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This research adds to the literature on locational determinants of business survival by focusing on an establishment's proximity to fixed assets. Using longitudinal, establishment-level data from rural counties in the Midwestern United States, we developed a hazard model to estimate the likelihood of rural businesses surviving the Great Recession and the recovery that followed (2007–2017). Two critical survival factors are of principal interest: proximity to a pre-automobile era downtown business district and proximity to a limited-access highway ramp. The results suggest that highway proximity enhances survival for manufacturing, transportation, and wholesaling establishments, as does own-industry agglomeration. For food, retail, and accommodation businesses, proximity to cultural anchor institutions enhances the probability of survival but competitive effects, including downtown proximity, reduce the likelihood of survival. On its own, proximity to a downtown was not associated with higher odds of business survival.  相似文献   
This paper reviews recent findings on wood–water interaction and puts them into context of established knowledge in the field. Several new findings challenge prevalent theories and are critically discussed in an attempt to advance current knowledge and highlight gaps. The focus of this review is put on water in the broadest concept of wood products, that is, the living tree is not considered. Moreover, the review covers the basic wood–water relation, states and transitions. Secondary effects such as the ability of water to alter physical properties of wood are only discussed in cases where there is an influence on state and/or transition.  相似文献   
Root drench application of Trichoderma atroviride isolates R32, R33, R40 and R84 promoted the growth of potted radiata pine seedlings. After 6 weeks, seedlings treated with R33 and R84 had thicker stems and greater stem and root biomass (p < 0.05) than untreated controls. Treatment with R32 increased seedling root biomass whilst R40 increased stem diameter. None of the isolates affected seedling height. One isolate, R33, induced systemic resistance to stem inoculation with Diplodia pinea and reduced dieback incidence by 20% compared with untreated controls. To our knowledge, this is the first report of systemic induced resistance by Trichoderma in a pine species. Furthermore, seedlings that were treated with R33 (root drench) plus foliar application of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) expressed elevated peroxidase activity in their stems 2 weeks later, compared with seedlings treated only with MeJA. Because R33 itself did not affect peroxidase activity, this may be indicative of treatment synergy or defence potentiation by R33. Curiously, R33 + MeJA induced terpenoids but suppressed phenylalanine ammonia‐lyase activity suggesting possible trade‐offs between phenolic and terpenoid defence pathways in the treated seedlings.  相似文献   
In order to infer successional changes in structure, species composition and diversity of warm-temperate forest, we compared secondary stands regenerating after clear-felling (41–64-years old) with old-growth stands at altitudes between 300 and 800 m on Yakushima Island, southern Japan. Stem density and maximum stem diameter differed between secondary and old-growth stands, but basal area and aboveground biomass did not. At lower altitudes, the dominant species in old-growth stands with a strong sprouting capacity (Castanopsis cuspidata) also dominated secondary stands, and species composition of secondary and old-growth stands was similar. At higher altitudes, by contrast, the dominant species in old-growth stands (Distylium racemosum) had little sprouting capacity and was poorly represented in diverse secondary stands, which were dominated by Castanopsis or other less abundant species. Secondary stands had greater species diversity (Shannon–Wiener index) than old-growth stands, particularly at higher altitudes. This was due to greater species richness resulting from higher stem density per area, but not to greater evenness. We grouped the component species that share ecologically similar traits into four guilds (fagaceous, primary evergreen, secondary evergreen and deciduous species). Secondary stands were characterized by greater numbers of deciduous and secondary evergreen species. We concluded that different sprouting capacities of dominant species and different regeneration traits among guilds are responsible for the change in species composition and diversity during succession.  相似文献   
The large volume of cellulose products, primarily newsprint and yard waste, that are disposed of in landfills and the resistance of these products to decomposition led to an evaluation of the disposal of ground newsprint on agricultural land. A field study was conducted with cotton to evaluate the effects of trenching and mixing the excavated soil with ground newsprint and/or poultry litter. Decomposition rate of newsprint and potential for environmental contamination were investigated in a Cahaba-Wickham-Bassfield sandy loam (Typic Hapludult) soil. The experimental variables included different ratios of soil, ground newsprint, and/or poultry litter applied on the soil surface and in trenches 0.61 m or 1.22 m deep. When ground newsprint and excavated soil were mixed without adjusting the C:N ratio of the backfill, the newsprint was still present seven months after application. However, adjusting the C.N ratio of the excavated soil and ground newsprint with poultry litter provided the nitrogen necessary to completely decompose the ground newsprint within seven months. Soil surface application of ground newsprint required adjusting the C:N ratio to control the occurrence of plant pathogenic organisms. Extractable soil nutrients were increased when poultry litter was added, including P and K which are of concern with respect to surface and groundwater contamination. Extractable Zn, Cu, and Mn levels were increased by the addition of poultry litter, but their levels were in the ranges that most row crops will tolerate. The metals Cr and Pb, found in some printer's ink, may be of concern if repeated application of newsprint is made to the same site. Soil organic matter content was increased from 11.9 g kg-1 to 23.8 g kg-1 in the 50:40:10 backfill mixture of soil, newsprint, and poultry litter seven months after application.  相似文献   
Water hyacinth remains one of the worst aquatic weeds worldwide, and its presence in South Africa since the early twentieth century prompted research into biological control options. The first control agent released in South Africa was the weevil Neochetina eichhorniae in 1974, but the project was terminated three years later, and resumed in 1985. Since then, five arthropod biocontrol agents have been released in South Africa, more than anywhere else in the world, including another weevil, N. bruchi, a moth, Niphograpta albiguttalis, a mite, Orthogalumna terebrantis and a mirid, Eccritotarsus catarinensis. To date, the success of biological control of water hyacinth in South Africa has been variable, and this has been ascribed to, amongst other factors, climatic incompatibility of control agents, and eutrophication of water hyacinth impoundments. Successful control is achieved in warm subtropical sites which are not affected by frost in winter, and in water bodies that are not heavily polluted with nitrates and phosphates. The biocontrol programme is the result of collaborative research with scientists from the USA, Australia and Argentina, and the experience obtained and lessons learned in these regions and South Africa can be used to initiate a biocontrol programme in Europe.  相似文献   
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