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Deer are recognized as hosts of Mycobacterium bovis and assessing the role of wild cervids in perpetuating tuberculosis among cattle has motivated extensive research on several continents. In this paper, the histopathology of lymph node and lung tuberculous granulomas in M. bovis positive British deer is presented. The overall aim was to seek further insights into the potential for onward transmission from infected deer to other species, including cattle. Samples were obtained from an extensive survey of wild mammals in South-West England and from statutory tuberculosis surveillance. M. bovis culture-positive samples were characterised microscopically as to their stage of lesion advancement, number of acid-fast bacilli and granuloma encapsulation. Seventy percent of the deer developed granulomas containing far greater numbers of M. bovis bacilli than typically reported in cattle. Red and fallow deer had the largest number of poorly encapsulated granulomas often containing many hundreds of bacilli. The results are consistent with infected wild British deer being a potential source of environmental contamination and onward transmission to other species. However, further work on levels of bacillary shedding is required before this can be confirmed.  相似文献   
1. The case is made for recognition of the marine bivalve Limaria hians as a reef‐forming species, which plays a key architectural role in certain benthic communities around the United Kingdom and Ireland. 2. This species uses byssal threads to construct nests that can coalesce to form reefs that cover hectares of seabed, contain multiple conspecifics and bind sediment. In so doing, L. hians modifies physical, chemical and biological processes at the sediment–water interface. 3. Such nests support a high diversity of associated organisms in coarse‐grade sediments (19 species of algae and 265 species of invertebrates from six discrete nests in Loch Fyne are reported on), although the biological interactions between species both inside and outside this assemblage (e.g. predatory cod) are unknown. 4. Being insubstantial, labyrinthine structures situated on the sediment surface, Limaria nests are sensitive to mechanical impacts, such as those caused by moorings, hydraulic dredging for infaunal bivalves and scallop dredging. 5. At appropriate sites, the status of L. hians can contribute a useful indication of disturbance on coarse‐grade sediments. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We investigated the hypothesis that synchronous recruitment is due to a shared susceptibility to environmental processes using stock–recruitment residuals for 52 marine fish stocks within three Northeast Pacific large marine ecosystems: the Eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and California Current. There was moderate coherence in exceptionally strong and weak year‐classes and correlations across stocks. Based on evidence of synchrony from these analyses, we used Bayesian hierarchical models to relate recruitment to environmental covariates for groups of stocks that may be similarly influenced by environmental processes based on their life histories. There were consistent relationships among stocks to the covariates, especially within the Gulf of Alaska and California Current. The best Gulf of Alaska model included Northeast Pacific sea surface height as a predictor of recruitment, and was particularly strong for stocks dependent on cross‐shelf transport during the larval phase for recruitment. In the California Current the best‐fit model included San Francisco coastal sea level height as a predictor, with higher recruitment for many stocks corresponding to anomalously high sea level the year before spawning and low sea level the year of spawning. The best Eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands model included several environmental variables as covariates and there was some consistent response across stocks to these variables. Future research may be able to utilize these across‐stock environmental influences, in conjunction with an understanding of ecological processes important across early life history stages, to improve identification of environmental drivers of recruitment.  相似文献   
Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle) has invaded rangelands and natural areas in the western USA. There is evidence that mowing is a more effective method of reducing growth and seed production, compared with the well‐established and distributed bioagents. To test this hypothesis we measured C. solstitialis's growth and reproduction following two treatments (late spring and early summer bud/capitula destruction and shoot mowing) and measured C. solstitialis's growth and reproduction. We measured changes in soil moisture content to test the hypothesis that these manipulations differentially affect water usage by the invasive plant. Mowing produced shorter plants that weighed less. Bud damaged plants were not statistically different from untreated controls. The number of developed capitula was reduced 67% by mowing but was unaffected by bud damage. Mowed plants redistributed resources from root to flower production. Both treatments reduced mean capitulum diameter. This resulted in reductions of 76% and 21% in estimated seed number for mowed and bud damaged plants respectively. Root abundance decreased and root life‐span was reduced by both treatments. Soil moisture depletion was greatest from mid‐May to mid‐July (from 21% to 9%) and occurred after maximum root abundance. Mowing resulted in a delay in soil moisture depletion compared with the bud damaged plants or the untreated controls. Bud/capitula damage did not affect C. solstitialis's requirement for soil water. Overall, this study supported the hypothesis that mowing reduced C. solstitialis growth and reproduction more than bud damage alone. This information will aid managers in selecting a strategy for managing C. solstitialis in a particular habitat.  相似文献   
The national control programme for Salmonella in Danish swine herds introduced in 1993 has led to a large decrease in pork-associated human cases of salmonellosis. The pork industry is increasingly focused on the cost-effectiveness of surveillance while maintaining consumer confidence in the pork food supply. Using national control programme data from 2003 and 2004, we developed a zero-inflated binomial model to predict which farms were most at risk of Salmonella. We preferentially sampled these high-risk farms using two sampling schemes based on model predictions resulting from a farm's covariate pattern and its random effect. Zero-inflated binomial modelling allows assessment of similarities and differences between factors that affect herd infection status (introduction), and those that affect the seroprevalence in infected herds (persistence and spread). Both large (producing greater than 5000 pigs per annum), and small herds (producing less than 2000 pigs per annum) were at significantly higher risk for infection and subsequent seroprevalence, when compared with medium sized herds (producing between 2000 and 5000 pigs per annum). When compared with herds being located elsewhere, being located in the south of Jutland significantly decreased the risk of herd infection, but increased the risk of a pig from an infected herd being seropositive. The model suggested that many of the herds where Salmonella was not detected were infected, but at a low prevalence. Using cost and sensitivity, we compared the results of our model based sampling schemes with those under the standard sampling scheme, based on herd size, and the recently introduced risk-based approach. Model-based results were less sensitive but show significant cost savings. Further model refinements, sampling schemes and the methods to evaluate their performance are important areas for future work, and these should continue to occur in direct consultation with Danish authorities.  相似文献   
The study hypothesis was that pre-slaughter handling is not conducted in such a way that pigs can be considered humanely slaughtered, nor is it conducive to promoting those properties of fresh meat that could enhance pork quality. The 1st phase of the investigation was aimed at confirming the present compliance level within the prescribed norms. To this end the importance of stunning induction requirements for effective electrical stunning, the welfare implications relating to the pre-slaughter handling of pigs and the stunning and sticking techniques were investigated. Pre-slaughter welfare of the pigs at the abattoir was found to be influenced at the outset by the origin and type of pig slaughtered, the daily throughput range of pigs and the type of abattoir involved. A disappointing pre-arrival aspect was that deficiencies in road motor vehicles were observed while off-loading pigs. Through poor design or lack of maintenance, another factor that hampered free movement of pigs was the off-loading facilities. The nature of animal behaviour in the pens, in the passages and when going into the stunning area was directly related to the pig handling efficiency and to the nature and extent of design and maintenance problems with equipment. None of the abattoirs had a well designed in-feed to a well planned stunning area/facility, and a very high level of pig pre-slaughter stress prevailed. The optimum position of the electrodes is virtually impossible to attain under practical conditions and the practice of repeat application of electrical stunning is common. Of the total sample size (n = 1175), 34% were difficult to shackle, 90% of these being from the abattoirs tending to slaughter more routinely a wide range of different sized pigs. In this survey 149 pigs (13%) required more than a single sticking attempt to bleed out properly, considerably higher than in other published reports.  相似文献   

The Agricultural Research Service of the USDA has been actively engaged in research on the biological control of aquatic weeds since 1959. Research emphasis until 1967 was on alligatorweed, Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. As a result of this research, three species of insects from Argentina were released in the southeastern United States. Alligatorweed control with these natural enemies has been variable; but indications are that control will be substantial over most of the range of the weed.

One species of weevil, Neochetina eichhorniae Warner, has been released against water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, in the USA as a result of research in Argentina. A second closely related species, N. bruchi Hustache, is presently undergoing final clearance procedures. Several other arthropods are being studied in Argentina as possible biological control agents of water hyacinth.

A USA sponsored programme in Yugoslavia under the direction of Dr M Leki? resulted in the discovery of two insect species that show potential as control agents for eurasian watermilfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum L. Further testing for host specificity of these insects will be carried out in the USA in quarantine in Florida.

A USA sponsored Pakistan programme under Dr M. A. Ghani is investigating insects and other phytophagous organisms attacking Hydrilla verticillata Royle. The results are encouraging. PANS 20: 444–450, 1974.  相似文献   
Adult mesenchymal stromal cells are plastic-adherent cells that are self-renewing and have the capacity to differentiate into various tissue specific lineages. Stromal cells were initially discovered over 100 years ago and substantial insight into stromal cell identification, isolation, characterization, and differentiation has been made, including efforts to elucidate the factors involved in stromal cell differentiation. Stromal cells have immune privilege and thus are attractive candidates for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications. Positive results from a number of recent investigations support the use of adult mesenchymal stromal cells for clinical application. This review article provides a brief overview of past, present, and future stromal cell technology.  相似文献   
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