The insulin-like growth factor signalling system comprises insulin-like growth factors, insulin-like growth factor receptors and insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins. Along with the growth hormones, insulin-like growth factor signalling is very pivotal in the growth and development of all vertebrates. In fishes, insulin-like growth factors play an important role in osmoregulation, besides the neuroendocrine regulation of growth. Insulin-like growth factor concentration in plasma can assess the growth in fishes and shellfishes and therefore widely applied in nutritional research as an indicator to evaluate the performance of selected nutrients. The present review summarizes the role of insulin-like growth factor signalling in fishes and shellfishes, its significance in aquaculture and in evaluating growth, reproduction and development, and discusses the utility of this system as biomarkers for early indication of growth in aquaculture.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate propagation velocity of acoustic waves through the lens and vitreous body of pigs, dogs, and rabbits and determine whether there were associations between acoustic wave speed and age, temperature, and time after enucleation. SAMPLE POPULATION: 9 pig, 40 dog, and 20 rabbit lenses and 16 pig, 17 dog, and 23 rabbit vitreous bodies. PROCEDURE: Acoustic wave velocities through the ocular structures were measured by use of the substitution technique. RESULTS: Mean sound wave velocities in lenses of pigs, dogs, and rabbits were 1,681, 1,707, and 1,731 m/s, respectively, at 36 degrees C. Mean sound wave velocities in the vitreous body of pigs, dogs, and rabbits were 1,535, 1,535, and 1,534 m/s, respectively, at 38 degrees C. The sound wave speed through the vitreous humor, but not the lens, increased linearly with temperature. An association between wave speed and age was observed in the rabbit tissues. Time after enucleation did not affect the velocity of sound in the lens or vitreous body. The sound wave speed conversion factors for lenses, calculated with respect to human ocular tissue at 36 degrees C, were 1.024, 1.040, and 1.055 for pig, dog, and rabbit lenses, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Conversion factors for the speed of sound through lens tissues are needed to avoid underestimation of the thickness of the lens and axial length of the eye in dogs during comparative A-mode ultrasound examinations. These findings are important for accurate calculation of intraocular lens power required to achieve emmetropia in veterinary patients after surgical lens extraction. 相似文献
Forty-two winter wheat varieties and 193 F2 and BC1F2 seeds were screened for Glu-D1d allele encoding the HMW glutenin subunits 5 + 10 using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The segregating populations originated from crosses involving wheat parents with good and poor bread-making quality. A clear PCR product of 450 bp, representing 1Dx5 of the Glu-D1d allele was identified in 24 varieties and 111 hybrid seeds. Four different Glu-D1 alleles: a (2 + 12), b (3 + 12), c (4 + 12) and d (5 + 10) were detected using sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Only genotypes possessing Glu-D1d gave a positive PCR signal, hexaploid triticale and 4 × wheat lacking Glu-D1 locus gave a negative signal. The efficiency of PCR selection for bread-making quality in early generations using half seed is discussed. 相似文献
A protocol was developed for an efficient Agrobactertium-mediated transformation of black pepper plants through somatic embryogenesis. Embryogenic mass derived from primary somatic
embryos that were obtained from the micropylar region of mature germinating seeds of black pepper was found to be the ideal
target tissue for transformation. Genetic fidelity test of embryogenic mass-derived plantlets by RAPD using 23 random primers
revealed no genetic variation among the progenies and the parent plant. Among the antibiotics used for selection of transformants,
cefotaxime at 100 μg mL−1 was found to be optimum to control Agrobacterium besides its ability to promote somatic embryo proliferation. In the case of kanamycin, a step-wise increase in concentration
from 25 to 50 and then to 100 μg mL−1 were found to be optimum. Embryogenic mass co-cultivated with Agrobacterium carrying the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene were cultured on plant growth regulator-free Schenk and Hildebrandt (SH)
medium and transformants were selected in selection medium containing cefotaxime and step-wise increase in kanamycin concentration.
The transient GUS gene expression was determined histochemically. Transformants that survived in the selection medium were
hardened in the greenhouse. An average of nine hardened putative plantlets was obtained per gram of embryogenic mass. The
presence of transgene in these plantlets was assayed by PCR, dot blot, and Southern blot hybridization. Results presented
demonstrated for the first time an efficient transformation and regeneration of black pepper without the use of growth regulators.
This simple efficient procedure would allow transformation of black pepper with genes of desirable characters. 相似文献
A field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of microbial inoculants and inorganic fertilizers for sustaining the yield of soybean. Application of 100% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) gave significantly highest yield (2433 kg ha?1) over 75% RDF (2317 kg ha?1) and without RDF (2205 kg ha?1). Seeds inoculated with Rhizobium (Bradyrhizobium japonicum) and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (2480 kg ha?1) gave significantly highest soybean yield over without inoculation (2191 kg ha?1). Rhizobium and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria with 100% RDF (2674 kg ha?1) gave significantly highest seed yield than rest of the treatment combinations. Root nodules and their dry weight were remained un-influenced due to fertilizer levels, whereas in bio-fertilizers, it was significantly higher with Rhizobium inoculation (24.3 and 408 mg, respectively) followed by dual inoculation of Rhizobium and PSB. 100% RDF and dual inoculation with Rhizobium and PSB earned Rs. 47916/- and Rs. 51182/- net returns per ha, respectively. 相似文献
Oryza malampuzhaensis, one of the tetraploid taxa of the genusOryza, is geographically restricted to Western Ghats of South India. Its taxonomic status is not well established and is generally
treated as a tetraploid race of O. officinalis. Sixty-three morphological traits and 262 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers generated by 23 random decamer
primers were used to assess the genetic relationship between O. malampuzhaensis and O. officinalis. Pair wise comparisons based on both RAPDs and morphological traits revealed 60% genetic distance between the two taxa and
was significantly higher (p <0.01) than the corresponding intra-specific distances. Cluster and principal component analysis (PCA) of genetic distance
estimations based on RAPDs and morphological traits clearly differentiated the two taxa. High frequency of discrete O. malampuzhaensis specific RAPDs (21%) and the significantly higher (p < 0.05) mean number of amplification products per individual in O. malampuzhaensis observed in the study reflect its allopolyploid nature. Low genetic diversity within O. malampuzhaensis revealed by RAPD analysis indicates the recent origin of this taxa. The RAPD analysis further revealed the possibility that
the putative ‘C’ genomeprogenitor of O. malampuzhaensis is a close relative of O. officinalis. In addition, amplification products diagnostic to O. malampuzhaensis were identified. The results of the present study clearly demonstrated that the O. malampuzhaensis is a distinct entity, and support the recent conclusion that O. malampuzhaensis has diverged enough to deserve species status.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The applicability of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers in the cultivated rubber tree, Hevea, was evaluated using 43 decamer oligonucleotide primers in a set of 24 clones selected in different South-East Asian countries. A total of 220 0.35–3.5 kb DNA fragments were amplified, of which 111 were polymorphic. Of these, 80 fragments (RAPD markers) which were repeatable and clearly scorable across all genotypes were used to estimate genetic distances among the clones tested. The estimated genetic distances ranged from 0.05 (RRII 308 and PB 5/51) to 0.75 (RRIC 100 and SCATC 88–13). A mean genetic distance of 0.5 indicates a rather high genetic variability among the tested clones. As expected, because of the breeding history of Hevea, UPGMA cluster analysis and Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) indicated the absence of a distinct geographical grouping. The possible application of RAPD markers for clone identification and also for analysis of genetic relationships among Hevea clones is discussed. 相似文献
This work extensively studied the vasculature of mice mammary fat pads (BALB/c and C57BL/6) with special reference to haematogenous drainage routes. Mammary fat pads were five pairs (first cervical, second and third thoracic, fourth abdominal and fifth inguinal), bilaterally symmetrical, extending laterally and continuously with the subcutaneous fascia. The superficial cervical artery and vein primarily accomplished the blood vasculature of the first mammary fat pad, while the lateral thoracic and external thoracic arteries and veins supplied the second and third mammary fat pads. The superficial cervical vein (found parallel to the superficial cervical artery) drained into the external jugular vein. The lateral thoracic artery and external thoracic artery branched almost at the same level as the axillary artery (branch of subclavian artery), the latter being more medial in position. However, in some specimens, the branching of both arteries appeared to be at the same level, and their origins were indistinguishable. The lateral thoracic vein that was parallel to the lateral thoracic artery drained to the axillary vein close to the drainage of the external thoracic vein. The lateral thoracic, superficial caudal epigastric, iliolumbar and external thoracic arteries and veins vascularized the fourth mammary fat pad and displayed anastomosis among themselves. The iliolumbar vein (found parallel to the iliolumbar artery) drained into the inferior vena cava. The superficial caudal epigastric vein (found parallel to the superficial caudal epigastric artery (SCaEA)) drained into the femoral vein. Unlike humans, the internal thoracic artery and vein did not participate in the vasculature of mammary fat pads. The SCaEA and vein supplied blood and drained the fifth mammary fat pad. The anatomical continuity of the fourth and fifth mammary fat pads provided common drainage for both mammary fat pads. The BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice strains studied did not differ in topography and size of mammary fat pads. The vascular supply and drainage of the mammary fat pads also did not differ in the strains studied. Only minor variations could be noted in the small veins draining into the lateral thoracic vein. Lateral tributaries seen in the terminal end of the lateral thoracic vein were absent in the C57BL/6 mice. 相似文献
Two 25 year old teak clonal seed orchards comprising 15 (CSO-I) and 20 clones (CSO-II), respectively, selected mostly from
moist forests of Western Ghats (latitude 10° N) in southern India, were evaluated for fertility, offspring diversity, and
genetic drift. The orchards differed in fertility of clones as well as flower and fruit production per ramet. Fertility was
highly skewed in CSO-II, where one clone (originating from higher latitude −17° N, in Eastern Ghats of peninsular India) produced
55% of the fruits and 68% of the flowers in the orchard, in contrast to a similar contribution from four most fertile clones
in CSO-I. Fertility variation, measured as `sibling coefficient' (1.7 in CSO-I and 8.3 in CSO-II), was high in CSO-II resulting
in high coancestry and low effective population size (3 times lower than CSO-I) in the seed crop. In CSO-I, 58% of the clones
contributed effectively to seed production compared to only 12% effective contribution resulting in eight times higher genetic
drift in CSO-II. Placing limits on how much seed can be collected per clone might be useful in restricting over representation
of highly reproductive clones thereby increasing genetic diversity in the seed crop. 相似文献
In the past decade, insect meal has gained popularity in the animal feed industry, particularly in aquafeed, due to rising costs and decreased availability of fish meal (FM) and fish oil. Initially met with skepticism, insect meal is now seen as a promising ingredient because of its high nutrient profile. Research worldwide is exploring its potential as a FM replacement. Insects are abundant, nutritious, and environmentally friendly, as they can be reared on organic waste, minimizing the need for land, water, and energy. This research aims at obtaining a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the current status and research trend patterns in this research field. To achieve this goal, this study conducts a mini systematic review and scientometric analysis of the global research published from 2013 to 2022 on the usage of insect meal in aquaculture. In the scientometric analysis, a total of 354 papers published by 1800 authors in 124 different journals from the Web of Science (WoS) core collection were analyzed, evaluating the number of publications, most relevant authors, organizations, top cited countries, most globally cited publications, and trending research themes in this field. The result showed that the University of Turin was the leading organization in insect meal research, whereas aquaculture was the leading journal, and author Laura Gasco was the prominent researcher in this field in the studied time frame (2013–2022). Italy was the leading country in Europe, while China dominated Asia in terms of the number of publications. The annual growth rate in insect meal research was found to be positive (23.11%), with 36.95 average citations per document. This study helps practitioners and scholars understand the current state of insect meal in aquaculture and identifies research requirements that can benefit both academia and industry. 相似文献