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Objective   To determine the frequency of the mutant pyruvate kinase (PK) allele, haematological parameters and AB blood types of Abyssinian and Somali cats in Australia.
Design   Complete blood cell and reticulocyte counts, DNA PK mutation testing and blood typing were performed in all cats.
Results   A total of 60 cats (36 Abyssinians, 24 Somalis) were included (37 females, 23 males). For the mutant PK allele, three female Somalis were homozygous (affected, 5%), 17 cats were heterozygous (carrier, 28%) and 40 cats tested negative (normal, 67%). Pedigree analysis revealed common ancestry of affected and many carrier cats. Of affected cats, two had regenerative anaemias and all had reticulocytosis (range 64–390 × 109/L; P < 0.001 compared with normal or carrier cats). The only consistent historical sign was lethargy. One affected cat was euthanased 18 months after testing, because of anaemia, neutropenia, anorexia and weight loss. The mutant allele frequency was 0.19 overall (0.29 in Somalis, 0.13 in Abyssinians). All cats had blood type A. The commercial blood typing card method incorrectly identified 12 cats as having type AB blood.
Conclusions    The frequency of the mutant PK allele is high in Australia. Screening for PK deficiency is indicated before mating and in individual cats of these breeds, even in the absence of anaemia and especially when there is reticulocytosis. Although all cats in the present study had blood type A, blood type B is common in these breeds worldwide. Retyping of any AB typed cats by a laboratory technique is recommended.  相似文献   
Topical anaesthesia for castration and tail docking in lambs · Disease surveillance activities for saleyard pigs · Reproductive effects of time on prepartum transition diets in dairy cows · Bovine herpesvirus type 5 in bull semen · Rib osteomyelitis in three foals · Mycobacterium ulcerans in two horses · Nasal vascular hamartoma in a cat  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of doxorubicin when used alone in inducing remission in cats with lymphosarcoma. DESIGN: Prospective multi-institutional study of naturally occurring disease. METHODS: Cases were accrued from veterinary institutions in Australia and New Zealand after obtaining consent from informed owners. Cats were treated with doxorubicin every 3 weeks for three treatments. If there was no response to the first dose of doxorubicin or if the cat relapsed during the doxorubicin regimen, the cat was withdrawn from the trial and either euthanased or treated with other agents. Age, breed, gender and anatomic site of the lymphosarcoma (multicentric, alimentary, mediastinal, extranodal) were recorded for each cat. Clinical remission was assessed before each treatment by physical examination, radiography, ultrasonography and computed tomography where appropriate. Complete remission was defined as the disappearance of all clinical signs and clinically detectable tumour. RESULTS: Twenty-one cases were accrued over a 2-year-period but only 19 were available for data analysis. Young Siamese cats were over-represented and all cats with mediastinal tumours were young Siamese. There was a significant difference between the mean ages of cats with mediastinal or multicentric lymphosarcoma (mean +/- SD: 3.5 +/- 3.0 and 4.3 +/- 2.6 years, respectively) and cats with alimentary or extranodal LSA (11.4 +/- 0.9 and 11.0 +/- 0.9 years, respectively). Of 19 cats treated with doxorubicin alone, 6 (32%) had complete remission, 6 (32%) had partial remission and 7 (36%) did not respond. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that doxorubicin cannot be recommended as a single agent for treatment of feline lymphosarcoma because of the rather poor remission rate achieved.  相似文献   
Overview of the Australian sheep industry · The first incisor eruption in Angora goats · Hepatitis E in pigs in New Caledonia · Thromboelastography in neonatal foals · Mycobacterium ulcerans infection in dogs · Harmonic scalpel for soft palate surgery in dogs · Fungal dermatitis in coastal bearded dragons · Osteosarcoma in a python  相似文献   
Presence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in raw milk · Profiling of Haemophilus parasuis in live pigs · Cysticercus bovis in Australian cattle · Thoracoscopy for lung lobectomy in the dog · Common bile duct cyst in a cat · Caecal intussusceptions in horses in New Zealand · Improving access to the oral cavity of the wombat · Mycobacterium in a Tasmanian devil · Surgical treatment of osteomyelitis in an alpaca cria  相似文献   
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