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  • 1 The planning, design and evaluation of a restoration project should be guided largely by an understanding of past channel changes.
  • 2 A historical analysis can sometimes reveal underlying causes of channel change and document prior habitat conditions, both useful in setting appropriate objectives for restoration.
  • 3 Restoration planning should address the historical causes and patterns of channel degradation that cannot be detected by examining current conditions alone. Moreover, ongoing adjustments in the channel and changes in the catchment must be understood when interpreting channel changes following construction of restoration projects.
  • 4 Changes in channel form (and the independent geomorphological variables of run-off and sediment load from the catchment) can be documented from a variety of sources, including historical maps, boundary lines, aerial photography, bridge and pipeline surveys, gauging records, field evidence and archival sources. Historical riparian vegetation, and use by fish and wildlife, may also be documented from early survey records, photographs and written accounts.
  • 5 Historical analysis should cover an area large enough to capture all events potentially influencing the project reach. The entire catchment upstream should be examined to identify events affecting the flow regime and sediment load, such as deforestation or dam construction. For channels in erodible alluvium, the study should include the channel downstream to the first stable grade control to capture events whose effects may propagate upstream, such as channelization or base lowering.
  • 6 Application of historical channel analysis to the San Luis Rey River in California served as a basis for evaluating the potential for (and hydrological constraints upon) riparian restoration.
Effects of dietary factors including kernel thickness of processed barley grain, ratio of forage to concentrate, and forage particle length on chemical composition of bacteria, bacterial colonization of feed particles and distribution in the rumen, and duodenal flow of bacteria in dairy cows were evaluated. The experiment was designed as a double 4 x 4 quasi-Latin square with a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments using eight lactating cows with ruminal and duodenal cannulas. Barley grain was steam-rolled to two thicknesses: coarse (1.60 mm) or flat (1.36 mm); ratio of forage:concentrate was low (35:65) or high (55:45) (DM basis); and forage particle length was long (7.59 mm) or short (6.08 mm). Cows were offered ad libitum access to a total mixed diet. Chemical composition was different (P < 0.01) between liquid-associated bacteria (LAB) and solid-associated bacteria (SAB). Reduced barley thickness increased (P < 0.05) N content and 15N enrichment, but a high ratio of forage:concentrate decreased (P < 0.01) 15N enrichment of both the LAB and SAB. Significant differences between AA composition of the LAB and SAB were observed for 15 out of 17 AA studied. Bacterial colonization was linearly increased (P < 0.01) from about 5 to 70% as particle length of rumen contents was reduced from 3.35 mm to 0.15 mm (sieve size). The degree of colonization on each fraction of the rumen particulate matter was only affected (P < 0.10) by the ratio of forage:concentrate, with consistently higher (P < 0.10) bacterial colonization noted for high than for low forage:concentrate diets. Of the total bacterial mass within the rumen, less than 20% was associated with the liquid and over 70% was associated with the small particles that passed through the 0.6-mm sieve. Although the bacterial pool in the rumen was lower (P < 0.04) when flatly rolled barley rather than coarsely rolled barley was fed, bacterial flow to the duodenum was greater (P < 0.10) with increasing ratio offorage:concentrate. The present results confirm the differences of chemical composition and biomass for LAB and SAB. Manipulation of dietary factors such as ratio of forage:concentrate have the potential to alter bacterial colonization of rumen particles and the relative proportion of LAB to SAB, which were positively correlated to bacterial flow to the duodenum.  相似文献   
Potential feed enzyme additives for ruminants were tested in vitro for their stability to ruminal microbial and gastrointestinal proteolysis. Four commercial preparations from Trichoderma longibrachiatum (A, B, C, and D) and one from an undisclosed source (E) were incubated up to 6 h with ruminal fluid taken from four lactating dairy cows before or 2 h after feeding. The stability of preparation B was also tested in the presence of pepsin at pH 3 and pancreatin at pH 7. Cellulase (EC, cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase (EC, beta-glucanase (EC, xylanase (EC, beta-glucosidase (EC, and beta-xylosidase (EC activities were monitored throughout the incubations. Polysaccharidase activities of all enzyme preparations were remarkably stable in ruminal fluid taken after feeding. Ruminal fluid obtained before feeding inactivated the polysaccharidases in preparations B and D to a greater extent than ruminal fluid obtained after feeding. Cellulase and cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase activities were the least stable, declining (P < 0.05) by 35 and 60% for preparations B and D, respectively. Xylanase activity of preparation D decreased (P < 0.05) by up to 30% after 6 h of incubation, whereas beta-glucanase activity was not affected. The ability to degrade exogenous enzymes also differed among cows (P < 0.05). Pepsin and acid (pH 3.0) did not affect polysaccharidases in preparation B but decreased glycosidase activities by 10 to 15% (P < 0.05) after 1 h of incubation. Pancreatin, at the maximum concentration used, inactivated cellulase, cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase, and xylanase activities at a rate of 0.55, 1, and 0.45%/min, respectively. beta-Glucosidase and beta-xylosidase activities decreased by 1 and 0.75%/min, respectively. Partial proteolysis of cellulase, cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase, and xylanase by pancreatin produced a transient increase in activity. This twofold increase for cellulase and fourfold increase for cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase was directly proportional to pancreatin concentration. These results suggest that the enzyme feed additives tested were stable in the rumen of animals after feeding. Exogenous enzymes are likely to be more susceptible to the host gastrointestinal proteases in the abomasum and intestines than to ruminal proteases. However, exogenous polysaccharidases may survive for a considerable period of time in the small intestine and they probably maintain activity against target substrates in this environment.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii Kieffer, is a serious pest in crucifers. Its pheromone is a blend of (2S,9S)‐diacetoxyundecane, (2S,10S)‐diacetoxyundecane and (2S)‐acetoxyundecane. The pheromone is used in monitoring traps, and this study examines possible ways to optimise the traps. RESULTS: Two dispenser types were compared: polyethylene dispensers and cotton dispensers. Polyethylene dispensers attracted male C. nasturtii for more than 6 weeks, whereas cotton dispensers were attractive for only 2 weeks. All three pheromone components were important for attraction of male midges in the field. The importance of the stereoisomeric compositions of the pheromone compounds was also tested—both in the wind tunnel and in the field. In the case of 2,9‐diacetoxyundecane and 2‐acetoxyundecane, the non‐natural stereoisomers did not inhibit male C. nasturtii attraction, whereas one or both of the stereoisomers of 2,10‐diacetoxyundecane did. CONCLUSION: Pheromone traps with the synthetic pheromone in a 1:2:0.02 ratio emitted from PE dispensers were highly effective and long lasting. As the mixture of stereoisomers of 2,10‐diacetoxyundecane strongly inhibited attraction of male C. nasturtii while those of 2,9‐diacetoxyundecane and 2‐acetoxyundecane did not have any inhibitory effect, it is possible to produce traps that are effective and long lasting but cheaper to produce and maintain. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Variability within the stable isotope ratios in various lipidic fractions and the fatty acid composition of muscle oil has been analyzed for a large sample (171 fish) of wild and farmed Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar) from 32 origins within Europe, North America, and Tasmania. Sampling was extended over all seasons in 2 consecutive years and included fish raised by different practices, in order to maximize the range of variation present. It is shown that two readily measured parameters, delta 15N measured on choline and delta18 O measured on total oil, can be successfully used to discriminate between fish of authentic wild and farmed origin. However, the certainty of identification of mislabeling in market-derived fish is strengthened by including the percentage of linoleic acid C18:2n-6 in the lipidic fraction. Thus, several apparent misidentifications were found. The combination of these three analytical parameters and the size of the database generated makes the method practical for implementation in official laboratories as a tool of labeling verification.  相似文献   
European beech Fagus sylvatica and Norway spruce Picea abies are economically and ecologically important forest trees in large parts of Europe. Today, the beech forest reaches its northern distribution limit in south-eastern Norway and it is expected to expand northwards due to climate warming. This expansion will likely result in fundamental ecosystem changes. To increase our knowledge about the competitive balance between spruce and beech, we have investigated how beech and spruce litter affect spruce seedling emergence, growth and uptake of C and N. We did this in a seed-sowing experiment that included litter layer removal as well as reciprocal transplantations of litter layers between spruce and beech forests. Our results show that spruce seedling emergence was significantly impaired by both litter layer types, and especially so by the beech litter layer in the beech forest. The low seedling emergence in beech forests is concurrent with their lower light availability.  相似文献   
Water from troughs used by weaned dairy calves was sampled on California, USA dairies to determine the prevalence and associated risk factors for Salmonella contamination. Salmonella were found on 4 of 48 dairies (4/82 water samples) in fall 1998 and on 8 of the same 37 dairies (8/83 water samples) in summer, 1999. Serotypes isolated from the water were Salmonella meleagridis and Salmonella typhimurium. Primary risk factors associated with the increased prevalence of Salmonella in water offered to weaned dairy calves were a continuous water tank-filling method compared to a valve (an "on-demand" procedure) and a water pH>8.  相似文献   
Effects of extent of barley rolling on chewing activities, ruminal fermentation, and site and extent of digestion were evaluated for feedlot finishing cattle diets in a 4 x 4 Latin square design. Four Jersey steers (452 kg), cannulated in the rumen and duodenum, were used. Barley grain was temper-rolled to four extents: coarse, medium, medium-flat, and flat, which were expressed as processing index (PI, volume weight of barley after processing expressed as a percentage of its volume weight before processing, DM basis) and equivalent to 82, 75, 70, and 65%, respectively. Diets consisted of 9.7% barley silage, 86% temper-rolled barley, and 4.3% other ingredients (DM basis). Steers were offered ad libitum access to a total mixed ration once daily. Dry matter intake was not affected (P > 0.15) by PI of barley. Digestibility of OM in the rumen and in the total tract were numerically lower (P = 0.13) for steers fed coarsely rolled barley than for steers fed more extensively processed barley. Digestibility of starch in the total tract was linearly increased (P = 0.02) with grain processing, but NDF digestion was not affected by processing (P > 0.15). Digestibility of CP did not differ in the rumen but tended (P = 0.08) to increase in the total tract with increased processing of barley. Flow of microbial nitrogen to the duodenum was approximately one-third lower (linear effect, P = 0.06) for steers fed coarsely rolled barley than for steers fed further rolled barley. Increased grain processing tended to decrease (linear effect, P = 0.08) rumination time without affecting eating time. These results indicate that optimal degree of rolling for barley fed to feedlot cattle corresponded to a PI of 75% or lower. Coarsely rolled barley is not recommended because it resulted in the lowest digestibility and lowest microbial protein synthesis. Processing barley to attain a PI less than 75% resulted in marginal improvements in feed digestion, but rumination time decreased, which could lead to problems associated with acidosis if lower-fiber diets are used.  相似文献   
Experiments were initiated to select a sterilization method(s) that minimizes alterations in the digestive properties of cereal grains and, thus, would be suitable for the study of cereal grain digestion by pure cultures of ruminal bacteria. The following five treatments were examined: unsterilized (U), autoclaving with buffer (AB), autoclaving without buffer (AD), ethylene oxide (E), and gamma irradiation (I). Solubility of DM, starch, and CP was determined by soaking grain in buffer for 1 h followed by filtration through Whatman #54 filter paper. Ground corn and wheat from each treatment were placed in vials with a 1:1 mixture of Bryant's medium and ruminal inoculum. Vials were incubated for 4, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h and analyzed for starch content. Bacterial growth was not evident in sterilized, uninoculated samples. The AD treatment decreased the disappearance of CP in wheat and corn, whereas AB caused an increase in the disappearance of DM, CP, and starch in wheat (P less than .001) compared with U. Rates of microbial starch digestion for corn were 1.3, 1.5, 3.3, 14.7, and 3.5%/h and for wheat were 1.3, 3.4, 4.6, 17.1, and 4.6%/h for AD, E, I, AB, and U, respectively. Contrasts indicated that AD and AB differed (P less than .001) from U for both corn and wheat. It is likely that gelatinization of cereal starch enhanced microbial starch digestion in AB and the formation of Maillard products reduced starch digestion in AD. Corn and wheat sterilized with E or I had digestive properties that closely resembled those of U grain, and either sterilization method was suitable for studying cereal grain digestion.  相似文献   
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