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A ten-year-old female poodle was presented for left hindlimb lameness. Radiographically, irregular intramedullary densities of long bones (bone infarcts) and a lytic lesion in the left distal femur were detected. Two years after the first examination, the lesions in the distal femur were definitely identified as osteosarcoma and the dog was euthanized. Pathological and histological changes of the bone infarcts as well as of the osteosarcoma are described. Regarding bibliographical data, occurrence and aetiopathogenesis of osteosarcoma associated with multifocal bone infarction in man and dog are discussed.  相似文献   
In order to investigate usefulness of electrodiagnostic methods in Cauda Equina-Compression, 26 dogs with this disease were subjected to electromyography and spinal evoked potentials. 16 normal dogs served as controls. It was found that--after stimulation of the Nn.tibialis, peronaeus, pudendus and coccygeales and recording at the lumbosacral junction--latencies and nerve-conduction velocities were largely normal. However the amplitudes were decreased and--depending on the severity of the compression--the morphology of the potentials was altered although considerable standard deviations were obtained. Electromyographically, increased spontaneous activity with fibrillations and positive sharp waves were found in the myotomes of the lumbosacral nerves. Their number increased according to the severity of the cauda equina compression and they had a centrifugal distribution pattern. Based on these results it appears indicated to perform an electromyographic exam before applying myelography. The technique of spinal evoked potentials will need more refinement and standardisation before being useful in a clinical situation.  相似文献   
粳稻品种抗稻瘟病性与其生物学性状的相关关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对342份粳稻材料进行抗稻瘟病性(抗叶瘟、穗颈瘟)与其生物学性状(株高、穗长、每穗粒数、分蘖率、单株有效分蘖数、空秕率、着粒密度,以及成熟期等)相关关系研究,结果不同品种(系)间存在着一定差异。抗叶瘟性与株高、穗长、每穗粒数、单株有效分蘖数、着粒密度呈显著正相关,相关系数依次为:0.409、0.491、0.426、0.657、0.471;与空秕率呈显著负相关,相关系数为-0.591。抗穗颈瘟性与株高、每穗粒数、单株有效分蘖数呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为:0.717、0.462、0.362;与空秕率、分蘖率、着粒密度呈显著负相关,相关系数依次为:-0.343、-0.332、-0.476。试验表明,株高、单株有效分蘖率、每穗粒数、空秕率等性状,可做为主要标记,在粳稻品种(系)抗稻瘟病性选鉴上应用  相似文献   
以青扎板栗为试材,研究壳聚糖浓度、浸果时间对贮藏期间栗果呼吸强度、品质、腐烂率、失重率的影响。结果表明,青扎板栗具有呼吸跃变,壳聚糖涂膜明显降低贮藏期间栗果的腐烂率、失重率,抑制呼吸强度,推迟呼吸跃变并降低呼吸峰值;壳聚糖涂膜可延缓贮藏期间栗果维生素C和淀粉含量的下降。壳聚糖涂膜最佳处理为15 mg/mL浸果30秒,结合0℃条件板栗可贮藏101天,商业品质良好。  相似文献   
郎洪明 《饲料工业》2007,28(13):1-5
<正>饲料生产中添加油脂是为了满足生产高浓度能量饲料的要求,同时还可减少氨基酸氧化,提高氨基酸的消化率;抑制葡萄糖和其它前体物质转化为脂肪;促进脂溶性维生素A、D、E、K和某些激素的吸收  相似文献   
长白山次生白桦林数量特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对长白山1hm2次生白桦林样地的研究结果表明:样地内共有活立木2550株,分属于14科23种;从株密度、平均胸径及胸高断面积等分析看,白桦和落叶松在林分中占有绝对优势;样地内所有林木的径级分布为"S"型,白桦、落叶松和红松的径级分布近似于正态分布,水曲柳和春榆的径级分布近似于倒"J"型;从径级结构分析看,白桦和落叶松等先锋树种的小径级林木在林下分布很少,更新很差,而红松、水曲柳等寿命较长的树种在林下已经占有很大的比例,更新良好,随着演替的进展,它们将逐渐进入主林层;从主要树种的空间分布格局分析看,落叶松在样地中表现出了明显的聚集性分布格局,而白桦、水曲柳、红松和春榆没有表现出明显的聚集性分布格局.  相似文献   
氮锌配施对水稻锌的吸收、累积与分配的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
[目的]研究不同施氮量和供锌水平对水稻锌的吸收、累积与分配的影响,为氮锌肥料配施提高水稻的锌营养提供理论依据。[方法]采用田间试验的方法,研究了2个施氮量(200和300kg·hm-2)和3个供锌水平(0、25和50kg·hm-2)处理对水稻(镇稻11号)锌营养的影响。[结果]水稻地上部锌含量和锌累积量均随供锌水平的提高而提高,不同的施氮量对水稻不同生育时期(分蘖期、开花期和成熟期)不同部位(叶、茎鞘、籽粒)锌含量和累积量的变化趋势存在差别。水稻各生育期各器官的锌含量变幅为20.1~50.6mg·kg-1,除开花期和成熟期茎鞘外,低施氮量下Zn25和Zn50处理的不同生育期各器官的锌含量分别与高施氮量下Zn0和Zn25处理相近;同时,同一器官不同生育期锌含量也存在明显的变化,锌含量最高的器官为茎鞘,且不随生长中心的转移而更替。生育前期(分蘖期和开花期)茎鞘中锌的累积量最高,茎鞘中锌的分配率占全株总累积量的60%以上,生育后期(成熟期)茎鞘和籽粒中锌的积累量最高,均占40%左右。高、低施氮量下,不同供锌水平水稻成熟期锌的总累积量分别平均为504.6和496.7g·hm-2,生产100kg籽粒吸锌量分别平均为2.30和2.20g,籽粒由再分配获得的锌占籽粒总锌量分别平均为43.2%和46.7%。各器官对锌的净吸收累积量、转移量、对籽粒锌的贡献及锌收获指数均为高氮处理高于低氮处理,且茎鞘大于叶片。[结论]提高氮肥用量有利于促进水稻植株的生长发育,促进水稻植株对锌的吸收、累积与分配,生产上应重视氮肥与锌肥之间的配合施用。  相似文献   
褐牙鲆亲鱼野生群体与养殖群体维生素A、C、E含量的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨养殖褐牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)亲鱼后代较野生亲鱼后代质量下降这一问题,本实验分析了野生与人工养殖(包括营养强化处理)褐牙鲆亲鱼肌肉、肝脏及卵中维生素A、维生素C、维生素E含量的差异,并进行了养殖褐牙鲆维生素营养强化的探索实验.结果显示,野生与养殖亲鱼肌肉和肝脏中维生素A含量无显著差异,野生亲鱼卵中维生索A含最显著高于养殖亲鱼(P<0.05);野生亲鱼肝脏和卵中维生素C含量显著高于养殖亲鱼(P<0.05),肌肉中两者无显著差异(P>0.05);维生素E含量在野生和养殖亲鱼各组织内均有显著差异(P<0.05),仅肝脏中养殖亲鱼显著低于野生亲鱼(P<0.05),其余组织均为养殖亲鱼较高.在本实验中,营养强化显著增加了养殖亲鱼肌肉和肝脏维生素A、维生素C及卵和肝脏中维生素E的含量,但对卵中维生素A和C的含量均无显著影响(p>0.05),而肌肉中维生素E含量则显著降低(P<0.05).上述结果表明,养殖与野生褐牙鲆亲鱼卵中维生素A、C、E含量存在一定的差异,可能与养殖褐牙鲆亲鱼后代质量下降有关,本实验所采用的营养强化方法仅增加了养殖亲鱼卵中维生素E的含量,而对卵中维生素A和维生素C的含量无显著影响,更为有效的强化方式有待进一步研究.  相似文献   
A control system was designed to raise and maintain water temperatures within 0.03-ha earthen ponds to a range conducive for spawning (24–30 °C) channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. Heating was done during February 2001 to April 2001, when temperatures would have otherwise prohibited spawning (<24 °C). Temperature was increased from 10 °C (ambient) by 2 °C per day, and maintained at 27 °C, by the addition of geothermally warmed water (36 °C). The control system substantially increased the controllability and precision of heating ponds compared to manual operation. Systems were designed to control sets of four ponds. In designing this control system, consideration of biological constraints was essential. Reproduction in channel catfish is most strongly influenced by temperature. Because cold fronts are common during the winter and early spring (January–March), it was essential to ensure that pond temperatures did not fall below the range for spawning. Constraints on the heating rate and temperature variability to maintain fish health and stimulate spawning behavior were considered. Components of the control system included temperature measurement devices (type-T thermocouples), a central electronic control unit, electronic switches and electrically actuated ball valves. In response to the temperature sensed by each thermocouple, the controller sent a message to close or open the valve. When the valve was opened, warm water was added to the pond to increase the average pond temperature. Hardware and algorithm design and initial system testing were the major components of this project. The final design incorporated information on relevant biological parameters and safety features including peak pond temperature, independent aeration and water pressure control mechanisms. Initial results indicate successful control of this biological system, and ongoing studies suggest similar mechanisms may be used for additional control objectives. In particular, this system could be used to vary pond temperatures to study biological responses and to cool ponds by addition of well water during summer months.  相似文献   
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