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Larvae from a large aggregation of walleye pollock spawning in early spring in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, are normally transported to the south-west in the vigorous Alaska Coastal Current. In the spring of 1996, anomalous winds resulted in unusually weak transport in the Shelikof Strait sea valley. The main aggregation of larval pollock in the Shelikof region was surveyed four times in 1996 over a period of about 40 days, including finer-scale sampling of the leading south-western edge of the larval distribution. The south-western edge of the larval distribution showed weak transport up the sea valley for a period of about 10 days, corresponding to the observations of currents, after which many larvae were transported over the shelf region to the west. These observations are unique in over 15 years of monitoring larval transport patterns and demonstrate how anomalous weather, and hence current patterns, influence variability in larval transport.  相似文献   
This study had the aim of investigating the efficiency of timed artificial insemination (TAI) through the progesterone‐releasing intravaginal device (PRID), used in new condition and for the second and third times in Nelore cows. The effects of device reuse and body condition score (BCS) on the conception rate (CR) were evaluated in 1,122 multiparous Nelore cows (mean BCS of 2.7 ± 0.4), which were randomly distributed into three groups that received new (n = 330), once (n = 439) and twice used (n = 353) PRID. Among the 1,122 females that underwent TAI, 573 became pregnant, thus representing an overall CR of 51.06%. Cows with BCS between 2.75 and 4.0 had greater (p < .0001) CR (69.75%) than cows with BSC of 2.0–2.5 (32.98%). It was observed that the CR through using PRID was 60.00%, 51.71% and 41.93% for new, once and twice used PRID, respectively, with difference between all groups (p < .0001). Under tropical conditions, animals with BCS greater than 2.5 had a higher CR, and the CR decreased proportionally with the number of times that the PRID had been used.  相似文献   
Studies were conducted to examine the effects of the cyclicity and the presence of a dominant follicle (DF) in ovary on the recovery and in vitro growth of pre-antral follicles (PFs) in sheep and buffalo. Small pre-antral follicles (SPFs, 100–250 μm) and large pre-antral follicles (LPFs, 250–450 μm) were isolated from slaughterhouse ovaries in the breeding seasons by a mechanical and enzymatic method. The sheep and buffalo PFs were cultured in vitro for 6 and 15 days, respectively, and examined for their growth, survival and antrum formation rates and growth rates of oocytes in cultured pre-antral follicles. The follicles of the sheep and buffalo were recovered and cultured simultaneously within replicates. The recovery rates (number per ovary) of both SPFs and LPFs were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in cyclic ewes (SPFs: 22.0 ± 3.3 vs 12.1 ± 2.6 and LPFs: 16.0 ± 3.6 vs 9.2 ± 1.8) and buffaloes (SPFs: 9.2 ± 1.3 vs 4.1 ± 1.0 and LPFs: 10.3 ± 2.7 vs 5.4 ± 0.7) compared with those recovered from acyclic ones. Presence of a DF in ovary significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the recovery rates of LPFs in ewes (9.06 ± 2.7 vs 16.4 ± 3.8) but had no effect in buffalo. Cyclicity of animals or follicular dominance had no effects on in vitro growth, survival and antrum formation rates and growth rates of oocytes in cultured PFs of SPFs and LPFs in both sheep and buffalo. The in vitro growth, survival and antrum formation rates of LPFs and growth rates of oocytes in cultured LPFs were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those observed in SPFs in both sheep and buffalo. The overall recovery and growth rates of the PFs were lower in buffaloes compared with ewes.  相似文献   
This paper provides an overview of the work reported at a symposium on age-related changes in the structure and function of forests in the United States Pacific Northwest. Some of the work presented at this meeting is reported in the peer-reviewed papers comprising this journal issue. Age-related changes in leaf structure, CO2 assimilation rate, stable carbon isotope ratio, nitrogen concentration and stomatal limitation were demonstrated at many organizational scales. At larger scales, age-related changes were reported in canopy structure and light profile, stand productivity, tree mortality and respiration. These data raise new questions about the potential interaction among the structural and functional changes in aging forests, and indicate many avenues for future research concerning tree growth and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
We tested the hypotheses that hydraulic conductance is lower in old (about 250 years old and 30 m tall) compared to young (about 40 years old and 10 m tall) Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws. trees and that lower hydraulic conductance of old trees limits their photosynthesis. Hydraulic conductance at the end of summer 1995, calculated from leaf water potential and leaf gas exchange measurements on one-year-old needles, was 44% lower in old trees compared to young trees growing in a mixed age-class stand on the east slope of the Oregon Cascades. Whole-tree sapflow per unit leaf area averaged 53% lower in old trees compared to young trees and mean hydraulic conductance calculated from sapflow and water potential data was 63% lower in old trees than in young trees. For the entire summer, stomatal conductance (g(s)) and assimilation (A) declined more steeply with air saturation deficit (D) in old trees than in young trees. For both old and young trees, mean g(s) and A were approximately 32 and 21% lower, respectively, at typical midday D values (2.5-3.0 kPa). We hypothesized that if hydraulic conductance limits g(s) and A, then increasing or decreasing the leaf specific conductance of a branch will result in proportional changes in the responses of g(s) and A with D. Removal of 50% of the foliage from a set of experimental branches on old trees caused g(s) and A to decline less steeply with D in early summer, but values were not significantly different from control values in late summer. Cutting transverse notches in branches on young trees had no effect on the responses of g(s) and A with D. Leaf nitrogen content and photosynthetic capacity were similar suggesting that differences in g(s) and A between old and young trees were not caused by differences in photosynthetic capacity.  相似文献   
Midday stomatal closure is mediated by the availability of water in the soil, leaf and atmosphere, but the response to these environmental and internal variables is highly species specific. We tested the hypothesis that species differences in stomatal response to humidity and soil water availability can be explained by two parameters: leaf-specific hydraulic conductance (K(L)) and a threshold leaf water potential (Psi(threshold)). We used a combination of original and published data to estimate characteristic values of K(L) and Psi(threshold) for four common tree species that have distinctly different stomatal behaviors: black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray.), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.). We used the values to parameterize a simple, nonelastic model that predicts stomatal conductance by linking hydraulic flux to transpirational flux and maintaining Psi(leaf) above Psi(threshold). The model successfully predicted fundamental features of stomatal behavior that have been reported in the literature for these species. We conclude that much of the variation among the species in stomatal response to soil and atmospheric water deficits can be explained by K(L) and Psi(threshold). The relationship between Psi(threshold) and xylem vulnerability to cavitation differed among these species.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to assess the range of genotypic variation in the vulnerability of the shoot and root xylem of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings to water-stress-induced cavitation, and to assess the trade-off between vulnerability to cavitation and conductivity per unit of stem cross-sectional area (k(s)), both within a species and within an individual tree. Douglas-fir occupies a broad range of environments and exhibits considerable genetic variation for growth, morphology, and drought hardiness. We chose two populations from each of two varieties (the coastal var. menziesii and the interior var. glauca) to represent environmental extremes of the species. Vulnerability curves were constructed for shoots and roots by plotting the percentage loss in conductivity versus water potential. Vulnerability in shoot and root xylem varied genetically with source climate. Stem xylem differed in vulnerability to cavitation between populations; the most mesic population, coastal wet (CW), was the most susceptible of the four populations. In the roots, the most vulnerable population was again CW; the interior wet (IW) population was moderately susceptible compared with the two dry populations, coastal dry (CD) and interior dry (ID). Root xylem was more susceptible to cavitation than stem xylem and had significantly greater k(s). The trade-off between vulnerability to cavitation and k(s), however, was not evident across populations. The most vulnerable population (CW) had a shoot k(s) of 0.534 +/- 0.067 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) MPa(-1), compared with 0.734 +/- 0.067 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) MPa(-1) for the less vulnerable CD stems. In the roots, IW was more vulnerable than ID, but had the same k(s).  相似文献   
AIM: To identify and purify secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), a key effecter molecule in mucosal immune responses, from milk of the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula).

METHODS: Milk samples were collected from female possums with pouch young, and clarified by centrifugation and precipitation methods. The clarified fraction was purified by gel filtration and affinity chromatography to yield sIgA. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting techniques were used to assess the purity of the final product, and to identify the heavy (H) chain, light (L) chain and secretory component (SC) of possum sIgA.

RESULTS: Immunoblotting, using antibodies raised against cloned possum sIgA SC and H-chain, and a synthetic peptide fragment of the H-chain, confirmed the identity of the purified protein. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of purified possum sIgA showed strong homology to reported sequences of H-chain variable regions of marsupial immunoglobulins.

CONCLUSIONS: Milk was shown to be a convenient source of mucosal secretion containing sIgA, and a process involving 2 precipitation and 2 chromatography steps produced purified sIgA. This IgA preparation will prove useful for the generation of sIgA-specific immunological reagents for measurement of immune responses in the development of mucosal-based vaccines for biological control of possums.  相似文献   
Greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate the influence of nitrogen (N) sources [urea + ?N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide, NBPT (urease inhibitor) and polymer-coated urea (PCU)] and rates on soybean root characteristics, nodule formation, and biomass production on two soil types (silt loam and clay) commonly cropped to soybean in Mississippi. About 15% less belowground biomass was produced in clay soil than in silt loam soil directly corresponding to all other root parameters including root length, root area, root diameter, and nodule number. Pooled across N rates, N additions resulted in 19% and 52% decrease in belowground biomass and number of nodules, respectively, across soils compared to soybean receiving no N. The N rate was the most critical factor as it influenced all root growth parameters. Number of nodules were 24% greater with PCU than urea + NBPT. Nitrogen additions and clay soil negatively impacted soybean root growth, nodulation, and belowground biomass production.

Abbreviations: Polymer-coated urea, PCU; N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide, NBPT  相似文献   
An agar dilution technique was used to assess the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of miconazole, chlorhexidine and a 1:1 combination of both agents for 9 isolates of Trichophyton mentagrophytes, 9 isolates of Trichophyton erinacei and 5 isolates of Microsporum persicolor. MICs of chlorhexidine did not vary significantly between the three dermatophyte species tested, but the MICs of miconazole alone and in combination with chlorhexidine for T. erinacei were significantly greater that those for T. mentagrophytes and M. persicolor. A synergistic drug interaction was noted with one isolate of T. erinacei and one isolate of M. persicolor. An additive effect was demonstrated for 13 isolates (5 T. mentagrophytes, 6 T. erinacei, 2 M. persicolor), and indifference was noted in 8 isolates (4 T. mentagrophytes, 2 T. erinacei, 2 M. persicolor). Although synergy was less often seen when compared with a previous study of Microsporum canis, the synergistic or additive effects seen with the majority (15 out of 23) of isolates studied in vitro provides a rationale for the combined use of miconazole and chlorhexidine in the adjunctive topical therapy of dermatophytosis caused by T. mentagrophytes, T. erinacei and M. persicolor.  相似文献   
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