación rápida de tarjeta. Se concluye, qu la colección de sangre en papel filtro, es una buena técnica para estudios epidemiológicos de cierta magnitud, sobre anaplasmosis, ofreciendo ventajas considerables en paises en desarrollo en donde las cadenas de frío son deficientes.

Résumé La fiabilité du sang récolté sur papier filtre comparée à celle des prélèvements conventionnels de sérum pour le diagnostic de l'anaplasmose a été étudiée à l'aide des tests suivants: fixation du complément, ELISA, immunoblot de Western, test rapide d'agglutination sur carte. Du sang séché sur papier filtre Whatman No 1 a fait l'object d'une élution dans une solution de PBS à 0,05 p. 100 (Tween 20) pour donner une dilution de base au dilution de base au 1∶10. Le réactivité des échantillons, autant avec le test ELISA que l'immunoblot Western, a été identique à celle obtenue par dilution directe de sérums homologue. Les échantillons sur papier filtre ont donné une réactivité plus faible pour les autres tests, comparée à celle des échantillons de sérum semblables. Aucune différence significative n'a été décelée quant à leur réactivité les éluats provenant de papiers filtres stockés à des températures comprises entre 15,5 et 24°C at ceux conservés au réfrigérateur. Le stockage entre 15,5 et 24°C n'a pas non plus affecté la réactivité de fa?on significative; les éluats conservés à partir des papiers filtres, à cette même température durant 6 mois, ont montré des réactions identiques que ceux provenant de papiers filtres fra?chement préparés, à la fois avec le test ELISA, celui de Western Blot et le test d'agglutination rapide sur carte. On peut conclure que la collecte du sang sur papier filtre est une technique adaptée à l'étude épidémiologique de l'anaplasmose à grande échelle. Elle offre de nombreux avantages dans les pays en développement où offre de nombreux avantages dans les pays en développement où les moyens de transports et la cha?ne du froid constituent des contraintes majeures.
We have examined the effect of Pen, an aqueous extract of the dry mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum, on plant–pathogen interactions. Pen controlled a broad range of pathogens on several crop plants under greenhouse and field conditions. Pen protected grapevine from downy and powdery mildew (caused by Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator), tomato from early blight (caused by Phytophthora infestans), onion from downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) and apple trees from apple scab (caused by Venturia inaequalis) to a similar extent as fungicides such as copper and sulphur or well-known inducers such as benzothiadiazole or β-aminobutyric acid. Pen had no major direct fungicidal effect and is thus supposed to protect plants by activating their defense mechanisms. The raw material for extraction of Pen was available in constant quality, a prerequisite for commercial application. Under certain conditions, Pen caused phytotoxic side effects. The symptoms mostly consisted of small necrotic spots or, more rarely, of larger necrotic areas. The development of the symptoms was dependent on several parameters, including concentration of Pen, the number of applications, the persistence on the plant tissue, the plant species and variety and environmental conditions. In grapevine, a partially purified fraction of Pen was much less toxic than the crude Pen extract, but protected the plants to a similar extent against P. viticola. Our data show that Pen has interesting and unique properties as a plant protection agent, but more research is needed to further reduce its phytotoxic side effects.  相似文献   
The effects of intramuscularly administered medetomidine and butorphanol (MB), and medetomidine, butorphanol, atropine (MBA) on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were determined in six dogs as measured by 99m-Tc-labeled diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (99mTc-DTPA) nuclear scintigraphy. Direct systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressures and heart rate were measured at regular time intervals before, during, and after GFR calculations. The mean GFR measurement following MB was significantly greater (4.44 ml/min/kg) than following MBA (3.82 ml/min/kg) or saline treatment (3.41 ml/min/kg). There was no significant difference between the mean GFR measurements following MBA injection and following saline injection. Diastolic and mean arterial pressures following MBA injection were significantly higher than the values recorded after either MB or saline alone. Heart rate following MB administration was significantly lower than that recorded for dogs receiving MBA or saline alone. The results of this study indicate that the administration of medetomidine in combination with butorphanol significantly increases total GFR in healthy dogs, while the administration of the combination of medetomidine, butorphanol, and atropine does not.  相似文献   
The northern Chilean Patagonia region is a key feeding ground and a nursing habitat in the southern hemisphere for blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus). From 2014 to 2019, during 6 separate research cruises, the dive behavior of 28 individual blue whales was investigated using bio-logging tags (DTAGs), generating ≈190 h of data. Whales dove to significantly greater depths during the day compared to nighttime (day: 32.6 ± 18.7 m; night: 6.2 ± 2.7 m; P < 0.01). During the night, most time was spent close to the surface (86% ± 9.4%; P < 0.01) and at depths of less than 12 m. From 2016 to 2019, active acoustics (scientific echosounders) were used to record prey (euphausiids) density and distribution simultaneously with whale diving data. Tagged whales appeared to perform dives relative to the vertical migration of prey during the day. The association between diurnal prey migration and shallow nighttime dive behavior suggests that blue whales are at increased risk of ship collisions during periods of darkness since the estimated maximum ship draft of vessels operating in the region is also ≈12 m. In recent decades, northern Chilean Patagonia has seen a large increase in marine traffic due to a boom in salmon aquaculture and the passenger ship industry. Vessel strike risks for large whales are likely underestimated in this region. Results reported in this study may be valuable for policy and mitigation decisions regarding conservation of the endangered blue whale.  相似文献   
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