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Sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) is a parasitic plant that infects sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants. In this work, sunflower plants were grown under greenhouse conditions in pots with the substrate infested or non-infested with broomrape seeds. At different numbers of days after sowing, plant height, internode lengths, number of leaves, head diameter, mineral composition of leaves, and potassium (K) concentration in stem were measured. The negative effects of broomrape parasitism were assessed from 57 d after sowing, when broomrape started to emerge. Parasitized plants exhibited lower shoot dry weight, height, and head diameter than control plants. The reduction in internode lengths was associated with a decrease in the gradient of K concentration from basal to apical stem. The mineral composition of leaves was also affected in parasitized plants. The concentrations of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) in leaves of parasitized plants were lower than those of the control plants, while there were few differences for K, phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu). The effects of parasitism are discussed in relation to their competition for resources and to perturbations of the host physiology such as hormonal and water balance.  相似文献   
Invasion of non-native species is among the top threats for the biodiversity and functioning of native and agricultural ecosystems worldwide. We investigated whether the herbivory of the slug Arion vulgaris (formerly Arion lusitanicus; Gastropoda), that is listed among the 100 worst alien species in Europe, is affected by soil organisms commonly present in terrestrial ecosystems (i.e. earthworms—Annelida: Lumbricidae and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi—AMF, Glomerales). We hypothesized that slug herbivory would be affected by soil organisms via altered plant nutrient availability and plant quality. In a greenhouse experiment, we created a simple plant community consisting of a grass, a forb, and a legume species and inoculated these systems with either two earthworm species and/or four AMF taxa. Slugs were introduced after plants were established. Earthworms significantly reduced total slug herbivory in AMF-inoculated plant communities (P?=?0.013). Across plant species, earthworms increased leaf total N and secondary metabolites, AMF decreased leaf thickness. Mycorrhizae induced a shift in slug feeding preference from non-legumes to legumes; the grass was generally avoided by slugs. AMF effects on legume herbivory can partly be explained by the AMF-induced increase in total N and decrease in C/N ratio; earthworm effects are less clear as no worm-induced alterations of legume plant chemistry were observed. The presence of earthworms increased average AMF colonization of plant roots by 140 % (P?<?0.001). Total shoot mass was significantly increased by AMF (P?<?0.001). These data suggest that the feeding behavior of this invasive slug is altered by a belowground control of plant chemical quality and community structure.  相似文献   
In soils, amino acids may be an important source of nitrogen for plants, at least in those where organic matter is not quickly degraded. The physiology of uptake of amino acids by roots was mainly studied in the 70's and 80's, before genes encoding amino acid importers were cloned in the 90's. While two families of amino acid transporters have been identified, yielding a total of about 100 genes, the role of each member is yet to be elucidated. As a tool for studying the role of amino acid transporters from Arabidopsis we set up a new hydroponic system suitable for radioisotope use. This system enables reproducible amino acid uptake by roots and estimation of the transport to the shoots of the amino acid taken up. We show that the rates of glutamine (Gln) uptake by wild‐type roots and transfer to the shoots were linear, and that other tested amino acids were translocated to the shoots with lower efficiency than Gln. A T‐DNA insertion mutant for a Gln exporter was compared to the wild‐type plants. Gln uptake and transfer were similar in both genotypes, showing that the suppression of the exporter did not affect uptake or transfer of amino acids to the shoots. The main advantage of the hydroponic system presented here is that all the materials used to grow Arabidopsis are virtually free and can therefore be discarded, a useful feature when working with radioactivity.  相似文献   
Weed abundance in crops undergoes frequent changes, often due to changes in tillage practices. Annual species, with quick germination, a short vegetative stage, profuse seed production and long-lived seeds become problematic under zero-tillage systems. Portulaca oleracea L. and Amaranthus blitoides L. are widespread weeds in the Mediterranean area, prominent in irrigated crops. We studied the total weed abundance in the field, and specifically these two species (Portulaca oleracea and Amaranthus blitoides) with high frequency of occurrence in monoculture maize, from 2012 to 2014, in the field and soil seedbank. Results showed significant differences between zero-tillage (ZT) and conventional tillage (CT) systems on total weed abundance and relative abundance of Portulaca oleracea. Total weed abundance decreased in ZT plots (from 136 plants m?2 to 25 and 46 plants m?2, in 2013 and 2014 respectively). The same trend was observed in Portulaca oleracea recorded in ZT plots, but the abundance of Amaranthus blitoides did not vary in this system. Weed seedling germination and weed seed numbers both of total weed seedbank and Portulaca oleracea, were greater in ZT plots compared to CT, regarding Amaranthus blitoides seedling germination and seed count, the values did not increase with ZT, in continuous maize crops.  相似文献   
Summary Aluminum toxicity due to the cation Al+3 is a major factor limiting yields in acid soils. Wide genetic variability to aluminum tolerance is found in oat genotypes. The objectives of this study were to determine the number of genes controlling aluminum tolerance in oats and to verify if any detrimental effects were present of the aluminum tolerance genes on grain yield and grain quality in Al+3free soils. Aluminum tolerance was estimated as the average regrowth of the main root after exposure to toxic levels of Al+3 in a hydroponic solution under controlled conditions. The number of genes controlling that trait was estimated from the distribution of the average root regrowth frequencies in a population of 333 recombinant inbred lines (RIL's) in generations F5:6 and F5:7. The effects on grain yield and grain quality were assessed in a subpopulation of 162 RIL's chosen based on their aluminum tolerance response. Aluminum tolerance in the evaluated population was controlled by one dominant major gene with the tolerant genotypes carying Al a Al a and the sensitive ones al a al a alleles. No detrimental effects of the Al a allele on grain yield or grain quality were detected.Part of the Master of Science dissertation of the first author  相似文献   
This study aimed at capturing the spatial variability of landscape patterns and their trajectories of change from 1950 to 2000 within a watershed, which is representative of areas of intensive agricultural use. After an analysis of landscape features changes for the entire watershed based on aerial photographs, hierarchical clustering analysis provided a typology of landscape patterns for the cadastral lots. Following that, the trajectory of change of each lot was characterized (nature, importance, direction, rate of change). Seven types of landscape patterns are distinguished by the relative importance of different classes of landscape features and 51 trajectories of change were identified for the lots. The analysis shows that although the majority of lots were subjected to a homogenization of their landscape patterns since 1950, this trend is not entirely uniform and that since 2000 it occurs alongside trends towards diversification of certain landscape features on some lots. Furthermore, nearly a third of the lots are not following the main trajectories of change detected. Thus, the results suggest that extrinsic forces (policies, technologies) that are directing main changes in areas of intensive agricultural use toward uniformity could be modulated by internal forces (uses and values of the population). A better understanding of theses internal forces seems crucial to manage landscapes. From a methodology standpoint, although the hierarchical clustering analyses appear useful for understanding the spatial and temporal variability of landscape patterns, particular attention must be given to validating the typology chosen to characterize them.  相似文献   
Removal of diseased plants (roguing) is commonly practiced in seed potato production. Diseased plants left to desiccate in fields could possibly serve as sources of Potato virus Y (PVY). PVY acquisition by three aphid species (Myzus persicae, Rhopalosiphum padi, Aphis fabae) was evaluated with leaflets from rogued plants for seven days. Results showed greater PVY acquisition rates in non-colonizing aphids species compared to colonizing ones. The proportion of aphids leaving leaflets increased with time (i.e. days after plants were uprooted) and some aphids were carrying PVY in their stylets on each of the seven days of the experiment, suggesting that aphids were able to probe and acquire PVY even when plants wilted. These results confirmed that diseased plants left in fields can serve as a source of PVY for aphids even after they wilted and emphasises that proper actions must be taken to efficiently remove diseased plants from fields.  相似文献   
Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) causes significant yield loss and degrade the end-use quality of wheat, especially in regions with prolonged wet weather during the harvesting season. Unfortunately, the gene pool of Triticum durum (tetraploid durum wheat) has narrow genetic base for PHS resistance. Therefore, finding out new genetic resources from other wheat species to develop PHS resistance in durum wheat is of importance. A major PHS resistance QTL, Qphs.sicau-3B.1, was mapped on chromosome 3BL in a recombinant inbred line population derived from ‘CSCR6’ (Triticum spelta), a PHS resistant hexaploid wheat and ‘Lang’, a PHS susceptible Australian hexaploid wheat cultivar. This QTL, Qphs.sicau-3B.1, is positioned between DArT marker wPt-3107 and wPt-6785. Two SCAR markers (Ph3B.1 and Ph3B.2) were developed to track this major QTL and were used to assay a BC2F8 tetraploid population derived from a cross between the durum wheat ‘Bellaroi’ (PHS susceptible) and ‘CSCR6’ (PHS resistant). Phenotypic assay and marker-assisted selection revealed five stable tetraploid lines were highly PHS resistant. This study has successfully established that PHS-resistance QTL from hexaploid wheat could be efficiently introgressed into tetraploid durum wheat. This tetraploid wheat germplasm could be useful in developing PHS resistant durum cultivars with higher yield and good end-use quality.  相似文献   
Breeders have seldom considered the selection for root traits during the genetic improvement in soybean. It is hypothesized that grain yield would be increased by the root function improvement, especially for the current cultivars. The objective of this grafting experiment was to determine the effect of record‐yield cultivars L14 or Z35 as rootstocks on agronomic traits of cultivars released in different decades. A total of 11 cultivars, released in different decades, were used to graft onto L14 or Z35 rootstocks. The agronomic traits were measured in the pot‐culture experiments. Grafting cultivars released in different decades onto L14 or Z35 rootstocks resulted in higher yield, 100‐seed mass and apparent harvest index as compared with those of non‐grafted or self‐grafted plants. Grain yield gain of cultivars grafted onto record‐yield cultivar rootstocks was 0.40 g/plant/year from 1966 to 2006, which was larger than that of non‐grafts and self‐grafts (0.27 g/plant/year). The yield of current cultivars should increase more if their root functions were improved.  相似文献   
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