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为了研究不同利用方式紫花苜蓿地土壤含水量和土壤容重的季节和剖面变化特征,试验采用样点定位、季节动态监测的方法,对苜蓿种子田和苜蓿生产田的土壤含水量和土壤容重进行了测定。结果表明:0~10 cm土层紫花苜蓿种子田和紫花苜蓿生产田土壤含水量总体表现为随着月份的增加呈现"W"型变化趋势,最大值均在7月下旬出现,分别为27.30%和23.79%;≥10~20 cm土层和≥20~30 cm土层土壤含水量各月份差异不大。0~10 cm土层苜蓿种子田和苜蓿生产田土壤容重随着月份的增加呈现先降低后增加之后又降低的趋势,总体表现为苜蓿种子田苜蓿生产田;≥10~20 cm和≥20~30 cm土层变化比较平稳。苜蓿种子田和苜蓿生产田土壤含水量和容重在垂直方向随着土层深度的增加表现出不同的变化规律。 相似文献
The dimpling bug, Campylomma austrina Malipatil, has been recognised since 2002 as a serious mango pest in the Northern Territory, Australia. To fully understand the damage the bug causes and its relationship with ants, field experiments were conducted in five mango orchards in the Darwin area from 2001 to 2003 along with laboratory rearing trials. The latter revealed that the dimpling bug sucked sap mainly from the ovary of the flowers. As the ovary ripened, each puncture resulted in a black pimple on the skin of the marble-sized fruit (<5 mm in diameter). All of the most heavily damaged marble-sized fruits (>10 pimples/fruitlet) dropped from the trees. A field survey and field experiments showed that marble-sized fruit damage levels on trees bearing abundant weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius, were similar to those protected by chemical insecticides, however both suffered less damage than trees bearing fewer or no weaver ants or black ants, Iridomyrmex sp. We propose that the weaver ant is an efficient bio-control agent of the dimpling bug, and to limit the bug damage, high levels of weaver ant populations are required in mango orchards. 相似文献
滚筒式小麦单粒精密排种器工作原理研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
根据小麦精播高产栽培农艺要求,研制了滚筒式小麦单粒精密排种器。介绍了排种器的结构和工作原理,给出了排种器台架试验结果。单粒排种频率可达45粒·s-1,合格指数在75.86以上,种子破损率小于0.49%,一个滚筒式排种器可以同时播2~6行小麦。 相似文献
基于边坡分析软件及有限元软件,通过建立陕北绥德县关地沟4号坝上游典型坡沟系统的概化模型,应用概率统计和数值仿真分析方法,从坡沟系统的力学稳定和受力破环的角度,得到了随淤地坝坝地的逐渐淤高坡沟系统的稳定性、滑塌概率和滑塌量分别增强、减弱和减少,其随坝地淤高的变化分别满足二项式、二项式和直线规律.应用有限元强度折减法原理,对坡沟系统的应力场和位移场进行了仿真分析,指出了稳定系数最小,滑坡概率最大时坡沟系统濒临滑坡侵蚀时的最大应力和位移分布区域:(1)X方向的最大位移是沟坡中下部位垂直向坡体内约15 m的范围;(2)y方向的最大位移是从峁顶向两侧各延伸10 m左右的扇形区域;(3)拉应力最大值区域是从峁顶经峁坡向沟坡坡缘线向坡体内延伸9m左右的带形区域.研究结果可为坡沟系统水土保持工程措施的配置及生物措施的实施提供有益的参考,并为评价坡沟系统的稳定性提供一定可靠度的依据. 相似文献
为了提高作物生长模型的计算速度,论文提出了多种分布式并行调度方案。综合分析了田块尺度下作物生长子模型以及子模型内部组分的数据依赖关系和计算流程。以流水线技术和分治策略为基础,分别在模型组分层、子模型层和驱动数据层设计了不同的分布式并行调度方案。在WCCS2003(Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003)组成的PC集群环境下,分别采用了OpenMP、MPI_OpenMP混合以及MPI编程模型实现了多种调度方案的并行模拟。并行加速比的实验分析表明,优化后的子模型层并行调度方案,在6个双核CPUs组成的PC集群上的平均加速比可达到8.2,更接近模型并行计算加速比的预测值。在分布式集群环境下,采用基于MPI的子模型层中等粒度的并行调度方案具有更快的计算速度,更适合于作物生长模拟系统。 相似文献
H. Zheng Z. Y. Ouyang X. K. Wang H. Miao T. Q. Zhao T. B. Peng 《Land Degradation \u0026amp; Development》2005,16(4):387-396
Significant differences were found in soil physicochemical and biological effects between various forest restoration approaches of a hilly red‐soil region, southern China. Soil quality was the highest in natural secondary forest (0·95), while in sites revegetated with tea‐oil camellia (Camellia oleifera), Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) and slash pine (Pinus elliottii) and control sites, integrated soil quality indices were 0·68, 0·55, 0·36 and 0·04 respectively. The lower soil quality of plantations and controls resulted from increased disruption of soil physical structure, lower quality litter fall, lower litter fall production, reduction in microbial biomass, decline of microbial function and loss of soil nutrients due to periodically artificial tending and accelerated soil erosion. Improvement in soil physicochemical properties and enhanced soil microbial function at a natural secondary forest site demonstrated the inherent restoration of these soils. Hence, natural restoration, as well as reducing human disturbance, is a better approach to improving soil properties than returning farmland to planted woodlands. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
2007年以来,云南省先后出台了多个针对开发建设项目水土保持监测的制度和规范性文件,实施后取得了显著成效,在获取大量监测数据的同时,极大地提高了监测人员的监测技能,培养了一批监测骨干。结合工作实践就如何实现开发建设项目水土保持监测工作的双重任务和目的、专项监测设计与水土保持方案中水土保持监测专章的区别和联系,以及如何加强开发建设项目水土保持监测管理工作进行了探讨。 相似文献