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Feijoa sellowiana Berg. fruits and especially the acetonic extract have been shown to possess biological activities, although the responsible compounds have never been identified. The present study was designed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of an acetonic extract from F. sellowiana Berg. fruits on the nitric oxide (NO) pathway, which plays an important role in inflammation. To this aim the J774 cell line, which expresses inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) following stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), has been utilized, and the effects of this extract and its fractions on NO production, iNOS protein expression, and signal pathways involved in its regulation have been evaluated. This study demonstrates that at least some part of the anti-inflammatory activity of the acetonic extract is due to the suppression of NO production by flavone and stearic acid. The mechanism of this inhibition seems to be related to an action on the expression of the enzyme iNOS through the attenuation of nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) and/or mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation.  相似文献   
This study reports for the first time the presence of diazotrophic bacteria belonging to the genera Achromobacter and Zoogloea associated with wheat plants. These bacterial strains were identified by the analysis of 16S rDNA sequences. The bacterium IAC-AT-8 was identified as Azospirillum brasiliense, whereas isolates IAC-HT-11 and IAC-HT-12 were identified as Achromobacter insolitus and Zoogloea ramigera, respectively. A greenhouse experiment involving a non-sterilized soil was carried out with the aim to study the endophytic feature of these strains. After 40 days from inoculation, all the strains were in the inner of roots, but they were not detected in soil. In order to assess the location inside wheat plants, an experiment was conducted under axenic conditions. Fifteen days after inoculation, preparations of inoculated plants were observed by the scanning electron microscope, using the cryofracture technique, and by the transmission electron microscope. It was observed that all isolates were present on the external part of the roots and in the inner part at the elongation region, in cortex cells, but not in the endodermis or in the vascular bundle region. No colonizing bacterial cells were observed in wheat leaves.  相似文献   
We evaluated the effects of macronutrient and micronutrient omission, and of liming, on Jatropha curcas (JC) in greenhouse study. The experimental design was a factorial combination of 2 liming treatments (nil or 4.5 t. ha?1 of dolomitic lime) x 7 combinations of fertility status, with five replications. The concentrations and uptake of nutrients by JC plants follow the order: nitrogen > potassium > calcium ≥ Magnesium > sulfur > phosphorus > iron > boron > manganese > zinc > copper (N > K > Ca ≥ Mg > S > P > Fe > B > Mn > Zn > Cu), but the growth of JC plants was negatively affected mainly by omission of macronutrients, in the following order: P > N = K = S, on limed soil. Phosphorus is the most critical element for development. JC is responsive to micronutrients only when applied together with macronutrients. Potassium chloride is not recommended as K+ source for JC crop. Lime is recommended to improve growth and nutritional status of JC plants.  相似文献   
Our previous studies of the native rhizobial population associated with peanut nodules in the Córdoba soils of Argentina revealed that this population is highly diverse and includes slow- and fast-growing isolates. The native fast-growing isolates NCHA22 and NET30 were selected on the basis of their plant growth promoting properties and their chromosomal genotypes were determined by 16S rDNA sequencing. NCHA22 and NET30 16S rDNA alleles were found to cluster with those of Rhizobium tropici group IIB and Rhizobium giardinii bv. giardinii strain H152, respectively. We have now characterized these isolates by analyzing the glnA and nifH genes to clarify their taxonomic position. These studies confirmed that fast-growing isolates belonging to species earlier described as bean symbionts were obtained from nodules of a leguminous plant that has been described as efficiently nodulated exclusively by slow-growing rhizobial strains.  相似文献   
Based on an extensive literature review on intelligent cities, smart cities, and happy cities, and on their conceptual connections with citizens' well‐being, quality of life, and happiness, we developed a resource‐based view on City Quality: the PESNAT (political, economic, social, natural, artificial, and technological) framework. The concept of City Quality rests on the idea of cities interconnected sub‐habitats—PESNAT—which are powerful analytical categories needed for understanding cities as complex and intricate loci. This framework eventually aims at assessing the cities' power to attract businesses and people, to contribute to a sustainable development of the city and an increased quality of life. Furthermore, two hypotheses are outlined regarding the level of importance of each sub‐habitat in relation to happiness, and the level of controversy of each one for citizens, city planners, and decision makers.  相似文献   
This is the first report and characterization of Bursaphelenchus sexdentati and the first official report of the presence of the genus Bursaphelenchus in Israel. This species was isolated from Orthotomicus erosus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) found on Pinus halepensis in the Judean foothills in Israel. Nematodes collected from insect galleries were reared on fungal cultures and identified based on morphological diagnostic characters for the genus Bursaphelenchus. Sequencing analyses of the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region, small subunit (SSU) and large subunit (LSU) of ribosomal DNA confirmed the identification of this nematode species collected from wood and directly from the insect body.  相似文献   
The degradation of diethyl phthalate (DEP) in aqueous solution by titanium dioxide (TiO2) photocatalysis has been investigated in our research. DEP was completely removed in the solution by 50-min irradiation. Results show that DEP degradation rate was affected by initial DEP concentration, photocatalyst amount, light intensity, and pH. Photocatalytic degradation intermediates were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry intermediates were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The major intermediates are methyl benzoate, ethyl benzoate, and carboxylic derivatives. The photocatalytic degradation process was found to obey first-order reaction. Consequently, the result of photocatalytic degradation could be an efficient method of DEP removal from wastewater.  相似文献   
The effect of microwave heating on the oxidative stability of corn oil was determined by absorptivity in the UV spectrum and by peroxide and acid values. Oil samples with antioxidants BHA/BHT (1:1; 200 mg kg(-)(1)), with and without citric acid, were heated in a microwave oven (800 W, 2450 MHz) for 0-36 min. Absorptivity at 232 and 270 nm increased during microwave exposure. Control values of absorptivity at 232 nm increased from 3.568 to 12.874 after 36 min of heating. Peroxide value showed a significant difference in the initial stage of heating (0-6 min), but after this time, the peroxide value decreased due to the instability of hydroperoxides at high temperatures. Control 232 nm absorptivities after 6 days in the oven test were similar to those after 32-36 min of microwave heating. Effective antioxidants in the oven test did not show any protection during microwave heating. UV spectrophotometry is a suitable tool for microwave oxidation monitoring.  相似文献   
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Hancornia speciosa Gomes is native tree to South America, and its fruits are a source of income for communities and the food industry. The reduction of...  相似文献   
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