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A study was carried out to determine the distribution of feeding and oviposition punctures made byLiriomyza trifolii Burgess on gypsophila(Gypsophila paniculata ) and bean(Phaseolus vulgaris) leaves, and the development times of the immature stages on these plants. The absolute number of punctures per leaf area was much greater on bean leaves than on gypsophila leaves. The number of mines per leaf was also higher on beans than on gypsophila, but the ratio of mines/punctures was higher on gypsophila. Gypsophila leaves were punctured on both sides, but most of the punctures were on the distal third of the upper leaf side. On beans the punctures were dispersed uniformly on the upper side of the leaf. The larval period (±SE) at temperatures of 20, 25 and 30°C was 9.9±0.2, 4.4±0.1 and 3.7±0.1, and 5.5±O. l, 3.7±0.1 and 2.4±0.1 days, on gypsophila and bean, respectively. The pupal period at 17, 20, 25 and 30°C lasted 19.9±0.2, 14.7±0.1, 10.4±0.1 and 7.8±0.1 days, respectively.  相似文献   
Bobwhite quails were treated with imazalil for 8 weeks. The fungicide was given admixed in the food at 0, 100, 300, 500 and 1000 mg kg?1. Even at the highest dose tested, imazalil did not affect the liver weight or the hepatic microsomal protein content. In treated quails, no significant induction of cytochrome P-450 or NADPH-cytochrome c-reductase activity was observed. Furthermore, imazalil did not induce or inhibit 7-ethoxyresorufin or 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase in quail microsomes. Only a slight but significant increase by 35% and 49% in aniline hydroxylase activity was measured for the 500- and 1000-mg kg?1 dose levels, respectively. After a drug-free period of one week, aniline hydroxylase activity returned to control values, indicating that the effect was fully reversible. It is concluded that imazalil does not induce or inhibit drug-metabolizing enzymes in the quail, even at doses which exceed by far the maximum levels currently used to dress seed under field conditions (100 mg kg?1).  相似文献   
More adults of the citrus psylla,Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio) (Hemiptera: Triozidae), dispersed when the number of eggs, nymphs or adults on the citrus increased (positive correlations) and also when new leaves that were present decreased (negative correlation). More psylla were trapped close to high obstacles than in an open area, even though the obstacles were at a distance from the psylla-infested orchard.  相似文献   
Samenvatting Gerstegeelmozaïekvirus (BaYMV) werd in een perceel wintergerst (cv. Igri) gevonden by Wittem in Limburg, Nederland. Het virus werd met immuno-elektronen-microscopie geïdentificeerd in bladweefsel als BaYMV. In de wortels van geïnfecteerde planten werden alle vormen die van de schimmel-vector (Polymyxa graminis Led.) bekend zijn aangetroffen nl. cystosori, plasmodia en zoosporangia. Inwendig kon geen BaYMV worden aangetoond of waargenomen inPolymyxa ofLagena spp.Cooperative investigation of the ARS, USDA, the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Plant Protection Service, Wageningen. Research conducted under Project 21-12. Published as Paper No. 7787, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural experiment Station. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   
Rationally planned structural modifications were carried out on benzylphenols and benzyl-1,3-benzodioxoles described as fly chemosterilants and as anti-juvenile hormones. The introduction of a prop-2-ynyloxy group at various sites of the molecule resulted in compounds with a moderate inhibitory action on cytochrome P-450 mono-oxygenases, as measured by aldrin epoxidation. One compound, 5-(4-methoxybenzyl)-6-prop-2-ynyloxy-1,3-benzodioxole, revealed chemosterilant activity on Phormia regina, but its activity was less than that of the parent compounds. 2,4-Di-tert-butyl-6-[4-(3-methoxy-3-methylbutoxy)benzyl]phenol, which possessed a juvenoid structure, revealed no juvenile hormone (JH) activity but showed a high sterilant effect against Dysdercus cingulatus. In contrast to the parent substances, none of the tested compounds showed a detectable anti-JH effect in the Galleria assay. 8-Methoxy-2,3-methylenedioxydibenz[b,e]oxepine, a hitherto undescribed fused heterocyclic ring system, was devoid of activity, indicating the importance of free rotation and/or molecular flexibility. In spite of the moderate activities of these compounds, the manifold biological potential of the quinone-methide mechanism justifies further research on these lines.  相似文献   
Tomatoes were grown in a greenhouse by nutrient film technique (NFT). They were inoculated withPhytophthora nicotianae either by direct inoculation of roots or by adding fungal spores to a container with recirculating nutrient solution. In the first case, the resulting epidemic seemed to be polycyclic, in the second case monocyclic. In both cases, inoculum freely circulated through the NFT system and was present in the nutrient solutions for at least 6 days after inoculation.Samenvatting Kastomaten werden gekweekt met behulp van voedingsfilmtechniek. Zij werden geinoculeerd metPhytophthora nicotianae hetzij door directe besmetting van wortels, hetzij door een sporensuspensie toe te voegen aan het voorraadvat met voedingsoplossing. In het eerste geval leek een polycyclische epidemie te volgen. In het tweede geval ontstond een monomcyclische epidemie. In beide gevallen werd schimmelinoculum door het gehele gotensysteem rondgepompt. Inoculum bleef gedurende tenminste 6 dagen na inoculatie aantoonbaar in de voedingsoplossing.  相似文献   
When screening the genusNicotiana for sensitive and differential hosts for a group of mechanically transmissible plant viruses with narrow host ranges, development of systemic symptoms was alsmost exclusively observed in species of three closely related sections of the subgenusPetunioides. These species wereN. miersii (sectionAcuminatae),N. bigelovii andN. clevelandii (Bigelovianae) andN. benthamiana, N. cavicola, N. ingulba, N. occidentalis, N. rosulata andN. rotundifolia (Suaveolentes). Except forN. benthamiana andN. clevelandii, which are already known for their large virus ranges, they are new experimental hosts that appeared very useful for detection of viruses and for differentiation of viruses that closely resemble each other in host range. Accessions of the same species often varied largely in local and systemic viral response. EspeciallyN. benthamiana-9,N. miersii-33 andN. occidentalis-37B (code numbers given by Tobacco Research Laboratory, Oxford, N.C., USA) are recommended for routine inoculation tests. The sensitiveSuaveolentes species mentioned are native to the arid parts of Australia. Collections of these species deserve attention in studies on virus diseases of unknown etiology where experimental hosts are lacking.Samenvatting In het genusNicotiana werden vatbare, gevoelige en differentiële toetsplanten opgespoord door toetsing van vooral de collectie van het Tobacco Research Laboratory (Oxford, N.C., VS) met een aantal virussen waarvoor weinig of geen bruikbare toetsplanten bekend waren. Systemische reacties werden bijna uitsluitend in soorten van drie nauw verwante secties van het subgenusPetunioides waargenomen. Deze soorten warenN. miersii (sectieAcuminatae),N. bigelovii enN. clevelandii (Bigelovianae) enN. benthamiana, N. cavicola, N. ingulba, N. occidentalis, N. rosulata enN. rotundifolia (Suaveolentes). Behalve voor virusvermeerdering bleken deze soorten ook zeer geschikt te zijn voor differentiatie van virussen of virusstammen met een bijna gelijke waardplantenreeks.Collectienummers van één en dezelfde soort konden sterk in lokale en systemische reactie verschillen. VooralN. benthamiana-9,N. miersii-33 enN. occidentalis-37B kunnen voor routine-inoculaties worden aanbevolen. Met uitzondering vanN. benthamiana enN. clevelandii zijn de genoemde soorten of genotypen nieuwe experimentele waardplanten voor de virologie. De soorten die van de sectieSuaveolentes worden genoemd, zijn inheems in de woestijnachtige gebieden van Australië. Verzamelingen daarvan verdienen nadere aandacht bij de diagnostiek van virusziekten waarvoor nog geen experimentele waarplanten voorhanden zijn.  相似文献   
Genetic parameters for a subjective milk score given to ewes within 24 h of parturition were estimated to determine the usefulness of milk score as a selection trait to improve milk production, which influences total litter weight weaned. Heritability of milk score and the genetic correlation of milk score with litter weight weaned were estimated by REML separately for four sheep breeds, Rambouillet (n = 1,731), Targhee (n = 1,638), Columbia (n = 1,731), and Polypay (n = 1,129). Litter weight weaned was the total weight of lambs weaned at approximately 120 d of age under a western range production system. Observed heritability estimates for milk score at first parity were moderate and similar among breeds, ranging from 0.18 to 0.32. Heritability estimates adjusted for a binomial distribution of milk scores at first parity were high (Columbia, 0.43; Polypay, 0.35; Rambouillet, 0.50; Targhee, 0.84). Estimates of observed heritability for second-parity milk score were moderate to high, ranging from 0.23 to 0.46. Milk score at first or second parity was genetically correlated with milk score records at maturity (third parity and greater), with estimates ranging from 0.69 to 1.00. Milk score and litter weight weaned were genetically correlated at first or second parity in Rambouillet (r(g) = 1.00) and Targhee breeds (r(g) = 1.00 and 0.61, respectively), but not in the Columbia and Polypay breeds. Estimates of heritability for lifetime records for milk score ranged from 0.16 to 0.26 across breeds. Estimates of genetic correlations of annual lifetime milk score records with litter weight weaned were high (Columbia, 1.00; Polypay, 0.81; Rambouillet, 1.00; and Targhee, 0.77). Repeatability estimates for milk score were similar across breeds, 0.23 for Columbia, Rambouillet, and Targhee ewes and 0.28 for Polypay ewes. Milk score measured at first or second parity may be a good predictor of future potential milking ability. Further, milk score can be used as a selection trait to improve maternal ability for increasing litter weight weaned. The need for increasing ewe milking performance and lamb growth rate at first parity in commercial range sheep production systems may be addressed by selection for milk score at first parity.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine blood glucose clearance in 2 species of New World camelids after IV challenge and to examine mechanisms of this clearance. ANIMALS: 5 adult female llamas and 5 adult gelded alpacas. PROCEDURE: After food was withheld for 12 hours, camelids received 0.5 g of glucose/kg of body weight by rapid IV infusion. Serum concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, cortisol, and insulin, and plasma concentrations of lactate were determined before and 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, and 240 minutes after infusion. Ratios of insulin to glucose and insulin to cortisol were calculated for each time point. RESULTS: Postinfusion glucose concentrations were significantly higher in llamas than alpacas for the first 15 minutes and remained significantly higher than baseline values in both species for 180 minutes. Lactate and cortisol concentrations did not change significantly; nonesterified fatty acid concentrations decreased in both species 30 minutes after infusion. Baseline insulin concentrations were < 6 microU/ml in both species and increased only to 10.1 +/- 0.7 microU/ml in llamas. Insulin concentrations did not change significantly in alpacas. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Llamas and alpacas clear glucose more slowly than other domestic species after challenge, mainly because of a weak insulin response and slow cellular uptake. This response may impair the assimilation of exogenous glucose as well as make llamas and alpacas prone to diabetes-like disorders when an abundance of endogenous or exogenous glucogenic agents are present.  相似文献   
A serologic survey in unvaccinated broiler parent and broiler progeny flocks demonstrated seroconversion against chicken infecrious anemia virus (CIAV) in all parent flocks before or around point of lay and in 38% of the broiler flocks examined at slaughter age. The presence of CIAV antibodies at slaughter of broilers was positively correlated with slaughterhouse condemnation rates. Results indicate that CIAV infections are highly prevalent in both broiler parent and broiler flocks and that CIAV infections in broilers are associated with increased slaughterhouse condemnation.  相似文献   
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