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Twenty-seven compounds were screened as potential inhibitors of juvenile hormone esterases. Of these compounds O-ethyl-S-phenyl phosphoramidothiolate provided the best inhibition for the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hubner), and the yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor L., while the juvenile hormone esterases of the house fly, Musca domestica L., were best inhibited by a juvenoid carbamate (1-(m-phenoxy-N-ethyl carbamate)-3,7-dimethyl-7-methoxy-2E-octene). The inhibition patterns of T. ni and T. molitor are similar, while those of M. domestica are relatively different. Further studies on the juvenile hormone and α-napthyl acetate esterases of T. ni showed that they could be differentially inhibited. Diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate and an alkyl trifluoromethyl ketone selectively inhibit the hydrolysis of α-naphthyl acetate and juvenile hormone, respectively, while O-ethyl-S-phenyl phosporamidothiolate inhibits both enzymes. The juvenile hormone esterases of T. ni also appear to be unique enzymes that are selective for juvenile-hormone-like molecules. The in vivo inhibition of T. ni juvenile hormone esterases by O-ethyl-S-phenyl phosphoramidothiolate slows the in vivo hydrolysis of juvenile hormone and results in delayed pupation and malformed larvae that resemble larval-pupal intermediates. Thus, the esterases involved in juvenile hormone metabolism appear to be important in juvenile hormone regulation.  相似文献   
Dinoterb, a contact herbicide, affects respiration and photosynthesis of mitochondria and chloroplasts. On mitochondria, at low concentrations, it acts as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation; at higher concentrations, it inhibits the electron transport chains, probably before cytochrome c. On chloroplasts, dinoterb has a stimulatory effect on oxygen uptake in the reduced dichlorophenol-indophenol→methyl viologen couple; however, it is also an inhibitor of the Hill reaction and its site of inhibition is located before plastoquinone, near photosystem II.  相似文献   
Several species of insects, exhibiting varying responsiveness to the juvenile hormone antagonist precocene II (6,7-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethylchromene), were challenged topically with a tritiated preparation of the title compound. Metabolism of [3H]precocene II was subsequently examined by withdrawing hemolymph samples from treated animals at appropriate time intervals and characterizing the extractable radiolabel chromatographically. Quantitative (or qualitative) differences observed between the respective metabolic profiles were found not correlative with specimen sensitivity to precocene. Production of two heretofore unreported metabolites, identified by spectral and chemical means as O-β-glucosides of 6- and 7-monodemethylated precocene II, was demonstrated in both sensitive and insensitive species. No evidence for the presence of a hemolymphborne, biologically effective “activated metabolite” produced in vivo by precocene-susceptible insects could be found. The latter finding may well argue for in situ bioactivation of precocene at the target tissue(s) by these sensitive insects.  相似文献   
EPN is twice as toxic as EPNO to house flies from both the Diazinon-resistant strain and the susceptible strain. EPN and EPNO are also eight times more toxic to the susceptible than the resistant strain. This is due to the ability of the resistant strain to metabolize these compounds to a greater extent. Metabolism by the glutathione S-transferases present in the 100,000g supernatant is more extensive than that by the NADPH-dependent microsomal mixed-function oxidases. The glutathione S-transferases are the major route of metabolism for EPN and appear to be the principal mechanism conferring resistance. EPN was metabolized by the microsomal fraction via oxidative desulfuration to the oxygen analog, EPNO, and by oxidative dearylation to p-nitrophenol. EPNO was metabolized by the same system to p-nitrophenol and desethyl EPNO as well as to an unknown metabolite. The soluble fraction metabolized EPN to p-nitrophenol, S-(p-nitrophenyl)glutathione, O-ethyl phenylphosphonothioic acid, and S-(O-ethyl phenylphosphonothionyl)glutathione. The identification of the latter conjugate demonstrates a new type of metabolite of organophosphorus compounds. EPNO was metabolized by the soluble fraction to p-nitrophenol and S-(p-nitrophenyl)glutathione.  相似文献   
Although the molluscicide Frescon is a strong neurotoxin to the Lymnaea stagnalis central nervous system in vitro, it is probable that the exposure of the whole animal to this molluscicide fails to result in central nervous system abnormalities: Frescon does not appear to reach the brain in sufficient quantity to disrupt its normal activity. However, only those Frescon analogs found to be neurotoxic were molluscicidal, suggesting some related mode, if not site, of action. Frescon and its analogs may act by affecting excitable tissues other than the nervous system (e.g., the snail musculature) by altering certain functional and/or structural membrane properties.  相似文献   
胡桃长足象是核桃果实的大害虫,为害损失很大。1975年以来,我们在四川平武地区进行了生活习性观察和防治试验,初步明确了以下几个问题。1.胡桃长足象一年一代。11月份以成虫越冬,次年4月上旬开始活动,为害果、芽、嫩枝、叶柄,5月上旬交尾产卵于果中,一般一果一粒,8月中旬产卵结束,10月陆续死亡。当年成虫6月中旬羽化,进行为害。2.成虫有假死性和向阳性,飞翔力弱,具有与核桃树芽苞相似的保护色。3.防治胡桃长足象,应抓住越冬成虫大量出现和卵孵化盛期时进行。用每毫升含孢量二至五亿的白僵菌液或50%的三硫磷乳油、50%速灭松乳剂、82%磷胺乳剂加水一千倍喷雾,效果良好。  相似文献   
T. LEWIS 《EPPO Bulletin》1980,10(2):39-46
There is a need for continuous monitoring of insect populations to provide, in the short term, early warning of the presence of pests and, in the long term, to record and analyse faunal changes resulting from changes in agricultural practice and urbanisation, and the rate of spread of pests and resistance to pesticides. The Rothamsted Insect Survey examines aerial populations of two major insect groups throughout the year. Two hundred and sixty species of aphids are sampled daily at a height of 12 m by a grid of 21 suction traps. Early warning of the migration of 32 aphid species of economic importance is provided in weekly bulletins issued to farmers and advisers. This aerial sampling is generally cheaper, quicker and provides earlier warning of the presence of aphids than crop sampling. Six hundred species of moths are sampled by 195 light traps and the data are being used to assess the magnitude and reasons for seasonal, annual and long-term changes in the insect fauna, especially of pest species. The information on both insect groups is stored on magnetic tape and computerized maps are produced to illustrate the distribution in time and space of given species and as a research tool in studies on their population dynamics. The prospects and value of extending this system to continental Europe, and the help and expertise that Rothamsted could give in the eventuality, are outlined. Les populations dinsectes doivent dtre soumises à un recensement continu afin dassurer, à court terme, un avertissement précoce de la presence des ravageurs, et, à long terme, la possibilite d'enregistrer et d'analyser les changements qui interviennent dans la faune à la suite de I'evolution des pratiques agricoles et de I'urbanisation, et de déterminer la vitesse de dissémination des ravageurs ainsi que leur résitance aux pesticides. Le «Rothamsted Insect Survey » observe les populations de deux groupes d'insectes durant toute L'année. Deux cents soixante espèces de pucerons sont échantillonnées quotidiennement dans 21 localites differentes à L'aide de pièges à succion disposes a 12 m au-dessus du sol. Les exploitants et les conseillers sont avertis, par des bulletins hebdomadaires, des migrations de 32 espèces de pucerons d'importance économique. L'échantillonnage aérien semble être meilleur marché et plus rapide qu'un échantillonnage réalisé au niveau de la culture;de plus, il assure un avertissement plus précoce. Six cents espèces de lépidoptéres sont recensées au moyen de 195 piéges lumineux dans le dessein danalyser la magnitude et les causes des variations saisonnieres, annuelles, et à long terme surtout en ce qui concerne les ravageurs. Les données ainsi recueillies sont enregistrées sur bandes magnétiques et servent à L'etablissement de cartes à L'aide d'ordinateurs; ces cartes indiquent la distribution temporelle et spatiale de chaque espèce et constituent un élement important dans l'étude de la dynamique des populations. L'extension de ce réseau à L'Europe continentale présente deL'intérêt et la façon dont la Station de Rothamsted peut y apporter son soutien est exposée dans la présente communication.  相似文献   
Many potato and cereal infesting aphids in Scotland are either completely cr partially anholocyclic. This makes forecasting their first appearance and abundance on crops difficult, when compared with holocyclic species such as Aphis fabae Scopoli. This paper describes an analysis of the early movement of nine aphid species, commonly found on potatoes and cereals in Scotland, in relation to winter and early spring climate. Data on their early movement have been extracted from the catches in three of the sjx.12–2.rn suction traps now operating in Scotland in cooperation with the Rothamsted Insect Survey. The particular importance of early spring temperature has been established. The extension of this work to develop a predictive forecast of summer activity of anholocyclic aphid species is discussed. En Ecosse, une forte proportion de pucerons des pommes de terre et des céréales est entièrement ou partiellement anholocyclique. Ceci complique la prévision sur le moment de leur première apparition et sur leur abondance par rapport aux espéces holocycliques telles qu'Aphis, fabae. Cette étude concerne les déplacements précoces de neuf espéces de pucerons retrouveés fréquemment sur les pommes de terre et les céSreales. Les données sur les deplacements ont été obtenues à partir de trois des six piegès à succion de I2,2 m installes en Ecosse en cooperation avec le « Rothamsted Insect Survey », Il est apparu que la température printanière revêt une importance particuliere. Les recherches se poursuivent dam le but d'établir des prévisions sur le développement estival des espèces anholocycliyues de pucerons.  相似文献   
G.A. NORTON 《EPPO Bulletin》1980,10(2):269-274
In making crop protection decisions, farmers have to answer two questions: what type of control measure(s) should I adopt? How should I apply this (these) measure (s), when, how frequently, etc.? The answer to these questions will depend upon: a) the dimensions of pest attack and the damage it causes, b) farmers' goals, c) the range of protection measures available to them which they can use, and d) the information available, in the form of monitored and forecast information. It is within this context that the role of forecasting is considered. An analysis is made of the possible impact that forecast infomation can have on farmer decision-making, particularly with regard to the accuracy of the forecast and the time at which it is available. This leads on to the problem of assessing the value of a forecast at a regional level, against which the costs of providing such information can be set. Finally, situations in which forecast information is likely to be of greatest value (and of least value) are identified, and implications are drawn concerning the institutional and other changes that could be taken to allow better use to be made of forecast information. Lorsque les agriculteurs decident de proteger leurs cultures, ils doivent repondre aux deux questions suivantes: quel est le mode d'intervention a choisir et comment, quand et a frequence faut-il intervenir. La reponse dependra notamment: de I'etendue de I'infestation et de L'importance des deglts; des buts que s'est assignes L'arboriculteur; de la gamme de methodes dont il dispose; des previsions qui lui sont fournies. La prevision est condideree dans ce cadre, puisqu'elle est susceptible d'infuler sur les decisions de L'agriculteur dans la mesure ou elle est etablie avec precision et au bon moment. I1 est donc utile d'evaluer L'inter6t economique d'une prevision regionale en faisant intervenir le cofit de celle-ci. Enfin, il est fait etat de situations dans lesquelles la prevision est profitable ou non. Suivant les cas, certaines modifications structurelles peuvent s'imposer afin de mieux tirer benefice des previsions.  相似文献   
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