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We evaluated changes in cardiovascular and renal functions as well as arginine vasopressin (AVP) secretion, with remifentanil and dexmedetomidine administration alone or in combination in sevoflurane-anesthetized dogs. Six healthy adult Beagle dogs received one of the following four treatments in a randomized crossover study: saline (C), remifentanil alone at successively increasing doses (R; 0.15, 0.60, and 2.40 µg/kg/min), dexmedetomidine alone (D; 0.5 µg/kg intravenously for initial 10 min followed by a constant rate infusion at 0.5 µg/kg/hr), and a combination of remifentanil and dexmedetomidine at the above-mentioned doses (RD). Sevoflurane doses were adjusted to 1.5 times of minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) equivalent according to MAC-sparing effects with remifentanil and dexmedetomidine as previously reported. Cardiovascular measurements, renal function data, and plasma AVP concentrations were determined before and every 60 min until 180 min after drug administration as per each treatment. In the R, D and RD, heart rate significantly decreased and mean arterial pressure significantly increased from baseline or with C. Cardiac index significantly decreased and systemic vascular resistance index increased with D and RD. Oxygen extraction ratio, renal blood flow, and glomerular filtration rate were not affected. The plasma AVP concentrations significantly decreased in D and RD, but increased in R. Only in D, the natriuresis was elicited. The combination of remifentanil and dexmedetomidine in sevoflurane-anesthetized dogs was acceptable in terms of the hemodynamics, oxygenation, and renal function. Remifentanil may interfere with dexmedetomidine-induced diuresis and inhibition of AVP secretion.  相似文献   
Abstract. The influence of pH and glucose on growth of the fish pathogenic fungus Ichthyophonus hoferi was measured by indirect conductimetry and microscopy. Using indirect conductimetry, distinct resistance curves were produced within 3 days at 15 †C, Conductimetric changes were enhanced when the media were supplemented with glucose. Low pH (3–4) was essential to ensure continuous growth of the fungus, which could be further facilitated by supplementation with glucose. At pH 7, growth occurred when the fungus had been pre-cultured at low pH. Growth of the fungus ceased after three successive transfers at pH 7 and this explains why earlier attempts to subculture have failed. Only vegetative stages of I. hoferi were observed; i.e. no conidia. At pH 7, growth was mainly observed as spherical bodies of varying size, with large numbers of nuclei, and thick-walled spherical multinucleate bodies. Hyphal growth was abundant at low pH. The alternating pH simulates the natural conditions experienced by the fungus on transfer from the stomach (low pH) to the muscle (neutral pH) and reproducible sub-culturing is obtained when mimicking this pH cycle or when a low pH is maintained.  相似文献   
Three electrophoretic variations (AA, BB and AB) of ovalbumin controlled by codominant alleles OvA and OvB have been observed in various chicken populations. We compared nucleotide sequences of the open reading frame between two alleles of ovalbumin gene. The difference between the two alleles was found as a non‐synonymous substitution of asparagine to aspartic acid as a result of AAT to GAT point mutation at position 8032–8034 in exon 8. We developed polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) protocol in combination with Mbo I restriction endnuclease mapping for the detection of this substitution. By the PCR‐RFLP the allelic frequency of the OvB was estimated to be within the range of 0.000–0.150 in 11 Asian indigenous chicken populations and 0.000 in four improved breeds used in the present study. Gene frequency, estimated by PCR‐RFLP in the present study, paralleled that obtained by protein polymorphisms of egg white. Thus, this study provides, for the first time, information of the occurrence of ovalbumin allele OvA and OvB in Asian indigenous chicken populations.  相似文献   
A 2-month-old mix-breed calf developed acute blindness and ataxia. Serum thiamine concentration was deficient. In antemortem magnetic resonance imaging there were laminar T2-hyperintense regions extending along the cerebral cortex that primarily affected the gray matter. The lesions were relatively symmetric between the left and right hemispheres but no abnormalities were present at the frontal lobes. At necropsy, laminar autofluorescence of the cerebral cortex was observed under ultraviolet exposure at 365 nm, consistent with a diagnosis of polioencephalomalacia. Polioencephalomalacia in the bovine species is compared with that in other species, namely humans, dogs, and cats.  相似文献   
In the Japanese macaque, semen has been collected by electro-ejaculation (EE), using the higher voltage stimuli compared to other species including genus Macaca. Semen coagulates immediately after ejaculation, which makes difficult to produce high-quality semen for artificial insemination. Recently, semen collection using urethral catheterization (UC) has been reported in carnivore and this technique may allow semen collection without coagulation in a less invasive manner. Further, the temporal preservation temperature and cooling rate of semen during cryopreservation affect post thawing sperm quality. In this study, to improve semen quality and quantity, as well as the animal welfare, semen collection was performed by EE with high (5–15 V) or low (3–6 V) voltage, UC and a combination of the two (EE-UC). It has been suggested that a high voltage is necessary for semen collection, but 10 V stimulation was effective enough and 15 V is for additional sperm collection. Also, liquid semen was collected by EE-UC and this could increase the total number of sperm. Further, to improve the post thawing sperm motility, semen was kept at four temperatures (4, 15, 25 and 37°C) for 60 min, and processed with two cooling procedures (slow cooling before second dilution and fast cooling after second dilution). Holding semen at 25°C and fast cooling after the second dilution maintained progressive motile sperm rate. The present results will contribute to the improvement of semen collection and animal welfare of Japanese macaques.  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate the clinical utility of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of a newborn calf presenting with extended swelling within its right flank, in addition to its therapeutic planning. Ultrasonograms of the bilateral flanks identified thinning of the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles in whole areas of the abdominal walls. A right lateral abdominal hernia associated with thin abdominal muscular structures was diagnosed ultrasonographically. The right flank abdominal hernia was successfully reconstructed through a modified Mayo mattress suture. This allowed the overlapping of the two very thin structures of the abdominal walls, resulting in the creation of a thicker structure of the right lateral abdominal walls. Reconstruction of the abdominal walls using this method could prevent re-protrusion of the viscera during calf growth.  相似文献   
Borna disease virus (BoDV) is a neurotropic virus that causes several infections in humans and neurological diseases in a wide range of animals worldwide. BoDV-1 has been molecularly and serologically detected in many domestic and wild animals in Japan; however, the genetic diversity of this virus and the origin of its infection are not fully understood. In this study, we investigated BoDV-1 infection and genetic diversity in samples collected from animals in Hokkaido between 2006 and 2020. The analysis was performed by focusing on the P region of BoDV-1 for virus detection. The presence of BoDV-1 RNA was observed in samples of brain tissue and various organs derived from persistently infected cattle. Moreover, after inoculation, BoDV-positive brains were isolated from neonatal rats. The gene sequences of the P region of BoDV obtained from the rat brain were in the same cluster as the P region of the virus isolated from the original bovine. Thus, genetic variation in BoDV-1 was extremely low. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that BoDV-1 isolates obtained in this study were part of the same cluster, which suggested that BoDV-1 of the same cluster was widespread among animals in Hokkaido.  相似文献   
Paenibacillus larvae and Melissococcus plutonius are the causative agents of American and European foulbroods of honey bees, respectively. Since their virulence and resistance to disinfectants differ depending on the genotypes/phenotypes of the strains, the discrimination of strain types is important for the effective control of these diseases. Methods to detect and differentiate pathogens in honey are useful for surveying the contamination status of beehives/apiaries. In the present study, we selected a sequence (GenBank accession no. FI763267) as the specific target for enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) II-type P. larvae strains for the first time and developed a novel multiplex PCR assay that precisely distinguishes between the major types of foulbrood pathogens (ERIC I and II P. larvae and typical and atypical M. plutonius) in one reaction. In addition, we found that commercially available kits designed for DNA extraction from Mycobacterium in feces efficiently extracted DNA from foulbrood pathogens in honey. Using the multiplex PCR assay and DNA extraction kits, all the targeted types of P. larvae and M. plutonius were detected in honey spiked with the pathogens at a concentration of 100 bacterial cells/strain/ml. Moreover, 94% of the Japanese honey samples examined in the present study were contaminated with one or more types of the foulbrood pathogens. These results indicate that the newly developed methods are useful for detecting foulbrood pathogens in honey. The epidemiological information obtained by these methods will contribute to the effective control of foulbroods in apiaries.  相似文献   
A 1-year-old domestic shorthair cat was evaluated for a chronic history of back pain, dysuria, and paraplegia. Radiographic and computed tomographic examinations showed circumferential widening of the vertebral canal at T13 and T14. A spinal epidural abscess (SEA) compressing the spinal cord from the level of T11 to L1 was suspected following intravenous contrast administration, and was confirmed by surgical exploration and histopathological analysis. The cat recovered its motor and bladder functions following surgical decompression and antibiotic therapy. SEA is a neurological emergency requiring prompt treatment. However, the present case had a prolonged disease course and pressure atrophy of the vertebrae was strongly suspected. To our knowledge, this imaging finding has not been reported in dogs or cats with SEA.  相似文献   
Poly(N-vinylacetamide-co-acrylic acid) coupled with d-octaarginine (VP-R8) promotes the cellular uptake of peptides/proteins in vitro; however, details of the transfection efficacy of VP-R8, such as the cell types possessing high gene transfer, are not known. Herein, we compared the ability of VP-R8 to induce the cellular uptake of plasmid DNA in mouse and human cell lines from different tissues and organs. A green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expression plasmid was used as model genetic material, and fluorescence as an indicator of uptake and plasmid-derived protein expression. Three mouse and three human cell lines were incubated with a mixture of plasmid and VP-R8, and fluorescence analysis were performed two days after transfection. To confirm stable transgene expression, we performed drug selection three days after transfection. A commercially available polymer-based DNA transfection reagent (PTR) was used as the transfection control and standard for comparing transgene expression efficiency. In the case of transient transgene expression, slight-to-moderate GFP expression was observed in all cell lines transfected with plasmid via VP-R8; however, transfection efficiency was lower than using the PTR for gene delivery. In the case of stable transgene expression, VP-R8 promoted drug-resistance acquisition more efficiently than the PTR did. Cells that developed drug resistance after VP-R8-mediated gene transfection expressed GFP more efficiently than cells that developed drug resistance after transfection with the PTR. Thus, VP-R8 shows potential as an in vitro or ex vivo nonviral transfection tool for generating cell lines with stable transgene expression.  相似文献   
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