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一、前言1988年初,由于在美国发现了武氏蜂盾螨(气管螨),加拿大禁止从美国进口蜂王。加拿大人继续对早春蜂王的需求,促使我们研究贮存蜂王越冬的方法。最近在北美大陆发现了武氏蜂盾螨和雅氏瓦螨(大蜂螨),并且非洲化蜜蜂进入了美国。所以美国北方和加  相似文献   
CTax  MH 丘德明 《沙棘》1996,9(3):42-44
目前,在实用医学中以沙棘果油利用为基础研制出一些制剂。从资源利用的观点出发,沙棘叶和枝条与果实提取物一样,研究其医用,是有价值的。我们实验室的研究早已证明,原来的制剂——沙棘树皮和树枝提取物,确具有抗肿瘤和抗转移效果(等1990)。现在看来,天然抵抗力系统是实现抗肿瘤保护机体的重要环节,无庸争辩。 本文是研究沙棘树皮和树枝提取物对天然免疫效益的细胞毒素机能的影响。从查明被研究药物抗肿瘤和抗转移作用可能的细胞机理的观点出发,此项研究是很有意义的。 近几年来,天然抵抗力系统的调节功能愈来愈引起重视。人们把与合成制剂有区别的植物制剂药效对机体调节系统的广谱和软性作用结合起来研究。研究沙棘树皮和树枝提取物对被腹膜巨噬细胞活化的多功能单核细胞增多性李氏杆菌素产品,如白细胞介素—1(—1)和肿瘤坏死因子()的可能影响,就可深入认识在服用植物药剂中所产生的过程,从而扩大研究提取物的应用范围。  相似文献   
SUMMARY: A crossbreeding experiment was carried out in Egypt using a local breed (Baladi Red, BR) and New Zealand White (NZ) to estimate direct heterosis, maternal additive effects and direct sire effects on some growth and carcass traits in rabbits. Data of body weight (at 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 weeks) and daily gains (at intervals of 5-6, 6-8, 8-10, and 10-12 weeks) on 2153 weaned rabbits were collected. Carcass performance at 12 weeks of age (weight and percentages of carcass, giblets, head, fur, blood and viscera) on 213 male rabbits was evaluated. Estimates of coefficients of variation (CV) for most growth and carcass traits were high and ranged from 10.0 to 40.2%. Sire-breed was of considerable importance in the variation of growth traits and some carcass traits, while dam-breed contributed little. Sire-breed × dam-breed interaction affected (P<0.01 or P<0.001) most body weights and gains studied, while it contributed little to the variation of carcass traits. The purebred NZ resulted in rabbits with heavier weights and carcass and with lighter non-edible carcass (blood and viscera) compared to the BR. Heterosis percentages for most growth traits were significant and ranged from 2.5% to 5.0% for body weights and from 0.7% to 9.5% for daily gains. Insignificant positive direct heterosis was observed for most carcass traits. Crossbred rabbits from NZ sires with BR dams were superior to from the reciprocals. Maternal-breed effects on most weights and gains were insignificant, while sire-breed contrasts for some weights and gains proved significant. Postweaning growth and carcass performances of BR-mothered rabbits generally surpassed the NZ mothered, while NZ-sired rabbits were superior at later ages. High edible carcass was observed for BR-sired rabbits, while more non-edible carcass wastes (blood and viscera) for NZ-sired rabbits. Maternal-breed effects appeared to be less important than paternal-breed effects in influencing most weights, gains and carcass traits studied. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Heterosis, maternale und direkte Wirkungen bei Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmalen in Kaninchenkreuzungen Der Kreuzungsversuch wurde mit lokalen ?gyptischen Rassen (BR) und Neuseeland Wei?en (NZ) zur Sch?tzung direkter Heterosis, maternaler additiver Wirkungen, direkter Vater-Wirkung auf einige Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmale von Kaninchen durchgeführt. Angaben über K?rpergewicht (5, 6, 8, 10, 12 Wochen) und Zuwachs (Intervalle 5 bis 6, 6 bis 8, 8 bis 10, 10 bis 12 Wochen) wurden von 2153 abgesetzten Kaninchen gewonnen. Die Schlachtk?rperleistungen bei 12 Wochen Alter (Gewicht und Anteil von Schlachtk?rper, Kopf, Pelz, Blut und Innereien) stammen von 213 m?nnlichen Kaninchen. Sch?tzungen der Variationskoeffizenten (CV) für meiste Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmale waren hoch und bewegten sich zwischen 10 und 40,2%. Vaterrasse hatte erheblichen Einflu? auf Unterschiede in Wachstumsrate und einige Schlachtk?rpermerkmale, w?hrend die Mutterrasse weniger beigetragen hat. Interaktion zwischen beiden beeinflu?te die meisten K?rpergewichts- und Zuwacnsleistungen, w?hrend sie wenig zur Variabilit?t der Schlachtk?rpermerkmale beigetragen hat. Reinrassige NZ waren schwerer und hatten weniger nicht nutzbare Schlachtk?rperteile (Blut und Eingeweide) verglichen mit BR. Heterosis-Prozente für die meisten Wachstumsmerkmale waren signifikant und schwankten zwischen 2,5 und 5% für K?rpergewicht, 0,7 bis 9,5% für Zuwachs. Insignifikante positive direkte Heterosis wurde für die meisten Schlachtk?rpermerkmale beobachtet. Kreuzungskaninchen von NZ V?tern waren den reziproken überlegen. Maternale Wirkungen auf meiste Gewichtsmerkmale waren insignifikant, w?hrend Vaterrassenkontraste hierfür signifikant waren. Zuwachs- und Schlachtk?rperleistung von BR ges?ugten Kaninchen haben im allgemeinen die von NZ ges?ugten übertroffen, w?hrend von NZ B?cken gezeugte in sp?teren Altersabschnitten überlegen waren. Hohe Werte für Schlachtk?rper wurden für BR ges?ugte Kaninchen gefunden, w?hrend mehr nicht verzehrbare Abf?lle (Blut und Eingeweide) bei NZ gezeugten vorhanden war. Maternale Rassenwirkungen schienen weniger wichtig als paternale zu sein.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical symptoms of 10 cases of superficial nonhealing corneal ulcers in horses and to evaluate the results of grid keratotomy in these patients. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Ten horses with superficial nonhealing corneal ulceration in one eye. PROCEDURE: The signalment, history and clinical symptoms are reported of 10 patients with superficial nonhealing corneal ulcers during the period from August 2003 to February 2005. Grid keratotomy was performed in all cases. In addition, the surgical procedure of grid keratotomy and response to therapy are described. RESULTS: Horses generally responded well to grid keratotomy (eight cases healed after one grid keratotomy and one horse healed after a second grid keratotomy; one case was not available for follow-up). Only 2/10 had discomfort after treatment and only 2/9 had some degree of scarring after treatment. The healing time, which was known in seven cases, averaged 8.4 days (+/- SD 4). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Grid keratotomy is an appropriate option for treatment of superficial nonhealing corneal ulcers in horses. The procedure is simple to perform. It generally induces a rapid and uncomplicated healing of the cornea. Only in a limited number of cases does a small amount of scarring occur.  相似文献   
The forage potential of chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) has not been realized in southern West Virginia (WV) because ruminants are reluctant to consume the herbage. Chicory contains bitter sesquiterpene lactones that can adversely impact palatability. This study was undertaken to determine whether sesquiterpene lactone concentrations in chicory grown in southern WV differ from those in chicory grown in central Pennsylvania (PA) where chicory is grazed readily. Herbage was collected in 1997 and 1998 from cultivars Grasslands Puna (Puna), INIA le Lacerta (Lacerta), and Forage Feast established at research sites near State College, PA, and Beckley, WV. The total concentration of sesquiterpene lactones in WV-grown cultivars was 0.58% (dry matter basis) in Puna, 0.59% in Lacerta, and 0.79% in Forage Feast in 1997 and ranged from 1.03 (Lacerta) to 1.52% (Forage Feast) in 1998. In PA-grown cultivars, sesquiterpene lactones represented 0.16 (Puna), 0.18 (Lacerta), and 0.27% (Forage Feast) of the forage dry matter in 1997 and ranged from 0.32 (Lacerta) to 0.55% (Forage Feast) in 1998. Concentrations of lactucin, lactucopicrin, and total sesquiterpene lactones in Forage Feast exceeded those in the other cultivars grown at the same site. The lowest concentrations of lactucopicrin and total sesquiterpene lactones observed among WV-grown cultivars were higher (2-fold or more) than the highest concentrations present in cultivars grown the same year in PA. Mineral analyses of soils from the two cultivation sites indicate that P availability may influence sesquiterpene lactone composition of chicory herbage. Results provide a foundation for future studies of environmental effects on sesquiterpene lactone composition and palatability of chicory herbage.  相似文献   
The total phenol and anthocyanin contents of black currant pomace and black currant press residue (BPR) extracts, extracted with formic acid in methanol or with methanol/water/acetic acid, were studied. Anthocyanins and other phenols were identified by means of reversed phase HPLC, and differences between the two plant materials were monitored. In all BPR extracts, phenol levels, determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, were 8-9 times higher than in the pomace extracts. Acid hydrolysis liberated a much higher concentration of phenols from the pomace than from the black currant press residue. HPLC analysis revealed that delphinidin-3-O-glucoside, delphinidin-3-O-rutinoside, cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, and cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside were the major anthocyanins and constituted the main phenol class ( approximately 90%) in both types of black currant tissues tested. However, anthocyanins were present in considerably lower amounts in the pomace than in the BPR. In accordance with the total phenol content, the antioxidant activity determined by scavenging of 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical cation, the ABTS(*)(+) assay, showed that BPR extracts prepared by solvent extraction exhibited significantly higher (7-10 times) radical scavenging activity than the pomace extracts, and BPR anthocyanins contributed significantly (74 and 77%) to the observed high radical scavenging capacity of the corresponding extracts.  相似文献   
Abscisic acid (ABA) is an essential hormone for plants to survive environmental stresses. At the center of the ABA signaling network is a subfamily of type 2C protein phosphatases (PP2Cs), which form exclusive interactions with ABA receptors and subfamily 2 Snfl-related kinase (SnRK2s). Here, we report a SnRK2-PP2C complex structure, which reveals marked similarity in PP2C recognition by SnRK2 and ABA receptors. In the complex, the kinase activation loop docks into the active site of PP2C, while the conserved ABA-sensing tryptophan of PP2C inserts into the kinase catalytic cleft, thus mimicking receptor-PP2C interactions. These structural results provide a simple mechanism that directly couples ABA binding to SnRK2 kinase activation and highlight a new paradigm of kinase-phosphatase regulation through mutual packing of their catalytic sites.  相似文献   
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