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Changes in attitudes toward wolves in Croatia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Against a background of an evolving wolf policy process we carried out personal structured interviews with residents of three regions within Croatian wolf range in 1999 (n = 1209) and repeated the study, using the same methodology in 2003 (n = 1172). We documented a change in public support for wolf conservation and support for control of wolves. The change was a result of a real change in attitudes and not of a change in the age structure of the sampled population. The changes were documented in the two southern regions, Lika and Dalmatia, with attitudes shifting towards a more neutral viewpoint, as there was a decrease in support for wolf conservation and a decrease in support to control wolves. It seems that different birth cohorts react differently to conservation activities. In 1999, the younger cohort groups may have been influenced more by the legal protection campaign. The older cohorts reacted more sympathetically to livestock concerns and thus held stronger negative attitudes toward wolves. Using human dimensions research as an evaluative tool can help large carnivore managers be more adaptive and thus effective in their management solutions.  相似文献   
We present a study on the radioactivity of selected Croatian agricultural soils that vary considerably with respect to geological background; physical, chemical, and biological characteristics; soil type; land use; and soil management. Our investigation is focused on the main naturally occurring radionuclides (40K, 238U, 226Ra, 232Th, 235U) and 137Cs as the most threatening long-lived anthropogenic radionuclide. We find that the radioactivity level is not influenced by the application of different soil amendments, at least in moderate quantities, and that no effect of soil management can be detected as well. In contrast, geological and location-specific properties influence radionuclide content in soil, especially regarding the naturally occurring ones. Moreover, physical and chemical soil properties such as texture and soil adsorption complex, respectively, seem to be the main factors regarding fixation of 137Cs in soil. Calculated dose rates for external exposure to the gamma radiation originating from soil have been found to be generally low, except for two locations where they are higher but not at a level that would lead to health problems for workers on the field.  相似文献   
Boron detection in soil extracts by inductively-coupled plasma optical-emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) can be influenced by iron interference, particularly in strongly weathered tropical forest soils. Boron concentrations in Mehlich-III extracts of 230 soils under lowland tropical forest in Panama were markedly overestimated at the most sensitive ICP-OES wavelength (249.772 nm) compared to a less sensitive but interference-free wavelength (208.957 nm) due to iron interference. Hot-water extracts contained insufficient iron to interfere in boron detection, but boron quantification in total element digests was affected strongly by iron interference at 249.772 nm. The relationship between boron overestimation and iron was used to correct a database of 300 Mehlich-III extractable boron measurements made at 249.772 nm for soils from a large forest dynamics plot. We recommend that boron measurements in tropical forest soils by ICP-OES should use the less sensitive 208.957 nm wavelength to avoid interference by extracted iron.  相似文献   
Plant phenolics and tocopherols content were determined in light and wholegrain buckwheat and wheat flour. Antioxidant activity of flours were comparatively assessed by scavenging activity on 1,1‐diphenyl‐2‐picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), hydroxyl (OH), and superoxide anion (O2•–) radicals, reducing activity, and chelating activity on Fe2+. Rutin, quercetin, and ferulic acid were quantified in both buckwheat flours, while ferulic acid was quantified in wholegrain wheat flour. Significantly higher content of phenolics and tocopherols was found in buckwheat than in wheat flours. Tocopherols in buckwheat flours were present in the order: γ‐ > α‐>> δ‐tocopherol, and in wheat flours: α‐ > γ‐ >> δ‐tocopherol. Buckwheat flours possessed better scavenging abilities on DPPH, OH and O2•– radicals, as well as better reducing activity, while wheat flours showed better chelating activity on Fe2+, according to IC50 values. Results suggest the possibility of improving the antioxidant properties of wheat‐based food products through addition of buckwheat flour.  相似文献   
Successful carnivore conservation depends on public attitudes and acceptance levels of carnivores, and these are likely to change as circumstances change. Attitude studies repeated in time that can demonstrate such change are rare. Our study surveyed Croatian rural inhabitants in 2002 and in 2008 and analyzed their responses to detect a change in attitudes toward brown bears (Ursus arctos) over time. Important developments occurring in Croatia at the time of our research included a more centralized and more clearly defined bear management strategy, and an increase in the bear population. We constructed models to explain respondent’s value orientations, their level of perceived threat and their acceptance capacity for bears. Findings show that while value orientations and the overall level of perceived threat did not change over time, bear acceptance capacity was reduced. This suggests that the increase in the bear population and perhaps the more centralized bear management reduced respondents’ willingness to accept a larger bear population. We conclude that continuous public involvement in bear management is essential in order to maintain a feeling of control over the bear among the local population. Furthermore we argue that hunting is an important form of public involvement in the region, serving to reinforce existence and bequest values of the bear and increase its public acceptance.  相似文献   
Variable efficiency of androgenesis remains a serious problem in many species of cereals. It is still unclear what makes certain genotypes more amenable to androgenesis than others. This study was undertaken to quantify the previously suspected advantage of winter barley genotypes over spring ones with regard to regeneration efficiency in anther culture. The material consisted of 40 barley hybrids originating from Polish breeding companies. The number of androgenic structures per 100 anthers did not differ significantly between analysed groups (119 vs. 152 non‐significant), but the average regeneration of green plants per 100 anthers was five times higher in winter genotypes (6.4 vs. 1.3). The incidence of albinism was lower for the winter than for the spring materials (70% vs. 90%), while the rate of spontaneous chromosome doubling was similar in both groups (58% vs. 56%). The results strongly support the notion that winter genotypes are more amenable to androgenesis and this may be a consequence of their better adaptation to stress conditions.  相似文献   
Loss of genetic variation may render populations more vulnerable to pathogens due to inbreeding depression and depletion of variation in genes responsible for immunity against parasites. Here we review the evidence for the significance of variation in genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) for conservation efforts. MHC molecules present pathogen-derived antigens to the effector cells of the immune system and thus trigger the adaptive immune response. Some MHC genes are the most variable functional genes in the vertebrate genome. Their variation is clearly of adaptive significance and there is considerable evidence that its maintenance is mainly due to balancing selection imposed by pathogens. However, while the evidence for selection shaping MHC variation on the historical timescale is compelling, a correlation between levels of MHC variation and variation at neutral loci is often observed, indicating that on a shorter timescale drift also substantially affects MHC, leading to depletion of MHC diversity. The evidence that the loss of MHC variation negatively affects population survival is so far equivocal and difficult to separate from effects of general inbreeding. Some species with depleted MHC variation seem to be particularly susceptible to infection, but other species thrive and expand following severe bottlenecks that have drastically limited their MHC variation. However, while the latter demonstrate that MHC variation is not always critical for population survival, these species may in fact represent rare examples of survival despite of the loss of MHC variation. There is clearly a compelling need for data that would disclose the possible consequences of MHC diversity for population viability. In particular, we need more data on the impact of MHC allelic richness on the abundance of parasites or prevalence of disease in populations, while controlling for the role of general inbreeding. Before such evidence accumulates, captive breeding programs and other conservation measures aimed at inbreeding avoidance should be favoured over those protecting only MHC variation, especially since inbreeding avoidance programs would usually conserve both types of genetic diversity simultaneously.  相似文献   
Mercury is a neurotoxin, its main source in the human organism being fish and seafood. The first level in the marine food web is formed of planktonic and benthic photosynthetic microorganisms, which form a biofilm on the surface of the hard bottom (epilithon) or plants (epiphyton). They are carriers of nutritional as well as toxic substances and pass these on to subsequent levels of the trophic web. Their biomass is often dominated by diatoms. This was the basis for the presented study into Hg accumulation in epilithic, epiphytic and planktonic diatoms, which was carried out in 2012–2013 in the coastal zone of the Puck Lagoon and the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic). In this coastal area, both micro- and macroorganisms develop particularly intensively. The collected results indicate an increase in Hg concentration in the biofilm during the warm season which, with the lengthening of the vegetative period due to global warming in recent years, is of great significance. As a consequence, the annual mercury load entering the trophic web is larger in comparison with a year in which there is a long, cold winter. An important parameter influencing the accumulation of Hg was the function of those organisms from the biofilm-forming communities. In this case, the highest concentrations of Hg were measured in organisms forming high-profile guilds.  相似文献   
Echinostomiasis is a food-borne, intestinal, zoonotic, snail-mediated helminthiasis caused by digenean trematodes of the family Echinostomatidae with seven species of the genus Echinostoma infecting humans or domestic and wildlife animals. Echinostoma paraensei is a peristomic 37-collar-spined echinostome belonging to the “revolutum group”.  相似文献   
To identify areas of risk for canine-related zoonoses in Serbia, the aim of this study was to provide baseline knowledge about intestinal parasites in 151 dogs (65 household pets, 75 stray and 11 military working dogs) from Belgrade. The following parasites, with their respective prevalences, were detected: Giardia duodenalis (14.6%), Ancylostomatidae (24.5%), Toxocara canis (30.5%), Trichuris vulpis (47.0%) and Taenia-type helminths (6.6%). Of all examined dogs, 75.5% (114/151) were found to harbour at least one parasite species. Of these, mixed infections with up to four species per dog occurred in 44.7% (51/114). Infections with all detected species were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in military working (100%) and stray dogs (93.3%) versus household pets (50.8%). Among all parasites, agents with zoonotic potential including Giardia, Ancylostomatidae and Toxocara were detected in 58.3% (88/151) of all examined dogs with a significant difference (p < 0.05) among the subgroups (100%, 62.7% and 46.2% for military working dogs, stray dogs and household pets, respectively). The high prevalence of zoonotic parasites registered in the dog population from a highly urban area in south-eastern Europe indicates a potential risk to human health. Thus, veterinarians should play an important role in helping to prevent or minimise zoonotic transmission.  相似文献   
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