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This review focuses on the present distribution of populations of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus that are harvested in Turkey. It also examines the history of this harvest and the impact that crayfish plague has had on them. Crayfish plague, caused by the fungus-like organism, Aphanomyces astaci Schikora, 1906, is a severe parasite of freshwater crayfish and has caused a lot of damage to A. leptodactylus populations in Turkey since 1984. Turkey was the largest provider of A. leptodactylus to Western Europe from 1970 (or possibly earlier) until 1986. For example, the peak production was reached in the early 1980s, with over 5,000 tonnes being exported in 1984. On the other hand, as a result of the crayfish plague the harvest of A. leptodactylus was reduced severely in most populations in Turkey after 1985. The harvest was only 320 tonnes in 1991. After the occurrence of crayfish plague in Turkey, in order to increase crayfish production uncontrolled A. leptodactylus stockings have been carried out in many waterbodies throughout Turkey. These introductions have caused an increase in the number of A. leptodactylus populations, but exploitation of A. leptodactylus is still under the pressure of the plague, although there has been a steady increase in crayfish production in recent years. The harvest increased to 2,317 tonnes in 2004. Fortunately, among those populations affected by crayfish plague, large amounts of A. leptodactylus can still be harvested from three lakes, ?znik (Bursa), E?irdir (Isparta) and Çivril (Denizli). Thus, it seems that A. leptodactylus has a degree of resistance to crayfish plague. It is therefore interesting to investigate the resistance of A. leptodactylus caught from these populations to crayfish plague.  相似文献   
The diel feeding rhythm and ontogenesis during early life stage of loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus were investigated under experimental conditions (light: L 06:00–18:00, D 18:00–06:00 h). Morphological and behavioral developments of loach from newly hatched to 40 days after hatching were observed. Larvae were able to prey on daphnia 3–4 days after hatching at 23 ± 0.5°C. As the larvae grew, they showed an increasing feeding capacity and a distinct feeding rhythm. Feeding intensity and incidence for day-4 larvae were highest at 10:00 and 16:00 h. The highest levels of feeding intensity for day-12 larvae occurred at 08:00, 12:00, and 18:00 h as did feeding incidence. By day 20, when the larvae metamorphosed, the highest levels of feeding intensity occurred at 06:00, 18:00, and 24:00 h and were concurrent with the highest feeding incidence. After metamorphosis, feeding capacity had again increased considerably and, in contrast to the earlier stages before day 20, feeding intensity for day-30 juveniles peaked at 05:00 and 20:00 h, about 1–2 h after the maximum feeding incidence. The feeding rhythm of loach juveniles at day 40 was almost the same as the day-30 juveniles. The estimated maximum daily feeding rates were 43.1%, 33.4%, 19.0%, 12.8%, and 5.8% of body weight on days 4, 12, 20, 30, and 40, respectively. Thus, loach was found to have different feeding rhythms in the pre- and post-metamorphosis stages, with the highest feeding activity in daytime during the larval planktonic stage before metamorphosis, and intensely nocturnal feeding behavior during the juvenile benthic stage after metamorphosis.  相似文献   
2002-2004年国家大豆区试品种对大豆花叶病毒抗性的评价   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
在接种东北大豆产区SMV主要株系N1、N3和黄淮与南方大豆产区SMV株系Sa、SC3条件下,对最新育成的参加2002-2004年国家大豆区试的134个大豆品种进行了抗性评价,结果表明:接种4个株系后,分别有13个品种(东农L13、汾豆56、汾豆60、汾豆61、晋大74、K丰52-1、航天2号、辽03-20、辽95025-5-4、中作2-29、中豆32、科9208、油春32)和5个品种(铁95025-5-5、铁94037-6、汾豆69、冀99、冀鉴27)分别对4个株系和3个株系表现抗侵染,中黄4、中作016、吉林2001-14等25个品种对1-2个株系表现抗侵染;5个品种(公交03-1212、冀鉴37、秦豆9、淮02-02、滑豆20)对4个株系表现抗扩展.以上品种除可用于生产外,还可作为抗SMV育种的抗源.该批参试品种中,黄淮地区品种的平均病情指数最轻,其次是东北地区品种,然后长江流域,华南地区品种的病情最重.从不同类型品种的病情分析,按黄淮夏大豆、北方春大豆、南方夏大豆、南方春大豆、菜用大豆、热带多熟制大豆的顺序逐步加重.在田间条件下,免疫品种数量不多,占参试品种的7.9%,严重度为1级的高抗品种占47.5%,未发现严重度为4级的高感品种,表明多数品种田间抗性较好.  相似文献   
为探究播种方式和种植密度对冬小麦根系生长和产量的影响,以新冬22号为材料,采用二因素裂区试验设计,主区设条播(DR)和匀播(UN)2种播种方式,副区设150万粒·hm-2(D150)、225 万粒·hm-2(D225)、300万粒·hm-2(D300)和375万粒·hm-2(D375)4种种植密度,比较分析了不同播种方式和种植密度下冬小麦根系形态特征、根系伤流量和产量的差异。结果表明,随种植密度的增加,小麦总根干重、总根长呈先增后减趋势,单株次生根数、根系伤流量呈减小趋势。与条播相比,匀播下小麦总根干重、总根长显著增加,差异主要在0~30 cm土层;单株次生根数、根系伤流量增加,差异主要在生育中后期;产量显著提高(增幅9.89%),其中以D225处理最大。综上,匀播能够促进小麦根系的生长,提高根系活性,有利于高产;在本试验条件下匀播小麦以225万粒·hm-2种植密度最佳。  相似文献   
To search for edible herbal extracts with potent antioxidant activity, we conducted a large scale screening based on the superoxide scavenging activity. That is, scavenging activity against superoxide anions were extensively screened from ethanol extracts of approximately 1,000 kinds of herbs by applying an electron spin resonance (ESR)-spin trapping method. Among them we chose four edible herbal extracts with prominently potent ability to reduce the signal intensity of 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO)-OOH, a spin adduct formed by DMPO and superoxide anion. They are the extracts from Punica granatum (Peel), Syzygium aromaticum (Bud), Mangifera indica (Kernel), and Phyllanthus emblica (Fruit), and are allowed to be used as foodstuffs according to the Japanese legal regulation. The ESR-spin trapping method coupled with steady state kinetic analysis showed that all of the four extracts directly scavenge superoxide anions, and that the superoxide scavenging potential of any of the extracts was comparable to that of L-ascorbic acid. Furthermore, polyphenol determination indicates that the activity is at least in part attributable to polyphenols. These results with such large scale screening might give useful information when choosing a potent antioxidant as a foodstuff.  相似文献   
We evaluated the role of flatfishes in the organization and structure of the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem using the Ecopath/Ecosim approach. As basic input data for the Ecopath/Ecosim model, we used estimates of biomass from bottom trawl surveys and age-structured population models, production/biomass (P/B) ratio, consumption/biomass (Q/B) ratio, diet composition (DC), and fisheries harvests for each component of species or species groups. We estimated the trophic level of each component, niche overlaps among flatfishes, and the impacts of competition and predation on flatfish species in the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem. Based on those estimates, we developed the tropho-dynamic structure of the ecosystem, and the model was used to simulate ecological effects of fishery exploitation patterns. No single flatfish species appeared to have a profound and uniquely important role in the organization and structure of the ecosystem. Instead, the most important component among the guild of flatfish species appeared to be yellowfin sole Pleuronectes asper, which had greater biomass than other flatfish and a relatively diverse diet among the small flatfish species. Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis, Greenland turbot Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, and arrowtooth flounder Atheresthes stomias were important keystone predators in the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem together with some groups of marine mammals and sea birds. Intra flatfish complex cannibalism was not observed, however, substantial diet overlaps were common in the flatfish guild system.  相似文献   
To construct high-quality 16S rDNA clone libraries for microbial communities associated with Porphyra yezoensis and to minimize the detection of rDNA from leafy gametophytes of P. yezoensis, we designed a new 16S rDNA universal primer (75F). Of the clones prepared using 75F, which was designed to distinguish between bacteria and P. yezoensis, 95% were classified into four groups, namely, β-proteobacteria, γ-proteobacteria, Lentisphaerae, and Flavobacteria. PCR-based analysis of the 16S rDNA primer constructed in this study can be used to implement 16S rDNA-based methodologies for the investigation of microbial community composition and diversity related to the Porphyra group.  相似文献   
本研究以斜带石斑鱼肝细胞为实验对象,在不同培养条件下进行原代培养,旨在探讨稳定可靠的斜带石斑鱼肝细胞分离及原代培养方法。采用组织块分离法和胰蛋白酶(含EDTA)消化法分离肝细胞,并通过密度梯度离心法分离纯化肝细胞,细胞悬液于DMEM/F-12、M199和L-15培养液中培养;细胞活力及数量采用血球计数板计数,并通过MTT法测定细胞增殖率;同时,测定不同时间培养上清液中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性、白蛋白(ALB)和尿素氮(BUN)的含量,以分析肝细胞生长状态。结果表明,组织块方法不适于斜带石斑鱼肝细胞的培养,未见细胞从组织块中迁出,而胰蛋白酶消化法获得良好稳定的培养效果,细胞产量达到1.6×108个/g肝重,活细胞数达到95%;L-15培养基细胞生长明显优于DMEM/F-12和M199培养基;启动原代培养的48~72 h阶段肝细胞生长代谢旺盛,培养上清液中LDH活性显著降低,ALB和BUN含量显著升高。结果显示,0.25%的胰蛋白酶常温消化法适合斜带石斑鱼肝细胞的分离,斜带石斑鱼肝细胞原代培养的最适培养基为L-15培养基,肝细胞在启动原代培养的48~72 h生长代谢旺盛。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   The present study reports the annual variation in consumption of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius by avian predators on a rocky shore where the culture of sea urchins has been conducted. Carrion crow and a few gull species were the most abundant avian predators and consumed a large number of sea urchins. Crows consumed mostly natural sea urchins, approximately 36 kg ww/ha per year on the intertidal rocky bench, but the gull species consumed mostly cultured sea urchins, approximately 100 kg ww/ha per year in the culture area. The seasonal variation in the amount of sea urchins consumed by crows was higher than that by the gull species, presumably because of the difference in foraging behavior in association with the seasonal tidal cycle. The natural sea urchins consumed are an allochthonous input from the subtidal to the intertidal habitat, and thus, crow predation may not affect the natural and the cultured populations of the sea urchin. The gull species consumed much of the cultured sea urchin, and thus, may be regarded as an effective predator causing damage to sea urchin culture. The results suggest that further studies are needed to determine why the gull species selectively feed on cultured sea urchins.  相似文献   
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