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Three drought-tolerant eucalypt genotypes have been investigated for a broad spectrum of properties to provide a basis for comparison on their suitability for various end-uses. The genotypes included were a Eucalyptus grandis × E. camaldulensis hybrid, E. gomphocephala and E. cladocalyx, selected based on previous studies that indicated good potential to tolerate arid conditions, reasonably good volume growth and straightness of stems. In this study, information was added on differences between species and parts of stems in growth (volume and biomass) and properties of wood (density and stiffness), fibres (dimensions and microfibril angle) and vessels (size and numbers). We found high wood densities and stiffness values for E. cladocalyx and E. gomphcephala, making them suitable for construction wood. Logs from the mid-part of the stem had the best timber properties, as the butt logs showed the highest microfibril angle and lowest wood stiffness due to longitudinal juvenility. Such juvenility was also to some degree observed for wood density and fibre length. The information gained will be especially helpful for selecting species and processing options for small farm and community plantations for producing higher-value products that may be sold to generate much-needed income as well as for local uses, such as fuelwood and charcoal.  相似文献   
Planting bare-rooted seedlings is a rather expensive method to regenerate oak (Quercus robur) and beech (Fagus sylvatica). Direct seeding could reduce artificial regeneration costs substantially, but the method currently suffers from a number of problems, one of which is seed consumption by rodents. In the present study clear-cut areas in southern Sweden were prepared using one of four different mechanical site preparation methods – disc trenching, patch scarification, topsoil removal or mounding – then manually sown with acorns and beech nuts. Acorns were sown in May and July 2006, and both acorns and beech nuts were sown in May 2007. Three years following sowing, best seedling establishment from viable acorns, 60–70%, was achieved after sowing in mounds in May, and the subsequent survival reached 90–100%. After the first growing season for beech, both seedling establishment and subsequent survival was lower than for oak, which coincides with a higher number of lost beech nuts at the excavation to investigate the fate of seeds. Granivorous rodents (Apodemus flavicollis, A. sylvaticus, Mus musculus, and Myodes glareolus) were live-trapped more frequently in the vicinity of slash piles compared to other micro-site features, such as uprooted stumps, snags and stones. In 2006, no connection was found between number of rodents captured and proportion of lost seeds, while in 2007 the two were in good accordance. No clear relationship was found between number of captured rodents, vegetation cover class and mechanical site preparation method. More rodents were captured in 2007 than in 2006, and there was an increase in captures from spring until late summer/autumn for both years, which was mirrored in the seedling establishment result from the three different times of sowing. Based on experiences from the present study the recommendation for successful direct seeding of oak on clear-cuts is a combination of mounding site preparation, removal of slash and sowing in May rather than July. However, the results indicate that successful direct seeding of beech is more difficult to achieve.  相似文献   
The aim was to investigate if intraoperative registrations of blood pressure and heart rate could be used to estimate surgical trauma. In a prospective clinical trial, registrations in eight dogs neutered by laparoscopic ovariectomy (LOE) were compared with eight dogs subjected to open ovariohysterectomy (OHE). For comparisons phases were used: phase zero = steady state after induction of anaesthesia; phase one = opening of abdomen; phase two = severing of ovarian pedicles; and, phase three = abdominal closure. During LOE, mean systolic blood pressure increased by 7 mm Hg (= 0.05) and 15 mm Hg (= 0.01) from phase zero to phase one and two, respectively, and during OHE by 3 mm Hg (ns) and 29 mm Hg (< 0.0001), respectively. The increase from phase one to phase two differed between groups (= 0.03). Heart rate did not change. Frequent intraoperative measurements of blood pressure appear a promising method for evaluating surgical trauma.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of impact damage on the accumulation of glycoalkaloids in tubers were studied in a wide range of potato genotypes. Damage, caused by drop tests, resulted in increased glycoalkaloid levels, which sometimes exceeded the toxic limit of 20 mg/100 g fresh weight; there were large differences in levels between genotypes. When the total damage index was high, the severe damage types—shatter cracks and splits—were responsible for the initiation of glycoalkaloid synthesis in stressed tuber tissue, whereas the less severe damage types—bruises and black spot—were not. Genotypes which had the highest shatter crack indices often had the greatest increases in glycoalkaloids. The high correlation between the initial glycoalkaloid level and the increased level after damage showed that selection for low glycoalkaloid potato clones is important.
Zusammenfassung Der Einfluss von Stossverletzungen auf die Glykoalkaloide in Knollen wurde an 18 bis 21 Sorten und Zuchtklonen untersucht. Die Knollen liess man von 150 cm H?he (1981) bzw. 100 cm H?he (1982) herabfallen, um Stossverletzungen unterschiedlicher Typen (Schwarzfleckigkeit, Quetschungen, Schlagrisse, Brüche) und unterschiedlicher St?rke hervorzurufen. Der Gehalt an Glykoalkaloiden (α-Solanin und α-Chaconin) wurde an unbehandelten und besch?digten Knollen bestimmt. In unbehandeltem Material wurden wechselnde Glykoalkaloidgehalte aufgefunden (Tab. 1). Die Falltests ergaben grosse Sorten-differenzen hinsichtlich der Verletzungsemp-findlichkeit. Eine Fallh?he von 150 cm verursachte hohe Indizes für die Gesamtbesch?digung (Tab. 2). Unter den einzelnen Besch?digungs-typen waren Brüche und Schlagrisse am h?ufigsten. Der Glykoalkaloidgehalt erh?hte sich signifikant in den Knollen mit Stossverletzungen, und in einer Sorte wurde die toxische Schwelle von 20 mg/100 g Frischgewicht überschritten (Tab. 1). Die Glykoalkaloidbildung war signifikant korrelliert mit dem Schwellenwert in unbehandelten Knollen. Sorten und Klone mit den h?chsten Schlagriss-Indizes zeigten die gr?ssten Zunahmen. Eine zweimalige Fallbehandlung ergab h?here Verletzungsindizes und die Glykoalkaloidgehalte stiegen weiter an. Die Werte schwankten dabei zwischen 4 und 53 mg Glykoalkaloid/100 g Frischgewicht. Drei Sorten/Klone überschritten 20 mg/100 g und drei andere waren nahe an der toxischen Schwelle. Eine Fallh?he von 100 cm bewirkte auff?llig niedrigen Anteile an Stossverletzungen (Tab. 3). Schwere Verletzungenstypen, z.B. Schlagrisse und Brüche, waren hier nicht so h?ufig als weniger schwere, wie Quetschungen und Schwarzfleckigkeit. Der Glykoalkaloidgehalt war verglichen mit demjenigen in unbehandelten Knollen nur geringfügig h?her (Tab. 1). Das Glykoalkaloidniveau der besch?digten Knollen war gut korrelliert mit dem ursprünglichen Niveau, es stand aber weder zum Gesamtindex der Stossverletzungen noch zum Index irgendeines besonderen Besch?digungstyps in Beziehung. Der Grund dafür lag vermutlich in der geringen Anzahl von Verletzungen, insbesondere in der geringen H?ufigkeit von Schlagrissen. Eine zweimalige Fallbehandlung erh?hte signifikant den Gesamtverletzungsindex und die H?ufigkeit der Quetschungen. Dabei ergab sich ein geringer Zuwachs an Glykoalkaloiden mit einer sortenbedingten Differenz von 2–20 mg/100 g Frischgewicht. Der Glykoalkaloidgehalt war jedoch nicht korrelliert mit dem Index der gesamten Stossverletzungen oder, vielleicht mit Ausnahme der Quetschungen, mit dem Index irgendeines besonderen Besch?digungstyps. Die Untersuchung zeigte, dass schwere Stossverletzungen eine Erh?hung des Glykoalkaloidgehaltes in Kartoffelknollen verursachen. Die Pflanzenzüchtung ist ein m?glicher Weg, um die Resistenz gegenüber mechanischen Besch?digungen zu erh?hen, wenngleich stets eine sorgf?ltige Behandlung notwendig ist, um die Besch?digungsh?ufigkeit in der Handelsware zu reduzieren. Die hohe Korrellation zwischen dem ursprünglichen Glykoalkaloidniveau und dem erh?hten Niveau nach der Besch?digungsinduktion zeigt, dass es wichtig ist, Kartoffelklone mit geringem Glykoalkaloidgehalt zu selektieren.

Résumé L'influence des endommagements par impacts sur les glycoalcalo?des dans les tubercules a été étudiée sur 18–21 variétés et clones de sélection. Les différents types d'endommagements (noircissement interne, meurtrissures, cavernes et fissures) ainsi que leur gravité sont analysés après une chute des tubercules d'une hauteur de 150 et 100 cm, respectivement en 1981 et 1982. La teneur en glycoalcalo?des (α-solanine et α-chaconine) est déterminée dans les tubercules n'ayant subi aucun traitement et dans les tubercules endommagés. Une grande variété de teneurs en glycoalcalo?des est observée dans les tubercules non endommagés (tabl. 1). Les tests d'impacts ont montré des différences variétales importantes, quant à la sensibilité à l'endommagement. La hauteur de chute de 150 cm a causé des indices d'endommagements élevés (tabl. 2). Les fissures et les cavernes sont les types d'endommagements les plus fréquents. La teneur en glycoalcalo?des augmente de fa?on significative dans les tubercules endommagés et pour une variété, le seuil de toxicité de 20 mg/100 g de poids frais est dépassé (tabl. 1). La réponse dans la formation de glycoalcalo?des est correlée de fa?on significative à la teneur initiale, dans les tubercules non endommagés. Les variétés et clones qui présentaient le plus grand nombre de cavernes ont eu les augmentations les plus fortes. Les traitements comprenant deux chutes ont donné les indices d'endommagements les plus élevés et des teneurs en glycoalcalo?des encore plus importantes. Celles-ci variaient entre 4 et 53 mg/100 g de poids frais. Trois variétés/clones ont dépassé les 20 mg pour 100 g et trois autres étaient très proches de ce seuil de toxicité. La hauteur de chute de 100 cm a conduit à des niveaux d'endommagements beaucoup plus faibles (tabl. 3). Les types d'endommagements graves, c'est-à-dire les cavernes et les fissures, furent moins fréquents que les autres types d'endommagements moins graves: les meurtrissures et le noircissement interne. Il n'y eut qu'une légère augmentation des teneurs en glycoalcalo?des, comparée à celles des tubercules non endommagés (tabl. 1). Le niveau de glycoalcalo?des dans les tubercules endommagés est fortement correlé au niveau initial, mais n'est pas lié à l'indice total d'endommagements ni à l'indice d'un quelconque type d'endommagement. Ceci est probablement d? au faible niveau d'endommagement et notamment à la faible quantité de cavernes. Les traitements comprenant deux chutes ont donné un indice total d'endommagements plus élevé avec davantage de meurtrissures. La teneur en glycoalcalo?des a légèrement augementé, avec des différences variétales de 2–20 mg/100 g de poids frais. Toutefois, les glycoalcalo?des ne furent pas correlés à l'indice total ou à l'indice d'un des types d'endommagements, excepté peut être les meurtrissures. Cette recherche montre que les endommagements graves par impacts provoquent l'augmentation des teneurs en glycoalcalo?des dans les tubercules de pomme de terre. La sélection des variétés est un moyen pour augmenter la résistance des tubercules à l'endommagement, bien que des précautions dans les manutentions sont nécessaires pour réduire les fréquences d'impacts des pommes de terre de commercialisation. La forte corrélation entre le niveau initial de glycoalcalo?des et son augmentation après endommagement montre que la sélection des clones à faible teneur en glycoalcalo?des est importante.
Growing agricultural crops under Millettia ferruginea (Hochst.) Baker, a tree that is endemic to Ethiopia, is an age-old practice in the country, but the beneficial effects of the tree on crops have not been scientifically quantified. To achieve this, four isolated and nearly identical Millettia trees growing on similar site conditions were selected and canopy coverage of each tree was divided into four radial transects. Four plots of 0.5 × 0.5 m were established on each radial transect at 0.5 to 1, 2.5 to 3, 4.5 to 5, and 6.5 to 7 m away from the tree bases. The control plot was established at 29.5 to 30 m. Composite soil samples from each of the four plots located at a comparable distance and at two soil depths, 0 to 10 and 20 to 30 cm, were collected and analyzed. The level of surface soil P, organic C, exchangeable base-forming cations and cation exchange capacity were all significantly higher (P < 0.000 to P < 0.015) under the trees than in the open field. Nutrient levels declined with depth and increasing distances from the tree trunk. Soil pH values did not show significant horizontal or vertical variations in all the soil samples analyzed. Maize plants grown on soils collected from underneath Millettia trees resulted in significantly better growth responses and higher dry matter yield as compared to the control (P < 0.001). Socioeconomic studies indicated that Millettia trees have good standing in the region both because of their desirable biological characteristics and because of their economic benefits.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
K. Olsson 《EPPO Bulletin》1976,6(4):199-207
Brown rot (Pseudomonas solanacearum [Smith] Smith) infection of 5% or less was found in potatoes from some fields in Southern Sweden at about 56° N in the years 1972 and 19732). The fields were irrigated with water from small streams. The pathogen has been isolated from a wild host, Solanum dulcamara, growing at the water's edge in one of the streams. The wild host is perennial and bacteria can overwinter in this host. Overwintering also occurred in artificially infected S. dulcamara at 59° N. No overwintering in soil has hitherto been demonstrated, in spite of experiments with artificially infested soil. Infections have probably originated from imported potatoes.  相似文献   
The review gives an overview of the increased utilization of forest biomass for energy. The emphasis is on Nordic countries, especially on Sweden and Finland with large biomass potentials and a high share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption. The utilization and potential of forest chip sources such as logging residues, small-size tree stems and stumps that are normally not harvested in conventional harvesting are described. Environmental potential and impacts that may reduce the utilization of forest biomass are discussed based on recent publications. Finally, the review summarizes the future developments based on their relationship to policies, certifications and guidelines and forest owners' decisions.  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to investigate possibilities to increase accuracy in the selection and test of Swedish warmblood stallions by combining information from stallion performance tests (SPT) with information from competitions and riding horse quality tests (RHQT). Data on 801 stallions judged at the SPT 1979–2005 were used for the analyses, which also included about 14 900 horses from the RHQT, 26 800 horses with results in show jumping and 14 200 horses with results in dressage competitions.Heritability coefficients were on average 0.41 for individual gaits under rider and 0.36–0.65 for jumping traits in SPT. Heritabilities for competition traits were 0.17 for dressage and 0.27 for show jumping. The heritability for overall conformation in SPT was 0.25. Genetic correlations between stallion performance test traits and competition results were 0.44–0.77 for gaits and dressage, and 0.78–0.96 for jumping traits in SPT and show jumping. The genetic correlation between conformation and results in dressage competitions was 0.22.For stallions participating in SPT in 2004 and 2005 accuracy increased when evaluating stallions by adding information from relatives that have taken part in RHQT and competitions. For show jumping accuracy changed from 0.60 to 0.68 for stallions born in Sweden, an increase with 13%, when information from RHQT and competitions in show jumping were used. For stallions born in a foreign country, the corresponding figure was, 5%, lower. For dressage the information from RHQT and competition results in dressage changed the accuracy from 0.41 to 0.55, an increase with 34%, for stallions born in Sweden. The improvement in accuracy for imported stallions was 11%.  相似文献   
Viring, S., S.-O. Olsson, S. Alenius, U. Emanuelsson, S.-O. Jacobsson, B. Larsson, N. Linde and A. Uggla: Studies of enteric pathogens and γ-globulin levels of neonatal calves in Sweden. Acta vet. scand. 1993, 34, 271-279.– Faecal and blood samples were taken from 10-30% of calves, 36 hours to 14 days old, in 47 dairy herds in different regions of Sweden from September 1987 to October 1988 (Olsson et al 1993). Faecal samples from 279 calves were analysed for the presence of Escherichia coli (K99+), rotavirus and Cryptosporidium sp. Twenty (7.2%) of these samples were from diarrhoeic calves. An ELISA was developed and used for the rotavirus analysis. E. coli K99+ was detected in 11.5%, Cryptosporidium sp. in 6.1% and rotavirus in 5.4% of the faecal samples. The presence of rotavirus alone and the combination rotavirus and E. coli (K99+) was found to be associated with diarrhoea (p<0.001 and p<0.01 respectively).Blood samples from 327 calves were analysed for the level of total protein and γ-globulin. In 43 of these samples (13%) γ-globulin did not separate from the ß2-region by electrophoresis. The mean total protein concentration was 53.6 g/1 in calves free from diarrhoea. The mean γ-globulin concentration, adjusted to 7 days age was 5.9 g/1. The 20 diarrhoeic calves had lower levels of both total protein and γ-globulin, compared with calves without diarrhoea, but the difference was not significant. One litre more of colostrum at the first feed increased the level of total protein of the calves’ sera by 1.4 g/1 (p = 0.05). Calves born between May and September had a 2.0 g/1 higher (p<0.001) serum concentration of γ-globulin than calves born between October and April.  相似文献   


Studies of population genetic structures provide an indication of direction and magnitude of larval transport and hence are an important component in the assessment of the ability of reefs to recover from severe disturbance. This paper reports data on population genetic structures in the coral Pocillopora damicornis from 26 reefs in Kenya and Tanzania.  相似文献   
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