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A. Sisto M. G. Cipriani S. Tegli M. Cerboneschi G. Stea E. Santilli 《Plant pathology》2007,56(3):366-372
The genetic diversity of 71 Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi strains isolated from different host species and from diverse geographical regions was determined by fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (f-AFLP) analysis. The study was carried out using three different selective primer combinations. Strains of P. syringae pv. syringae , P. syringae pv. phaseolicola , P. syringae pv. glycinea , P. syringae pv. tagetis and P. amygdali were also included as outgroups. Based on cluster analysis of f-AFLP data, all P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi strains showed a high degree of similarity, grouping in a cluster and forming a taxon clearly separate from outgroup strains. AFLP analyses failed to support placing strains of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi , P. syringae pv. phaseolicola and P. syringae pv. glycinea in the same species. Strains of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi formed subclusters that correlated with the host species. Strains identified within these subclusters were related to the geographical region where the strains were isolated. Strains of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi from olive were divided into two subclusters. Strains from oleander were differentiated from those from ash and were divided into two additional subclusters, distinct from olive strains. Three strains isolated from jasmine showed a high level of similarity among them but, at a lower Dice similarity coefficient, were linked to a subcluster including olive strains. Finally, two strains isolated from privet were similar to strains from olive and were included in the same subcluster. 相似文献
C.M. Morvillo E.B. de la Fuente A. Gil M.A. Martínez-Ghersa J.L. González-Andújar 《European Journal of Agronomy》2011,34(4):211-221
Annual wormwood interference on soybean crop growth and yield may result from competition and allelopathy, which are modulated by crop management. Allelochemicals released by annual wormwood (e.g. artemisinin) may affect the crop directly or indirectly through the effect on the nitrogen fixing symbiont, Bradyrhizobium japonicum. The objectives were (i) to quantify the crop response (i.e. biomass production, nodulation and yield) to weed interference and (ii) to determinate the relative change of competition and allelopathy interferences, when a sublethal dose of herbicide is applied. Two split plot field experiments with three replications were used. The experiment involved a factorial combination of five weed–crop density (soybean/annual wormwood, plants m?2) levels: D1, pure soybean, 40/0 plants m?2; D2, 40/2 plants m?2; D3, 40/4 plants m?2 and D4, 40/8 plants m?2, and D5, pure annual wormwood, 0/8 plants m?2, two activated carbon (allelopathy) levels: C?, with activated carbon (reduced allelopathy) and C+, non activated carbon applied (with allelopathy) and two herbicide levels: H?, untreated and H+, treated with a sub-lethal dose of glyphosate. Activated carbon to adsorb allelochemicals (with and without activated carbon) and glyphosate application (with and no herbicide) were assigned to sub-plots. Increasing weed density did not affect crop biomass at flowering, but changed nodule number and soybean yield with a different pattern depending on carbon and herbicide treatment. Relative crop yield decreased with increasing relative weed biomass. This decrease was particularly drastic when allelopathy was reduced by activated carbon and without herbicide application. The maximum yield losses of 33% in 2006 and 17% in 2007 were observed with the highest weed density (8 plants m?2). In contrast, without carbon (high allelopathy level), soybean yield remained stable within the explored range of annual wormwood biomass, despite the fact that weed biomass at high densities (D4) was high enough to generate competition. The lack of response to increasing weed density could be related to the indirect effect of allelochemicals interacting with soil microorganisms (i.e. B. japonicum) that positively affected the nodulation (e.g. larger nodules in 2006 and increased nodules biomass due to higher number of roots in 2007 at high densities). With herbicide application, soybean yield of both carbon treatments remained stable when biomass of annual wormwood increased. This research provided strong evidence in support of the existence of positive effect of allelopathic and competitive interactions between annual wormwood and soybean crop under field conditions that may be overridden under herbicide application. 相似文献
The within-plant distribution of the cassava green spider mite, Mononychellus tanajoa Bondar, and the anatomical characteristics and the chemical components relating to varietal resistance of cassava, were studied using 11 cassava genotypes with varying levels of resistance for two dry seasons and one wet season. The results show that M. tanajoa aggregates on the top leaves of cassava at low levels of resistance as compared with a more even within-plant distribution at higher levels of resistance. Thus, for accurate sampling of mite populations, it might be important to consider young and old leaves, not just the young leaves, in fields containing resistant and susceptible cassava genotypes. Correlations between the anatomical characteristics and mite population density and damage scores were not consistent across months, either within or over seasons. This suggests that leaf anatomical characteristics may not be important in the varietal resistance of cassava to M. tanajoa. During the dry season, mite population density was positively correlated with leaf nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus and negatively correlated with leaf calcium and fat. Only calcium was negatively associated with mite damage at the peak of the dry season (January 1993 and 1994). Breeding cassava genotypes with high levels of leaf calcium and fat, and low levels of leaf nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, may improve the level of resistance to M. tanajoa. 相似文献
Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is an invasive pest of tomato native to South America, where it is responsible for extensive damage. It rapidly spread into several European countries, becoming a key pest. Knowledge of its main biological traits can be used to develop effective plant protection management strategies. It is a multivoltine species with a homodynamous behaviour, and the length of its life cycle depends on environmental conditions, particularly temperature. The larvae feed and develop inside tomato leaves, stems and fruits throughout the entire growing cycle. The adults have crepuscular habits, and in Mediterranean conditions they can be easily detected throughout the year. Damage is directly related to the reduction of plants' photosynthetic capacity and of production levels in both protected and open‐field tomato crops; indirect damage can be also caused by secondary infections, with pathogens developing on the infested plant and fruit tissues. 相似文献
Papaya ringspot virus‐type W (PRSV‐W) is the most prevalent and important viral pathogen of cucurbits in Brazil. It can be effectively controlled by the incorporation of genetic resistance into susceptible melon cultivars. The present study identified amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers linked to the PRSV‐W resistance Prv1 allele. The susceptible yellow‐fleshed melon‐breeding line AF426prv1 and its nearly isogenic‐resistant line AF426Prv1, which carries the Prv1 allele resident in the Indian cantaloupe U.S. Plant Introduction (PI) 180280, were screened for AFLP marker polymorphisms. Of 30 251 AFLP loci, only three were polymorphic between the nearly isogenic lines. Segregation analyses for these three polymorphic markers and the Prv1 allele using a BC1 population of 197 plants indicated close linkage (0.5% recombination frequency) between marker EK190 (HindIII‐CGA and MseI‐GTG; 190 bp) and Prv1. Thus, EK190 might be a useful marker in breeding programmes aiming to develop melon cultivars resistant to PRSV‐W. The other two markers are closely linked to each other, but distantly linked to Prv1. 相似文献
The effects of extensive sward management and patch size on the persistence and colonization of gaps in sown swards was examined by creating gaps of five different sizes (2·3, 7, 10, 14 and 19 cm in diameter) in four different sward treatments: a fertilized sward grazed to 4 cm, i.e. relatively intensive management, and three extensively managed unfertilized swards, which were not grazed or grazed to 4 cm or 8 cm. The swards were originally sown with ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.), but had developed differences in species composition as a result of the management treatments imposed 2 years before and during the experiment. Light quality measurements, i.e. red-far red (R/FR) ratio, were used to determine when the light environment in the gaps no longer differed from that in control, uncut patches and this was used as an estimate of gap persistence. Persistence of gaps depended on both sward management and gap size. Gaps disappeared most rapidly in the ungrazed sward and fertilized 4-cm sward, and most slowly in the unfertilized 8-cm sward. Small gaps persisted for up to 2 weeks in all but 8-cm swards, whereas larger gaps were estimated to persist for up to 20–25 weeks in unfertilized, grazed swards. There was no evidence that the number of grass or dicotyledonous species increased in the gaps compared with the control areas. There were significant positive linear relationships between the vegetation that developed in gaps and that in the control, uncut patches, reflecting the different species composition of the established sward of the grazed (grass-dominant) and ungrazed (Ranunculus repens-dominant) treatments. For total grass dry matter and tiller numbers, as well as L. perenne tiller numbers, there was a small, but significant, effect of both patch size and sward management on the slopes of the regressions between the controls and gaps. The results are discussed in relation to the potential for species composition of sown swards to change as a result of gap creation. 相似文献
A. Sinreich 《Journal of pest science》1955,28(1):1-5
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