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SUMMARY The concentrations of phenylbutazone (PBZ), oxyphenbutazone (OPBZ) and gammahydroxyphenylbutazone (OHPBZ) in plasma and urine from 50 Greyhounds 24 and 48 h after the intravenous administration of a single dose of PBZ (30 mg/kg) were measured. The 24 h plasma concentrations of OPBZ and OHPBZ, the 48 h plasma concentration of OHPBZ and the 24 h urinary concentration of PBZ were normally distributed, while log transformations were required before the 24 h plasma concentration of PBZ and the 24 and 48 h urinary concentrations of OPBZ and OHPBZ became normally distributed. The 95%, 99%, 99.9% and 99.99% upper predicted confidence intervals for both 24 h and 48 h plasma and urinary concentrations demonstrated wide potential variation in the concentration of the analytes should PBZ be administered to Greyhounds. The 24 h plasma and urinary concentrations of PBZ were weakly correlated, but no similar relationship existed for OPBZ or OHPBZ. The urinary concentrations of each analyte were not affected by the trainer or sex of the Greyhound or the urinary pH. We conclude that it would be impossible to predict the timing of the PBZ administration or the plasma concentration of PBZ from the measurement of the concentration of PBZ in a single sample of urine.  相似文献   
AIM: To compare 2 treatments for anovulatory anoestrus (AA) in postpartum dairy cows. The treatments were combinations of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and prostaglandin F2𝛂 (PG) or progesterone (P4) and oestradiol benzoate (ODB).

METHODS: Forty AA cows from each of 5 herds were blocked by age (2 or >2 years old) and randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments. The first group (GPG) were treated with 250 𝛍g of a GnRH analogue, gonadorelin, followed 7 days later by 15 mg of the PG analogue, luprostiol. Two days later the cows were injected with 250 𝛍g of gonadorelin. Cows were artificially inseminated 16–24 h after the second GnRH injection. The second group (P4+ODB) were treated with an intravaginal P4 releasing device for 6 days, followed 24 h after device removal by injection of 1 mg of ODB. Cows were pregnancy tested 35–40 days after the initial insemination and twice again at 6–8 week intervals thereafter.

RESULTS: There was no significant difference between P4+ODB and GPG groups in the percentage of cows submitted for insemination in the first 7 days (94.0% vs 100% for P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.3), in conception rate to first insemination within the first 7 days (43.6% vs 35.0% for P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.2), in the percentage of cows conceiving in the first 28 days of the breeding period (68.0% vs 58.3%, P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.1), or in median interval from the end of treatment to conception (20 vs 21days;p>0.1).

CONCLUSIONS: No differences in the reproductive performance of AA cows treated with either P4+ODB or GPG were detected. However, given the small number of animals enrolled, further data are required before the GPG protocol can be recommended for treatment of AA cows.  相似文献   
To improve the Boer goat semen quality during cryopreservation process, three experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of (i) different concentration of ascorbic acid supplementation (ii) rate of cooling with chilled semen characteristics and (iii) method of freezing on post‐thaw Boer goat sperm using Tris‐based extender. Ascorbic acid at 8.5 mg/ml improved the sperm parameters (motility, integrity of membrane and acrosome, morphology and viability), compared to control in cooled samples (p < 0.05). With regard to other concentrations and post‐thawed parameters, ascorbic acid at 2.5–8.5 mg/ml led to higher percentages of sperm motility and integrities of membrane and acrosome when compared to control (p < 0.05). Slow cooling rises to higher percentages of sperm motility, acrosome integrity and viability, in comparison with fast cooling, in terms of cooled and frozen samples (p < 0.05). Programmable freezing method produced the higher percentages of sperm motility, integrities of membrane and acrosome and viability when compared to the freezing method of polystyrene box during goat sperm freezing (p < 0.05). In conclusion, chilled and post‐thawed sperm quality of Boer goat was improved when a Tris‐based extender supplemented with ascorbic acid was used at stages of different cooling rates and freezing methods.  相似文献   
Brain stem auditory-evoked response (BAER) is a noninvasive technique used for detecting neurophysiological abnormalities of the brain stem along the auditory pathway. Brain stem auditory-evoked response recordings were obtained from subcutaneous skin electrodes from two control sheep and 22 other sheep fed high sulfur (S) diets with low or high concentration of thiamine (B1), copper (Cu), and molybdenum (Mo). At least four peaks (I,II,III,IV) of varied amplitude were observed in all animals. Neurophysiological abnormalities due to decreased conductivity and/or excitability of nerve fibers along the auditory pathway were found on the BAER recordings of sheep fed high S diet. Abnormalities of peaks and interpeak latencies within BAER recordings were related to histopathological observations of brain stem lesions. Lesions in the areas of the cochlear nuclei and lateral lemniscus were seen in conjunction with altered BAER components. However, abnormalities in BAER recordings and lesions in the brain stem also occurred in the absence of overt clinical signs. Analysis of interpeak latencies between peaks I and IV revealed significant differences among dietary groups. Sheep given diets low in Cu, Mo, and B1 were affected most. Factorial analysis indicated B1 and interactions among Cu, Mo, and B1 as significant factors influencing interpeak latencies.  相似文献   
Epigenetic programs controlling development of the female reproductive tract (FRT) are influenced by the effects of naturally occurring bioactive agents on patterns of gene expression in FRT tissues during organizationally critical periods of foetal and perinatal life. Aberrations in such important cellular and molecular events, as may occur with exposure to natural or manmade steroid or peptide receptor-modulating agents, disrupt the developmental program and can change the developmental trajectory of FRT tissues, including the endometrium, with lasting consequences. In the pig, as in other mammals, maternal programming of FRT development begins pre-natally and is completed post-natally, when maternal effects on development can be communicated via signals transmitted in milk. Studies involving relaxin (RLX), a prototypic milk-borne morphoregulatory factor (MbF), serve as the basis for ongoing efforts to identify maternal programming events that affect uterine and cervical tissues in the neonatal pig. Data support the lactocrine hypothesis for delivery of MbFs to neonates as a specific consequence of nursing. Components of a maternally driven lactocrine mechanism for RLX-mediated signalling in neonatal FRT tissues, including evidence that milk-borne RLX is delivered into the neonatal circulation where it can act on RLX receptor (RXFP1) -positive neonatal tissues to affect their development, are in place in the pig. The fact that all newborn mammals drink milk extends the timeframe of maternal influence on neonatal development across many species. Thus, lactocrine transmission of milk-borne developmental signals is an element of the maternal epigenetic programming equation that deserves further study.  相似文献   
Evaporative cooling during late gestation period improves post‐partum reproductive performance in Murrah buffaloes. To prove this hypothesis, sixteen pregnant dry Murrah buffaloes at sixty days pre‐partum were selected and divided into two groups of eight animals each. Group 1 of buffaloes (Cooled/CL) was managed under fan and mist cooling during dry period, whereas second group of buffaloes (non‐cooled/NCL) remained without the provision of cooling. After parturition, all the animals were managed under evaporative cooling till the end of experimental period. Reproductive performance in cooled (CL) and non‐cooled (NCL) groups, respectively, viz. 1st and 2nd ovulation from calving (48.63 ± 2.41, 69.25 ± 2.34 days and 57.75 ± 3.35, 93.63 ± 2.84 days); calving to conception interval (117.88 ± 4.21 days and 117.88± 4.21 days); conception rate (87.5% ± 2.16% and 57% ± 2.26%); and follicular diameter at the time of 1st and 2nd ovulation (14.84 ± 0.16, 15.75 ± 0.13 mm and 12.65 ± 0.13, 13.35 ± 0.11 mm) varied significantly (p < .05). Total peak oestrogen concentration was significantly (p < .05) higher in cooled (26.7 ± 1.32 pg/ml) relative to non‐cooled (20.7 ± 1.22 pg/ml) buffaloes. Time from onset of oestrus to ovulation varied significantly (p < .05) in cooled (32 ± 2.22 hr) and non‐cooled (40 ± 2.86 hr) buffaloes. The peak progesterone concentration reached to (4.25 ng/ml) in cooled group and (4.16 ng/ml) in non‐cooled group after first ovulation.  相似文献   
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