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A substantial improvement in the bycatch selectivity of Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus trawls is required, particularly with respect to cod Gadus morhua, whose stocks are at low levels in several areas. Conventional escape windows are not adequate to properly release cod and other bycatch species caught in the trawls. To address this issue, we developed a novel sorting box concept consisting of a four-panel section with a window on the top in order to improve the escape of cod and other bycatch species through an escape window while retaining the target catch of Norway lobster. The concept was tested on a commercial trawler in Kattegat and Skagerrak. Two different window mesh sizes and two different sorting box heights were tested using a traditional codend cover and a dual codend cover. We observed greatly reduced bycatches of both cod and other fish species compared to a standard codend. The reduction in bycatch decreased with decreasing mesh size and increasing height of the sorting box. Escape of Norway lobster through the escape window was limited. A modified version of the sorting box concept was implemented in the Kattegat fishery from 2009 onwards.  相似文献   
对肯尼亚东南部泰塔(Taita)山区的3片破碎的森林进行了树种生物多样性评估,比较外来的松树、柏树、桉树人工林的物种多样性以及外来树种森林和本土森林物种多样性。研究地点为Ngangao(120 hm2)、Chawia(86 hm2)和Mbololo(185 hm2)。采用Y型设计设立32个样区,包含65个小样区。按树种记录每个小样区胸高直径5cm和5cm以上的幼树,同时也记录了各树木的更新情况(幼苗和树苗)。用 Shannon-weiner指数计算了物种的多样性和均匀度。导处的 Shannon指数被进一步转化成有效的数值,用于展示物种多样性的差别幅度。为了评估物种多样性的差别,进行单因素方差分析,为了分离均值,分别用Tukey HSD法和Duncan检测法验证偶数和奇数样品。采用Jaccard相似指数评估物种的类似性。共有58个树种的林木密度变化在每公顷10到2000棵树之间。森林类型和立地之间的物种多样性存在显著差异。本地森林的物种多样性比外来树种森林高;Chawia立地的物种多样性比Nganga和Mbololo立地高,且更新的树种数量也比其他2个立地多,包括野柠檬木(Xymalos monospora)、黑皮密花木(Rapanea melanophloeos)、和(几内亚蒲桃(Syzygium guineense),这些树种具有低干扰属性。这些发现说明,本地森林物种多样性比较高,正如热带地区所预期。Chawia立地的物种多样性高说明此地经历干扰比其他2个立地大。在Chawia地区发现有低干扰树种更新,说明有长期土壤种子库的存在。在Nganga和Mbololo地区发现的外来树种样地上的更新较差情况,可能是缺少种子库所致,因为很多人工林是造在裸地上(如Nganga地区),或者是因为某些树种固有的生理特性(相生相克)抑制了其他树种的更新。  相似文献   
The antioxidant activities of anthocyanins and anthocyanin fractions isolated from blackcurrants, raspberries, and lingonberries were investigated in whey protein-stabilized emulsion. The extent of protein oxidation was measured by determining the loss of tryptophan fluorescence and formation of protein carbonyl compounds and that of lipid oxidation by conjugated diene hydroperoxides and hexanal analyses. The antioxidant activity of berry anthocyanins increased with an increase in concentration. Blackcurrant anthocyanins were the most potent antioxidants toward both protein and lipid oxidation at all concentrations due to the beneficial combination of delphinidin and cyanidin glycosides. Most berry anthocyanins (69.4-72.8%) partitioned into the aqueous phase of the emulsion, thus being located favorably for antioxidant action toward protein oxidation. The presence of the lipid decreased the share of anthocyanin in the aqueous phase. Thus, the structure of food affects the antioxidant activity by influencing the partitioning of the antioxidant.  相似文献   
European, small-fruited cranberries (Vaccinium microcarpon) and lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) were characterized for their phenolic compounds and tested for antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiadhesive, and antiinflammatory effects. The main phenolic compounds in both lingonberries and cranberries were proanthocyanidins comprising 63-71% of the total phenolic content, but anthocyanins, hydroxycinnamic acids, hydroxybenzoic acids, and flavonols were also found. Proanthocyanidins are polymeric phenolic compounds consisting mainly of catechin, epicatechin, gallocatechin, and epigallocatechin units. In the present study, proanthocyanidins were divided into three groups: dimers and trimers, oligomers (mDP 4-10), and polymers (mDP > 10). Catechin, epicatechin, A-type dimers and trimers were found to be the terminal units of isolated proanthocyanidin fractions. Inhibitions of lipid oxidation in liposomes were over 70% and in emulsions over 85%, and in most cases the oligomeric or polymeric fraction was the most effective. Polymeric proanthocyanidin extracts of lingonberries and cranberries were strongly antimicrobial against Staphylococcus aureus, whereas they had no effect on other bacterial strains such as Salmonella enterica sv. Typhimurium, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Escherichia coli. Polymeric fraction of cranberries and oligomeric fractions of both lingonberries and cranberries showed an inhibitory effect on hemagglutination of E. coli, which expresses the M hemagglutin. Cranberry phenolic extract inhibited LPS-induced NO production in a dose-dependent manner, but it had no major effect on iNOS of COX-2 expression. At a concentration of 100 μg/mL cranberry phenolic extract inhibited LPS-induced IL-6, IL-1β and TNF-α production. Lingonberry phenolics had no significant effect on IL-1β production but inhibited IL-6 and TNF-α production at a concentration of 100 μg/mL similarly to cranberry phenolic extract. In conclusion the phenolics, notably proanthocyanidins (oligomers and polymers), in both lingonberries and cranberries exert multiple bioactivities that may be exploited in food development.  相似文献   
Assessment of habitat thresholds is a topical issue in ecology, both from theoretical and applied perspectives. We examined how forest structure influences selection of breeding habitat in the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris). It is an old-growth forest passerine, which can be considered an umbrella species. Habitat selection data, covering five breeding seasons, were collected from a study area across three spatial scales: (a) territory core scale (a radius of 30 m), (b) territory scale (a radius of 200 m) and (c) large scale (a radius of 500 m). Logistic regression analyses revealed that the radii of 30 and 200 m from the nest were the most important spatial scales for the forest patch occupancy. A loss of forest habitat and a low circumference of stems within the territory decreased the probability of occupancy. There was a distinct threshold in the amount of forest cover on forest patch occupancy when the volume of timber was taken into account. At low timber volumes (0-151 m3/ha) the amount of forest cover was negatively related to the occupancy rate of forest patches. This negative relationship changed abruptly when the volume of timber exceeded 152 m3/ha, after which forest cover had a positive effect on the occupancy rate of forest patches. This is a new way to examine habitat thresholds in relation to forest cover. Furthermore, as debated in recent literature, treecreepers also tend to respond to habitat loss rather than to changes in habitat configuration, which stresses the need for habitat restoration and conservation. Moreover, our results emphasize the importance of within-territory structure over the characteristics of the habitat matrix in selection of breeding habitat.  相似文献   
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