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在沙棘果皮、种子、果渣中或果实处理过程中产生的液体中可能含有数量可观的珍贵天然抗氧化剂。人们对寻找可代替合成抗氧化剂的天然抗氧化剂的兴趣逐渐上升,大量的研究也因此产生。据记载,沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)果实是黄酮醇丰富的来源,黄酮醇由异鼠李素的糖苷,五羟黄酮,4,5,7三羟黄酮醇组成。同时,还发现其它天然抗氧化剂浓度也很高,如原花色素,抗坏血酸,生育酚和类胡萝卜素。果汁从浆果中提取,引流至剩余的滤饼,  相似文献   
班智博  谢辉  何宇 《农业机械学报》2013,44(9):12-18,29
汽油机电液式可变气门正时系统(VVT)的响应性能对发动机燃烧、排放均有重要影响,汽油机瞬态过程中电液式VVT应根据发动机工况快速调整到目标相位,但由于电液VVT的响应性能受到多方面因素的影响,其速度尚有进一步提升的空间。基于试验和仿真分析,对影响电液VVT响应性能的发动机转速、机油温度、机油压力等因素进行了分析,并详细分析了VVT阶跃响应过程各阶段的影响因素,提出了基于MAP查表的VVT前馈控制算法,试验结果表明,该算法能够实现VVT快速响应,同时保证稳定性。  相似文献   
根据取土器钻头的结构特点,首次给出了钻头切削部分的定义.通过对钻头工作过程的受力分析,建立了钻头的力学模型.利用ANSYS软件对钻头的刃倾角、主偏角等结构参数进行了有限元分析,得出了钻头应力的分布情况和变化趋势.结果表明:钻头最大应力总是出现在前刀面上端附近的过渡地带;刃倾角在15.时钻头最大应力处于最小值;适当增加主偏角和减小副偏角可有效增加钻头强度.为提高钻头的工作效率和使用寿命提供了可靠理论依据.  相似文献   
研究花器官形态结构和开花特性,为白蜡授粉受精提供理论依据。本研究选取了3个白蜡品种(‘鲁蜡2号’、‘鲁蜡5号’和‘金箭’),对其开花特性、花器官构造进行观察。结果表明,白蜡品种雄株花期为11~13天,开花时间比雌株早13~15天;雌株‘鲁蜡2号’的花期为5~6天。3个白蜡品种的小花密集,开花后苞片2裂,花萼钟状4深裂,无花冠。雄花开花后露出舟形花药,花丝极短。雌花苞片开裂后露出雌蕊,柱头成熟时两裂,呈粉红色,花柱极短。扫描电镜下的3个白蜡品种苞片和花萼表面均有盾毛分布,不同品种间盾毛的形态有差异;‘金箭’、‘鲁蜡5号’的花药与花粉结构无显著差异;‘鲁蜡2号’整个雌蕊表面都有不规则褶皱分布。本研究可为进一步开展白蜡属植物的育种和种质资源创新利用研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Drought appears at flowering and boll formation for cotton frequently. However, reports on the impact of carbon dynamics in the subtending leaf on boll biomass under periodic droughts are limited. To investigate this, experiments were carried out with two cultivars (drought-tolerant: Dexiamian 1; drought-sensitive: Yuzaomian 9110), three water levels [soil relative water content (SRWC): control (75 ± 5)%, moderate drought (60 ± 5)%, severe drought (45 ± 5)%] and five drought durations (10, 17, 24, 31 and 38 days). A 38-day drought declined the net photosynthetic rate of subtending leaf, which could be collectively attributed to the reduction in carboxylation with reduced ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity, and stomal limitation with decreased stomatal conductance, along with the damage of photosynthetic apparatus with depressed maximum and actual photochemical quantum yield, leading to lower starch content. A 38-day drought also increased the activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), sucrose synthase (Susy) and expressions of genes (GhSPS1, GhSPS2, GhSusA and GhSusB) associated with these enzymes, causing the accumulation of sucrose content, finally resulting in lower boll biomass. Some of the above parameters fully recovered under more than 17-day moderate drought or over 10-day severe drought, but boll biomass still decreased after re-watering. Under 10-day moderate drought, all aforementioned indices and boll biomass were completely recovered within 7 days of re-watering, and the recovery capacity of Yuzaomian 9110 was lower than that of Dexiamian 1. Therefore, rapid recovery of photosynthesis and decline in the subtending leaf sucrose content to pre-stress levels are important factors in lessening the impacts of drought on boll biomass and are indicative of cultivar tolerance to short-term moderate water deficit.  相似文献   
贺明荣  曹鸿鸣 《作物学报》1998,24(3):380-384
运用^15N和^14C示踪技术,研究了雹灾后施氮配合中耕对棉株吸氮动态,吸氮量,^14C同化物生产及运转分配的影响。研究结果表明,蕾期遭受雹灾后及对施氮并配合中耕,可使棉株开始吸收肥料氮的时间提前,棉株吸氮量、含氮量和肥料利用率也显著提高。棉株花铃期的相对光合作用强度(以放射性比强表示)和^14CO2同化量均显著高于单纯施氮处理和对照。而且,棉株的同化产物以较大的比例转运至生殖器官特别是成铃中,并  相似文献   
用不同浓度的PIPA处理予浸泡的小麦种子,对小麦萌发种子细胞内代谢有明显的影响。低剂量(40-80ppm)的PIPA能提高幼苗淀粉酶、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶活性,增加叶绿素和核酸含量,从而促进种子萌发和幼苗的生长,而高浓度(120-160ppm以上)表现出上述各项生理指标呈明显的下降趋势。实验表明,一定浓度PIPA能提高酶活性,增加叶绿素和核酸含量,促进幼苗生长良好,为后期的生长发育打下良好的基础。  相似文献   
武振亮  贺志功 《作物学报》1993,19(4):380-383
骆驼蓬碱(3H-Pyrido[3,4-b]indole,4,9-dihydro-7-methoxy-1—methyl-Harmaline)是我所1979年从骆驼蓬(Peganum Harmala L.)中提取、分离和鉴定的一种生物碱。大量的室内试验证明,骆驼蓬碱对小麦、水稻、黄瓜和蕃茄等作物的开花、结实和成熟有调节作用。自1983年起在山西省山阴县和河北省石家庄地区的春、冬小麦上,对该药及其  相似文献   
s:It is proposed that the research of the structural durability is necessary considering the structural damages under the effect of deterioration of reinforced concrete. The most common reasons, which cause the deterioration of structures in China, are reinforcement corrosion and freeze thaw cycles of concrete. Based on the summarizing of research works of the effect of reinforced concrete deterioration on structures, it is indicated that the structural durability research should be carried out either in view of material science or that of structural science, and should be also considered the interaction of several factors with uncertain nature instead of the determined individual factor analysis. The structural durability of serviceable should be paid much more attention while researching the durability of structural capacity. The effect of reinforced concrete deterioration on structural capacity, rigidity and durability should be researched henceforth.  相似文献   
本文以广东省中山市农业的发展为案例,定性分析了该地区发展节约型农业的模式,以及由此带来的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。在对中山市农业进行科学评价的基础上,确定了该市节约型农业的主要发展模式为:节地模式的土地流转和提高耕地质量,节水模式的微灌,节肥模式的测土配方。  相似文献   
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