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The distribution of leaf area and light intensity within wheat crops differing in row direction, row spacing and rate of sowing is described. Regardless of the manner of planting, 75% of the total leaf area was found within a band 31/2 in. wide, centred on the centre of the row. Light penetration within crops spaced at 14 in. was greater than within those spaced at 7 in. Light penetration within rows running N.–S. was more uniform and higher, particularly around noon, than within rows running E.-W. Within N.-S. rows the position midway between rows received the highest amount of light, but light decreased on either side until it was least beneath the rows. Within E.-W. rows at 14 in. spacing, maximum light was recorded at 101/2 in. on the southern side of a row, decreasing progressively as the row was approached.  相似文献   
We evaluated the influence of scale on habitat use for three wetland-obligate bird species with divergent life history characteristics and possible scale-dependent criteria for nesting and foraging in South Dakota, USA. A stratified, two-stage cluster sample was used to randomly select survey wetlands within strata defined by region, wetland density, and wetland surface area. We used 18-m (0.1 ha) fixed radius circular-plots to survey birds in 412 semipermanent wetlands during the summers of 1995 and 1996. Variation in habitat use by pied-billed grebes (Podilymbus podiceps) and yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus), two sedentary species that rarely exploit resources outside the vicinity of nest wetlands, was explained solely by within-patch variation. Yellow-headed blackbirds were a cosmopolitan species that commonly nested in small wetlands, whereas pied-billed grebes were an area-sensitive species that used larger wetlands regardless of landscape pattern. Area requirements for black terns (Chlidonias niger), a vagile species that typically forages up to 4 km away from the nest wetland, fluctuated in response to landscape structure. Black tern area requirements were small (6.5 ha) in heterogeneous landscapes compared to those in homogeneous landscapes (15.4–32.6 ha). Low wetland density landscapes composed of small wetlands, where few nesting wetlands occurred and potential food sources were spread over large distances, were not widely used by black terns. Landscape-level measurements related to black tern occurrence extended past relationships between wetlands into the surrounding matrix. Black terns were more likely to occur in landscapes where grasslands had not been tilled for agricultural production. Our findings represent empirical evidence that characteristics of entire landscapes, rather than individual patches, must be quantified to assess habitat suitability for wide-ranging species that use resources over large areas.  相似文献   
Patch modeling can be used to scale-up processes to portray landscape-level dynamics. Via direct extrapolation, a heterogeneous landscape is divided into its constituent patches; dynamics are simulated on each representative patch and are weighted and aggregated to formulate the higher level response. Further extrapolation may be attained by coarsening the resolution of or lumping environmental data (e.g., climatic, edaphic, hydrologic, topographic) used to delimit a patch.Forest patterns at the southern boreal/northern hardwood transition zone are often defined by soil heterogeneity, determined primarily by the extent and duration of soil saturation. To determine how landscape-level dynamics predicted from direct extrapolation compare when coarsening soil parameters, we simulated forest dynamics for soil series representing a range of drainage classes from east- central Maine. Responses were aggregated according to the distribution of soil associations comprising a 600 ha area based on local- (1:12,000), county- (1:120,000) and state- (1:250,000) scale soil maps. At the patch level, simulated aboveground biomass accumulated more slowly in poorer draining soils. Different soil series yielded different communities comprised of species with various tolerances for soil saturation. When aggregated, removal of waterlogging caused a 20–60% increase in biomass accumulation during the first 50 years of simulation. However, this early successional increase and the maximum level of biomass accumulation over a 200 year period varied by as much as 40% depending on the geospatial data. This marked discrepancy suggests caution when extrapolating with forest patch models by coarsening parameters and demonstrates how rules used to rescale environmental data need to be evaluated for consistency.  相似文献   
Summary CCC, when applied to the roots of potato plants sufficiently early, brought forward the time of tuber initiation and growth. An increase in net assimilation rate at the time of rapid tuber growth was found for both CCC treated and control plants.  相似文献   
Summary The influence of temperature, number of sprouts per tuber and concentration of supplementary inorganic nutrients on sprout growth and intersprout competition for tuber substrates during emergence was investigated in the potato varietyArran Pilot. The rate of sprout growth was found to be a positive function of initial tuber fresh weight. Dry weight data at emergence indicated that individual sprouts on multi-sprout tubers exhibited mutual interference for substrates from the tuber. The intensity of this interference increased with temperature in the range 7 25 C, but interference was reduced, and in some cases eliminated, by supplying inorganic nutrients in the rooting medium. It was concluded that a component of the inorganic nutrient solution used could replace the tuber factor the supply of which limited sprout growth. The effects of temperature and inorganic nutrient concentration on the partitioning of dry matter within the plant are deseribed and diseussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Einflüsse von Temperatur, ursprünglichem Knollengewicht, der Anzahl Keime pro Knolle und der Konzentration zus?tzlicher anorganischer N?hrstoffe auf das Keimwachstum sowie die Konkurrenz zwischen den Keimen um das Knollensubstrat w?hrend des Auflaufens wurden an der KartoffelsorteArran Pilot untersucht. Ween Knollen in ein n?hrstofffreies Medium gepflanzt wurden (Versuch 1), glich die Auflaufrate der Keime einer positiv linearen Funktion der Temperatur über einen Bereich von 7 C bis 25 C, aber sie war nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Zahl der Keime pro Knolle (Tabelle 1 und 2). Die einzelnen Keime von Knollen mit vielen Keimen konkurrierten um das Substrat der Mutterknolle, und die St?rke dieser Interferenz nahm mit steigender Temperatur w?hrend des Auflaufens zu (Abb. 1 und 2). In den Versuchen 2 und 3 wurde die Auflaufzeit durch die Beigabe einer anorganischen Volln?hrl?sung zum Wurzeln?hrboden verkürzt, aber sie wurde nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Zahl der Keime pro Knolle (Tabelle 4). Eine Erh?hung der N?hrstoffkonzentration in der anorganischen L?sung hatte eine Erh?hung des durchschnittlichen Trockengewichtes der Keime und des durchschnittlichen Trockengewichtes der Keime pro Knolle beim Auflaufen zur Folge (Abb. 4 und 5). In Versuch 2 setzte die Gabe von anorganischen N?hrstoffen die Intensit?t der Konkurrenz zwischen den Keimen um das Substrat aus der Knolle betr?chtlich herab, was darauf hindeutet, dass ein Bestandteil der verwendeten N?hrl?sung den “Knollenfaktor”, der das Keimwachstum begrenzt, ersetzen k?nnte. Im Versuch 3 dagegen wurde die Interferenz um die Substrate aus der Knolle durch die Konzentration der verwendeten N?hrstoffe nicht beeinflusst. Diese Abweichung zwischen den zwei Versuchen dürfte mit dem unterschiedlichen Grad der Interferenz zwischen den Wurzelsystemen der einzelnen Keime für die Zufuhr der verwendeten N?hrstoffe in Zusammenhang stehen (Tabelle 5). Die Temperatur nach dem Auspflanzen übte einen betr?chtlichen Einfluss auf die Verteilung der Trockensubstanz innerhalb des Stengel-systems aus. Anzahl, L?nge und Trockengewicht der Stolonen pro Keim (Abb. 3) und das Verh?ltnis des Stolonentrockengewichtes zum gesamten Trockengewicht der Stengel (Tabelle 3) waren in umgekehrter Bezichung von der Temperatur abh?ngig, in den Versuchen 1 und 3 stand das Verh?ltnis des Stolonentrockengewichtes zum gesamten Stengelgewicht in umgekehrter Bezichung zur Anzahl Keime pro Knolle: in Versuch 3 war diese Beziehung aber nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Konzentration der mineralischen N?hrstoffe. Diese Ergebnisse wiesen darauf hin, dass neben der Temperatur ein spezifischer Faktor in der Mutterknolle auf das Stolonenwachstum einwirkte und dass dieser Faktor nicht durch eine den Knollen zur Verfügung stehende mineralischen N?hrstoffl?sung ersetzt werden kann. In den Versuchen 2 und 3 erweiterte sich das Stengel/Wurzel-Verh?ltnis mit der Erh?hung der Konzentration der verwendeten anorganisehen N?hrstoffe, aber es war nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Zahl der Keime pro Knolle.

Résumé L’auteur a recherché, sur la variété de Pomme de terreArran Pilot, l’influence de la température, du poids initial du tubercule, du nombre de germes par tubercule et de la concentration en éléments nutritifs inorganiques supplémentaires sur la croissance du germe et la compétition entre les germes pour les réserves du tubercule pendant la levée. Quand les tubercules sont plantés dans un milieu dépourvu d’éléments nutritifs (expérience 1), la vitesse d’émergence d’un germe est une fonction linéaire positive de la température dans les limites de 7 C à 25 C mais n’est pas significativement influencéc par le nombre de germes par tubercule (tableau 1 et 2). Les germes des tubercules à plusieurs germes rivalisent individuellement pour les réserves du tubercule-mère et il se révèle que l’intensité de cette interférence s’accro?t avec l’augmentation de la température pendant l’émergence (Fig. 1 et 2). Dans les expériences 2 et 3, le temps d’émergence est réduit par l’application au milieu d’enracinement d’une solution nutritive complète inorganique, mais n’est pas significativement influencé par le nombre de germes par tubercule (Tableau 4). Une augmentation de la concentration en éléments nutritifs inorganiques entra?ne, lors de l’émergence, une augmentation du poids sec moyen d’un germe et une augmentation du poids sec moyen de tous les germes du tubercule (Fig. 4 et 5). Dans l’expérience 2 l’application d’éléments nutritifs inorganiques réduit l’intensité de la compétition entre germes pour les réserves du tubercule, ce qui signifie qu’un composant de la solution nutritive utilisée remplace le facteur du tubercule qui limite la croissance du germe. Cependant, dans l’experience 3, la compétition pour les réserves du tubercule n’est pas influencée par la concentration des éléments nutritifs appliqués. La différence dans les deux expériences peut provenir des différences dans le degré d’interaction entre les systèmes radiculaires des germes individuels pour les approvisionnements en éléments nutritifs appliqués (Tableau 5). La température après plantation exerce une influence considérable sur la répartition de la matière sèche dans le système radiculaire. Le nombre, la longucur et le poids sec de stolons par germe (Fig. 3) et le rapport du poids sec des stolons au poids total sec des germes (Tableau 3) sont des fonctions inverses de la température. Dans les expériences 1 et 3 le rapport poids sec des stolons au poids total des germes est inversément relié au nombre de germes par tubercule, mais dans l’expérience 3 ce rapport n’est pas significativement influencé par la concentration externe des éléments minéraux. Ces résultats indiquent qu’en plus des effets de la température, un facteur spécifique provenant du tubercule-mère influe sur la croissance du stolon, et que ce facteur ne peut être remplacé par un apport externe d’éléments nutritifs minéraux. Dans les expériences 2 et 3 le rapport bourgeon/ racine augmente avec l’accroissement de la concentration en éléments nutritifs inorganiques appliqués mais n’est pas significativement influencé par le nombre de germes par tubercule.
Absorption by the tap-root and by different nodal roots of white clover S100 and translocation of 32P were investigated to find to what extent nodal roots can compensate for the absence of a tap-root. 32P absorbed from the tap-root was distributed evenly within the whole plant. When translocation from the 2nd and 7th nodal roots was studied, similar distribution was obtained only from the nodal root closer to the centre of the plant. The backward movement of 32P absorbed from nodal roots at the base of the plant increased as the root size increased. Removal of tap-roots resulted in temporary depression of translocation; its effect disappeared within 3 weeks.
It is concluded that the ability of nodal roots to compensate for loss of the tap-root depends on their position and size.  相似文献   
An experiment was carried out in which grass was cut and fed indoors, with or without supplementary barley. Seven animals were allocated to each of the following treatments: (1) grass ad lib . without supplementary barley; (2) grass ad lib . with supplementary barley at the rate of 0.5 lb/100 lb bodyweight; (3) grass ad lib . with supplementary barley at the rate of 1 lb/100 lb bodyweight. Supplementary barley increased total dry-matter intake and improved daily liveweight gain and food conversion rate. The mean daily liveweight gains for the 17-week experimental period were 1.60, 1.91 and 2.20 lb and the corresponding feed dry-matter conversion ratios were 6.18, 5.67 and 5.55 for Treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
The dry-matter digestibility of the diets was slightly higher when the grass was supplemented with barley than when grass alone was given. Although barley depressed the digestibility of protein, the absolute and the proportionate retention of nitrogen was increased. This was particularly marked on Treatment 3, presumably because of the higher net energy value of the diet containing the greater amount of barley. The N-retention data corresponded to the rates of liveweight gain obtained.  相似文献   
Seven species or varieties of grass, and a mixture of 3 of them, were sown in pure swards, treated with 4 levels of nitro-chalk (0, 17·5, 35, and 70 Ib N/ac/cut) and cut 4 or 5 times each year. Each species and the mixture were also sown with white clover, and the effect of fertilizer N on the yield of N in each grass was compared with the effect of clover on the yield of N harvested from the grass/clover swards.
The regression line for response in yield of N with increasing levels of fertilizer N showed slight, but significant, upward curvature. The grasses differed in their uptake of N from the soil, S37 cocksfoot and S48 timothy showing relatively high uptakes, and the ability of each grass to take up fertilizer N was usually related to its uptake of N from the soil. Differences in the yield of dry matter between the species, at a similar level of N, are discussed, and it was concluded that perennial ryegrasses were most efficient and Agrostis tenuis was least efficient in using the N taken up in the production of DM.
In general, there were no significant differences between the yields of N of the grass/clover mixtures; the N yields of the grass components were significantly different and tended to be inversely related to the N yields of clover.
Grasses which gave high yields of N with fertilizer were also high yielding when grown in association with clover. Pure grass swards required more than 200 Ib fertilizer N/ac/yr in order to yield the same amount of N as the grass/clover swards. The amount of N estimated to have been derived by grass from clover (indirect effect of clover) increased each year; it was highest with S37 cocksfoot and lowest with Irish perennial ryegrass, averaging 46 and 23 Ib N/ac/yr, respectively.  相似文献   
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