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Objective— To characterize donor and recipient sites for autologous osteochondral transplantation in the canine stifle joint with respect to split-line pattern and cartilage thickness.
Study Design— In vitro study.
Sample Population— Stifle joints (n=30) of dogs >20 kg.
Methods— Collagen network orientation of the hyaline cartilage coverage of the distal femur was assessed using split-line technique (n=10). Cartilage thickness was measured radiographically on osteochondral plugs harvested at the abaxial and axial surfaces of the femoropatellar joint (n=15), the most proximal abaxial aspect of the medial condyle (CO; n=5) and at both femoral condyles (n=15).
Results— Cartilage within the femoropatellar joint and both femoral condyles had mostly transversely orientated pattern of split-lines. Abaxial to the femoropatellar joint split-lines were absent. All donor sites had significantly thinner cartilage than the medial condyle (CM). Only the distal trochlea had cartilage thickness comparable to the lateral condyle (CL). The thinnest cartilage was found abaxial to the femoropatellar joint followed by CO, which was ∼2–3 times thinner than the cartilage at both condyles.
Conclusions— None of the investigated donor sites provided transplants of comparable cartilage thickness to CM. Transplants from within the femoropatellar joint should be harvested in priority as they reach cartilage morphology comparable to CL.
Clinical Relevance— Adjusting for cartilage thickness and split-line pattern may improve long-term outcome after autologous osteochondral transplantation. But surface curvature and donor-site morbidity have to be considered as well when choosing the most suitable donor site.  相似文献   
Objective— To compare mechanical performance of 4 soft tissue replacement materials.
Study Design— Experimental.
Sample Population— Polypropylene mesh (PM), single-layer porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS), multilaminate (4-layer) porcine small intestinal submucosa (MLSIS), and canine fascia lata (FL).
Methods— The mechanical properties of each material were determined by testing to failure on a materials testing machine. Samples of each material (n=10) were tested in 3 different modes: resistance to suture pullout, tensile testing, and push-through testing. PM was tested both parallel (PMa) to and perpendicular (PMb) to its longitudinal cord orientation. SIS and FL were similarly tested in 2 orthogonal directions.
Results— With some exceptions, the following generalizations can be made regarding the mechanical performance of the materials tested:
Suture pullout— FL>PMa=PMb>MLSIS>SIS ( P ≤.04).
Tensile testing —FL>PMa>PMb>MLSIS>SIS ( P ≤.02).
Push-through testing— FL>PM>MLSIS>SIS ( P ≤.003).
Conclusions— PM accommodated a significantly higher load and energy to yield when its longitudinal cords were oriented parallel with the tension axis (PMa). FL performed similarly to the PM, with the exception of limited elongation in tension. MLSIS had biomechanical characteristics that were inferior to FL and PM but superior to SIS.
Clinical Relevance— PM's orientation may need to be considered when used clinically. FL is a biomechanically suitable soft tissue replacement material but its use may be limited by currently available sizes. SIS cannot be recommended in high-strain environments.  相似文献   
Technetium-99m stannous colloid (99mTcSnC) has been used to radiolabel human leukocytes to investigate various inflammatory disorders. We investigated the in vitro behavior of feline leukocytes labeled in whole blood with 99mTcSnC. Heparinized blood samples were collected from healthy cats and divided into control and test aliquots. The latter were labeled with 99mTcSnC using a standard procedure. Leukocyte viability was determined for each sample using a trypan blue exclusion test. Labeling efficiency was determined for test aliquots. Test aliquots were layered onto Histopaque-1077® and centrifuged before measurement of radioactivity of the blood components. Leukocytes from radiolabeled and control samples were washed and incubated with opsonized zymosan particles to allow assessment of phagocytic function. Aliquots were taken from radiolabeled feline leukocyte samples at 1, 3, 4, and 7 h postlabelling. After centrifugation of each aliquot, radioactivity of the supernatant and pellet was measured and the labeling retention determined. Leukocyte viability in both radiolabeled and control samples was >98%. The labeling efficiency was 95.2±0.14%. The distribution of radioactivity in feline blood was found to be 3.4±0.18% in plasma, 39.0±0.37% in erythrocytes, and 57.6±0.38% in leukocytes. Labeled feline leukocytes had phagocytic activity of 90.9±0.18% (control 91.3±0.15%). The radiolabeled leukocytes retained 93.4±0.19% of the radioactivity up to 7 h postlabeling. 99mTcSnC efficiently labeled feline leukocytes with no effect on viability and minimal effect on phagocytic function. The percentage retention of radioactivity by the leukocytes was still high at 7 h postlabeling.  相似文献   
Four field trials were conducted over a 2 year period at Exeter (2005, 2006), Harrow (2006), and Ridgetown (2006), Ontario, Canada, to evaluate the tolerance of pinto and small red Mexican (SRM) beans to the preplant-incorporated (PPI) application of trifluralin, dimethenamid, S -metolachlor, KIH-485, imazethapyr, and flumetsulam. All the treatments, including the untreated control, were maintained weed-free during the growing season. The PPI application of trifluralin, dimethenamid, and S -metolachlor resulted in minimal transient visual injury, with no adverse effect on the plant height, shoot dry weight, seed moisture content, and yield of the pinto and SRM beans. The PPI application of imazethapyr and flumetsulam, especially at the high rate, initially caused 13% injury and reduced the plant height and shoot dry weight by 15 and 28%, respectively, but these injuries were transient and had no effect on the seed maturity and yield of the pinto and SRM beans. The PPI application of KIH-485 caused 80% injury to the pinto and SRM beans and reduced the plant height, shoot dry weight, and yield. The dry bean maturity was also delayed. Based on these results, trifluralin, dimethenamid, S -metolachlor, imazethapyr, and flumetsulam, applied as PPI herbicides, have the potential to be used in a weed management program for pinto and SRM beans. However, KIH-485, applied as a PPI herbicide at the doses evaluated, does not have an adequate margin of crop safety for use in pinto and SRM bean production in Ontario.  相似文献   
Two greenhouse trials were conducted over a 2 year period (2004 and 2005) to compare the relative growth potential and fitness of triazine-susceptible (TS) and triazine-resistant (TR) waterhemp biotypes. Waterhemp plants from each biotype were grown in 6 L pots in the greenhouse in a completely randomized design. There was no difference in leaf number, plant height, plant biomass, time to bud or time to flower between the two biotypes. The TR female waterhemp plants produced 30% less reproductive biomass and 39% less seed than the TS biotype. The fitness penalty associated with triazine resistance was related to reproductive capability, not to vegetative growth.  相似文献   
Weed management options for adzuki-bean growers in Ontario, Canada are limited due to few herbicide registrations. Four field trials were conducted at three locations in south-western Ontario in 2007 and 2008 to determine the tolerance of adzuki bean to several preplant-incorporated (PPI), pre-emergence (PRE), and post-emergence (POST) herbicides. All the herbicides were applied at the doses registered for use in soybean. The application of pendimethalin, cloransulam-methyl, and halosulfuron-methyl (PPI), flumetsulam, cloransulam-methyl, and halosulfuron-methyl (PRE), and acifluorfen and fomesafen (POST) caused ≤15% crop injury; however, the injury was transient and did not reduce the adzuki bean yield. The POST application of cloransulam-methyl and imazethapyr caused ≤23% crop injury and reduced the biomass by ≤50%, but did not reduce the plant height or crop yield. Metribuzin, flumetsulam, atrazine, and pyroxasulfone (PPI), metribuzin, linuron, pyroxasulfone, and atrazine (PRE), and bentazon, imazethapyr plus bentazon, halosulfuron-methyl, and thifensulfuron-methyl (POST) caused ≤61% crop injury. These treatments reduced the biomass, plant height, and crop yield. Based on these results, pendimethalin, cloransulam-methyl, and halosulfuron-methyl applied PPI, flumetsulam, cloransulam-methyl, and halosulfuron-methyl applied PRE, and acifluorfen and fomesafen applied POST might be potential weed management options for weed management in adzuki bean. Cloransulam-methyl and imazethapyr applied POST will need further evaluation due to phytotoxicity concerns. Metribuzin, flumetsulam, atrazine, and pyroxasulfone applied PPI, metribuzin, linuron, atrazine, and pyroxasulfone applied PRE, and bentazon, imazethapyr plus bentazon, halosulfuron-methyl, and thifensulfuron-methyl applied POST did not have an adequate margin of safety.  相似文献   
Objective— To compare biomechanical properties of 3 new generation polyethylene sutures (FiberTape [FT], FiberWire [FW], and OrthoFiber [OF]) with nylon leader line (NL) for use during extraarticular fixation of cranial cruciate deficient stifles. Study Design— In vitro biomechanical testing of suture loops under monotonic tensile and cyclical loading until failure. Sample Population— Constructs of FT, FW, OF, and NL. Methods— Twenty loops of each of 12 combinations of fixation and suture had monotonic tensile and cyclical loading. Two knotting techniques (square knot [SQ], slip knot [SL]) and a crimp clamp (CR) system were evaluated. Elongation, stiffness, and strength of constructs was tested. The main effects of group, loop material, and their interaction were evaluated. Results— Knotted FT, FW, and OF had less elongation than knotted NL under monotonic tensile and cyclical loading. Under monotonic tensile loading, knotted FT and OF were stiffer than knotted NL. CR FT, CR FW, and CR OF were stiffer than CR NL and CR FT, CR FW, and CR OF were stiffer than knotted FT, FW, and OF. FW and OF knotted loops were weaker than knotted NL. CR FT was stronger than CR NL. CR FT and CR OF were weaker than knotted FT and OF. Conclusions— Polyethylene sutures are stronger, stiffer and elongate less than nylon leader. Crimping suture alters the biomechanical properties of the loop. Clinical Relevance— FW, FT, and OF may perform better in reconstructive procedures, where increased strength and stiffness are considered to be beneficial.  相似文献   
Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry was used to measure bone mineral density of four regions in healed femora of nine dogs after fracture fixation with a leg-lengthening plate. Six to 85 months (mean, 46 months) after surgery, the bone mineral density of healed femora was not significantly different from the contralateral uninjured femora ( P >.05; power = 0.8 at Δ= 15%). Radio-lucencies around the proximal screws, apparently associated with screw loosening, were seen on radiographic views of the healed femora of three dogs. In one of these dogs, one screw in the proximal metaphysis had broken. Force-plate analysis of gait was also performed on dogs at the time of bone mineral density measurement. Peak vertical force was decreased in the pelvic limb with the healed fracture compared with the contralateral unoperated limb ( P < 0.05). Clinically apparent lameness in three dogs did not appear to be associated with altered bone mineral density and may have been caused by hip osteoarthritis, a nondisplaced hairline diaphyseal fracture, and screw loosening in conjunction with extensive post-traumatic soft tissue injury.  相似文献   
We used a coupled biophysical model to investigate larval transport and connectivity patterns in the Gulf of Maine lobster ( Homarus americanus ) population. Biological 'particles' were released at over 21 000 locations every 10 days over a 4-month hatching period, and were followed from hatching through late postlarval stage. In addition to circulation and dispersion, model calculations included spatial patterns of egg production, temporal patterns of hatching, temperature-dependent development, vertical distribution and mortality. We ran the model for three larval production seasons using the same hatching patterns and individual-based modeling parameters but different flow patterns in the coastal current system. Model results gave distribution and abundance patterns of competent postlarvae that closely resembled observed, alongshore patterns of lobster settlement density. We evaluated the relative contribution of all source regions to the total number of competent postlarvae in a series of medium-size zones along the coastal shelf, many of which are used in lobster management. Connectivity depended on many factors, including patterns of egg production and transport, and the location and size of the receiving zones. Self recruitment ranged from a few percent to >90% of competent postlarvae. Although it was common for postlarvae to come from many, often distant, sources, most of the competent postlarvae in a zone originated within one to two zones in the prevailing 'up-stream' direction, forming shorter connections along the coast than the energetic currents might otherwise suggest. Inshore migrations during summer hatching may contribute to these shorter patterns of connectivity. Transport in the prevailing 'upstream' direction was also indicated.  相似文献   
The equine carpal joint was used to evaluate arthroscopic diagnosis of lesions created in joints obtained from horses euthanized for reasons other than lameness. Full-thickness articular defects were made in 13 sites within the antebrachiocarpal joint and middle carpal joint approximating those found in diseased carpal joints. Arthroscopic evaluation of the lesions included location, depth, and size of the defects. The joints were subsequently examined grossly. Results showed that, when compared to gross evaluation, arthroscopy is capable of accurately identifying subtle changes in articular cartilage and bone. A statistically significant increase in error rate was found for lesions at the medial aspect of the proximal radial carpal bone. Other sites with limited arthroscopic access were the proximal ulnar carpal bone, the proximal fourth carpal bone, and the distal intermediate carpal bone. The accuracy of arthroscopic identification of lesions improved significantly during the study as experience with the technique was gained.  相似文献   
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