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为给弱筋小麦育种提供指导,收集了195份来自不同麦区的小麦品种,分别于2008和2009年秋播种植于江苏扬州,并对收获种子进行了4种SRC(包括水、乳酸、碳酸钠和蔗糖SRC)、硬度及蛋白质含量的检测。结果表明,4种SRC、硬度和蛋白质含量在品种间及年度间差异均达极显著水平。两年度均以水SRC含量最低,分别为87.27%和77.54%;乳酸SRC次低,分别为95.99%和84.17%;蔗糖SRC和碳酸钠SRC年度间互有高低,其平均值均大于100%。4种SRC值间存在极显著正相关,其中2009年乳酸SRC和碳酸钠SRC之间的相关系数达0.607,2010年乳酸SRC和水SRC之间的相关系数达0.675。硬度与水、乳酸、碳酸钠等3种SRC及"面筋性能指数"存在极显著正相关,其中与乳酸SRC的两年相关系数分别高达0.721和0.779。蛋白质含量与乳酸、蔗糖、碳酸钠等3种SRC相关极显著但相关系数较小。从参试品种中筛选出了SRC两年均表现较低的品种皖麦50、扬辐麦3046、宁麦8号、豫麦49、扬麦19等,在育种中可更好地加以利用。在育种中主要可利用水SRC和乳酸SRC以及硬度检测来提高弱筋小麦育种效率。  相似文献   
We used amplified-fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to evaluate genetic variation in a set of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) landraces and improved materials. Landraces collected from different geographic and agro-ecological zones in Pakistan in 1987, 1989 and 1991 were separated into two groups based on their geographic origins: northern (Himalaya) and south-western (Balochistan) Pakistan. Six AFLP primer combinations detected 453 AFLP markers in the 43 landrace accessions and four high-yield varieties (HYVs). Of these, 225 (49.67%) were rare (shared with < 5% of all accessions). Among these rare alleles, 23 (10.22%) were common in the Himalaya (shared with > 10% of accessions collected there) but were not found in Balochistan. We conclude that there is a higher probability of collecting rare alleles at overall, but which are in contrast locally common ones in the Himalayan region. Gene diversity was 0.17 in the Himalayan group and 0.15 in the Balochistan group. Considerable genetic variability was found in both groups. Accessions from different agro-ecological zones were indistinguishable by cluster analysis, indicating intensive seed trading within the country. Cluster analysis indicated that the landraces and the HYVs are genetically distinct; suggesting that genetic erosion of wheat landraces has been unlikely taken in place. This study provides an example of how analysis of existing materials and data, can serve as a basis for future collection planning and conservation policies.  相似文献   
王顺昌 《水产学报》2003,27(3):219-224
对中华绒螯蟹蜕皮间期和蜕皮后24h、48h和96h肌肉、肝胰脏及甲壳中钙和磷的含量进行了测定。蜕皮后肌肉中钙的含量较间期低,但从24h到48h有所增加。肝胰脏中钙的含量在蜕皮后各时间内无显著变化,甲壳中钙的含量在蜕皮后24h到96h呈增加趋势。甲壳的矿化作用在蜕皮后96h已接近完成。蜕皮后肌肉中磷的含量较间期高,以后变化不明显。蜕皮后肝胰脏中磷的含量高于间期,甲壳中含量较间期低。蜕皮后肌肉中钙磷比迅速降低,肝胰脏中钙磷比在蜕皮后24h无明显变化,但在蜕皮后24h至96h迅速降低。中华绒螯蟹蜕皮后外表皮对钙的矿化速度显著快于磷的矿化速度。  相似文献   
Variability in catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) was examined for the autumn cohort of Ommastrephes bartramii collected with research driftnets during 1979–1998 along five longitudinal transects passing through the Subarctic, Transitional and Subtropical Domains in the North Pacific. CPUE was generally low during the period of intensive commercial driftnet fishing (1980–1992) and increased following the 1992 moratorium on the use of large-scale driftnets. However, CPUE levels were low for the cohorts hatched in 1992 and 1996 (captured in subsequent years owing to a one-year life of O. bartramii ) that experienced low sea surface temperatures from hatching to recruitment. Among similar-aged squid collected from 180° and 179°30'W in June, mantle lengths were significantly greater in 1997 than during 1995–96. These findings suggest that the driftnet fishery and sea surface temperatures from hatching to recruitment strongly affected stock abundance and possibly growth.  相似文献   
A 2 × 4 factorial experiment was conducted to determine the bioavailability of zinc (Zn) from amino acids chelated (Zn–Am) and glass embedded Zn (Zn–Gl) as sources for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss , fed practical type diets. Two levels of Zn (20 and 40 mg kg−1) were supplemented to the diets using either zinc sulphate (Zn–Sf), zinc methionine (Zn–Mt), Zn–Am or Zn–Gl. Rainbow trout with an average weight of 2 g were fed the experimental diets for 15 weeks. Growth and feed gain ratio (FGR) were not significantly influenced by the dietary Zn content and forms. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity for both levels of Zn–Am was significantly higher than that of Zn–Sf and Zn–Gl at 20 mg supplementation. In another experiment, fish of about 95 g were fed the same experimental diets to determine the absorption of Zn and it was found to be significantly higher from Zn–Am compared with the rest. Retention from Zn–Am at 20 mg was significantly higher than the rest, excluding Zn–Sf. The results suggest that the availability of Zn from Zn–Am might be superior among the sources compared.  相似文献   
对塞罕坝机械林场8个林分类型108个林班的地表森林可燃物组成、载量、含水率等进行了调查。结果表明落叶松成林和幼林、樟子松成林和幼林、针叶混交林、桦次生林等林分地表可燃物以枯落物为主,栎次生林和灌木林地表可燃物由枯落物与灌木组成,未成林地与草地可燃物以草本植物为主;地表可燃物载量依次为落叶松成林〉落叶松幼林〉针叶混交林〉樟子松成林〉樟子松未成林〉针阔混交林〉桦次生林〉樟子松幼林〉落叶松未成林〉灌木林〉栎次生林〉草地;草地与栎次生林的含水率最低,着火点也最低,火险危险程度最高;将现有林分按燃烧类型划分为5个类型20个亚类,全场地表可燃物总载量约为2.5×10^6t。  相似文献   
Summary A combination of compatible second pollinations and embryo rescue was applied for systematic production of true tetraploid hybrids from crosses between disomic tetraploid Solanum acaule and tetrasomic tetraploid potato, S. tuberosum. Several genotypes of tetraploid potatoes were pollinated with S. acaule, and the compatible second pollinations were made on the following day, with a genotype of S. phureja, IvP 35 to promote fruit development. Embryo rescue was carried out in 21 families, 14 to 27 days after the first pollination. A total of eight plants were obtained from the embryo rescue and their chromosome numbers were counted in the root tips. Three of the eight plants were identified as tetraploid, and five others as diploid. Morphology, isozyme banding patterns, and pollen stainability, as well as potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) resistance, indicated the hybrid nature of the three plants. This is the first report of successful tetraploid hybrid production between disomic tetraploid S. acaule (4x) and tetrasomic tetraploid potatoes. Seed set from the crosses between one of hybrids and diploid potatoes indicated workable levels of both male and female fertility for introgression of valuable genes from S. acaule into the cultivated potato gene pool. The methodology used may be applied to other disomic tetraploid tuber-bearing Solanum species and with some modifications also to distantly related solanaceous species and genera.  相似文献   
间伐强度对湿地松木材性质的影响规律研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
通过对不同间伐强度处理 (未间伐、弱度 (伐去株数 18 6 % )、中度 (伐去 35 7% )、强度 (伐去5 2 9% ) )的 19年生湿地松林分其林木木材的主要材性指标进行全面测试分析研究 ,结果表明 :间伐后 8a ,间伐强度对湿地松木材气干密度、全干密度、径向全干缩率、体积全干缩率、差异干缩、顺纹抗压强度、抗弯强度、弹性模量、径向抗剪强度及端面硬度有显著影响 ;随着间伐强度的增大 ,树干年生长轮平均宽度、木材差异干缩是增大的 ,而随间伐强度的增加木材气干密度、全干密度有不同程度的减小 ,木材顺纹抗压强度、抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量、硬度等主要力学性质则是呈先增加后减小的趋势。  相似文献   
B型清道夫受体是清道夫受体超家族成员,可识别多种配体,在机体脂类转运及免疫防御过程中发挥重要作用。为深入研究三疣梭子蟹B型清道夫受体(Pt-SRB)的功能,本实验在前期工作基础上构建了Pt-SRB胞外结构域原核表达载体,并成功获得了重组蛋白rPt-SRB。利用亲和层析方法获得纯化的rPt-SRB,并将纯化rPt-SRB蛋白免疫大鼠获得抗rPt-SRB重组蛋白免疫抗血清以用于后续研究。SDS-PAGE检测发现,体外诱导表达重组rPt-SRB以包涵体的形式出现在大肠杆菌BL21裂解液的沉淀中,分子量大小约为49.18 ku。Western-Blot分析表明,大鼠抗rPt-SRB血清能与rPt-SRB特异性结合。本实验还利用免疫荧光技术,对Pt-SRB在三疣梭子蟹血淋巴细胞的定位及不同组织中的分布进行研究。结果显示,Pt-SRB在三疣梭子蟹消化道、肝胰腺、鳃、心脏、肌肉组织中均有分布,但不同组织中Pt-SRB的分布不同。免疫荧光结果显示,绿色荧光信号在消化道及腺体结缔组织中较强,另外在肝小管上皮、鳃丝上皮细胞中亦有较强的阳性信号,表明PtSRB蛋白在上述组织结构中分布较广;在血淋巴细胞中,绿色荧光信号主要分布于细胞质和细胞膜,在细胞核中没有明显荧光信号,提示Pt-SRB在三疣梭子蟹血淋巴细胞的细胞质和细胞膜上表达。本结果将为三疣梭子蟹B型清道夫受体蛋白的生理及免疫学功能的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Although fish roes (or the egg-laden ovary) are seafood products with high nutritional value and are considered abundant in vitamins including vitamin B12, nevertheless, the detailed properties of vitamin B12 have not been fully elucidated in fish roe products. Vitamin B12 content was determined using C18-reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography after purification of samples from immunoaffinity columns. Salmon egg-laden ovary products (sujiko), salmon roe products (ikura), dried mullet roe products (bottarga), and white sturgeon roe products (caviar) were found to contain substantial levels of vitamin B12 (more than approximately 15 µg/100 g wet weight). Interestingly, high levels of vitamin B12 per 100 g wet weight have been measured in pollack roe products (tarako) and flying fish roe products (tobiko). Liquid chromatography–electrospray-ionization/tandem mass spectrometry analysis revealed that vitamin B12 was the predominant corrinoid in the evaluated fish roe products examined, while no inactive corrinoid compounds were identified. These results suggest that commercially available fish roe products could be an important source of vitamin B12 for use as a dietary product for humans.

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