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Summary Field trials done to supplement replicated smallplot trials showed that the incidence of leaf roll and Y viruses in potato crops remained low for several years in many parts of England when the crops were sprayed with insecticide, and in some parts, where aphids were few, without spraying. Four sprays with DDT emulsion at 2 lb. of active ingredient per acre per application, at intervals of 14 days, starting soon after the plants emerged, were enough to check spread from sources within the crop. Insecticides did no prevent viruliferous aphids, coming from outside the crop, from infecting sprayed plants. Although many growers could safely keep potato stocks for several years longer than they do now, others could not because virus Y is introduced by aphids from other crops in the same area. Risk from incoming infective aphids will remain until all potato crops are free from virus, but if all infected crops were sprayed with an efficient aphicide before the summer dispersal flight this should greatly decrease the amount of disease introduced into healthy crops.
Zusammenfassung Feldversuche, die zur Erg?nzung wiederholter Kleinparzellenversuche durchgeführt wurden, ergaben, da? die H?ufigkeit des Auftretens der Blattroll- und Y-Viren bei Kartoffelbest?nden mehrere Jahre in vielen Teilen Englands gering blieb, wenn die Best?nde mit einem Insektenmittel gespritzt wurden; in manchen Teilen, in denen wenig Blattl?use vorkamen, war dies auch ohne Spritzen der Fall. Viermaliges Spritzen mit DDT-Emulsion zu 2 lb. aktiven Bestandteile pro “acre” pro Applikation in 14t?gigen Intervallen, wobei man bald nach dem Aufgang begann, reichten aus, um die Ausbreitung von Quellen innerhalb der Best?nde zu hemmen. Die Insektizide verhinderten nicht, da? virus-tragende Blattl?use, die von au?erhalb der Best?nde stammten, die gespritzten Pflanzen infizierten. Obwohl manche Züchter ihre Kartoffelbest?nde verschiedene Jahre l?nger halten k?nnten als sie es jetzt tun, würde anderen dies nicht gelingen, weil das Y-Virus von Blattl?usen aus anderen Best?nden des gleichen Gebietes eingeführt wird. Die Gefahr ansteckender Blattl?use wird bestehen bleiben, bis alle Kartoffelbest?nde virusfrei sind; wenn jedoch alle infizierten Best?nde mit einem wirksamen Blattlausmittel vor dem sommerlichen Befallsflug gespritzt würden, w?re der Umfang der Infizierung mit dieser Krankheit von gesunden Pflanzungen bedeutend zu verringern.

Résumé Des essais en plein champ, effectués pour compléter des essais à différentes reprises sur petites parcelles, ont démontré que l'incidence des virus Y et de l'enroulement dans les cultures de pommes de terre restait faible pendant plusieurs années dans bien des régions d'Angleterre, pourvu que les cultures aient été traitées par pulvérisation d'un insecticide, et dans certaines régions, où les pucerons sont rares, mêmes sans pulvérisations. Quatre pulvérisations d'une émulsion de DDT à la dose de 2 lb. de substance active par “acre” et par pulvérisation, espacées de deux semaines, dont la première est effectuée peu après la levée, suffisaient pour enrayer la propagation à partir de sources situées à l'intérieur de la culture. Les insecticides n'empêchaient pas les pucerons porteurs de virus, venant d'en dehors de la culture, d'infecter les plantes traitées. Si bien des cultivateurs pourraient continuer sans inconvénient la culture de pommes de terre de la même semence pendant plusieurs années de plus que d'ordinaire, d'autres ne le pourraient pas parce que le virus Y est apporté d'autres cultures de la même région par les pucerons. Le risque de pénétration de puccrons infectieux continuera d'exister tant que toutes les cultures ne seront pas exemptes de virus. Mais si toutes les cultures infectées étaient traitées avec un insecticide efficace avant le vol de dispersion en été, il en résulterait une forte diminution de la maladie introduite dans des plantations saines.
Der Verfasser führte in den Jahren 1957 und 1958 im Rahmen eines Forschungsauftrages der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft als wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft von Herrn Prof. Dr.H. Zeidier (Botanisches Institut der Universität Würzburg) vegetationskundliche und bodenkundliche Untersuchungen an Laubwäldern in der näheren und weiteren Umgebung von Würzburg durch. Dabei hatte er Gelegenheit, sich einen Überblick über die Vegetations- und Bodenverhältnisse dieses Gebietes zu beschaffen. So konnte er nach dem starken Sturm am 1. August 1958 Beobachtungen über den Zusammenhang zwischen Bodenverhältnissen und Windwurfschäden im Gramschatzer und Guttenberger Wald bei Würzburg sammeln, die für waldbauliche Fragen von Interesse sein dürften.  相似文献   
原木灵芝孢子研究:(Ⅳ)未破壁孢子与破壁孢子的比较   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
扫描电镜观察表明,破壁前灵芝孢子形态完整,破壁后孢壁结构被破坏,通过透射电镜发现破壁孢子的孢内物质易被释放。观察结果表明,复合力场超微粉碎法的破壁率高,超声波—冻融破壁法的破壁效果也较好,而超声速超微气流粉碎法仅使大部分孢子变形,未破坏其孢壁结构。分析结果表明,破壁孢子粉(破壁率≥95%)的粗蛋白、总糖含量变化不大,但粗脂肪(6.35%)及水溶性多糖(2.18%)含量分别较未破壁的提高了38.95%和20.83%;锌、铜、铬、硒等微量元素的含量变化不大,但锰(20μg/g)和镍(5.2κg/g)的含量明显高于未破壁孢子。此外,包括牛磺酸在内的19种游离氨基酸含量也没有明显变化。  相似文献   
Researchers have applied numerous techniques to improve billfish stock assessments, including habitat‐based models that incorporate behavioral and oceanographic parameters to standardize historical catch‐per‐unit‐effort time‐series data. These methods have allowed researchers to account for significant changes in the depths of pelagic longline (PLL) gear deployments over time. This study presents habitat‐use data recovered from high‐resolution 5‐ and 10‐day pop‐up satellite archival tags (PSATs) attached to 47 surviving white marlin released from commercial and recreational fishing gears offshore of the U.S. East Coast, the northern Caribbean, and Venezuela between 2002 and 2004. Data recovered from transmitting tags indicated that white marlin spent nearly half of their time associated with warm, near‐surface waters (<10 m). All fish displayed frequent short duration (mean: 39.8 min) vertical excursions from surface waters to depths averaging 51 m. Qualitative and multivariate classifications of data from completely transmitted movements of surviving white marlin revealed two major types of descents: one pattern was characterized by deep ‘V’‐shaped excursions of relatively short duration (mean: 23.4 min) while the other featured descents that were more broadly ‘U’‐shaped and confined to a specific depth range for an extended period of time (mean: 75.8 min). Based on the frequency, persistence, and patterns of these vertical movements, white marlin appear to direct a considerable proportion of foraging effort well below surface waters, a behavior that may account for relatively high catch rates of white marlin on some deep‐set PLL deployments.  相似文献   
  • 1. The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera L. is globally endangered and is threatened by commercial exploitation, pollution and habitat loss throughout its range. Captive breeding would be a valuable tool in enhancing the status of M. margaritifera in the UK.
  • 2. We have developed a semi‐natural system for successfully infecting juvenile brown trout with glochidial M. margaritifera, and culturing juvenile mussels in experimental tanks where glochidial M. margaritifera can excyst from fish gills and settle into sediment.
  • 3. Infected fish had less than 1% mortality. Levels of infection varied among fish. Two yearly cohorts of juvenile M. margaritifera were identified from samples of sediment taken from each experimental tank. Individuals range in size from 1.4 mm (2000 cohort) to >3 mm in length (1999 cohort).
  • 4. The number of juvenile M. margaritifera present in the two experimental tanks are estimated to be between 3600 (tank A) and 0 (tank B) for the putative 1999 cohort and between 6000 (tank A) and 13 000 (tank B) for the putative 2000 cohort.
  • 5. This pioneering method for large‐scale cultivation of juvenile M. margaritifera is intermediate between the release of infected fish into rivers and the intensive cultivation systems developed in continental Europe and the USA for other species of unionid. This is the first time that large numbers of M. margaritifera have been cultured and represents a significant breakthrough in the conservation of this globally endangered Red Data List species. The method is straightforward and is most cost‐effective when undertaken alongside established hatchery processes.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
  • 1. This paper documents a diverse, reproducing freshwater mussel community (20 species) in Lower Lake — an impounded, regulated portion of the Little Tallahatchie River below Sardis Dam in Panola Co., Mississippi, USA.
  • 2. Despite being regulated and impounded, the lake has a heterogeneous array of habitats that differ markedly in mussel community attributes. Four distinct habitat types were identified based on current velocity and substrate characteristics, representing a gradient from habitats having lotic characteristics to lentic habitats. All four habitat types supported mussels, but habitats most resembling unimpounded, lotic situations (relatively higher current velocity and coarser substrate) had the highest mussel abundance and species density (10.1 mussels m?2, 1.8 species m?2, respectively). Lentic habitats (no flow, fine substrate) were characterized by lower abundance and species density (2.0 mussels m?2, 0.8 species m?2, respectively), but supported mussel assemblages distinctive from lotic habitats.
  • 3. Evidence of strong recent recruitment was observed for most species in the lake and was observed in all four habitat types.
  • 4. Although impounded and regulated, Lower Lake represents one of the few areas of stable large‐stream habitat in the region. The presence of a diverse, healthy mussel community in this highly modified habitat suggests that a large component of the regional mussel fauna is relatively resilient and adaptable and is limited primarily by the absence of stable river reaches. Management actions that increase stream stability are likely to result in expansion of the mussel fauna and restoration of a valuable component of ecosystem function in this region.
Published in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract  Radio transmitters were implanted in wild brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in the River Måna at low summer water flows ( n  = 18), higher flow in summer ( n  =   20), and variable, peaking flows in autumn ( n  =   20), and tracked two to four times day and night for 4–5 weeks. Individuals were caught and released in a 4-km uniformly channelised section, and in a 4-km natural diverse river section. Substantial individual variation in home range and total movement (924–85 818 m2 and 295–7014 m) suggested flexibility to adapt to local environmental conditions. Fish were stationary most of the time (median movement 0 m), but some individuals undertook few and apparently sporadic longer movements, sometimes involving shifts in home range. No consistent diurnal pattern in movements was found. Trout in the uniform habitat section appeared to have larger home ranges and moved more than trout in the natural section. Differences were, however, not statistically significant in most comparisons, due to large individual variation. Similarly, larger home ranges and movements between trials related to higher flow were found, but differences were generally not significant. No consistent effects of sudden, extreme peaking flows on area use or movements by the brown trout were observed.  相似文献   
Global distribution of platyhelminth parasites and their host specificities are not well known. Our hypothesis was that platyhelminth parasites of large pelagic fishes are common around the world. We analysed molecular variation in three different taxa of platyhelminth parasites infecting four species of tunas: yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, Scombridae) from Western Australia, southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii, Scombridae) from South Australia, Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis, Scombridae) from Pacific Mexico and northern bluefin tuna (T. thynnus, Scombridae) from two localities in the Mediterranean (Spain and Croatia). Comparisons of ITS2 and partial 28S rDNA demonstrated two congeneric species of blood flukes (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from multiple hosts and localities: Cardicola forsteri from southern bluefin and northern bluefin tunas, and Cardicola sp. from Pacific bluefin and northern bluefin tunas; and a gill fluke, Hexostoma thynni (Polyopisthocotylea: Hexostomatidae), from yellowfin, southern bluefin and northern bluefin tunas. Partial 28S rDNA indicates that a second type of fluke on the gills, Capsala sp. (Monopisthocotylea: Capsalidae), occurs on both southern bluefin and Pacific bluefin tunas. This appears to be the first report of conspecific platyhelminth parasites of teleosts with a wide‐ranging geographical distribution that has been confirmed through molecular approaches. Given the brevity of the free‐living larval stage of both taxa of flukes on the gills (H. thynni and Capsala sp.), we conclude that the only feasible hypothesis for the cosmopolitan distribution of these flatworms is migrations of host tunas. Host migration also seems likely to be responsible for the widespread occurrence of the two species of blood flukes (Cardicola spp.), although it is also possible that these were translocated recently by the spread of infected intermediate hosts.  相似文献   
Model uncertainty in the ecosystem approach to fisheries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fisheries scientists habitually consider uncertainty in parameter values, but often neglect uncertainty about model structure, an issue of increasing importance as ecosystem models are devised to support the move to an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). This paper sets out pragmatic approaches with which to account for uncertainties in model structure and we review current ways of dealing with this issue in fisheries and other disciplines. All involve considering a set of alternative models representing different structural assumptions, but differ in how those models are used. The models can be asked to identify bounds on possible outcomes, find management actions that will perform adequately irrespective of the true model, find management actions that best achieve one or more objectives given weights assigned to each model, or formalize hypotheses for evaluation through experimentation. Data availability is likely to limit the use of approaches that involve weighting alternative models in an ecosystem setting, and the cost of experimentation is likely to limit its use. Practical implementation of an EAF should therefore be based on management approaches that acknowledge the uncertainty inherent in model predictions and are robust to it. Model results must be presented in ways that represent the risks and trade‐offs associated with alternative actions and the degree of uncertainty in predictions. This presentation should not disguise the fact that, in many cases, estimates of model uncertainty may be based on subjective criteria. The problem of model uncertainty is far from unique to fisheries, and a dialogue among fisheries modellers and modellers from other scientific communities will therefore be helpful.  相似文献   
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