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Nowadays in Argentina, cookies, crackers, and cakes are made of flour obtained from bread wheat with additives or enzymes that decrease the gluten strength but increase production costs. The present research work aims to study the relationship between flour physicochemical composition (particle size average [PSA], protein, damaged starch [DS], water soluble pentosans [WSP], total pentosans [TP], and gluten), alkaline water retention capacities behavior, solvent retention capacities profile (SRC) and cookie‐making performance in a set of 51 adapted soft wheat lines with diverse origin to identify better flour parameters for predicting cookie quality. Cookie factor (CF) values were 5.06–7.56. High and significant negative correlations between sucrose SRC (–0.68), water SRC (–0.65), carbonate SRC (–0.59), and CF were found, followed by lactic SRC that presented a low negative but significant correlation (r = –0.35). The flour components DS (r = –0.67), WSP (r = –0.49), and TP (r = –0.4) were negatively associated to CF. PSA showed a negative correlation with CF (r = –0.43). Protein and gluten were the flour components that affected cookie hardness, but no significant correlation were found with pentosan or DS content. A prediction equation for CF was developed. Sucrose SRC, PSA, and DS could be used to predict 68% of the variation in cookie diameter. The cluster analysis was conducted to assess differences in flour quality parameters among genotypes based on CF. Clusters 1 and 4 were typified by lower CF (5.70 and 5.23, respectively), higher DS, pentosan content, and SRC values. Cluster 2 with a relative good CF (6.47) and Cluster 3 with the best cookie quality, high CF (7.32) and low firmness, and the lowest DS, TP, WSP content, and sucrose SRC values.  相似文献   
Composition of humic acids (HA) is a function of plant-derived inputs, degradation processes regulated by microorganisms, organo-mineral interactions and age. Characterization of different origin humic substances is important for evaluation of their contribution to stabile and labile carbon pool in the environment. The relative abundance of chemical components in HA isolated from soils, compost, commercial lignohumates, alginite, acadiane and lignite was studied with aim to quantify content of important biomarkers such as amino acid, lipids and polyphenols. HA were considered as a heterogeneous complex and high concentration of peptides, polyphenols and lipids was determined in acadian-HA to compare with soil-HA. Compost-HA contained much more amino acids to compare with soil-HA samples. Alginite-HA and lignite-HA were similar in biomarkers content to soil-HA. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy confirmed that chemical composition and functional groups content differs with the origin, humification degree and the age of studied samples. Soil-HA are typically composed of a variety of ?OH, COOH?, C–O, C–H2, (aliphatic and aromatic) groups, quinines, lignin fragments, polysaccharide, monosaccharide and proteins fragments, which are linked together by ?O?, ?NH?, ?H=, >C=O, metal ions and –S? groups. 13C NMR spectroscopy showed that aromatic carbon content was the highest in lignite-HA and soil-HA.  相似文献   
Pineapple guava (Acca sellowiana) syn. Feijoa sellowiana, a Brazilian indigenous Myrtaceae is under domestication in South Brazil. Previous works showed that this species is responsive to somatic embryogenesis and recalcitrant to conventional methods of clonal propagation. In the present work it was evaluated the role of components of culture medium in the induction and development of somatic embryos. The technology of synthetic seeds was also evaluated. Zygotic embryos were inoculated in LPm medium supplemented with 8 mM glutamic acid and 8 mM l-glutamine, 2,4-dichlophenoxiacetic acid (20 μM) and myo-inositol. For conversion of somatic embryos and synthetic seeds it was tested the effect of 6-benzylaminopurine and gibberellic acid combined or not with activated charcoal. The highest values for embryogenetic induction (100%) and number of somatic embryos/explant (113) were observed in the LPm medium supplemented with Glu (8 mM), and 2,4-D. The culture medium supplemented with BA (0.5 μM) and GA3 (1 μM) and activated charcoal (1.5 g L−1) enhanced the conversion of somatic embryos to plantlets. Pre-germinated somatic embryos encapsulated in sodium alginate with BA (0.5 μM) and GA3 (1 μM) developed radicles. The use of synthetic seed was a requisite for the survival of plantlets.  相似文献   
The clinical and pathological aspects of a neurological disease observed in 16 horses in Pará, Amazonia, Brazil, are presented. The symptoms were mainly motor incoordination, paresis of the tongue, somnolence, difficulties in apprehension, chewing and swallowing of food, as well as instability and standing with abducted members. The clinical course was subacute or chronic and in most cases was not fatal. Postmortem examination performed in one already very sick, euthanized animal, did not show significant macroscopic lesions; histopathological examination revealed slight edema and degenerative alterations of a few axons, mainly in the medulla oblongata. In all pastures where horses were affected, plenty of bamboo had been eaten, probably because of scarcity of pasture. By feeding large amounts of fresh bamboo leaves of this region, in different growing stages, to three horses (horse 1, 47 g/kg/d for 30 days; horse 2, 10 g/kg/d for 60 days; horse 3, 18 g/kg on the first day, and 31 g/kg/d for 6 more days)—the animals ate the leaves unassisted—it was possible to reproduce nervous symptoms essentially identical to those observed in the natural disease 24 to 72 hours after the first feeding of the plant. In spite of continuous administration of the plant, intensity of the clinical signs did not increase. Based on field observations and comparison of the clinical and pathological pictures seen in the natural and experimental disease, the described illness can be concluded to be caused by the ingestion of large amounts of the leaves of Bambusa vulgaris f. vulgaris.  相似文献   
Two new varieties of interspecific hybrids of Passiflora have been developed from the cross between P. gardneri versus P. gibertii, both registered under the Passiflora Society International. Twelve putative hybrids were analyzed. Hybridization was confirmed using RAPD and SSR markers. Primer UBC11 (5′-CCGGCCTTAC-3′) generated informative bands. Primer SSR Pe75 has amplified species-specific fragments and a heterozygote status was observed with two parent bands 300 and 350 bp. The molecular markers generated have been analyzed for the presence or absence of specific informative bands. Based on the morphological characterization, we have identified two hybrid varieties: P. ‘Gabriela’ and P. ‘Bella’. P. ‘Gabriela’ produced flowers in bluish tones, bluish petals on the adaxial and abaxial faces, light blue sepals on the adaxial and light green on the abaxial faces, corona with the base of filaments in intense lilac color and white apex. P. ‘Bella’ produced flowers in lilac tones, intense lilac petals on the adaxial and abaxial faces, dark lilac sepals with whitish edges on the adaxial and light green on the abaxial faces, corona with the base of filaments in intense lilac color and white apex. The cytogenetic analysis verified that the hybrids have the same chromosomal number as the parents (2n = 18); the formation of bivalents between the homeologous chromosomes (n = 9) was observad, leading to regular meiosis, which allows the sexual reproduction and use of these hybrids in breeding programs.  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to examine the expression of the genes coding for proopiomelanocortin (POMC), proenkephalin (PENK) and prodynorphin (PDYN) in porcine luteal cells isolated from corpora lutea (CL) collected on days 3-6, 8-10 and 13-16 of the oestrous cycle. Total RNA was purified from non-incubated cells and from cells incubated for 48 h in the absence or presence of luteinising hormone (LH). The semi-quantitative RT-PCR technique, involving coamplification of the target and control cDNA (beta-actin or 18S rRNA), was used to examine gene expression. It was found that the genes coding for opioid precursors are expressed in both non-incubated and incubated porcine luteal cells representing the early, mid- and late luteal phase. In non-incubated cells, only POMC mRNA content changed during CL development, whereas the expression of PENK and PDYN genes remained relatively constant. Additionally, the treatment of cells with LH markedly affected the expression of POMC and PENK, but no influence on PDYN expression was observed. The present study indicates that porcine luteal cells may produce opioid peptides and that gene expression of their precursors (except for PDYN) may be modulated in these cells by LH. Moreover, the present results support the involvement of opioid peptides in local regulation within the CL of the pig.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe elektronischer Meßmethoden sowie durch verschiedene weitere Versuchsanordnungen konnte gezeigt werden, daß der Buchdrucker in seinem Anflugverhalten an Pheromonquellen maßgeblich durch die jeweils herrschenden Lichtverhältnisse beeinflußt wird. Es bestand eine deutliche Präferenz von besonnten Standorten. In sonnigen Zeitabschnitten, auch innerhalb von nur wenigen Minuten, waren signifikant höhere Anflugzahlen zu vereichnen als in Phasen mit Bewölkung. Für den Kupferstecher gilt dies nur in eingeschränktem Maße.Diese Zusammenhänge konnten auch anhand von nord-bzw. südexponierten Fallen aufgezeigt werden. Die besonnte Fallenseite fing 4,2mal mehr Buchdrucker als die der Sonne abgewandte Seite. Beim Kupferstecher betrug der Faktor nur 1,66. Die beschriebenen Ergebnisse fanden ihre Bestätigung auch in der Befallssituation im Kalamitätsgebiet. Bei beginnendem Stehendbefall wurden vom Buchdrucker zunächst südexponierte Bestandesränder und hier die zur tageszeitlichen Hauptschwärmzeit besonnten Stämme besetzt.
Influencing the flight behaviour of bark beetles by light conditions
With the aid of eletronic registration equipment and other experimental methods, it could be shown that the flight behaviour of spruce bark beetles to pheromone sources is strongly influenced by the prevailing light conditions. There is a definite preference for sunny conditions. Even during sunny periods of only a few minutes, significantly more beetles were flying than during overcast periods.A similar pattern of behaviour was observed for P.chalcographus, but there was no statistical evidence. This preference was also seen when pheromone baited traps were set up in a northerly direction with low sunlight levels and a southerly direction with strong sunlight. In the traps facing south 4,2 times more lps typographus were caught than in the north facing traps. P. chalcographus preferred the sunnier traps at a radio of 1,66.These results confirm the fact that at the beginning of an infestation of forest the southerly regions were first to be attacked by spruce bark beetles. Even there trees were first affected where they were exposed to sun during the daily main period of flight activity.

Mit 2 Abbildungen und 1 Table.  相似文献   
Human commercial activities must be compatible with sustainable management to achieve species conservation in the natural environment. After harvesting, diversity and abundance of understory species differ substantially from the pre-harvest situation. Have knowledge of the changes that logging produces in all components of the system allows us to develop management alternatives with reduced impacts. The objective of this work was to evaluate changes in density, biomass and diversity of understory species along a forest shelterwood cut system management cycle in aNothofagus pumilio forest. Six forest management situations (postharvesting stands and different phases of forest development) were sampled in a pureN. pumilio forest of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) of middle-high site class (fromclass I toIII). Species number, density and biomass were modified substantially after a shelterwood cut. These were being greatest after cutting and falling substantially when the forest canopy closes during theinitial growth phase, returning to values similar to this virgin forest when themature phase was reached. The impact of the forest management on understory species diversity is analyzed and discussed. The silvicultural practices applied toN. pumilio forest in Tierra del Fuego permit the introduction of alien flora to the system, and produce great changes during the forest management cycle. To Celina Matteri, Itatí Ferraro, and Rosa Kofalt for their aid in taxonomical identification. To Juan Manuel Cellini, Ricardo Vukasovic and Gregorio Martínez Pastur for their participation in the field work; and to the sawmillLos Castores, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas and Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria for the institutional and financial support.  相似文献   
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