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正1生产现状海洋村是石棉县一个纯彝族高山贫困村,海拔在1600m至1800m之间,幅员面积10.05km2,全村可利用耕地仅为349333m2,均是山地缓坡,无主要经济产业,虽已种植核桃336000m2,但经济效益不好。农户零星在核桃园里套种些蔬菜(豌豆、白菜、洋芋),供自己食用,也对外销售一些,但种植水平低,品种单一,茬口安排不合理,靠天吃饭,未形成好的经济收入。 相似文献
以松花菜'沪松85'种子为供试材料,研究了松花菜种子贮藏1-8年过程中种子活力、种子中抗氧化酶活性、丙二醛(MDA)、维生素E(VE)和不饱和脂肪酸含量的变化.结果表明:随着松花菜种子贮藏时间增加,种子浸出液电导率升高,种子活力和幼苗素质下降,种子中SOD、APX活性降低,VE、不饱和脂肪酸芥酸和油酸含量降低,MDA含量增加.在常温干燥石灰桶中,贮藏3年的松花菜种子活力显著下降,贮藏8年的松花菜种子活力最低.建议松花菜种子在常温干燥石灰桶中贮藏时间不宜超过2年. 相似文献
以7年生普洱景东种源滇重楼为材料,采用HPLC法测定滇重楼不同生长年限根茎,及茎、叶、花、种子等器官中重楼皂苷Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ含量,建立各部位的HPLC图谱;应用HPLC法测定1月、3月、5月、7月、9月、11月不同生长期滇重楼1年生根茎皂苷含量的变异规律。结果表明:滇重楼根部总皂苷含量显著高于其他器官;不同生长年限滇重楼根部总皂苷含量差异显著(P < 0.05),皂苷含量从高到低排列为根茎2 a龄段、根茎3 a龄段、根茎4~5 a龄段、根茎1 a龄段、叶、种子、芽、茎、须根、果皮、花;非根茎部位中叶片总皂苷含量显著高于种子、果皮、茎等组织;不同生长季节总皂苷含量高低变化规律为1月>3月>5月、9月>7月、11月。因此,滇重楼根茎适宜在2 a龄、1—3月休眠季节进行采收。 相似文献
正现阶段,在我国养猪产业的养殖规模在不断扩大,猪肉在肉类市场当中占据着十分重要的地位,不论是从消费量还是猪肉的产量来看,猪肉在市场当中都发挥着不可替代的作用。因此,猪群的健康养殖就显得极为重要,目前广大养殖户养猪的过程中常常会遇到猪群爆发大面积的疫病,造成巨大的经济损失和猪肉质量的下降,给社会的发展带来不安定因素。猪群主要疫病的治疗和防控工作对于生猪的健康生长、猪肉质量的提升都具有十分重要的作用,能够确保猪肉的养殖经济效益。本 相似文献
In order to study the effect of different preceding crops on soil fertility in tobacco growing areas, 166 soil samples were collected from Pingqiao tobacco growing area for nutrient determination. The analysis results show that: ① The overall soil pH value is at an appropriate level (5.5~7.0), the degree of soil acidification in the corn preceding crop is generally high, and the pH value in the peanut preceding crop is mostly at an appropriate level. ② The overall soil organic matter is at a suitable but low level. 83.33% of the soil organic matter content in the previous crop of tobacco leaves is at an appropriate level, while most of the soil organic matter content in the other previous crops is at a low level. It is necessary to supplement organic fertilizer in a timely manner. ③The alkaline nitrogen content in the soil of different previous crops exceeds 100mg/kg, which is above the average level. The application amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled.④The soil available phosphorus content is relatively high in the previous crop of rice, while the rest are at an appropriate level, but the coefficient of variation is relatively large. ⑤The average content of soil available potassium is at an appropriate level, and the proportion of soil available potassium content in the previous crop of peanuts is the highest at an appropriate level, at 83.64%. ⑥The chloride ion content in the soil of the tobacco planting area is at the average level except for the previous crop of rice, but overall, the proportion of chloride ion content is relatively high. Therefore, comprehensive fertilization should be timely regulated s to regulate the proportion of chloride ions during the planting process.⑦Targeted fertilization suggestions were proposed for different previous tobacco fields. 相似文献