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TGX soybean lines were bred at IITA Ibadan for promiscuity with indigenous rhizobia in Nigerian soils. Two cultivars, TGX1456-2E and TGX1660-19F, were tested in a 2-year trial for their response to rhizobial inoculation in five farmers' fields within a 60-km radius of Minna town, in the Southern Guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. Using the ELISA method, the competitiveness and persistence of the two elite strains of rhizobia contained in the inoculant mixture were also studied. There was a close relationship between nodulation and the size of resident rhizobial populations, with wide variation in nodulation across the various sites irrespective of the treatments. Cultivar effect on height and nodule number was significant only in the first cropping season of the trial. The inoculant strains appeared to be less competitive, but more effective, than the indigenous populations. The proportions of the nodules occupied by the inoculant strains were 17% in the first cropping season, and 24% in the second. Inoculation with rhizobia increased the percent arbuscular mycorrhizal infection by an average of 50%. Although grain yield varied between sites, no significant cultivar effect was observed. However, inoculation increased grain yield by 40% in the first cropping season, while no such yield differences occurred in the second season. The proportion of nitrogen derived from N2 fixation ranged from 27% to 50% in both cropping seasons, and this was dependent on crop management on farmers' fields, rather than any cultivar or inoculation effect.  相似文献   
Shrimp farming in India has developed at an uneven pace since export-oriented production began in the early 1990s. The introduction of Penaeus vannamei in 2009 along with disease-related production declines in competing Asian nations has led to a remarkable expansion in recent years. It is clear that the long-term success of Indian shrimp farming will continue to rely on the widespread adoption of Better Management Practices (BMPs). A two-round stakeholder Delphi survey was conducted in 2012 to elicit views and build consensus on the relative importance of a comprehensive set of BMPs covering most aspects of shrimp farming production. While the vast majority of BMPs were considered important, respondents placed greater emphasis on those BMPs aimed at improving production efficiency. Also, BMPs focused on overall outcomes were ranked higher than those placing specific restrictions on input usage. Results also yielded interesting policy implications on BMPs that are yet to be widely adopted such as distance between farms and construction of effluent treatment systems.  相似文献   
Five polymeric black tea polyphenol fractions (PBP-1-5) were isolated from a popular brand of black tea. The effect of these PBPs and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a major green tea polyphenol, was studied on the formation of [(3)H]-B(a)P-derived DNA adducts in vitro, employing rat liver microsomes. PBP-1-3 inhibited microsome-catalyzed [(3)H]-B(a)P-derived DNA adduct formation in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. This inhibition was further enhanced on preincubation of microsomes with each of the PBPs. PBP-4 was not effective per se and required preincubation with microsomes to exhibit its inhibitory effect, whereas PBP-5 remained ineffective with or without preincubation with microsomes. Further investigations revealed that the observed decrease in [(3)H]-B(a)P-DNA adduct formation was due to inhibition of isozymes of CYP450s by PBPs. Overall, results suggest that polymeric black tea polyphenol fractions retain one of the chemopreventive effects exhibited by the monomeric green tea polyphenol EGCG in vitro.  相似文献   
Hybrid rice based on wild‐abortive cytoplasmic male sterility (WA‐CMS) is important in boosting rice production, which requires diverse parents to harness heterosis. For this, exploiting the diversity of japonica through tropical japonica (TRJ) lines is an excellent route. In this study, 310 TRJ‐based new plant type (NPT) lines were developed and evaluated for Rf3 and Rf4 genes. Gene‐based (DRRM‐Rf3‐5 and DRRM‐Rf3‐10) and functional marker (RMS‐SF21‐5) targeted Rf3 locus, while gene‐linked (RM6100) and functional marker (RMS‐PPR9‐1) targeted the Rf4 locus. The frequency of the restorer allele of Rf3 gene was lower when compared to that of Rf4. Combined phenotypic and molecular screening using gene‐based and functional markers identified 42 lines that carried Rf3 and/or Rf4 genes. All the selected lines produced fertile F1s when crossed to a WA‐CMS line, “Pusa 6A”, but with varying levels of spikelet fertility. This is the first report of a marker‐cum‐phenotype‐based restorer selection using TRJ‐derived lines. Multilocation evaluation of these lines at three locations indicated better adaptation for grain yield in some of the lines.  相似文献   
Xylem sap plays a major role in long‐distance transport of water, nutrients, and metabolites. However, there is little information on the behavior of metabolites in mineral‐deficient xylem sap. For this reason, the time‐dependent changes in selected metabolites (amino acids, organic acids, and soluble sugars) from tomato xylem sap in response to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), or potassium (K)‐deficient condition were investigated. Tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) were grown hydroponically in liquid culture under three different mineral regimes: N‐deficient [0.5 mM Ca(NO3)2 and 0.5 mM KNO3], P‐deficient (0.05 mM KH2PO4), and K‐deficient (0.5 mM KNO3), respectively. Xylem sap was collected at 10:00 am after 1, 5, 15, and 30 d, and the selected metabolites were analyzed with liquid chromatography. All N, P, or K deficiencies led to a substantial increase in metabolites in the xylem sap. The predominant amino acid in the xylem sap was glutamine and, interestingly, all mineral deficiencies resulted in a substantial amount of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA). Additionally, organic acids (citrate and malate) and soluble sugars were strongly increased in all mineral deficiencies, and, in particular, the level of shikimate was greatly affected by N deficiency. Based on these data, it is necessary to clearly elucidate an unknown event taking place in xylem loading in a variety of environmental impacts, and we are now studying to expand our knowledge on metabolic and proteomic responses using GC‐MS and LC‐MS.  相似文献   
InfoCrop, a generic crop model, simulates the effects of weather, soils, agronomic management (planting, nitrogen, residues and irrigation) and major pests on crop growth, yield, soil carbon, nitrogen and water, and greenhouse gas emissions. This paper presents results of its evaluation in terms of its validation for rice and wheat crops in contrasting agro-environments of tropics, sensitivity to the key inputs, and also illustrates two typical applications of the model. Eleven diverse field experiments, having treatments of location, seasons, varieties, nitrogen management, organic matter, irrigation, and multiple pest incidences were used for validation. Grain yields in these experiments varied from 2.8 to 7.2 ton ha−1 in rice and from 3.6 to 5.5 ton ha−1 in wheat. The results indicated that the model was generally able to explain the differences in biomass, grain yield, emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides, and long-term trends in soil organic carbon, in diverse agro-environments. The losses in dry matter and grain yield due to different pests and their populations were also explained satisfactorily. There were some discrepancies in the simulated emission of these gases during first few days after sowing/transplanting possibly because of the absence of tillage effects in the model. The sensitivity of the model to change in ambient temperature, crop duration and pest incidence was similar to the available field knowledge. The application of the model to quantify multiple pests damage through iso-loss curves is demonstrated. Another application illustrated is the use of InfoCrop for analyzing the trade-offs between increasing crop production, agronomic management strategies, and their global warming potential.  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted to replace soya bean meal (SBM) with cashew nut meal (CNM) in the diet of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Five isonitrogenous (30% CP) and isolipidic (6% CL) diets, CNM0 to CNM4, were prepared replacing SBM at 0%, 12.5%, 25%, 37.5% and 50% with CNM. The feeding trial was conducted in FRP digestibility tanks of 150 L capacity for 60 days. Twenty tilapia fry (20.56 ± 0.05 g) were stocked in each tank. The final weight, weight gain and weight gain% of tilapia that received the CNM4 diet were significantly higher (p < .01) among the treatments. The significantly higher nutrient utilization efficiency in terms of FCR, PER, PRE and LRE was obtained in the CNM4 group. Similarly, a significantly lower (p < .01) body moisture content and a significantly higher (p < .05) body protein content were also observed in the CNM4 diet‐fed group. In tilapia fed the CNM4 diet, the activity of both protease and amylase enzymes was significantly higher (p < .05), but the amylase:protease ratio (A:P) was significantly lower (p < .05). Protease, amylase and A:P were positively correlated with the nutrient digestibility coefficient. The serum protein, albumin and globulin of tilapia fed the CNM4 diet were significantly higher (p < .05) and the liver status enzymes did not vary (p > .05) among the treatments. It can be concluded from the study that 50% replacement of SBM with CNM in the diet is suitable for the enhancement of growth, nutrient utilization and health status of tilapia.  相似文献   
Summary Whole-ring density in blue pine (Pinus wallichiana A. B. Jacks.) decreases from base to the top of tree in rings numbered from bark as well as in rings numbered from pith. It is negatively and significantly correlated with percentage height. General pattern remains the same, when sampling is done internodally or when it is done at fixed positions (percentages) along the boles of blue pine trees. Density at the breast-height level is more than that at the top of tree and the breast-height values are positively and significantly correlated with that of total tree values.We are grateful to the Chairman, Department of Bio-Sciences, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India, for providing laboratory facilities  相似文献   
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