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马家塔露天矿生态复垦区土壤养分状况研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文系统研究了神东矿区马家塔露天采坑复垦区土壤养分状况,结果显示:复垦区土壤基本上为原始回填土,剖面层次不发育,成土程度很低;土壤机械组成以砾石、粗沙为主,含量高达90%。有机质、含碱解氮含量略高于未受扰动的原状土壤,但速磷、速钾含量均低于原状土壤,总体评价土壤属于养分贫乏型;成土程度低、养分含量少是农林业生产水平不高的主要原因。研究表明通过改良复垦工艺以及提高复垦区生产管理水平是提高土地生产力的主要措施。  相似文献   
达里湖东北雅罗鱼受精卵在不同水体中的孵化试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在赤峰市克什克腾旗达里诺尔渔场进行了达里湖东北雅罗鱼(华子鱼)受精卵在不同水体中的孵化试验及其鱼苗成活试验,试验表明:华子鱼受精卵在鄂尔多斯市柒盖淖水体中能够孵化且鱼苗成活良好,为达里湖华子鱼向内蒙古部分盐碱水域移植提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Abstract— A nodular eruption occurring on the skin of depilated Angora rabbits was studied at 47 rabbit farms in 1988. Virus isolation, electron microscopy, transmission experiments and comparison with experimental infection using recognised strains of myxoma virus confirmed that the disease was myxomatosis. The disease occurred particularly in July and August in rabbits vaccinated in March or April with the heterologous vaccine. Morbidity on farms where lesions occurred only on depilated skin was much lower than on those where generalised forms occurred. In experimental intradermal infections of unvaccinated New Zealand White rabbits, both primary and secondary myxomas occurred earlier in inoculated animals depilated up to five days before or on the day of inoculation; but after six days development of lesions in the depilated area was not observed. The authors advance the hypotheses that the nature ot the spontaneous disease in rabbitries is dependant on the residual level of post-vaccinal immunity. Where this is high, myxomatosis does not occur. Where it is low classical myxomatosis, with numerous lesions on the depilated skin, occurs. Intermediate levels of immunity are able to restrict the development of myxomas to the depilated area. Résumé— Des nodules cutanés, se développant exclusivement sur le dos de quelques animaux récemment épilés, ont été observés en 1988 dans 47 élevages de lapins angora. L'isolement viral, la microscopie électronique, la transmission expérimentale et la comparaison avec l'infection expérimentale par des souches de virus myxomateux ont permis de montrer qu'il s'agissait d'une forme particulière de myxomatose. La maladie était principalement observée en juillet et août sur des lapins vaccinés en mars et avril avec un vaccin hétérologue. La morbidité dans les élevages atteins était significativement inférieure à celle constatée dans les élevages affectés par des formes classiques de myxomatose. L'infection expérimentale de lapins néo-zélandais non vaccinés a montré que le développement des myxomes était plus précoce lorsque les animaux étaient épilés cinq jours avant ou le jour de l'inoculation; mais aucune lésion ne fut observée dans la zone épilée lorsque l'épilation avait lieu plus de six jours après l'inoculation. Les auteurs émettent l'hypothèse que l'aspect de la maladie dépend du niveau résiduel de l'immunité post-vaccinale. Si ce niveau est élevé, la maladie n'apparaît pas. S'il est insuffisant, on observe une forme classique de myxomatose, avec en plus de nombreux myxomes dans la zone cutanée épilée. Une immunité intermédiaire limite le développement des myxomes aux zones cutanées épilées. Zusammenfassung— Das Auftreten von Nodula auf der Haut von enthaarten Angorakaninchen wurde 1988 in 47 Kaninchenfarmen untersucht. Durch Virusisolierung, elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen, Übertragungsversuche und den Vergleich mit experimentellen Infektionen mit bekannten Myxomavirusstämmen konnte bestätigt werden, daß es sich bei der Erkrankung urn Myxomatose handelte. Die Ekrankung trat vor allem im Juli und August bei Kaninchen auf, die im März oder April mit heterologen Vakzinen geimpft worden waren. Die Morbidität in Betrieben, wo die Veränderungen nur auf enthaarter Haut auftraten, war viel niedriger als bei denen, wo generalisierte Formen auftraten. Bei experimentellen intradermalen Infektionen nicht geimpfter Weiße Neuseeland-Kaninchen traten sowohl primäre wie sekundäre Myxome früher auf bei den inokulierten Tieren, die bis zu fünf Tage vor der Inokulation depiliert worden waren; 6 Tage danach jedoch wurde keine Entwicklung von Veränderungen im depilierton Bereich festgestellt. Die Autoren stellen die Hypothese auf, daß der Grad der natürlichen Erkrankung in Kaninchenhaltungen von dom residualen Spiegel der durch Impfung erzeugten Immunität abhängt. Wo dieser Spiegel hoch ist, tritt die Myxomatose nicht auf. Wo er niedrig ist, kommt es zu der klassischen Myxomatose mit zahlreichen Veränderungen auf der enthaarten Haut. Mittlere Immunitätsspiegel können die Entwicklung der Myxome of enthaarte Gebiete beschränken. Resumen Una erupción nodular producida en la piel de conejos de Angora depilados fue estudiada en 47 granjas de conejos en 1988. El aislamiento de virus, microscopía electrónica, experimentos de transmisión y la comparación con infecciones experimentales usando cultivos conocidos del virus myxoma, confirmaron que la enfermedad era myxomatosis. La enfermedad ocurrió especialmente en julio y agosto en conejos vacunados en marzo o abril con la vacuna heteróloga. En infecciones experimentales intradérmicas de conejos no vacunados New Zealand y Blancos, ambos myxomas, primario y secundario ocurrieron más pronto en animales inoculados depilados hasta unos cinco dias antes o en el día de la inoculacion; pero después de seis días no se observó desarrollo de lesiones en el area depilada. Los autores avanzaron la hipotesis de que la naturaleza de la enfermedad espontánea en rabbitrios es dependiente del nivel residual de inmunidad post-vacunal. Dónde este es elevado no se produce myxomatosis. Dónde es bajo, se produce la clásica myxomatosis con numerosas lesiones en la piel depilada. Niveles intermedios de inmunidad son capaces de restringir el desarrollo de myxomas en el area depilada.  相似文献   
A feline pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma studied by light and electron microscopy was characterized by three growth patterns: acinar formation, colloid production and sheets of neoplastic cells. Ultrastructurally, the acinar origin of the tumor was determined by the presence of zymogen granules, some of which contained and released microfibrillar material.  相似文献   
试验结果表明,甜菜单粒种采种母根主、侧花枝种子的块根产量、含糖率不同。单粒种根头周边芽所形成的花枝种子比根头中央部芽的花枝种子所产生的块根含糖率高0.79-2.45度,表现趋势较一致;但主、侧花枝种子的块根产量高低表现趋势不一致。为提高含糖率,此方法可在甜菜单粒型品系育种中应用。  相似文献   
A method for measuring the growth, senescence and defoliation fluxes in a mixture consisting of alternate rows of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens) was used to calculate the actual and potential efficiencies of grass and clover utilization under continuous sheep grazing. White clover contributed relatively more to the growth than to the herbage mass of the mixture and its relative growth rate was usually significantly greater than that of its companion grass. The primary reason for the greater potential efficiency of herbage use of the white clover component was, however, its lower rate of senescence. Greater potential efficiency was not reflected in a greater actual efficiency because the contribution of white clover to the total herbage removed was always smaller than its contribution to the growth flux of the mixture. Despite the commonly assumed sheep preference for white clover, the legume was usually the least defoliated species, presumably because of the lower surface height of white clover compared with grass, which resulted in a lower vertical availability of white clover, thereby restricting its defoliation rate. The positive net herbage accumulation observed with white clover at a constant sward surface height occurred partly through stolon and bud development and partly through the growth of undefoliated leaves from axillary growing points and contributed to a net herbage accumulation per unit dry weight in white clover greater than that in ryegrass. This resulted in an increase in the white clover content of the sward, which was observed independently by destructive measurements.  相似文献   
Intraspecific competition in Lolium perenne was studied using a replacement series of a short-leaved and a long-leaved genotype that was managed under different cutting frequencies and nitrogen supplies. Leaf length, tiller density and yield were recorded 6 months after sowing. Since the two competitors were labelled at the PG1/2 locus, it was possible to identify unambiguously the origin of tillers in the mixtures and to estimate the average length of lamina of each genotype. The difference in leaf length between the two competitors was maintained under particular types of management and generated contrasting competitive abilities leading to evolution of the genotypic composition of the mixtures. Thus, under infrequent cutting, competition for light resulted in the domination of the long-leaved genotype and in a concomitant intragenotypic selection for leaf length. Supplying nitrogen fertilizer emphasized the phenotypic plasticity of the genotypes, particularly of the dominated one. Frequent cutting reduced competition for light and the change towards the short-leaved genotype was far less rapid. The yielding and competitive abilities of ryegrass genotypes and the implications for breeding are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
AIM: To obtain an estimate of the incidence of assistance at calving in primiparous (first-calving) beef heifers and the prevalence of breeding heifers at 15 months of age in New Zealand in 2006,and to identify factors contributing to farmers' decisions regarding breeding strategies for heifers, using a survey of beef cattle farmers.

METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to farmers listed in a Massey University database and to members of selected breed societies, as well as published in an industry newspaper; 331 valid responses were received. Information was gathered on the age and number of primiparous heifers, number of heifers assisted, and the importance of various reasons for and against breeding heifers at 15 months of age. Respondents were also required to outline the criteria used for selecting bulls to join with heifers, and the strategies used to manage dystocia in primiparous heifers.

RESULTS: Sixty-five (95% CI=58–71)% of respondents had only 2-year-old primiparous heifers in 2006, whilst a further 11 (95% CI=8–16)% had both 2- and 3-year-old primiparous heifers. The mean reported incidence of assisted calving was 7.0 (95% CI=6.4–7.5)% for 2-year-old primiparous heifers and 1.7 (95% CI=1.2–2.2)% for 3-year-old primiparous heifers. The reported incidence of assistance at calving within individual herdsranged from 0 to 100% for 2-year-old heifers. Respondents with bull-breeding herds most commonly observed their primiparous 2-year-old heifers twice daily, whilst respondents with commercial herds most commonly observed them once daily during calving. The most important reason for breeding heifers at 15 months of age was “increased profit”, whereas the most important reason for not breeding them at that age was “concern about rebreeding performance of 2-year-old heifers”. Estimated breeding value (EBV) for birth weight was the factor considered most frequently when selecting bulls to join with maiden heifers; age of bull and body shape of bull were the next most frequently considered factors. Selection of an appropriate bull was the most common strategy used to manage dystocia in 2-year-old beef heifers.

CONCLUSIONS: The majority of respondents calved their heifers at 2 years of age, and “increased profit” was the primary motivator. Concern about the rebreeding performance of 2-year-old heifers was the most important reason among the remainder of respondents for not breeding heifers at 15 months of age. Dystocia in 2-year-old heifers was “not a problem” or “a minorproblem” in most herds, but there was much variation amongst herds.  相似文献   
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