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Calculations of the monomolecular water vapor adsorption by three different celluloses (cotton, wood pulp and cellophane) from structural considerations are in agreement with the BET determined values for crystallite diameters of 16 to 200 on the basis of adsorption being confined to the fraction f of the three hydroxyl groups per anhydroglucose unit that are available on the surface of the crystallites and within the amorphous zones, when f ranges from 0.16 to 0.29. These low values of f are compatible with the fact that the void volume of the amorphous zones does not exceed about 6%. More exact values for f are needed before more definite values for the crystallite diameters can be estimated. A modified fringe micelle diagram containing a considerable amount of chain association in the amorphous zones is given that meets the requirement dictated by the calculations. Another approach, involving direct estimation of the adsorbing surface areas of crystallites and amorphous zones, on the basis of adjacent surfaces being shared by water molecules adsorbed between them, gives surface areas somewhat larger than the BET values using the same f values. Agreement with values from the former approach is obtained if only 75% of the surface per anhydroglucose unit is considered effective for adsorption.  相似文献   
Fungal growth in spruce timber stored under low oxygen atmosphere . Fungal growth and species composition in Norway spruce timber (Picea abies) stored under an atmosphere with low oxygen concentration was monitored by isolation techniques. The results were compared with those from unprotected wood and from living trees. The role of potentially antagonistic fungi is discussed.  相似文献   
In July and in October of 1978, 1979, 1980 five Picea abies stands in Baden-Württemberg, Germany were green-pruned up to a tree height level of c. 10 m. In 1993–94, 30 pruned trees and five control trees from each stand were harvested for investigation. The quality of pruning proved to be excellent because only few branch collar, bark injuries or too long branch stubs were detected. Based on isolations from more than 6000 wood specimens of c. 20 mm3 obtained from 175 trees, specific infection rates are given for different tree compartments. Wood decay fungi as well as important blue stain fungi were only rarely present. Tolerable discolourations were limited to the stub containing core of a few trees. Wood formed after pruning showed neither more fungal infections nor other related disadvantages compared with the respective increment from unpruned control trees. Nectria fuckeliana, proved to be the most abundant fungus in pruned trees especially in the branch stubs. Respective infection rates in and close to dry branches were compared. Bacteria could be found in the pruned branch stubs, however, they did not penetrate into the heartwood or sapwood of the stems. Both summer and autumn pruning involve only very low risk of wood deterioration. However, summer pruning shows some advantages with respect to lower infection rates by N. fuckeliana.  相似文献   
In an earlier study, we reported the characterisation of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for economically important traits related to wood production for a specific year of measurement. However, validating the detected QTLs across years is important for any strategy for marker-assisted selection (MAS). Therefore, we evaluated the consistency of the QTLs across four years in 9 to 12 year-old trees. Data related to tree height were analysed in two ways. The total height was used to characterise QTLs likely to be useful in MAS, and the increment values to evaluate growth regulation. Among the 11 QTLs detected, 4 were found in both the 1996 and 1997 evaluations. QTL numbers and locations related to total height were found to be highly stable. However, the QTL effects progressively changed in successive years, following either an increasing, decreasing or curvilinear trend. Depending on their specific trends, some QTLs may not be expressed at all later in maturity, or they may be expressed at a higher level. This will have direct consequences on the applicability of molecular markers in early screening programs, since a study at the mature stage may also be required. More variation in QTL number and effect was observed relating to height increment than to total height, indicating significant differences in gene expression during the growth periods involved. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
<正>采用固体蛋氨酸相比液体产品降低混合机结饼和结块的发生及交叉污染风险。混合机中的交叉污染通常产生于一个批次到下个批次某种原料或成分的无心残留。当批次改变时,上个批次的产品如果卸载不完全就会残留在机器中被带到下个批次。配方改  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Recombinant feline interferon omega (rFeIFN-omega), a type I IFN, may have the potential to limit virus replication and associated clinical signs when administered early on in the course of feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1) infection and reactivation, respectively. The effect of rFeIFN-omega pretreatment on the course of subsequent FHV-1 infection in cats was investigated. ANIMALS STUDIED: Nine SPF cats were divided into an IFN group (n = 5) and a control-group (n = 4). PROCEDURES: The IFN group was pretreated for 2 days with 10 000 units rFeIFN-omega twice a day topically into both eyes and 20 000 units rFeIFN-omega once a day orally, whereas the control group was mock-treated. Subsequently all cats were infected with FHV-1. Samples for FHV-1 DNA detection and quantitation, virus isolation, and titration of FHV-1 antibodies were collected. Clinical and ocular signs were recorded and scored. RESULTS: Courses of median individual clinical and ocular scores and virus load did not differ significantly between both groups using anova for repeated measurements. Analysis (anova) of each individual ocular parameter revealed significantly high scores for epithelial keratitis (P = 0.016) in the IFN group compared to the control group. Periods of virus shedding did not differ significantly between both groups using the Wilcoxon rank sum test. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicated a lack of beneficial effects of rFeIFN-omega pretreatment in the course of primary FHV-1 infection in cats.  相似文献   
The development of potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) cultivars immune (completely free of infective agents) to bacterial ring rot disease, caused by Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus , would be a significant step toward eradication of the disease. Earlier results suggested that the wild potato species Solanum acaule , acc. PI472655 (genotype 7-8), was immune to C. michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus . The goal of the present study was to investigate the possibility of transferring this desirable trait to cultivated potato through interspecific somatic hybridization. Eight different somatic hybrids between S. acaule and S. tuberosum , with three different genome ratios, were tested for susceptibility to infection in the glasshouse using two C. michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus strains. All the somatic hybrids expressed symptoms of ring rot and were susceptible to infection as determined by IFAS (indirect immunofluorescent antibody staining) tests. The genome compositions of the hybrids influenced bacterial titres. Most of the hybrids with a higher proportion of the S. acaule genome contained lower numbers of C. michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus cells than hybrids with lower proportions of the S. acaule genome. In growth chamber tests, temperature was found to be a determining factor in the expression of immunity in the tetraploid S . acaule 7-8 line. At 21°C, S . acaule 7-8 was immune to infection by C. michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus , but at 15°C, plants supported large populations of the pathogen. However, none of the S. acaule plants expressed disease symptoms. Thus, S. acaule exhibits temperature-dependent immunity to infection by C. michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus and should be considered tolerant rather than immune.  相似文献   

A field study with maize (Zea mays L.) was conducted in the 1988/89 cropping season to investigate the fate of 15NO3-N-labelled NH4 15NO3 applied at 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1 (unlabelled N applied at 0, 80, 160 and 240 N ha?1) with and without lime. The investigations were conducted in northern Zambia at Misamfu Regional Research Centre, Kasama on a Misamfu red sandy loam soil. The experimental design was a split plot arrangement with four replications with main plots receiving 0 and 2 Mg ha?1 dolomitic limestone, while subplots received fertilizer N at various rates. Significant (p < 0.001) grain and DM yield responses to applied N up to 160 kg ha?1 were observed. At higher rates little or no crop responses were observed and fertilizer use efficiency declined. Partitioning of amounts of total N and 15N in plants was in the order of seed = tassel > leaf> cob = earleaf> stem. Fertilizer N rates showed a highly significant (p < 0.001) effect on plant uptake of labelled N. Lime and its interaction with N rates had no effect on all measured parameters. Leaching of NO3-N fertilizer to lower soil depths was in proportion to the rate of N applied, with highly significant (p < 0.001) differences among soil depths. Although higher concentrations of fertilizer-15N were recovered in the 0–20 cm depth the recovered portion at lower soil depths was still significant. Total recovery of labelled N by plant and by soil after crop harvest averaged 75, 55 and 54% of originally applied fertilizer-15N at 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha?1, respectively. Corresponding unaccounted for 15N was 25, 45 and 46%. The most probable loss mechanism could have been by leaching to depths greater than 60 cm, gaseous losses to the atmosphere and root assimilation.  相似文献   
Deforestation and thinning are human activities that can destabilize the forest ecological system and, consequently, impact significantly on habitat and behavior of forest‐dwelling animals. This hypothesis was tested in Yugong in the Mount Taihangshan area by comparing the tracks of tagged seeds of Armeniaca sibirica. in sites of unthinned and thinned forests. Our results showed that: (i) the diversity of vegetation and rodents drastically reduced in sites with thinned forests, compared to unthinned sites; (ii) the amount of both removed and scatter‐hoarded seeds significantly declined in sites with thinned forests, compared with the unthinned sites; (iii) there was no significant difference observed in the distance of seed dispersal between the thinned and unthinned areas; and (iv) the thinning did not show a significant change to the model of cache size. These results suggested that the thinning of forests negatively influenced the species richness and food‐hoarding behavior of rodents. In addition, the results indicated that the weakened scattered‐hoarding might be disadvantageous to seedling recruitment and forest restoration.  相似文献   
Influence of fertilization on nitrogen leaching after cultivation of maize for silage over four successive seasons In a field trial, nitrogen leaching from soil was determined between February 1983 and May 1986 by analyzing soil water from 50, 80 and 110 cm below the soil surface every 14 days. On a Stagno-gleyic Luvisol, maize after maize was cultivated over four successive seasons. Nitrogen was applied either minerally in spring according to Nmin or as a semiliquid cattle manure. The time of application (autumn and/or spring), application rate and use of nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) were varied. Under very low N-fertilization (underground fertilization only), nitrate nitrogen losses by leaching dropped from 100 kg N/ha in the first year to 33 kg N/ha in the 3rd. Nitrogen leaching from the various treatment plots depended on the maize growth and rainfall conditions. Because of an intensive and long lasting seepage of gravitational water, nitrogen leaching from the root zone ranged from 113 to 208 kg N/ha during the fall and winter seasons of 1983/84 and 1984/85. Under the more balanced infiltration conditions of the leaching period 1985/86, and after a high yield of maize in 1985, losses due to leaching were reduced to values between 69 to 108 kg N/ha. Under these experimental conditions (deliberately high quantities of semiliquid cattle manure; DCD-application in autumn) no reduction in nitrogen losses could be proved due to the addition of dicyandiamide.  相似文献   
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