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Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus is the causal agent of ash dieback, a disease that is presently endangering Fraxinus spp. throughout most of Europe. The phytotoxin, viridiol, was previously isolated from culture extracts of H. pseudoalbidus and found to be toxic to leaves of F. excelsior. Thus, we were interested in learning to what extent viridiol is responsible for pathogenicity of H. pseudoalbidus and investigated this using twelve isolates of H. pseudoalbidus. We also included five isolates of the closely related avirulent species, Hymenoscyphus albidus, in our studies. Some, but not all, isolates of H. pseudoalbidus and H. albidus produced measurable quantities of viridiol in culture. Three tests were used to determine to what extent viridiol concentration correlates with virulence: culture extracts were tested for activity in leaf segment tests and for inhibition of germination of seedlings of Fraxinus excelsior; virulence of the isolates was tested following infection of axenically cultured ash seedlings. Activity of the culture extracts varied, as did virulence of the isolates following inoculation into seedlings. No correlations were found between viridiol concentration and activities of culture extracts in leaf segment tests or in the germination test, nor between viridiol concentration and disease symptoms when inoculated into seedlings. However, activities of culture extracts in leaf segment and in the germination test correlated, as did the results of each of these tests with virulence in the infection experiment. Apparently, as yet unidentified factors other than the concentration of viridiol play important roles in the virulence of H. pseudoalbidus.  相似文献   
Biological activity of fenitrothion on stored maize at various moisture contents and at different times after application was measured by biological assay using adults of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Inactivation of actual residues over time was then determined after making the necessary allowance for chemical breakdown. At a given moisture content, the inactivation process was substantially completed during the first 6 weeks after application and loss of effectiveness from 6 weeks onwards resulted mainly from chemical breakdown. At a given time after application, residues were less active at higher moisture content (m.c). Differences in activity between moisture contents were apparent within a few hours of application and continued to increase for up to 3 days, with relatively little change thereafter during storage of 24 weeks. Thus after 24 weeks, residues on maize of 18% m.c. had an activity about 20% that of similarly-aged residues at 10% m.c. and 4% that of freshly-applied residues at 10% m.c. These results were in general accord with changes in the proportion of the residue which was collected from the kernels by a surface wash with methanol, this readily-extractable residue presumably representing the insecticide that may be picked up by insects.  相似文献   
Thirty-six British Friesian heifers were divided into two groups during weeks 3-26 of lactation and received ad libitum either good (G) or average (A) quality grass silage. The in vitro digestible organic matter in the DM was 680 and 600 g kg-1 for silages G and A, respectively. In addition, the heifers in each group were offered concentrate at either a low (4.3 kg DM d-1), medium (64 kg DM d-1) or high (8.4 kg DM d-1) level. The concentrate contained 180 g (kg DM)-1 of crude protein and had a calculated metabolizable energy concentration of 12.9 MJ (kg DM)-1. Increasing concentrate level significantly increased milk yield (P < 0.01), milk protein concentration (P < 0.05), and yield of both milk protein depressed milk fat concentration (P < 0.001) and silage intake (P < 0.001). Although the overall effect of silage quality on milk yield was not significant, the milk yields for silage G at each concentrate level were higher, significantly so for low level, than the corresponding values for silage A. An improvement in silage quality did not affect milk fat concentration but significantly increased the concentration of milk protein (P < 005) and yields of both milk fat (P < 005) and protein (P < 0001). The response of silage DM intake to improved silage quality was 0 06 kg DM per 10 g rise in vitro DOMD value. Each additional kg concentrate DM depressed intake of silages G and A by 0-63 and 0-27 kg DM, respectively. Substitution rate was also significantly related to stage of lactation. With both silages, the digestibility coefficients determined in vivo for acid detergent fibre (ADF) decreased significantly (P < 0.001) when concentrate level was increased from low to high. Differences for DM, OM and total N digestibility coefficients between treatments were not established as significant at the 5% level. Estimates of mean efficiency of utilization of ME for lactation, made on a weekly basis, were 049 and 052 for the heifers given silages G and A. respectively, and 048, 052 and 052 for those given the low, medium and high levels of concentrate. Energy balances were calculated on a mean weekly basis.  相似文献   
This review provides an overview of members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) and major facilitator superfamily (MFS) of transporters identified in filamentous fungi. The most common function of these membrane proteins is to provide protection against natural toxic compounds present in the environment of fungi, such as antibiotics produced by other microorganisms. In plant pathogenic fungi, these transporters can also be an important determinant of virulence on host plants by providing protection against plant defence compounds or mediating the secretion of host-specific toxins. Furthermore, they play a critical role in determining base-line sensitivity to fungicides and other antimycotic agents. Overexpression of some of these transporters can lead to the development of resistance to chemically-unrelated compounds, a phenomenon described as multidrug resistance (MDR). This has been observed in a variety of organisms and can impose a serious threat to the effective control of pathogenic fungi.  相似文献   
Plant susceptibility to herbicides is related to several factors, including the environmental conditions under which the plants develop. Two experiments were carried out using Synedrellopsis grisebachii plants in two different developmental stages (vegetative and reproductive), with the goal of studying plant susceptibility to the herbicide, glyphosate, and the dependence of this susceptibility on light intensity (full sunlight and 70% shading), correlated with leaf anatomy. The experimental design for both experiments was completely randomized, with a 2 × 7 factorial scheme, with two light intensities and seven different doses of glyphosate (0D, 1/4D, 1/2D, D, 2D, 4D and 6D, where D is the recommended dose of 1800 g ae ha?1) as the factors and four replicates per treatment. The leaf anatomy was characterized with optical and scanning electron microscopy. The plants that were grown in full sunlight were more tolerant of glyphosate because of thickening of the adaxial epidermis, parenchyma and main vein structures, which required higher glyphosate doses for effective weed control. The plants that were in the reproductive stage were more tolerant of glyphosate, probably because of lower glyphosate absorption and translocation to the reproductive organs.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Two pathogenic fungi of opium poppy, Pleospora papaveracea and Dendryphion penicillatum, were isolated from field material in Beltsville, MD. The processes of infection by these two fungi were studied to determine the optimal environmental conditions for infection. Both fungi formed appressoria capable of penetrating directly through the plant epidermal layer. Of the two fungi, P. papaveracea was more aggressive, causing more rapid necrosis. Appressorial formation by P. papaveracea occurred as early as 4 h after application of a conidial suspension to poppy leaves. P. papaveracea formed more appressoria than did D. penicillatum, especially at cool temperatures (7 to 13 degrees C). In greenhouse studies, P. papaveracea caused more damage to opium poppy than did D. penicillatum when applied in 10% unrefined corn oil. In the field, P. papaveracea was more consistent in its effects on opium poppy from a local seed source designated Indian Grocery. P. papaveracea caused higher disease ratings, more stem lesions, and equal or greater yield losses than did D. penicillatum on Indian Grocery. The late-maturing opium poppy variety White Cloud was severely damaged by disease, regardless of formulation or fungal treatment. P. papaveracea was the predominant fungus isolated from poppy seed capsules and the only fungus reisolated from the field the following year. These studies provide a better understanding of the infection process and the differences between these two pathogenic fungi and will be beneficial for the development of the fungi as biological control agents.  相似文献   
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