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In this paper,four models are selected as the representatives and applied to nonlinear dynamic analysis program for space frames which is based on the beam-column elements using the finite element flexibility method and the fiber model.Park's test on combined axial and bending columns under cyclic loading are taken as the calibrations,comparisons to material and structural member level are drawn and the analytical results of various models are discussed.  相似文献   
The study in molecular morphology is given with a highresolution Atomic Force Microscope AFM.IPC-208B.By taking TiN thim film prepared by magnerton sputtering method and polymide(PI) fibre for examples,the preferenthal growing plme of TiN thin film,the atomic arranges of TiN thin film on the preferential growing plme and the surficial micro-structure can be ascertained form the three-dimensional images obtamed by AFM.IPC-208B.These experiments not only identify small structures of the materials,but also affirm that AFM.IPC-208B holds the precision of atomic level and potential application in micro-structure field,at the same time it establishs the groundwork for the application in micro-process kingdom.  相似文献   
The datum line and mainly three profile height parameters of surface roughness are briefly introduced and the operation principle and system structure of AFM. IPC - 208B with high-resolution, which was successfully developed by Chongqing University, are described in detail, and the emphasis is laid on its application on the nanometer scale surface roughness. Taking stainless steel for example, its micro-structure was observed, and the surface data were analyzed and transacted by special evaluator and the values of three profile height parameters were obtained. Finally the experimental results are briefly analyzed.  相似文献   
基于农作制分区的1985—2015年中国小麦生产时空变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Comparing spatio-temporal variation characteristics of China’s wheat production, yield, sown area and yield-area-contribution in different farming zones in the past 30 years could help improving wheat planting layout and adjusting planting structure. Concentration index, rate of change, moving of gravity and resolution of yield-area-contribution were used to analyze spatio-temporal changes of China’s wheat production and yield-area-contribution based on county wheat production statistics including sown area, production and yield from 1985 to 2015. The wheat sown area decreased obviously in Northeast farming region, Northwest farming region and South farming region and increased rapidly in Huang-Huai-Hai farming region and Yangtze Plain farming region. In Huang-Huai-Hai farming region, the concentration indexes of Haihe Plain farming region, Huang-huai Plain farming region and Fenwei Basin farming region reached to 20.64%, 25.77%, and 21.65% respectively in 2015. Wheat production increased significantly by more than 48 milliontons in Huang-Huai-Hai farming region, and nearly 8 million tons Yangtze Plain farming region but decreased by more than 2.6 million tons in Northeast farming region. In Huang-Huai-Hai farming region, wheat production was concentrated in Haihe Plain farming region, Huang-huai Plain farming region and Yuxi Hill farming region. The average wheat yield continuously improved during the study period, Huang-Huai-Hai farming region and Northwest farming region had the yield increase up to 103.5 kg hm -2 and 92.9 kg hm -2 each year. Wheat yield in Yuxi Hill farming region, Fenwei Basin farming region and Haihe Plain farming region was relatively high in Huang-Huai-Hai farming region. The yield-reduced area was mainly caused by the decreasing of sown area, while the yield-area-contribution rate was different in yield-increased area. Yield-dominant counties were reduced, area-dominant counties were increased and yield-area-dominant counties were relatively steady. In production increased area, yield-dominant and yield-area-dominant counties were the main types in Huang-Huai-Hai Farming region, area-dominant and yield-area-dominant counties were the main types in Yangtze Plain farming region. Chinese wheat production was increasingly concentrated in Huang-Huai-Hai farming region which has high and rapid increase of wheat yield over the past three decades. Haihe Plain farming region, Huang-huai Plain farming region and Fenwei Basin farming region were the most concentrated areas in Huang-Huai-Hai farming region for wheat production during this period. Wheat yield and sown area jointly promoted the increase of wheat production in Huang-Huai-Hai farming region, wheat sown area was the crucial factor to increase wheat production in Yangtze Plain farming region, especially in the north of Jiangsu, Anhui province and greater part of Xinjiang.  相似文献   
甘州区地处甘肃河西走廊中部,蔬菜种植面积1.1万hm^2左右。年种植的蔬菜种类有20~30个,品种100多个,主要以茄果类和叶菜类为主。  相似文献   
The rheological property of high titanium slag is a main factor to influence the vanadium titanomagnetite smelting in blast furnace. It plays a great role in discharging slag, separating iron and slag and even the life of blast furnace hearth. The acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene multipolymer(ABS) dense suspension is taken to simulate the system of high titanium slag. Apparent viscosity is measured by a NXS-11A rotating cylinder viscometer. The impact of temperature, volume fraction and particle sizes on the suspension apparent viscosity is studied. The results show that temperature and volume fraction have a strong influence on the suspension apparent viscosity, while the particle size has a weak effect. The suspension shows Bingham behavior within a wide concentration range. The dependence of the appear viscosity on temperature and amount of solid addition can be described by a binary function equation.  相似文献   
In view of the necessity of gas detection in environment, an embedded gas detection system is designed based on the basic principles of chromatography change of chemical reaction between nano-porphyrin arrays and micro-gas, which takes ARM9 S3C2440A as the core and nano-porphyrin array as the sensors. The overall program, the circuit organization and control software of the main function module such as spectrum signal acquisition, processing and monitoring are presented. With energy conservation differential equation, the control model of temperature and flow rate in the sample chamber is established, which can precisely control the detection conditions of chemical sensors. Some typical trace gases such as ammonia, enanthaldehyde, cyclohexane and hexanal are tested by the system, and the results show that the system can achieve rapid and accurate detection of trace volatile gas.  相似文献   
栽培亚麻×野生亚麻种间杂交种的真实性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步证明亚麻种间杂交种的真实性,对前人开发的14对SSR引物进行了再次筛选,对栽培种亚麻与多年生宿根型野生亚麻的种间杂交种和亲本之间的亲子关系进行鉴定。结果显示,7对引物能很好地标记出双亲,并成功标记出了1份杂交种与亲本之间存在亲子关系,鉴定了种间杂交种的真实性。  相似文献   
利用染色体片段代换系定位陆地棉株高QTL   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以陆地棉中棉所36为轮回亲本和海岛棉海1为供体亲本, 构建染色体片段代换系。为了能检测到稳定的株高QTL,将三个代换系群体(BC5F3, BC5F3:4和BC5F3:5)在5个环境中种植,2009年和2010年分别在河南安阳种植BC5F3单株、BC5F3:4株行, 2011年分别在河南安阳、辽宁辽阳和新疆石河子种植BC5F3:4株系。结果表明,在不同群体环境中株高的超亲比例为53.43%~88.97%。从早期构建的总图距为5088.28 cM, 含有2280个SSR标记位点,覆盖26条染色体的遗传连锁图谱中筛选标记,对408个单株进行的SSR鉴定,结果检测到16个株高QTL,分布在10条染色体上。单个QTL解释的表型变异为7.35%~13.17%。有7个QTL在2个以上环境被检测到。与标记MUSS563紧密连锁的qPH-15-19在一个环境中被检测到,在前人的研究中也有报道。这些结果为进一步精细定位QTL、基因克隆、分子辅助选择等研究奠定基础。  相似文献   
An image encryption and compression algorithm based on chaos system and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is studied in this paper.Firstly,four original secret images are transformed by DWT,and then the four low-frequency components are used to compose a two-dimensional coefficient matrix.The matrix is scrambled and encrypted by the chaos system,and then encrypted coefficient matrix is decomposed into four two-dimensional coefficient matrixes.Finally,an encrypted compressed image is obtained by the inverse DWT using the four decomposed two-dimensional coefficient matrices.Encryption and compression are realized at the same time in this algorithm which realizes the combination of chaos and wavelet transform,the experimental simulation and analysis show that the algorithm has good encryption and compression performance.  相似文献   
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