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Summary This electron microscopy study is concerned with the dormant cambial cells in compression wood of Picea abies (L.) Karst. The cambial zone comprised 4–8 rows of fusiform cells. Each radial file contained the group known as Sanio's four, namely an initial, a mother, and two daughter cells. Groups of three, resulting from a failure of a mother or a daughter cell to divide, were also present. Undifferentiated xylem tissue cells occurred singly, in pairs, or in groups of four. These cells and the last-formed tracheids were often enclosed by a common primary wall. The fusiform cells had a large, elongated nucleus, numerous small vacuoles, and a frequently infolded plasma membrane. Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum were rare, while plastids, amyloplasts, and lipid droplets were common. Cambial ray cells contained much lipid material. The tissues were similar to cambial tissues in normal wood of conifers. The present results can only be interpreted in terms of the single layer of initials and sequence of cell divisions established by Sanio. The initial can be located by several criteria in dormant and active cambial regions in conifers. It could be shown that the existence of the group of Sanio's four is better documented in the literature than has so far been recognized. The occurrence of a variable number of primary cell walls is discussed with reference to the concentration of lignin in the middle lamella of mature xylem.  相似文献   
A simple method is described for purifying aldrin, dieldrin, and endrin from visceral material by using a Celite column. Celite retains all interfering materials including Lipids whereas the chlorinated Insecticides are eluted from the column with n-hexane. This extract can be used directly for gas chromatographic analysis.  相似文献   
In September 2001, two subsequent transmission experiments both lasting 3 months were carried out to study cow-calf transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) (Period 1), followed by calf-calf transmission of the infection (Period 2). Every 2 weeks, serum, heparinised blood and faecal samples were collected from all animals. After these experiments, the 20 calves were housed individually for more than 3 years to be able to detect the infection status and excretion pattern of each animal. In autumn 2004, the animals were inseminated, to observe a possible increase in faecal excretion of Map shortly before expected calving. One month before the expected calving date in 2005, animals were slaughtered and several tissues per cow and unborn calf were sampled for culture. The results indicate that horizontal cow-calf transmission is readily achieved (Period 1). At the highest infection pressure (six shedding cows of which three high shedders in Period 1) all five calves excreted Map in their faeces during Period 1 (shortly after infection), and four of these calves during Period 2 (when the shedding cows were absent). After that, excretion became less frequently. Horizontal calf-calf transmission did take place (Period 2), as the four donor-calves infected two receiver-calves. Transmission rates during the 3 months periods were quantified as a reproduction ratio R. The R [95% CI] of cow-calf and calf-calf transmission were estimated as 2.7 [1.1, 6.6] and 0.9 [0.1, 3.2] new infections per infectious animal during 3 months.  相似文献   
For ruminants, there is a narrow span betweennutritional deficiency of Molybdenum and its potential toxicity. Molybdenosis occurs among cattlefeeding on forage with Mo concentrations above10 μg g-1 or a Cu:Mo ratio <2. In the areaunder investigation forage Mo contents in the valleyare as high as 180 μg g-1 due to industrialpollution, while the alpine pastures, where cattlegraze during summer, are nutrient (e.g. Cu) deficient.When driven to the valley pastures in fall, animalsoften fell ill with molybdenosis, and several died.The aim of the study was to remediate this 300 ha area. Two approaches were attempted: (1) to reduce theMo contents of the forage by immobilizing soil Mo, and(2) to increase plant Mo contents by mobilizing soilMo to increase plant Mo which may then be removed fromthe system (phytoremediation).In a soil extraction experiment we demonstrated thatphosphate fertilization, ammonium sulfate amendment,vermiculite, humic acid and sewage sludge increased Moleaching by 30 to 110%. Fe-humate and Mn-humateapplication decreased Mo in the leachate from96 μg L-1 to 55 and 7 μg L-1,respectively. Plant Mo contents were increased up to170% by P-fertilizer and up to 150% by vermiculite.Conversely, sewage sludge, Fe- and Mn-humate decreasedplant Mo contents by 60, 40 and 75% in thegreenhouse. In the field study, the effects weresmaller, but Mo export through plant harvest increasedby 88% after P-fertilization and 84% aftervermiculite amendment. Mn-humate and sewage sludgedecreased plant Mo content by 25 and 40%,respectively, rendering the forage suitable forfeeding of ruminants. P-fertilization and vermiculitemay thus be recommended for the severely contaminatedsites to enhance phytoremediation through Mo export,and Mn-humate and sewage sludge application appearsuited to remediate the less severely contaminated sites.  相似文献   
Positive-contrast retrograde urethrocystograms were obtained serially on 12 male dogs weighing 11.4 to 23.2 kg before, during, and after the injection of contrast medium until the urinary bladder neck and prostatic and membranous portions of the urethra remained open and distended as viewed by fluoroscopy. Correlations of intravesical volumes and pressures required to achieve maximum distension of the midprostatic portion of the urethra with body weight and surface area were not significant. Because of the variability in intravesical volumes and pressures encountered at maximum distension of the prostatic portion of the urethra, a dose of contrast material expressed relative to body weight or surface area could not be determined for consistently providing maximum distension of the prostatic portion of the urethra.  相似文献   
The mucosal relief of the omasum in cattle, sheep and goats was examined by the naked eye, stereoscopic microscope and scanning electron microscope. The mucosal relief of the omasum showed wide variations both between and within these species. Omasal papillae on the laminae varied highly in shape, i. e. conical, rounded, claw-like, wart-like, finger-like etc. They decreased gradually in size from the oral to the aboral region of the omasal lamina. Ridge-like structures and linear arrangements of the papillae were also seen on the omasal laminae of cattle and sheep. Many grooves and folds were found on the lateral surface of the omasal papillae in adult cattle and on the inter-papillar surface of the laminae of all three species. The mucosal relief of the omasum in cattle seemed to be more well-developed than those of sheep and goats. Dietary effects on the omasal mucosa were also discussed.  相似文献   
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