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Variable adventitious rhizogenesis of juvenile shoot cuttings was observed in seven half-sib families (TP-1, BAN-1, AN-3, JR-3, SL-16, UM-3, and UM-5) of Albizia procera Benth. Treatment with IBA invariably promoted sprouting by 8%, adventitious rooting by 218%, root number by 869%, and root length by 36.4% compared with the control. Interaction between families and IBA treatment significantly enhanced sprouting and root length in BAN-1, JR-3, UM-3, and UM-5, and root number in all families, but had a significant suppressive effect on sprouting in AN-3. Treatment with IBA increased family heritability (h f 2) 1.38-fold for sprouting, 2.86-fold for adventitious rooting, and 10.86-fold for root number, but reduced family heritability by a factor of 8.25 for root length. Thus, direct genetic effects seem to have strongly affected sprouting and adventitious rooting, with IBA playing an auxiliary role, but had little effect on root number and length, for which IBA had a dominant regulatory role.  相似文献   
The present study is designed to investigate the effect of methanolic extract of outer scales and edible portions of Allium cepa bulb on ischemia and reperfusion-induced cerebral injury. Global cerebral ischemia was induced by bilateral carotid artery occlusion for 10 min followed by reperfusion for 24 h. Pretreatment with methanolic extract of outer scales (100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg) and edible portions (100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg) of A. cepa bulb markedly reduced cerebral infarct size and attenuated impairment in short-term memory and motor coordination. The protective effect of methanolic extract of outer scales and edible portions of A. cepa bulb was accompanied by a marked decrease in mitochondrial TBARS.  相似文献   
To evaluate the outcomes and complications of video-assisted thoracoscopic (VATS) treatment of chylothorax in cats.  相似文献   
Garkoti SC  Zobel DB  Singh SP 《Tree physiology》2003,23(15):1021-1030
Plant development and distribution in areas with seasonal rainfall are often related to the ability of plants to postpone desiccation or tolerate low water potentials during drought. Regeneration of Shorea robusta Gaertn. (sal), a commercially valuable, widely distributed tree of the Indian tropical belt, is unsuccessful at the base of the Himalaya. Seedling shoots die back repeatedly during the long drought that follows the monsoon rain. During the course of one year, we monitored changes in plant and soil water potentials (Psi), leaf conductance (gw), osmotic and elastic adjustment, and xylem conductance of sal seedlings of different sizes from three landforms: an alluvial plain at 540 m elevation, a slope at 510 m, and a montane site at 1370 m. Predawn plant Psi and gw were lowest in the smallest seedlings (< 20 cm tall). Across sites and seasons, seedlings > 100 cm tall had higher morning gw than seedlings in the other size classes. In all size classes, plant Psi was lowest during early summer, when leafing begins. Among sites, Psi and gw were lowest in seedlings at the montane site. Osmotic potential was lowest during leaf development and highest during the rainy season, and tissue elasticity was highest during winter. As leaf area increased during leaf development, xylem conductance per unit of xylem cross-sectional area also increased. We conclude that low Psi is unlikely to be a major cause of seedling mortality. Small seedlings, with low Psi, had low leaf conductance. Adjustments of osmotic and elastic properties appear to aid responses of seedlings to drought.  相似文献   
Food security involves the sustainable utilization of soil and land resources. Zero‐tillage (ZT) practice is a proponent of better resource utilization, to improve soil physical condition, and a potential sink to atmospheric carbon. However, the impact varies across climates, over the ZT history, cropping systems, and soil depths. A meta‐analysis was performed, based on 4,131 paired data from 522 studies spread globally, to evaluate the effect of ZT in comparison to conventional tillage, on soil physical condition (bulk density; mean weight diameter of aggregates; field capacity water content; and steady‐state infiltration rate), soil organic carbon (SOC) content, and the root response (root length density). Zero‐tillage significantly improved mean weight diameter of aggregates and field capacity water content at surface and subsurface layers by 19–58% and 6–16%, respectively, and resulted in no change in bulk density in either of the layers, but infiltration rate increased by 66%. Surface 0‐ to 5‐ and 5‐ to 10‐cm layers had significantly higher SOC content under ZT, whereas in other layers, the SOC content either reduced or did not change, resulting in a small and insignificant variation in the SOC stock (~1.1%) in favor of ZT. The root length density improved by ~35% in ZT only at 0‐ to 5‐cm soil depth. Effect of climate, soil type, or cropping system could not be broadly recognized, but the impact of ZT certainly increased over time. Improvements in soil aggregation and hydraulic properties are highly convincing with the adoption of ZT, and therefore, this practice leads to the better and sustainable use of soil resources.  相似文献   

Delayed sowing and imprecise application of irrigation water to cotton has been the major hurdle in sustaining cotton yield in north-western India. Therefore, studies were initiated to ascertain the impact of heavy or normal level of presowing irrigation (PSI), scheduling time of first postsowing irrigation (POSI) under two sowing dates (SDs) on cotton arranged in a split block design replicated thrice. PSIh (100 mm) recorded 23.2% higher seed cotton yield over PSIn (70 mm) owing to better yield attributes and higher stand. First POSI at 4 weeks after sowing (WAS) resulted the highest yield (3072 kg ha?1), while one at 6 WAS (POSI6) recorded least due to poor population and reduced yield attributes. Water productivity under POSI6 was lesser by 29.1%, 25.2%, and 16.2% as compared to POSI3, POSI4, and POSI5, respectively. April sown crop out yielded the May sown cotton crop by 939 kg ha?1 due to better yield attributes. Nitrogen factor productivity (NFP) among SD remained higher by 23.3% for April as compared to May sowing. PSIh exhibited better NFP over PSIn. POSI6 recorded least NFP by 24.4%, 28.5%, and 16.3% as compared to POSI3, POSI4, and POSI5, respectively and was indicative of relatively poor utilization of N under delayed schedules. Therefore, planting in April after heavy PSI and scheduling first POSI at 4 WAS is best strategy for sustaining cotton yield and maximizing farmer profitability.  相似文献   
This paper examines the potential influence of soil management and land use on soil carbon on cropping farms in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Soil organic carbon (SOC) data from ten farms spatially distributed across NSW were examined on two occasions. Soil cores to a depth 0–30 cm were measured for SOC and, as expected, SOC in the A horizon (1.16%) was significantly (p < .001) greater than in the B horizon (0.74%) of all profiles. Analysis of the 2013 and 2015 SOC data indicated that in many ways, the results runs counter to other SOC studies in Australia. Importantly, the mean SOC concentration in these agricultural soils was significantly (p < .001) less under cropping (2013-1.05%, 2015-0.97%) than in native sites (2013-1.20%, 2015-1.16%). Out of the total of 35 sites sampled from 10 farms, SOC in 49% of sites did not change significantly over 2 years, in 17% it increased significantly, whereas in 34% it decreased. Further, a clear implication of drought on SOC was seen on sites that were uncropped based on a critical value for a 95% confidence interval (p < .05) and complemented by the significant correlation (p < .05) between average annual precipitation deficit (ANPD) and SOC across the state with R2 = 0.39. The mean SOC was found to be directly proportional to standard deviation and standard error. In terms of spatial variability, the C0 (nugget) value was greatest for farms with a large mean SOC and the average variogram in this study has a range of approximately 200 m which is potentially useful in determining sampling spacing for soil carbon auditing purpose. Similar empirical data over more years are required to better estimate SOC levels and to determine whether at a farm scale, factors such as land management, land use and climate can be related to soil carbon change and variability.  相似文献   

Maize response to deficit water and nitrogen for assessing phenological development and yield was studied under semi-arid conditions. Experiment consisting three drip irrigation levels, replenish 60 (DI60), 80 (DI80) and 100 percent (DI100) of cumulative pan evaporation, and four nitrogen doses 50 (RN50), 75 (RN75), 100 (RN100) and 125 (RN125) per cent of recommended nitrogen. A Furrow irrigated treatment was kept as control/check. Significant earliness in visibility of collar of 8th leaf, tasseling, silking and significant delay in dough stage and physiological maturity was recorded under well water treatment DI100 as compared to DI60. Days to collar of 8th leaf, tasseling and silking had significant negative correlation, and duration of yield formation phase and days to physiological maturity had significant positive correlation with grain yield. Higher DM production, longer yield formation phase and late physiological maturity led to significantly higher grain yield under DI100. In case of nitrogen levels, phonological characteristics like collar of 8th leaf, tasseling and silking were significantly delayed, and dough stage and physiological maturity were advanced under nitrogen deficit treatment RN50 as compared to RN100 and RN125. Significantly higher dry matter production and longer yield formation phase observed led to significant higher SCY under RN100 and RN125 as compared to RN50. Yield formation phase was significantly longer under drip irrigated crop as compared to control during 2nd year of study. Crop phenological development significantly affected by drip irrigation regimes and nitrogen levels, and there was significant correlation between phenological stages development and grain yield.  相似文献   
The present study investigated impact of exogenous application of indole acetic acid (IAA; 10 and 100 μM) in pea seedlings under hexavalent chromium (Cr VI; 50, 100 and 250 μM). Cr and 100 μM IAA alone as well as in combination decreased seed germination rate compared to control. However, under Cr phytotoxicity, addition of 10 μM IAA recovered seed germination rate to the level of control. Exposure of pea seedlings to Cr and 100 μM IAA during their early stage caused decrease in fresh mass, length, protein and nitrogen contents of roots and shoots compared to control. Treatment of pea seedlings with Cr resulted in a rapid accumulation of this metal in roots and shoots. Moreover, addition of 100 μM IAA together with Cr, further increased accumulation of this metal in roots and shoots compared to Cr treatments alone. Treatment of pea seedlings with Cr and 100 μM IAA, resulted in a marked decrease in nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) activities (except 50 μM Cr alone for GOGAT), and an increase in ammonium content and glutamate dehydrogenase activity. Parameters related with oxidative stress, i.e. superoxide radicals and reactive carbonyl groups (protein oxidation) were increased by Cr and 100 μM IAA compared to control. By contrast, addition of 10 μM IAA together with Cr, alleviated negative effect of Cr on growth, protein, nitrogen and nitrogen metabolism, and led to decrease in oxidative injuries caused by Cr. The data indicate that 10 μM IAA protects pea seedlings during the early growth period against Cr phytotoxicity by regulating Cr accumulation and oxidative damage. However, addition of 100 μM IAA together with Cr showed opposite responses.  相似文献   
Mango, the king of fruits in India is cultivated commercially in many tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Undoubtedly, mango malformation is a serious disease affecting mango production in India and many other countries around the world. It is now shown that the malady is inflicted by Fusarium, a fungus, and also that the plants have the capacity to suppress or reduce pathogen attack by inducing the synthesis of antimicrobial metabolites such as chitinase and/or the synthesis of lignin, both of which may enhance plant defense system. The present study was aimed at investigating the variability and relationship between activities of chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase and content of lignin in the leaves using 12 mango cultivars with the different degree of resistance to floral malformation. Results revealed that the activity of chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase in the leaves were significantly high in mango cultivars resistant to malformation (r = −0.90 and r = −0.91, respectively) during the flowering period, whereas lignin content did not show a significant correlation with malformation. The highest activity of chitinase (1.977–2.011 units) and β-1,3-glucanase (80.54–82.06 units) was recorded in resistant mango cultivars Bhadauran and Elaichi. In contrast, these activities were less than 1.010 and 25.21 respectively in highly susceptible mango cultivars such as Amrapali, Eldon and Neelum. Lignin content was highest in resistant cultivar Bhadauran, but it did not show significant relation to the malformation intensity of the cultivars. Thus, leaf chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase may be contributing towards resistance to malformation in mango and that the relative activities of these enzymes can be used as a criterion to predict and screen the mango germplasm and cultivars for resistance to floral malformation.  相似文献   
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