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运用ARC/INFO地理信息系统绘制林业专题图   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用ARC/INFO地理信息系统对林业专题图的制作进行了分析研究,探讨了林业制图自动化的有效途径,取得的初步成果令人满意。  相似文献   
彩色豆马勃菌剂的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
外生菌根真菌——彩色豆马勃(豆包菌)Pisolithus tinctorius(Pers.)Coker and Couch(简称P_t)。应用彩色豆马勃商品化菌剂对我国一些重要用材树种进行菌根化的研究,评价这些树种对P_t菌剂的反应,各种菌剂的效果及其应用前景,为在我国林业生产和环境保护中推广和应用P_t技术及其菌剂提供基础。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONA large number of nature resources have fosteredhuman beings in the world. However, during the lastfew decades these nature resources and biodiversitywere subjected to various anthropogenic pressuressuch as plantation, deforestation, construction ofhydro-electric project, overgrazing and exploitation andother developmental activities (He Youjun, et al, 2004b;Li Ang, et al, 2002; Swamy, et al, 2000). In order toprotect environment and biodiversity, we have to facethe challenge…  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONPaulownia is one of important species with fastgrowth and high yield oriented to industry uses inChina, paulownia wood is widely used in furniture-making, decorating materials, musical instrumentsmanufacture (Jiang Jianping 1990), etc. Brown orblack stain often appears on the surface of paulowniawood during processing and using. Discolorationseriously affects paulownia utilization, and it cancause huge loss due to low grade and price causedby stain (Cheng Junqing 1983a, 1983b…  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONBecause of the interleaving, extensity of multi-factorsaffecting forest ecological benefit in space, and thecomplexity of bio-factors of forest,and in themeantime, because of lacking of consultation forthe transformation between physical and ecologicalquantum and monetary value, the evaluation ofecological benefit of forest is all along one of thedifficult problems in academic field. In recent years,some scholars have made much research andexploration in the theory and practice…  相似文献   
本文研究了氨苄青霉素、羧苄青霉素和头孢霉素等3种抗生素对火炬松愈伤组织的生长和分化及不定芽生根的影响。结果表明,头孢霉素最有利于愈伤组织的诱导和生长,羧苄青霉素最有利于芽的分化,氨苄青霉素降低了不定芽的生根频率。所有试验的3种抗生素提高愈伤组织的形成和芽再生,但降低了芽的生根频率。这些结果表明,选择合适的抗生素对优化火炬松遗传转化体系有重要作用。图3表4参25。  相似文献   
Chemical analyses were conducted with leave oils of Eucalyptus smithii, E. bakeri, E. polybractea, E. dives, E. radiata and E. macarthurii vvhich were introduced to southwestern China from Australia. It was found that the leaf oils of E. smithii, E. bakeri and E. polybractea contained 81-90% of 1 ,8-cineole, and E. dives and E. radiata contained higher a-phelandrene and piperitone. There vvere significant inter- and intraspeciflc variations in leaf oil yield, it also varied with seasons in vvhich leaves vvere harvested. The results suggested that more research should be undertaken to identify genotypes with high-yield of leaf oils. These species could be applied to develop community forestry.  相似文献   
伊犁地区森林资源丰富,但是森林病虫种类多、分布广、发生普遍、危害严重.经调查,有森林昆虫14目118种573种(仅天敌昆虫有152种;森林病害360种.现在杨树害虫已发现有104种.平原人工林病虫主要有杨树腐烂病、杨褐斑病、杨锈病、杨兰叶甲、青杨天牛、杨毒蛾、杨盾蚧、寺叶甲、大青叶蝉、金龟子等.而对林木危害产生的其中有杨树腐烂病一宜危害严重,一  相似文献   
本文介绍一种森林抽样样本容量表。简单随机抽样用迭代公式计算样本容量,该式将样本容量表示为估计的变动系数和规定容许相对抽样误差的函数。迭代法在林业中用于计算样本容量时被证明并非都是收敛的。这里介绍一种修正的迭代方案,并编成数表来使用。  相似文献   
扦插是林木无性繁殖较喜用的,因能从单株获得大量的插条苗,可避免嫁接的不亲和性,同时,插条比其他无性繁殖方法和压条、嫁接等的材料的获得要便利。实生苗茎部插条桉树实生苗扦插容易形成根系,Gior-dano于1961年用赤桉一年生苗基部(0—30厘米)扦插,其生根率在60%以上。通常插条需要3个月以上才能生根。但葡萄桉在同  相似文献   
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