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通过微卫星分子标记对来自安徽省4个草鱼养殖群体进行遗传分析。结果表明,7个微卫星位点均具有高度多态性(PIC=0.863~0.926),4个草鱼群体均显示出较高的遗传多样性(He=0.886 1~0.911 4)。AMOVA分析显示,大多数遗传变异存在于草鱼群体内(97.6%),群体间的遗传变异仅为2.4%。遗传分化和遗传距离分析显示,4个群体整体分化水平较低(Fst0.05),怀远和滁州群体遗传分化最小(Fst=0.013 7),遗传距离最近(Dn=0.269 8),池州和无为群体遗传分化最大(Fst=0.042 5),遗传距离最远(Dn=0.591 6)。系统进化树显示,怀远和滁州群体亲缘关系最近,与池州最远。此外,4个养殖场内部草鱼均存在近亲繁殖现象。建议4个养殖场及时更新亲本,增加繁殖亲本的数量,避免近交衰退带来的风险。  相似文献   
以小麦淀粉和紫薯淀粉为材料,利用质构仪、核磁共振、动态流变仪和扫描电镜等分析了紫薯淀粉添加量(0~15%)对小麦淀粉凝胶特性的影响。结果表明:紫薯淀粉添加量在0~15%范围内,随着紫薯淀粉添加量的增加,小麦淀粉凝胶的弹性和内聚性显著增加(P < 0.05),添加量为10%时,变化最明显。混合淀粉凝胶的弹性模量(G′)和粘性模量(G″)随着紫薯淀粉增加而增加,而损耗角正切值(tanδ)呈下降趋势且小于1,表明混合淀粉凝胶的固体性质增强。在冻融循环过程中,与纯小麦淀粉相比, 混合淀粉凝胶的脱水缩合率呈下降趋势,表明紫薯淀粉的添加使小麦淀粉凝胶强度增大,凝胶网络结构变致密,所以水分难以从淀粉凝胶网络结构中析出。低场核磁中的结果显示,紫薯淀粉的添加,使小麦淀粉凝胶中的一部分自由水转化为弱结合水,提高了混合凝胶的持水性;凝胶网络结构扫描结果显示,紫薯淀粉的添加使混合淀粉凝胶的孔洞分布均匀且孔洞变小。综合结果表明,紫薯淀粉可增强小麦淀粉凝胶的网络结构,改善小麦淀粉的凝胶特性。  相似文献   
[目的]针对叶脉图像存在模糊性和噪声的问题,将模糊逻辑与复合顺序形态学相结合,提出一种叶脉模糊逻辑增强方法,以提高叶脉检测方法的抗噪能力和检测效果。[方法]根据5×5邻域中各像元距中心像元的距离,确定邻域像元权重,提出像元隶属度计算方法,利用三角型隶属函数实现叶脉图像模糊化。结合Sugeno模糊模型,提出模糊逻辑推理规则,增强叶脉图像对比度。构建2个尺度分别为3和5的方形结构元素及4个尺度为5的不同方向的线形结构元素,建立基于4个不同方向卷积差分模板的最佳线形结构元素确定方法,设定多个百分位,提出多结构元多百分位的复合顺序形态学检测算子。以叶脉原图和加噪后的图像为例,进行8种不同检测方法的对比试验,以峰值信噪比定量评定方法优劣。[结果]模糊逻辑与复合顺序形态学相结合的叶脉检测方法可增强原图对比度1.668倍,最大峰值信噪比为52.624 6,相较其他方法噪声得到了更有效的处理,提取的叶脉图像更加清晰、完整、连续。[结论]模糊逻辑与复合顺序形态学相结合的叶脉检测方法可有效提高叶脉检测抗噪能力和检测效果,是一种有效的叶脉检测手段。  相似文献   
The occurrence and distribution of Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) were studied in 2014–2017 around Slovakia. A total of 84 localities, both native and planted, were investigated, and the presence of DNB was confirmed in 73 of them. In all positive locations, symptoms typical of DNB were observed and the Dothistroma species was confirmed using species‐specific primers either from fungal cultures or directly from needles. Both Dothistroma species—D. septosporum and D. pini—were identified. Both species occurred together in 29 locations, only D. septosporum in 42 and only D. pini in two locations. The host range of D. septosporum included 10 pine species and two spruce species. The host range of D. pini comprised the same number of pine hosts but only one spruce species. Five pine hosts, P. aristata, P. coulteri, P. densiflora, P. jeffreyi, P. × schwerinii, and one spruce host P. abies are new hosts species of D. pini. P. densiflora and Picea pungens have earlier been reported to be susceptible for DNB. In this study, D. septosporum was found from both tree species.  相似文献   
针对实际生产中油菜机械铺膜穴播缺乏穴粒数精确可控排种器的问题,设计了一种采用负压吸种、正压卸种、鸭嘴成穴、二次投种的油菜正负气压组合式穴播器,实现油菜机械铺膜穴播1~3粒的作业要求.建立吸种、携种和卸种过程种子的力学模型并结合FLUENT仿真分析,分析确定了油菜正负气压组合式穴播器结构及其参数;选取影响穴播器排种性能的...  相似文献   


The nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazol-phosphate (DMPP) and the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (nBTPT) can mitigate N losses through reducing nitrification and ammonia volatilization, respectively. However, the impact of repeated applications of these inhibitors on nitrogen cycling microorganisms is not well documented. This study aimed to investigate the changes in the abundance and community structure of the functional microorganisms involved in nitrification and denitrification in Australian pasture soils after repeated applications of DMPP and nBTPT.

Materials and methods

Soil was collected in autumn and spring, 2014 from two pasture sites where control, urea, urea ammonium nitrate, and urea-coated inhibitors had been repeatedly applied over 2 year. Soil samples were analyzed to determine the potential nitrification rates (PNRs), the abundances of amoA, narG, nirK and bacterial 16S rRNA genes, and the community structure of ammonia oxidizers.

Results and discussion

Two years of urea application resulted in a significantly lower soil pH at Terang and a significant decrease in total bacterial 16S rRNA gene abundance at Glenormiston and led to significantly higher PNRs and abundances of ammonia oxidizers compared to the control. Amendment with either DMPP or nBTPT significantly decreased PNRs and the abundance of amoA and narG genes. However, there was no fertilizer- or inhibitor-induced change in the community structure of ammonia oxidizers.


These results suggest that there were inhibitory effects of DMPP and nBTPT on the functional groups mediating nitrification and denitrification, while no significant impact on the community structure of ammonia oxidizers was observed. The application of nitrification or urease inhibitor appears to be an effective approach targeting specific microbial groups with minimal effects on soil pH and the total bacterial abundance.
根据实际需要给定的空间轨迹,设计某种空间连杆机构,使得该空间机构连杆上定点的运动轨迹逼近所给定的空间轨迹。该文采用了可控变杆长空间连杆机构来实现已知运动轨迹,该运动轨迹可应用到机械手拔秧插秧、果实采摘、枝苗嫁接等农业机械设计中,为实现空间复杂运动轨迹设计提供了理论研究基础,该方法可应用于机器人、机械手的轨迹规划。  相似文献   
为在水产养殖车间的光照设计中选择最优的光色、光强与光周期参数及合适的灯具,提高水产养殖生产效率,根据水产动物在进化过程中形成的独特视觉生理结构及对光反应敏感的适应性特点,进行了水产养殖车间LED人工光照设计方案研究,针对目前水产养殖产业在光照上经常出现的模糊问题,提出了在设计LED人工光照方案时应遵循的一般原则,并在此基础上对如何降低养殖车间光照成本给出了合理的建议。  相似文献   
以马铃薯为辅料的黄酒发酵条件优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用响应面方法对以马铃薯为辅料的黄酒发酵条件进行了优化。通过单因素试验、正交试验及中心组合试验优化得到以马铃薯为辅料酿造黄酒的最佳发酵条件为:酵母添加量0.114%(原料量的0.114%)、主发酵温度28℃、麦曲添加量14.0%(原料量的14.0%)、料水比1∶0.7、每100 g原料添加425μL糖化酶、发酵初始pH值4.0。在优化得到的发酵条件下酿造得到的以马铃薯为辅料的成品黄酒,其酒精度、酸度、色、香、味等各项理化指标和感官指标均符合国家黄酒标准GB/T 13662-2000,成品酒的感官品质得到了改善,且所含游离氨基酸含量为7063.4 mg/L,是普通黄酒游离氨基酸含量的1.2~2.5倍。  相似文献   
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