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Interleukin-8 plays a critical role in inflammatory processes. Hence generation of molecules with anti-IL-8 activity is likely to be important for successful feeding and for survival of the ticks. Anti-IL-8 activity was studied in saliva of three ixodid tick species--Dermacentor reticulatus (Fabricius, 1794), Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Neumann, 1901, and Amblyomma variegatum (Fabricius, 1794). The greatest activity was shown in saliva prepared from D. reticulatus. The activity was attributed to tick salivary gland molecules that bind to IL-8, preventing binding of the chemokine to its specific receptor, rather than to occupation of the IL-8 cell receptor by the tick molecules. The distribution of anti-IL-8 activity in fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) fractions of salivary gland extracts (SGE) derived from adult female D. reticulatus, R. appendiculatus and A. variegatum was compared directly by both ELISA and receptor-binding inhibition assays. The correspondence in results with fractions of SGE from ELISA is consistent with detection of tick molecules that inhibit IL-8 binding to its receptor. As IL-8 is an important chemoattractant and activator of neutrophils, the presence of an anti-IL-8 activity in tick saliva indicates that neutrophils play an important role in the host response to parasitism by ticks.  相似文献   
The effects of adjuvants on the performance of a dispersible concentrate formulation (DCI) of a novel powdery mildew fungicide, 1-(4-chlorobenzyl)-4-phenylpiperidine (I) were investigated. The method involved assessment, under glasshouse conditions, of the therapeutic (curative) control of infections of powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis DC f.sp. hordei Marchal) on barley (Hordeum vulgare, L.) eight to nine days after spray application to plants that had been inoculated one day prior to spraying. The results from the first trial showed that marked improvements (∽five-fold) in the performance of DCI could be obtained by the spray tank addition of some types of surfactant adjuvants and a series of further trials investigating a wide range of adjuvants was conducted. Nonylphenol, alkylamine and alcohol ethoxylates varying in mean ethylene oxide content between 5 and 20 moles were highly effective. There were indications that optimum performance enhancements were obtained with these surfactants containing between 5 and 10 moles ethylene oxide. Lower enhancements, sometimes only marginal, were obtained from trisiloxane, phosphate ester, propylene oxide, alkylamine-propylene oxide and castor oil ethoxylates and also alkyl polyglucoside biosurfactants. Negligible adjuvant enhancements were observed with emulsifiable paraffinic/naphthenic and rape seed oils, though slightly better enhancements were seen with an emulsifiable transmethylated rape seed oil and, interestingly, larger enhancements with an emulsifiable lipophilic alcohol. A final trial identified the alcohol ethoxylate, ‘Dobanol’ 91-6, as the most effective adjuvant and that its optimum application rate under glasshouse conditions was 250 g ha-1. This information will be used to guide the design of field trials. © 1997 SCI  相似文献   
The effects of five conservation tillage drills with crop residue levels covering between 17% and 79% of the soil, and tillage depths ranging from 25 to 200 mm, were examined over 3 years. The tillage systems ranged from a relatively disruptive Farm System to a Low Disruption system, with three intermediate treatments labelled Sumo DTS, Claydon and Mzuri. The study involved field sites on a clay or clay loam soil, where winter wheat and oilseed rape were grown in rotation. In the clay field, the Mzuri and Low Disruption treatments, which produced the highest residue coverage, showed the greatest increase in surface total soil organic carbon (1.1 and 0.48 Mg C ha−1, respectively) between years 1 and 3. The least disruptive tillage system also resulted in the highest density of earthworms (181–228 m−2), and the most disruptive system produced the lowest densities (75–98 m−2). In the third year, the least disruptive system also showed a higher proportion of water-stable aggregates (29.8%) than the other treatments (22.7%–25.3%). Linear regressions showed positive relationships of both soil organic carbon and earthworm density with surface residue cover, and of the proportion of water-stable aggregates with soil organic carbon.  相似文献   
Chickpea is the most important pulse crop globally after dry beans. Climate change and increased cropping intensity are forcing chickpea cultivation to relatively higher temperature environments. To assess the genetic variability and identify heat responsive traits, a set of 296 F8–9 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of the cross ICC 4567 (heat sensitive) × ICC 15614 (heat tolerant) was evaluated under field conditions at ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. The experiment was conducted in an alpha lattice design with three replications during the summer seasons of 2013 and 2014 (heat stress environments, average temperature 35 °C and above), and post-rainy season of 2013 (non-stress environment, max. temperature below 30 °C). A two-fold variation for number of filled pods (FPod), total number of seeds (TS), harvest index (HI), percent pod setting (%PodSet) and grain yield (GY) was observed in the RILs under stress environments compared to non-stress environment. A yield penalty ranging from 22.26% (summer 2013) to 33.30% (summer 2014) was recorded in stress environments. Seed mass measured as 100-seed weight (HSW) was the least affected (6 and 7% reduction) trait, while %PodSet was the most affected (45.86 and 44.31% reduction) trait by high temperatures. Mixed model analysis of variance revealed a high genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) (23.29–30.22%), phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) (25.69–32.44%) along with high heritability (80.89–86.89%) for FPod, TS, %PodSet and GY across the heat stress environments. Correlation studies (r = 0.61–0.97) and principal component analysis (PCA) revealed a strong positive association among the traits GY, FPod, VS and %PodSet under stress environments. Path analysis results showed that TS was the major direct and FPod was the major indirect contributors to GY under heat stress environments. Therefore, the traits that are good indicators of high grain yield under heat stress can be used in indirect selection for developing heat tolerant chickpea cultivars. Moreover, the presence of large genetic variation for heat tolerance in the population may provide an opportunity to use the RILs in future-heat tolerance breeding programme in chickpea.  相似文献   
The mechanisms by which hydrophobic molecules, such as long-chain fatty acids, enter cells are poorly understood. In Gram-negative bacteria, the lipopolysaccharide layer in the outer membrane is an efficient barrier for fatty acids and aromatic hydrocarbons destined for biodegradation. We report crystal structures of the long-chain fatty acid transporter FadL from Escherichia coli at 2.6 and 2.8 angstrom resolution. FadL forms a 14-stranded beta barrel that is occluded by a central hatch domain. The structures suggest that hydrophobic compounds bind to multiple sites in FadL and use a transport mechanism that involves spontaneous conformational changes in the hatch.  相似文献   
HACCP的原理及在食品生产中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了危害分析与关键控制点系统的主要原理 ,讨论了食品加工中物理、化学和生物危害物的分析方法 ,描述了控制危害发生的工艺过程关键控制点的确定 ,旨在确保食品安全 ,提高产品质量  相似文献   
Physiological postharvest deterioration (PPD) of cassava is the main constraint affecting its nutritional and economical values. PPD is induced by wounds when detaching storage roots from mother plant during harvesting. It is accelerated by the reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as oxygen ion (O2) and peroxide (O2)?2. The carotenoid content and its antioxidant property can help in extending shelf life of cassava storage roots. The primary mode of action of carotenoids as antioxidant is to quench singlet oxygen. Cassava breeding was reported to successfully introgress and improve carotenoid content into cassava. The two types of phytoene synthase (PSY) enzymes (PSY1 and PSY2) are key regulators of carotenoids accumulation in cassava. Carotenoids formation and accumulation in cassava storage roots are induced by a single nucleotide polymorphism in PSY2 which causes a non‐conservative amino acid exchange. This single nucleotide polymorphism in PSY gene is co‐segregated with β‐carotene in cassava storage roots, a phenomenon that could help to unravel the mechanism of introgression of carotenoids into cassava. This article investigates breeding feasibility for improving quality of cassava landraces in developing countries.  相似文献   
Two adjacent soils with contrasting sulfate sorption were examined in terms of (i) water-soluble and ion-exchangeable Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Mn and Zn, (ii), water- and bicarbonate-extractable sulfate, (iii) Truog-extractable P, (iv) dithionite-extractable Al, Mn and Fe and (v) treatment response to irrigation with simulated acid precipitation. The biomass of 8 year old black spruce saplings growing on the soils, and the distributions of Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, P and Zn within these plants, were also examined. The soils were well to moderately-well drained, with the mineral soil exposed by site preparation prior to planting. The exposed soil underneath individual saplings was treated with acid sulfate solutions (75 mm containing 2 to 50 mg L?1 H2SO4) applied during each of three consecutive growing seasons. The results indicate that Al, much like Fe, Ca, Mn and Zn, accumulated with time in the foliage, but K, Mg and P were highest in young plant tissues. Much of Al and Fe taken up remained in the fine roots. Aluminum uptake increased with the amount of dithionite-extractable Al (free Al oxide) in the soil. Growth of the black spruce saplings was not visibly affected by readily accessed Al in each soil, or by acid irrigation.Instead, growth was restricted by factors other than soil Al and acid irrigation in spite of (i) low soil pH, (ii) high levels of exchangeable Al, and (iii) high levels of Al in fine roots. Sulfate retention across and within the two soils was positively correlated with free Al oxide. The two soils responded to acid irrigation by accelerated silicate weathering and enhanced ion leaching. Sulfate sorption reduced these effects.  相似文献   
Fire has historically been an important ecological factor maintaining southeastern U.S. vegetation. Humans have altered natural fire regimes by fragmenting fuels, introducing exotic species, and suppressing fires. Little is known about how these alterations specifically affect spatial fire extent and pattern. We applied historic (1920 and 1943) and current (1990) GIS fuels maps and the FARSITE fire spread model to quantify the differences between historic and current fire spread distributions. We held all fire modeling variables (wind speed and direction, cloud cover, precipitation, humidity, air temperature, fuel moistures, ignition source and location) constant with exception of the fuel models representing different time periods. Model simulations suggest that fires during the early 1900's burned freely across the landscape, while current fires are much smaller, restricted by anthropogenic influences. Fire extent declined linearly with patch density, and there was a quadratic relationship between fire extent and percent landscape covered by anthropogenic features. We found that as little as 10 percent anthropogenic landcover caused a 50 percent decline in fire extent. Most landscapes (conservation or non-conservation areas) are now influenced by anthropogenic features which disrupt spatial fire behavior disproportionately to their actual size. These results suggest that land managers using fire to restore or maintain natural ecosystem function in pyrogenic systems will have to compensate for anthropogenic influences in their burn planning. This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Distinguishing between root and non-root derived CO2 efflux is important when determining rates of soil organic matter turnover, however, in practice they remain difficult to separate. Our aim was to evaluate two methods for determining the component of below-ground respiration not dependent on plant roots (i.e., basal soil respiration; Rb). The first approach estimated Rb indirectly from the y-intercept of linear regressions between below-ground respiration (BGR) and root biomass. The second approach involved direct measurements of soil respiration from bare plots. To compare the contrasting approaches, BGR and crop biomass measurements were collected throughout the year in a range of agricultural systems. We found that both methods were very closely correlated with each other. Values of Rb determined by the intercept approach, however, were slightly higher than those determined by measurement of bare plots. Both approaches showed a seasonal trend with estimates of Rb lowest in winter months at 0.02 t C ha−1 month−1 for the y-intercept approach and 0.11 t C ha−1 month−1 for the bare plots approach, even after the data had been corrected for the influence of soil temperature. Highest rates of Rb occurred from the height to the end of the crop growing season (0.8-1.5 t C ha−1 month−1). The annual CO2 efflux due to Rb was estimated to be 8.1 t C ha−1 y−1 from the y-intercept approach and 6.8 t C ha−1 y−1 from bare plots. Annual BGR was 12.1 t C ha−1 y−1. We conclude that both methods provide similar estimates of Rb, however, logistically the bare plots approach is much easier to undertake than the y-intercept approach.  相似文献   
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