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Blood from calves infected with Theileria annulata and T parva was freed from host cell elements and the piroplasms liberated from the red cells by ammonium chloride lysis. Lysates of the purified piroplasms and control host cell material were examined electrophoretically for several enzymes. Zymograms stained for glucose phosphate isomerase showed distinct differences between the host cell enzyme pattern and parasite enzyme patterns. The isoenzyme pattern of T annulata piroplasms differed from the isoenzyme pattern of T parva piroplasms.  相似文献   
Summary On two occasions an anaplasm was isolated from sheep on the Dutch island of Ameland. The organism proved to be highly pathogenic for splenectomised sheep; a non-splenectomised animal recovered spontaneously after the packed cell volume had decreased by 40%. Treatment with oxytetracycline was effective. Its pathogenicity for goats appeared to be low, and the organism was apparently not infective to splenectomised cattle. This anaplasm differs from Anaplasma ovis in that less than 30% of the organisms are marginally situated in the red cell, as against over 70% in A. ovis; cross-immunity with A. ovis was incomplete and the latter appeared to be far more pathogenic to goats than the Dutch anaplasm, for which the name Anaplasma mesaeterum sp.n. is proposed. Its ultrastructure is similar to that of A. marginale and A. ovis. The vector is either Ixodes ricinus or Haemaphysalis punctata. Its practical importance remains to be ascertained.  相似文献   
The immune response of pigs fed 200 mg per day of dinitrophenylated bovine gamma globulin has been evaluated in terms of the antibody and lymphocyte responses and of the induction of tolerance and immune exclusion. Although dosing for ten days resulted in a small IgA response as indicated by splenic plaque forming cells, serum antibody could only be detected when dosing was continued for 42 days. secretory antibody was detected at any time. Antigen feeding for two weeks rendered the animals hyporesponsive to subsequent parenteral antigenic challenge but had little effect upon their ability to exclude an oral dose of antigen from the circulation.  相似文献   
The effect of endotoxin induced fever on the steady state concentration of sulphadimethoxine in pigs has been studied.Sulphadimethoxine 20 mg/kg b.wt. was injected at 9 a.m. in an ear vein each day for eleven days. From day 6 until the end of the experiment, endotoxin fromEscherichia coli 1.5 g/kg b.wt. was injected at 9 a.m. and at 3 p.m. The plasma concentration versus time curves were calculated by means of a computer program, assuming a two-compartment model. During the endotoxin injections the plasma concentrations were simulated and compared with those calculated.It was not possible to show any clinically significant changes in pharmacokinetics of sulphadimethoxine after the start of endotoxin injections.  相似文献   
The function and suppression of urine spraying by cats is discussed as also is the source of tom-cat odour. It seems unlikely that tom-cat odour is derived from the lipid in the proximal convoluted tubule of the kidney, however its production by the anal glands has not yet been proven. Although male cats show a flehmen response when sniffing urine, smell seems to play a more important role in reproduction in the female than the male. The available data suggests that valeric acid may function as a female/female pheromone in cats by inducing or facilitating oestrus. Nepetalactone, the active ingredient of catnip, is probably not related to any naturally occurring pheromone in the cat but simply acts as an hallucinogenic drug.  相似文献   
On the older leaves ofPelargonium zonale chlorotic rings and flecks are common, especially during spring and fall. From such plants an isometric virus can be isolated that causes local lesions on the leaves ofChenopodium quinoa. An attempt was made to produce symptomless plants, reacting negatively onC. quinoa. Meristem tips on a basal medium supplemented with α-naphthalene acetic acid and coconut milk produced abundant callus, but no plantlets. However, on media containing low concentrations of indole acetic acid and kinetin or benzyl adenine, some plants were produced that fulfilled the above requirements. Those selected on horticultural properties, are considered as valuable mother plants. Of twenty-one cultivars such plants were obtained. They may prove an important contribution to the improvement of theP. zonale industry in the Netherlands.  相似文献   
Most of 43 viruses could easily be detected directly in 53 out of 66 leaf samples dried and stored over CaCl2 for varying periods of time up to 20 1/2 years. Detection usually was with PTA pH 6.5, but alfalfa mosaic, cucumber mosaic and tomato aspermy viruses required PTA pH 3.0 to 4.0. Bean common mosaic, cowpea aphid-borne mosaic and cowpea mosaic viruses were also easily observed in newly dehydrated samples obtained for diagnosis from Morocco and Tanzania.Broad bean wilt virus, cowpea mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus were detected with agar gel-diffusion tests in dry leaf material ground in buffer. This serological assay demonstrated a high concentration of cucumber mosaic virus in leaf material dried over CaCl2 20 years ago. This paper further coroborates the value of the CaCl2 method of dehydration and storage of plant viruses in leaf material.Samenvatting Zeer uiteenlopende plantevirussen kunnen goed worden bewaard in bladmateriaal van geïnfecteerde planten dat is gedroogd en bewaard boven CaCl2. Bij rechtstreekse elektronenmicroscopische toetsing van 66 monsters met verschillende isolaten van 43 virussen konden in 53 monsters gemakkelijk virusdeeltjes worden waargenomen (Tabel 1 en Fig. 1 en 2). Meestal lukte dit met fosforwolfraamzuur pH 6,5 dat doorgaans voor in ruw plantesap voorkomende virussen wordt gebruikt. Bij luzernemozaïekvirus en komkommermozaïek virus gelukte dit alleen maar bij lagere pH (3,0 en 4,0). Ook het tomate-aspermievirus was dan veel gemakkelijker aantoombaar. Methylaminewolfraamzuur gaf geen beter resultaat.Draden van bonerolmozaïekvirus en van cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus en bolletjes van cowpea mosaic virus waren snel waarneembaar in elektronenmicroscopische preparaten gemaakt van bladmateriaal van recent uit Marokko en Tanzania ontvangen monsters.Cowpea mosaic virus, tuinboneverwelkingsvirus en komkommermozaïekvirus konden eveneens gemakkelijk en snel serologisch worden aangetoond in met bufferoplossing vermalen droog blad van respectievelijk cowpea, erwt en tabak. Het laatstgenoemde, reeds 20 1/2 jaar geleden gedroogde bladmateriaal, bleek in vergelijking met pas geïnoculeerd vers blad van komkommer enChenopodium quinoa zelfs zeer veel serologisch actief virusmateriaal te bevatten (Fig. 3).De beschreven waarnemingen bevestigen nogmaals de waarde van de toegepaste methode van virusbewaring en tonen aan dat het mogelijk is vele virussen te herkennen in van elders ontvangen gedroogde bladmonsters, zonder het risico te lopen van virusontsnapping, zoals altijd aanwezig bij werk met toetsplanten in de kas.Guestworker from Istituto Sperimentale per la Patologia Vegetale, Rome, Italy, participating in the investigations from September 21 to December 21, 1977.  相似文献   
Potato virus YN (PVYN) infection was determined by the tobacco test in Swifterbant (Eastern Flevoland). In plots with beet, wheat and seed potatoes the infection exhibited an identical course. No differences were found either between PVYN infection in the border and that in the middle of a field planted with ware potatoes, although infection pressure was clearly higher here than in the plot with seed potatoes. A barrier crop of 10 rows of wheat did not decrease the infection pressure of the virus.From August onwards, the spread of PVYN in Lienden (Betuwe) was followed. Here virus transmission was found continuously, even until mid-November.Potato volunteers outside as well as in potato fields are serious infection sources. In 1976 and in 1977 virus spread was detected before the flight ofMyzus persicae, as determined with yellow Moericke traps. Infection pressure can be measured more efficiently by the tobacco test than by aphid trapping. The effect of rogueing at the time of virus spread should be reconsidered.If infection pressures in different areas or successive years are to be compared, the tobacco test should be standardized. A proposal to this effect is made.Samenvatting In Swifterbant (Oostelijk Flevoland) werd de infectie met het aardappel-YN-virus (PVYN) bepaald met behulp van de tabakstoests. In percelen met bieten, tarwe en pootaardappelen bleek de infectie hetzelfde verloop te hebben. Tussen het infectieverloop van PVYN in de rand en in het midden van een veld consumptieaardappelen werd eveneens geen verschil gevonden. Wel was de infectiedruk hier duidelijk hoger dan in het pootgoedperceel. Een barrier crop van 10 rijen tarwe verminderde de infectiedruk niet.De volgende conclusies kunnen worden getrokken. Aardappelopslag buiten en in aardappelvelden vormt een zeer belangrijke infectiebron. Zowel in 1976 als in 1977 vond de virusverspreiding plaats vóór de vlucht vanMyzus persicae begon, zoals deze werd bepaald met behulp van de gele Moericke vangbakken. Het effect van opzuiveren ten tijde van de virusverspreiding dient aan een nader onderzoek te worden onderworpen. De infectiedruk kan met de tabakstoets op meer directe wijze worden vastgesteld dan met bladluisvangsten mogelijk is.Wil men overgaan tot het vergelijken van de infectiedruk in verschillende gebieden of in verschillende jaren, dan dient de tabakstoets te worden gestandaardiseerd. Een voorstel hiertoe wordt gedaan.  相似文献   
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